• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,449 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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Interlude 2: Family

Author's Note:

Just in time for father's day! Enjoy!

Through the window of the apartment, the sunset’s golden light seeped into the room, painting it with the warm golden glow of the summer evening. T.K. looked out the window and sighed, surveying the skyline as he watered a potted fern that was left by the windowsill with a miniature watering can.

The dinner with Applejack had been strangely quiet, he pondered. For whatever reason Applejack didn’t seem to keen on talking about herself beyond the initial introduction to his mother. He could tell something was bothering Applejack, and the thought of it made his brow crease in worry.

T.K. was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when water began to flood the pottery, spilling onto the carpeted floor.

“Aw, geez.”

T.K. groaned in frustration as he quickly pulled the watering can away, so as to avoid spilling any more on the ground. Thankfully, not too much had spilled over, and the carpet was able to absorb most of the liquid.

“Phew, that wasn’t so bad. That should dry out quickly enough.”

T.K. suddenly paused mid-thought as he turned his attention to the plant, noticing something about it that struck him as unusual. The fern seemed to have grown much more lively and green than when he first started watering it. While not unhealthy before, the plant was now so bursting with life that the old fern would have looked downright sickly in comparison.

T.K. stared at the plant for several seconds, perplexed by the sudden change. He eventually decided that it wasn’t important, and set the watering can down on the floor.

“Hey T.K.!”

“Hm? Oh, hey Patamon. What’s up?”

Patamon quickly flew up beside T.K., hovering up close next to his head. Patamon glanced away for a moment as though to avoid direct eye contact, before looking back at T.K. worriedly.

“Is something wrong?” said T.K.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” replied Patamon. “It’s just that Applejack’s been awfully quiet lately, and I’m a bit worried about her. She hasn’t said a word since we arrived.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” T.K. replied. “I’m a little worried about her too, now that you mention it. Now that we’re finished with the chores, we should probably go talk to her and see if she’s feeling alright.”

T.K. turned around and quietly left the room to check on Applejack, with Patamon hovering closely behind.


Applejack sat on her haunches atop the living room couch, staring blankly at the television screen before her. Her introduction to T.K.’s mother during dinner had left little impression on her, as her thoughts were continually occupied with the world that she’d left behind.

Even now, as she sat tiredly atop the cushy furniture, she could still recall in vivid detail the orchard in which she’d spent the entirety of her life growing up. She closed her eyes and let out a wistful sigh, and the sensations of the orchard rushed through her like an opened floodgate.

It was a bright, cloudless day above the vast expanse of farmland that was Sweet Apple Acres, a series gently rolling hillsides dotted with numerous apple trees of many different breeds.

Carrying two wooden buckets strapped to her sides, Applejack made her way towards the main body of the orchard, through the numerous trees that dotted the landscape. As she passed the barn, she gave a warm smile and waved to her brother Big Mac, who was busy repairing a hole in the roof, undoubtedly caused by one of Rainbow Dash’s reckless stunts. Big Mac returned the gesture before returning to his task. As applejack traversed the fields, a cool summer breeze gently blew past her, carrying with it the scent of a fresh crop ready for harvest.

Approaching the first tree she saw, Applejack carefully placed the buckets beneath the hanging fruit, and turned her back towards the tree’s thick trunk. Carefully positioning herself, she leaned forwards, preparing to buck the tree with both of her rear hooves...

“Applejack? What are you doing?”

Applejack was suddenly snapped back to reality by T.K., who was standing in front of the couch with Patamon hovering next to him. Positioned upright on the couch, Applejack had placed herself so that she was leaning forward, prepared to kick the back cushions with her rear legs.

“Er, uh, hey there!” Applejack said, hastily sitting back down on the couch cushion.

“Is something the matter? You look stressed out.” T.K. said.

“Huh? No! Of course not! Everything’s fine!” Applejack hastily stammered, her pupils dilating visibly. “It ain't no big deal, honest!”

“Applejack...” T.K. gave a disapproving frown.

Applejack let out a sign of defeat. “Alright, fine. You got me. Truth be told, Ah ain’t fine at all. Ah... Ah...”

Applejack’s words seemed to die in her throat just as the thoughts formed in her mind. Her vision went blurry as tears began to form in their eyes.


“Ah... Ah’m alright, T.K.,” said Applejack, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Ah’m just... Ah just...”

“You’re worried about your home, aren’t you?” said T.K.

“That obvious, huh?” Applejack sighed. “Ah just can’t help but worry about my family. We’ve always been there for each other, and to think that Ah might never see them again...” Applejack trailed off, tears now flowing freely down her face.

T.K. gave Applejack a sympathetic look, sitting down beside her on the couch. He gently reached over and placed a reassuring hand on the back of Applejack’s head, stroking her mane gently.

“Mah parents both died several years ago. Our house was on fire. Ma and Pa told us to evacuate while they went and put it out... They never came out of the house alive.” Applejack sniffled slightly, fighting to hold back the tears.

