Dossier files #2
The following files have been created as a quick reference for the Illusive pony. The names below are to be kept classified. The following individuals have been deemed acceptable to join the league of extraordinary gentleponies and will be acquired when possible.
Any others placed in this dossier later will be held under consideration or have already been rejected due to problematic issues.
Subject Codename: Wonderbolt
Name: Spitfire
Gender: Female
Status: Accepted
Noted Abilities: Fire generation, fire retardant body, expert flyer.
Bio: Spitfire was born in a poor family in the heart of Cloudsdale. Her family moved to Manehatten and when she was five, she injured a foreleg and was taken to the hospital. Although we have yet to confirm it, we believe at some point,she gained her abilities in that very hospital. When she arrived home, she discovered that she could emit fire, and in a sudden panic, set fire to her house. Years later she would try to commit suicide, only to be thwarted by a Wonderbolt. In a subsequent chase, she impressed the Wonderbolt and was offered a place at the academy. Everything after that is public knowledge. She was top of her class, and eventually became the captain.
Extra Notes: Her leadership abilities are not in question, and I personally would recommend her as the leader. However, I know of your intentions for Carnage and I respect your decision. She’s not the greatest fighter, but she can outperform nearly anypony. Giving the whole, “doing this for your country” speech should work well enough. Recent reports have indicated she’s trying to locate a young filly. The most we have gotten is that she is meant to have an orange body and a purple mane. Offer to help locate her, and a partnership should be sealed.
Author Notes: There’s not much to say about Spitfire’s inclusion without spoiling future events. All I will say is that Spitfire will play a more important part later, rather than sooner. Spitfire’s voice is the one from the gala episode. When she’s in captain mode though, her voice becomes like the one used in Wonderbolt’s academy.
Subject Codename: Fallout
Name: Ulysses
Gender: Male
Status: Accepted
Noted Abilities: Expert combat abilities, profession hunter and courier, wide range of weaponry.
Bio: Ulysses was born in the rouge country of Amareica, during the midst of its civil war. He was born in the state of Dusk, among the legion. There’s not much information, apart from the fact he was trained as a scout. Just before the fabled nuke struck the country, he ventured out of the area in search of a courier. When the bomb exploded, he was on the edge of the fallout and suffered irreparable damage.
Extra Notes: The mask he wears assists in his breathing and if it’s removed for too long, he will die. Over the years he has developed an obsession with a mare he was following when the bomb hit, we're not sure of her connection to the bomb, but we are certain that the Templars were behind the attack. Incidentally, he appears to have taken care of that problem for us, which is why he has been chosen to join. A warning though, he is a known loner and very rarely associates with anypony else.
Author Notes: Ulysses comes from the video game series, Fallout. The character, in my humble opinion, is one of the most underrated in video game history. He’s so interesting in his motivation. He has little sense of justice, and has no real desire for revenge, he is like an animal in the way he’s driven by instinct. What he loved was taken from him, and in return he takes something from those who wronged him. I chose him to add some friction and a spark of mistrust in the group. Below is the moment where he’s about to launch a nuke on the courier’s home.
Subject Codename: Batwing
Name: Shadow Heart
Gender: Female
Status: Accepted
Noted Abilities: Stealth specialist, expertly trained with a spear.
Bio: Shadow was born and brought up in a household in the middle of Canterlot. Her twin sister, Angelic Soul, is now an employee of Cerberus after being kicked out of the guard. She appears to have lived a very good childhood, filled with love and attention. Her parents met when her mother arrested her father during a barroom brawl. A month later they began dating and several years after they married after her mother fell pregnant. When she joined the guard, she was offered a position in Luna’s reformed Luna guard. She quickly rose through the ranks and is currently being considered for the role of Luna’s personal guard.
Extra Notes: Shadow is fiercely loyal to the crown and especially Princess Luna. She has shown no hint of betrayal, so I would be cautious over what you tell her. She has yet to discover her sister’s role as they had a falling out sometime back when Angelic went on her disastrous mission. Angelic will likely confess this soon.
Author Notes: There isn’t much to say about Shadow’s role except that she is a connection to the crown and Carnage. She finds it difficult to not tell Luna that Carnage is alive, and this may become key to later parts of the story.
Subject Codename: Invisible
Name: Fade Away
Gender: Male
Status: Accepted
Noted Abilities: Completely invisible to the naked eye, uncanny sixth sense.
Bio: Fade is an interesting character to be sure. Born in poverty, he grew up in Griffon country but took a train back to Equestria when he was ten. From then on, he stole what he needed and gave himself quite a name in the criminal underworld. He was contacted by a stallion called Water White who was a drug lord. Fade was acquiring ingredients for Water, only to discover that White had stumbled upon the original Invisible Pony’s formula. When Water was killed, Fade drank the finished formula and has been stuck in his position ever since.
Extra Notes: Fade grew up with the ability to find anything he wanted. He describes this as a compass in his brain, directing him to exactly where he wants to go. As you might imagine, this has proved extremely useful in his job. Coupled with invisibility, he can be almost undetectable when he wants to. However, he is a known sexual deviant so keep that in mind. If we can locate the stallion, I would recommend offering him a cure for his condition.
Author Notes: Fade is a combination of the Invisible man from the league of extraordinary gentlemen book, and the Invisible man from the league film. Fade is a morally ambiguous character, although not to the level of Griffon who was a well know rapist. Fade has a large sexual appetite though, and severe kleptomania. He really is the nastiest in the sense of morals, but definitely not in sin. Fade has never killed anypony.
