• Published 21st Apr 2013
  • 4,234 Views, 141 Comments

My Name Is Twilight Sparkle - Jaestring

Everyone knows Twilight Sparkle as the Element of Magic, but what really goes on in that studious mind of hers?

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Chapter Three

I'm not sure how long I hung in midair, head hanging limply, trying desperately to decide what my best course of action would be. It could have been minutes or hours as I tried to think, to feel, but my mind felt utterly numb.

That's when I heard them. Little squealing moans that sounded somewhat like a kitten mewing... but these were not the sweet little cries of a baby kitten, these were the long and drawn out calls of a lost soul, mournfully searching for something to make them whole again.

As they staggered from the darkness and into the light of the glyphs my eyes widened in disbelief, my brain not able to grasp the concept of the horrid, little things. They were ponies... but yet weren't ponies. No coats, no mane or tail. Each of them pink, each not quite formed. The monstrosities had bulging eyes, filled with so many cataracts it seemed as though they were white. What looked like an umbilical cord hung from their bloated bellies and drug on the dirt below.

As they passed over the glowing, red glyphs below me they would stop. Slowly, as if on a rusty hinge, they would raise their heads to look at me. I whimpered and squirmed against the confines of whatever held me, their unseeing gaze felt tangible, probing... dirty.

After a moment they raised their forelegs in that same, creaky manner and reached for me. Thank Celestia their hooves didn't quite reach me. I think I would have fainted if I had felt their touch.

Their cries became more insistent I noticed another, disturbing detail of their appearance. On their flank, right where their cutie marks should have been, were huge gaping holes. My heart went cold as I remembered my unbidden wake-up call the morning my magic had appeared…


As I dashed madly around that library, trying to find where I had heard of the Elements before, I couldn't help but feel that there was some dire connection I had to make.
No, no, no... No! No! NO! SPIKE!

It's over here! he called, waving the book from his perch at the top of a ladder. I used my magic to pull it towards me and flip it open to the page I was looking for.

Elements, elements, elements... E, e, e... Aha! Elements of Harmony... see: Mare in the Moon?

Spike wanted to brush it off at that as an old mare's tale, but whatever the Elements of Harmony were... they were important. My panic felt as though it were growing out of control, I couldn't quite explain it. It was as if the fate of Equestria depended on me making the connection.

I felt as though my heart was going to beat through my chest before I could finish reading the pages in front of me.

...Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal.

That was it! I bid Spike take a letter, my patience shorter with him than usual. I blamed it on the situation at hand and decided I would make it up to him later.

When he had written what I hoped was a concise enough letter, hampered by his young vocabulary, I had him send it to the princess immediately. As we waited for her response, I couldn't help but feel a mixed sense of pride at making the connection through the fading feelings of anxiety.

I wondered at the strange coincidence that I would find that book that very morning... the morning of the 1000th anniversary of the Summer Sun Celebration! It almost seemed as though something wanted me to find it, and there had been that strange smell again…

My thoughts were interrupted by Spike's enormous belch at Celestia's prompt response. Imagine my shock when she brushed off my letter and instead sent me to Ponyville to oversee the preparations for the celebration.

...Make some friends!

Those words grated against me. She had always attempted to encourage me to make friends with other ponies, but as I grew older she began to get more insistent.

When I first arrived, my feelings about the necessity of friends was proven correct. The ponies in Ponyville all wanted to shoot the breeze, share in a meal, or otherwise delay me from finding more information about Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony. My whole day, and even night, seemed wasted. I could only hope that Celestia was right to brush off my warnings about the return of such an ancient evil.

I felt as though I had swallowed a bucketful of ice when Nightmare Moon appeared on that balcony, threatening the ponies of Equestria with eternal night. With Princess Celestia missing and nopony else having any idea what was going on, I understood that it was up to me to stop Nightmare Moon.

As I took a detour to put Spike to sleep back at the library, five other ponies took it upon themselves to lend their assistance. None would listen when I told them their help was not necessary, and so they followed me into the darkness of the Everfree Forest.

Despite my initial annoyance at their following me into the Everfree that night, my feelings towards Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie began to slowly thaw as each managed to worm their way into my feelings. Their resourcefulness and endless optimism seemed to bring out the best not only in each situation - but in myself. The cliff, the manticore, the sea serpent... each obstacle we passed made a very real fondness grow for the ponies who had decided to tag along. I found myself more and more grateful as we made our way towards the ancient castle and the Elements of Harmony.