“Mah brother and Ah had to take care of the entire farm all by himself from then on. Granny Smith had gotten too old to do most of the work, and Apple Bloom was still only a foal. Our orchard was one of the largest providers of food in the entire Ponyville area, and if we went under, then everypony we knew would have suffered. We had to get a special grant from Princess Celestia just to keep from losing our business. But now that Ah’m gone, how are mah family going to survive? We were only barely able to keep ourselves afloat as it were, and that was with the Princess’s blessing!”

“Applejack,” said T.K. “I know things might seem tough, but no matter what happens, you mustn't give up. We’ll find a way to get you back to your family.”

“You... You really think so?” said Applejack.

“Of course I do,” said T.K. “I was in a similar situation, believe it or not. During our first adventure in the Digital World, I used to wonder if I’d ever see my home again. At times it seemed like we’d never return home, like we’d be trapped in the Digital World forever. But Matt was always able to reassure us that we’d return home someday. Even when it felt like giving up was the only option, we kept pressing on, and it’s because of that we were able to make it back home.”

T.K. looked down at Applejack and smiled warmly. “Don’t ever lose hope, no matter what happens. Even when it seems like you’ve hit rock bottom, if you keep moving, then you’ll have nowhere to go but up.”

Applejack looked and sniffled again, another warm smile slowly creeping its way across her face. “Yeah... Ah suppose you’re right about that. There ain’t no sense just sitting here moping when we could be doing something. By the way, you said something about your brother Matt, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Well, Ah would’ve asked you why he wasn’t joining us for supper this evening, but Ah guess Ah was so busy moping that the thought never crossed mah mind. Come to think of it, Ah ain’t seen your father round these parts neither. What happened to them?”

“Oh, them? Uh, well... It’s kind of complicated.” T.K. nervously replied.

“Sorry, Ah didn’t mean to be so personal,” said Applejack.

“No, it’s fine,” T.K. replied. “Matt lives with my dad across town. Mom and dad have been separated for some time now.”

“Your parents are divorced?” Applejack asked, surprised.

“Yeah,” said T.K., “my parents have been apart since I was little. Matt ended up with dad, and I ended up with mom. We rarely saw each other until about six years ago, when we went on our first adventure in the Digital World. After we’d finished, we still rarely saw each other for several years. It wasn’t until around a year ago that I moved closer and we started visiting each other again.”

“Ah see. It must have been tough being separated from your family for so long, huh?” Applejack mused.

“Don’t worry about it,” said T.K., “things might have been tough sometimes, but we’ll always be here for each other.”
T.K. suddenly let out a large yawn, stretching his arms outward. “Well, it’s getting late,” he said, getting up off the couch “we’d best be heading to bed. Do you need me to see if we can set up a bed for you?”

“It’s alright, Ah don’t mind sleeping here,” said Applejack.

“Alright, then. Goodnight Applejack.” With that, T.K. turned around and exited the room. Patamon made off to follow, but stopped briefly in the air, looking at Applejack worriedly.

“They didn’t come back, did they?”

“Who didn't come back?” said Applejack.

“Your parents. You said they died... But they didn’t come back, did they?”

“Of course they didn’t!” Applejack replied in exasperation. “What the hey kind of question is that? They’re dead! There ain’t no coming back from that!”

“Really? I’m not so sure about that,” said Patamon. “If that were true, then I wouldn’t be here right now.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Beg pardon?”

“Um... I don’t remember much, but I think I fought so hard that I died and became an egg. You’ll have to ask T.K. more about it, the whole thing’s really fuzzy when I try to remember it.”

“Hey Patamon!” T.K.’s voice called from the other room. “Are you coming to bed?”

“Sure thing! I was talking to Applejack!” Patamon shouted back. “Anyway, I’m sorry you had to have your parents die like that, Applejack. I don’t remember much of being dead, but I do remember it being dark and scary. Anyway, I’m going off to bed. Good night!”

Letting out a soft yawn, Patamon quietly flew out the room, following after T.K. Applejack simply stared after him, unsure of what to think.

“Coming back from the dead...” Applejack quietly spoke to herself. “Land sakes, these digimon sure are something.”



Rarity hummed in contemplation as she peered through her bright red spectacles, examining the bandage wrapped around Cody’s shoulder. He sat patiently in the middle of the well-lit living room, with Armadillomon by his side.

Focusing her magic through her horn, Rarity gently unwrapped the bandage and discarded it into a nearby trashcan, revealing the wound underneath. The blood had already clotted, revealing a large, ugly scab.

“Well, I’m certainly no medical expert, but it looks like your wound is healing quite well. I dare say it should be fully recovered soon.”

“You sure I won’t need stitches?” said Cody.

Rarity winced. “Stitches? Why, perish the thought! You would have been in quite the sticky situation if you’d needed stitches. Thankfully, the stone that struck you was blunt, so I don’t think stitches were required. I wouldn’t exert yourself too greatly, though, the bruising on your shoulder is much deeper than the wound.”

“But you do know how to sew in case I needed stitches, right?”