Note: I added the following recently since she decided to join. I thought you’d like the entire group in two bundles.
Subject Codename: Chance
Name: Mimic
Gender: Female
Status: Accepted
Noted Abilities: Able to disguise herself within limitation.
Bio: Mimic is a changeling brought up in the hive of King Daedalus. We have no information on him, but he is one of ten kings and queens who live in different sections of the world. Her father apparently became disillusioned after hiding for so long, and convinced his daughter to join Chrysalis’ extremist group. She didn’t take a direct part in the invasion of Canterlot, but she was involved with support and came to regret her decision. Her father committed suicide in a recent battle and she has joined our group to stop Chrysalis and avoid imprisonment.
Extra Notes: Obviously there is a risk in bringing her along, but considering her ties to the enemy she could also be invaluable. I imagine you’ve been overruled if you disagreed with her joining, but judging by her psyche profile sent by Miss Silver, she should be willing to cooperate. Whether you actually allow her to go after she’s finished is up to you of course. Fair warning though, you may suffer the wrath of the more noble members of the group if you do.
Author Notes: When I made the decision to have the changelings appear as a main villain, later on I came up with the idea of having one as companion. Similar to Legion in Mass Effect 2 ,who was a Geth, one of the main antagonists from the first game. Mimic is quieter than most of the female contingency, and a lot more shy. Expect to see more of her in the story. One never knows what the future holds.
The Blue Lantern
Date: 1 Year ANMR
The date above is the first recorded sighting of this blue lantern, however we believe the mare in question is connected to an alien body recovered several months before. We came across the body that had crashed on our planet, but had suffered minimal exterior damage. Its body was quickly disposed of before it was discovered by any others. However, I believe the PIB were not happy with us so I’d advise handing over the body to them next time. What was notable about the body was the symbol on the creature’s chest.
Several weeks later, a mare with that same symbol on her chest and a ring around her hoof began saving several ponies across the planet. Despite being a unicorn, this ring seemed to give her the ability to fly and create objects of varying degrees out of pure, blue light. How this ring works is unknown. However, we have confirmed that it is alien in nature. We have also discovered there are other lanterns when an alien with a yellow ring engaged the blue lantern in a fight.
After extensive research, we have discovered her identity. Her name is Colgate Minuette. She is a travelling dentist living in Ponyville, an interesting pony to give alien technology to. Judging from the mannerisms and previous sightings of other lanterns, they may possibly act as an intergalactic guard. She also appears to be the first pony to gain a lantern ring as no others have been sighted throughout history. She is often associated with these other recent vigilantes. Along the lines of Spider-Mane, Iron Pony, Batmare. It is odd how they seem to get these names, huh?
The Legend of Marsh Tone
Roughly 900 Year’s BNMR
Many historians agree that after Princess Luna’s fall from grace and her subsequent banishment, there was a period of unrest among the world and it took Celestia nearly a hundred years to make her country stable again. Other races like the Buffalo have still never recovered. But it was around this point that the cow colts, opportunist thieves and highway mares, were being expunged from the world. Their time was ending and a new civilised society was being built by Princess Celestia who was horrified by her past crimes. One of her first acts was to abolish slavery.
Marsh Tone was one of these cow colts. He ran with a gang of other outlaws who took a “rob from the rich, give to the poor” stance to fight against the changing regime. This however is often considered an excuse to their crimes as most have little links to each other. A couple of years later he was shot during a failed robbery, and left to die by the rest of his group. After this, he abandoned his previous life and with his wife, Gale, his son and daughter, they bought a ranch and attempted to start again. His daughter died around this time due to unknown causes.
Soon after, Marsh Tone’s wife and son are kidnapped by a pony called Edge who had been put in charge of ridding his sector of crime. Mainly the gangs run by Marsh Tone’s former gang members. To have his family returned to him safely, Marsh Tone was forced to hunt down his former friends and stop them. Making allies with farmers and lawmen, he was able to kill his targets and was given back his family.
Sadly, Edge double-crossed the Marsh Tone family and launched an attack on the family’s farm. In the ensuing battle, Tone’s wife and son escape, but Marsh Tone sacrificed himself knowing that Edge wouldn’t bother going after his family. Years later, Edge was found dead after being shot by a riverside. Many speculate his son killed him, but these rumours were never confirmed. Marsh Tone became a symbol and legend of redemption that is still being discussed and admired today.
I will have more prepared for you soon. Let me know if your group grows any further, but for now I’ll do some digging on this supposed sighting of Manna.
- M.
Hey can we have a full brake down on what series have appered so far?
Also are the Leutesers going to appear?
3555703 Do you mean at what point this is al happening in the show. Cause the answer is that all of these events occur between the ending of season 2 and the begging of 3.
... is that a red dead redemption reference 3558363 I'm talking to you buddy
3558759 It's historical information in this world.
3558363 I mean a list of what is crossed over
3559435 Oh, well, shit. I've plum forgotten
Man I just recently started reading this and I was already hooked in.
I love the characters
Love all the references.
Love the world building.
And most of all how you were able to connect them all together.
To put it simply, this is really good and hope to see more of it in the near future.
these puns are going to kill me. batmare, iron pony, spider mane? ugh... ffs... DA PUNZ MAN DA PUNZ
I really love this story, I love the league of extraordinary gentlemen and I love my little pony and I love the fact that you combined the two. So when will you be adding more chapters I ask this with great politeness.
3576165 not sure. Soon hopefully