I didn't realize how grateful until those few minutes I was alone with Nightmare Moon.
The shards of the broken elements lay at her feet, and I couldn't help but feel a sort of defeat. Where... where did I go wrong...? The spark wasn't... it hadn't been enough.

As the two of us stood, facing each other I felt as though something, someone was behind me. Something whispered in my ear.

Twilight Sparkle…

I flicked my tail this way and that, but it intercepted nothing. Must have been my imagination.

I didn't dare take my eyes off Nightmare Moon, as she continued her little monologue about day-loving ponies and the endless night when I felt two hooves grasp my shoulders. I risked a quick glance and saw, to my horror, a translucent - but very real - gold, cloven hoof.
My nostrils were then assaulted by a rancid stink.

The smell was back, and the concentration it took to ignore that putrid stench was mind blowing... but I knew that foul odor. It was as though something clicked in my memory, and I knew that for every important moment of my life he had been present. Nightmare Moon continued her speech, relishing in her victory, as if it was still just the two of us. Did she really not sense him?

Look at her, Twilight Sparkle, look closely. What do you see?

I couldn't afford to fight the two creatures at once, and the thing at my back didn't seem particularly interested in attacking me. So I humored it, if for no other reason than to placate it and keep it from becoming aggressive. So I looked at her. Black coat, starry mane, beautifully crafted armor. Evil maniac tendencies and boring speeches aside, nothing about her seemed particularly out of the ordinary.

No, Twilight, it said, look closer.

It took a moment for the creature's words to sink in before the realization hit me. I looked at Nightmare Moon again, but this time with the second sight. I let my magic dilute my vision, and after a moment of hazy blurring everything returned into sharp focus.

I stiffened. I wasn't the only pony with something at my back, only in her case, it was as if the monster was melded with her. As always I couldn't quite see everything about the thing, as if it was draped in shadow. I can only say that the demon sported its own pair of cloven hooves, two horns, and a skull where its face should have been. Tentacles were emerging from the shadows and had been driven into the body of Nightmare Moon. They pulsated, feeding her and feeding from her at the same time. A demonic parasite.

Whether she sensed its presence or knew of its influence she gave no sign.

That fool thinks he can defeat me at my own game, but chose to break the rules of engagement, the thing at my back whispered, so I will tell you this. The very bond you attempt to avoid is the only way you can pry him away from her soul.

That was when I heard the voices of my friends echoing throughout the hall and I knew. The pieces of stone at Nightmare Moon's feet were mere husks…

The Elements of Harmony weren't artifacts, or some tangible items of immense power. The real Elements of Harmony were walking into the room. The spark... the spark was what brought them all together.

I can still vividly recall the look on Nightmare Moon's face as I stood, suddenly confident, and described the portent of her doom. Here eyes wide, mouth slack as the husks of the previous elements raised from the floor and flew towards their respective owners. As I spoke each word I knew they were true, describing each moment the mares at my sides had proven themselves as the elements they represented. I had never been so sure of anything else in my life.

In a panic, Nightmare Moon shouted You still don't have the sixth element! The spark didn't work!

I smiled, I just couldn't help myself. She was allowed her performance, now it was time for mine. I grinned as I felt the power begin to swell inside me as I explained to her that the spark wasn't what she thought it was. It wasn't a spell or a force of will.

The spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... I paused for a moment.

I just couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. To not only say that they had been friends to me, but me to them…

So, I improvised: magic!

I felt spirit of friendship well up from within me as a crown formed and landed firmly upon my head. These talismans were focal points, allowing us to focus ourselves as the elements and bend the power to our will. We were the elements.

As I focused my intent I felt drawn towards the other ponies. I simply allowed it to happen, letting the magic of the elements act as they needed.

I opened my eyes in time to see a rainbow form around us then shoot towards Nightmare Moon, engulfing her as she screamed out in horror. I watched through the filter of my magic as the demon was ripped away, violently, from its host, and the pony underneath collapsed to the floor.


That night I slept well in the Ponyville library. Equestria was safe, my friends were safe, and Celestia was reunited with her sister. I do not remember whether or not I dreamed, though if I did, the dreams were pleasant. All seemed well.

All seemed well, that is, until I was pulled suddenly from my sleep. I couldn't be sure what woke me, as nothing seemed amiss. Spike's familiar, rhythmic breathing continued as normal, and the night breeze was calm. Try as I might, however, I was too awake to fall back asleep. I rolled over, letting out grunt of frustration.