“W-what?” Rarity gasped in horror. “Oh heavens, no! I might know my way around a sewing needle, but stitching someone’s... flesh is an entirely different thing! Besides, my needle was drenched in grimy lakewater along with my other supplies, so you’d likely end up getting a nasty infection.”

“You wouldn’t have to worry about that,” said Cody. “The Digital World is made entirely of computer data. There’s no bacterial life, the only diseases are from computer viruses.”

“Oh, well isn’t that convenient!” Rarity chimed. “You certainly are knowledgeable for a child, aren’t you?”

Cody said nothing in response. He and Armadillomon shot each other an exasperated look.

“Hey, is everything going alright in there?” Cody’s mother called out as she entered the room, her face wrought with concern. “Is my little boy okay?”

“I’m fine, mom,” replied Cody. “My shoulder should be alright now.”

“I see,” replied Cody’s mother. “And I take it you’re going straight back to the Digital World tomorrow?”

“Mom, I have to do this!” Cody insisted. “Rarity’s friend is in danger, and we’re the only ones who can help! We can’t just leave Fluttershy when her life could be in danger!”

Cody’s mother gave a soft smile in return, though behind it the others could see she was deeply worried. “I see. You’ve always been so selfless, Cody. I’m so proud of you... Just be careful, okay? And Rarity, please look after my little boy while you’re out there, alright?”

“You’ve no need to worry, Ms. Hida, your son is in good hooves,” Rarity replied.

“Thank you, Rarity. Cody, it’s almost bedtime, so get ready to go to sleep, okay?”

“Yes, mom.” Cody replied.

Rarity smiled. “Your mother and grandfather certainly are very nice. You should consider yourself grateful to have such a caring family.”

Cody said nothing in response. He looked towards the ground, avoiding making eye contact with Rarity.

“Speaking of, I’ve noticed that your father isn’t home yet. He must be working very late to be out at this hour. Oh, I do hope he’s not pushing himself too hard!”

“My father’s dead.” Cody abruptly responded.

Rarity opened her mouth as if to speak, but quickly closed it again, leaving an awkward silence hanging over the room.

“I... I’m terribly sorry, I had no idea...”

“It’s fine,” said Cody. “You didn’t know. I was barely old enough to even remember it happening, anyway.”

Rarity looked up at Cody sympathetically. “Oh, that’s awful... How could such a sweet little boy like you lose a parent so young? What happened?”

“My father was a police officer,” Cody responded darkly. “He was guarding a government official, when an assassin tried to kill him. My dad pushed him out of the way and took the bullet instead.”

“You mean he gave his life to save someone else?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah...” said Cody. “I never really even knew him all that well, he was always so busy. I was so young when it happened that I barely even remember him.”

Rarity silently bit her lip. “Your father sounds like was a wonderful person... I guess it just goes to show you can never take your family for granted.” She let out a deep breath, turning her attention to the doorway where Cody’s mother had come through previously.

“You’re worried about your family, aren’t you?” said Armadillomon.


“Come on Rarity, Ah can see it written on your face. You’re worried about your folks back home, aren’t you?”

Rarity gave a soft, humorless chuckle. “You really do know how to read a pony, Armadillomon. Yes, I am worried. Not only about my mother and father, but for my sister as well.”

“You had a sister?” said Cody.

“Yes,” said Rarity. “My younger sister Sweetie Belle. She was a fine young filly, one of the nicest you’d ever meet. She and I were very close, and I cared for her very deeply...” Rarity sighed. “But my parents, I’m afraid, were a different story.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” said Cody.

“I barely knew my parents at all growing up,” Rarity admitted. “My father was the manager of a local sports team and was frequently away for outside matches. Mother was an passionate baker, and spent most of her time in the kitchen, experimenting with new recipes. Between both their ambitions, they rarely had any time for my sister and I. More often than not I was left to take care of Sweetie Belle alone while father was away, since mother couldn’t be bothered to pull herself away from the stove.

“But that’s not all. When I finally moved out to start my own fashion boutique, mother and father started leaving Sweetie Belle at my home, since they couldn’t even be bothered to look after her themselves. And I was so busy myself that I rarely had the opportunity to give her the attention she needed. We were all so caught up in our lives that we never truly had time to be a family... And now we never will.” Rarity sighed, removing her glasses and wiping a small tear from her eye.

Cody looked Rarity firmly in the eye. “Rarity, listen to me. I know things might be difficult right now, but I promise you, we’ll find a way to get you back to your family. No matter how tough it might seem, we’ll pull through. We just need to stick together.”

“It’s alright, Cody. I know things will work out like they always do. I just can’t help but worry...” Rarity let out a yawn, covering it with her front hoof. “Anyway, it’s getting fairly late, why don’t we head off to bed for the evening? I certainly need my beauty rest.”

“Yeah, I suppose,” said Cody. “Are you sure you don’t mind sleeping on the couch?”

“No need to worry about it, dear. Goodnight.”

“Yeah, goodnight.”

With a final word, Cody and Rarity went off to prepare their evening rituals before heading to sleep for the night. The whole time the thoughts of her family never left Rarity’s mind, even as she eventually drifted off to slumber.

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