Wait... something wasn't right. The shadows weren't falling quite correctly in the corner of the room. After squinting came to no avail, I used my magic to open the curtain of the window a little further, to let in a little more moonlight.

The lunar rays glinted off of two gold hooves, which were attached to two, red-coated legs. The unnatural pony's snout was also illuminated, somehow smiling without a mouth.
I jumped out of bed, taking a defensive stance. I lit up the tip of my horn with a light bright enough to light up the entire room.

There was nothing there.

Gah! Spike was shocked awake from the intense light from my horn, What is it Twilight?! What's wrong?

I inspected the corner where it had stood, but there was nothing. No way for him to have escaped so quickly, either.

Nothing, Spike. I said as I crawled back into bed, It... it must have just been a nightmare.

Spike gave a small laugh, and crawled up into the bed next to me as he used to do when he was the one with a nightmare, Don't worry Twilight, I'll keep the nightmares away. After the day you had yesterday, it's not really a surprise.

He closed his eyes, curled his tail up into his arms, and closed his eyes. He was back asleep in an instant.

Yeah... not a surprise at all, I whispered, lowering then extinguishing the light. But as the light faded, I noticed the area was filled again, moonlight glinting off of cloven hooves. I hugged Spike close, suddenly thankful for his child-like valor, and cast the shield spell as I had when I was a filly. The thing was forced from the library by the spell. It went easily, as though a guest I had asked to leave.

Just before he was pushed from the room, I heard a deep, soft chuckle.


Days after the incident, I was back at Canterlot palace. This time not to stay, but instead to gather my things. It was time for me to move to the Ponyville library on a more permanent basis.

As I packed my things into various boxes and luggage I thought of the conversation I had with my father over lunch.

I had asked him about my magic, and my nightmares. He choked a little on the salad he had been chewing, then sighed as though ashamed. He then proceeded to recount his finding me in his study that night, how my magic and the nightmares had started soon after. He described his attempts to socialize me more, to calm my always tense nerves, all to no avail.

He lowered his ears, and refused to look anywhere except the table as he admitted he and my mother had hoped desperately the events weren't all connected, that everything I was experiencing was just a normal part of growing into a mare.

But it wasn't.

As though a barrier had been knocked down, all the memories I had repressed had begun to rise the surface. The book, the nightmares, that night in the nursery. The reason I didn't make friends.

My friends and I were in serious trouble, and I had no idea on how to save us.

As I levitated one of the last few items into a box there was a soft knocking at my door. On the other side I was pleasantly surprised to see Princess Celestia standing there, with a smile upon her face.

Princess! Please, do come in! I said, beaming at her. It was as if the simple act of her being near raised my spirits exponentially.

Hello Twilight. I apologize I have not seen you sooner…

Nonsense! I said, You haven't seen your sister in a THOUSAND years! It's understandable that you would want some time to, well... catch up.

Celestia chuckled softly with a smile. As she walked past me and into the room my eyes couldn't help but be drawn to a small, wrapped parcel floating behind her, encased in a golden glow. Could it be... a gift?

Yet manners dictated that I ignore the bundle until she, herself, saw fit to bring it up. Which was a tad difficult, I might add, as it the package seemed to always find itself in my field of vision.

Pleasantries came first, and she asked how my new friends and I were doing. What were they like? How was Spike getting along in the new town? Was my move going smoothly? The attention was almost infuriating as the package tickled my interest like an incessant itch.

But just as I felt about to burst with curiosity, Celestia pulled the package forward Now Twilight, I have something VERY important that I want to talk to you about…

...and she peeled the wrapping from the article of interest. Inside was a large, black book, adorned only with a gold-inscribed glyph.

As my eyes widened in horror, she whispered, I take it you remember this?

She placed the book on the floor in front of me. It landed with a resounding thud and flung dust from its pages. I took an involuntary step back, unable to take my eyes off of it.
How.... how did you get this? I whispered.

She stood and paced, as if suddenly she couldn't sit still.

Not long after you revealed your secret to me I approached your parents yet again, asking them about anything strange from your childhood. They didn't want to speak of it, at first, but I made them understand just how essential it was for us to determine the exact nature of the being who had a hold of you, and how to negate it's influence. He told me what he knew, and I so confiscated this book from him.

From it I have gleaned as much information as I could. And while I wish I could just lock this vile thing away with the other forbidden books, I know that you deserve a chance at understanding. So I bring this to you, with all of your fathers' notes, and a few of my own.

When you freed Luna you confirmed my suspicions, the Elements of Harmony are the key to expelling it... whatever it is. There has no longer been a single sign of the demon that had possessed Luna. There is no longer any taint, nor darkness in her heart, save the guilt she feels for letting herself be overcome. Unfortunately, I had hoped that by mastering the elements, you would also gain your own redemption, but....

I lowered my head, looking at the book, but he still has a hold on me.

The princess walked to me and placed a hoof upon my chin. She raised my head until I met her gaze. All is not lost, little Sparkle. By freeing Luna, you have shown that you just might be able to save yourself.

She then tapped my nose lightly with that hoof, and wiped away a tear that had managed to leak from my eyes, I will dedicate what time I can to helping you find your answers, but you must realize now, more than ever, the importance of your studies of friendship.

She hugged me close, wrapping her wings around me. Being so close, it felt as though her optimism bled into me. Maybe I could do this, after all.

Celestia pulled away she made her goodbyes, she had an entire country to run, after all.

She stopped and turned to me. Why didn’t you help me learn about the demon the whole time I was here? Why did you let me forget?

Celestia’s ears flattened against her head, eyes looking away. Because I… I wanted you to have a childhood, Twilight. Being my student you would have such a small one as it was, but I couldn’t take it all from you. I hoped that by letting you forget you would be able to have a time of your life that was free of worry from that thing. You will have plenty of time to fret, now that you have grown.

A small part of me wanted to be angry at her, but I just couldn’t find it in myself to do so. She was like a second mother to me, and I couldn’t fault her for only wanting my happiness. I sighed, but I still had one more question for the princess.

How... how did Luna become possessed?

Celestia frowned and turned away, That is something you will have to ask Luna herself. But I beg of you, give her a little more time to recuperate from her ordeal.

I nodded my assent, and so the princess left, pulling the door closed behind her.

No neeeeeed, Twilight Sparkle came a voice from behind me I can tell you, I was there…

I jumped and turned, eyes wide, heart pounding. I raised my shield and prepared to force the thing from my room.

As my eyes fell upon him I stopped. The thing was in my closet, hiding from the light, but was not doing anything otherwise threatening. I didn’t dare wait, I began to charge up the shield spell in my horn, not knowing any other way to deal with it.

It raised a cloven hoof slowly, as if in protest, Now, now... there's no need for that. If you wish for me to leave, you have only to ask.

I was startled at how civil the thing was acting, how calm. But shock turned quickly to distrust. I glared, loathe to speak to it, but I had to exhaust all avenues. If I ask... will you leave me and my friends alone?

Ahhhh... that I cannot do. We had a bargain, my little pony, and I provided my services beyond expectations... don't you think?

A tearful voice from my fillyhood echoed around the room... my own voice. I want magic! I want to be the best at magic! The best, you hear me?! I have to be the best at magic so my parents will love me!

The thing seemed to smile broader, though there was no sign of actual expression on its muzzle Did your magic not show up the very next morning? Are you not growing into an extremely powerful and well-versed unicorn?

I was shocked to hear the voice of my youth, at the terror and pain that filled it. I recognized that fear. I hadn't been afraid of the creature at all, or the dreadfulness that surrounded me that night.

I had just wanted, desperately, for my parents to keep loving me. Oh how stupid I had been.

Yes... Remember now, do you? Well... the contract must be fulfilled. He turned and looked around the room as if it were pretending to be bored - at least, I THINK it looked, I couldn't tell if it even had eyes.

Now, do you want to hear the story of the little princess? Or not?

I stopped and thought for a moment. I could only imagine that this thing would spout lies and deceit, attempting to throw me in the wrong direction, or worse, pit me against the princesses.

But what could it hurt? If I listened to the creatures story, then spoke with Luna about it later, I could see just how twisted the creatures mind was.

After a moment of thought I nodded and said Yes.

Author's Note:

EDIT: Minor Edits added 01/28/14


Oh Twilight.... when will you learn *facepalm* Sorry about the slightly shorter chapters, but I only want to go as far as the chapter 'feels' it needs to go. I worry that if I force it, it will SOUND forced.


Also, it looks as though this story will be right around 5 or 6 chapters. It depends on how everything spaces out, but I finally know where its going! Ya'll are in for a surprise! x3