• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 2,756 Views, 173 Comments

The League of Extraordinary Ponies - Infinite Carnage

A group of bizarre individuals are called together to stop a secret invasion that threatens all of Equestria. All the while, they must prevent a dark secret buried in time from resurfacing and destroying the monarchy from within.

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Black Dossier #1

Dossier files #1

The following files have been created for a quick reference for the Illusive Pony. The names below are to be kept under the highest classification. The following individuals have been deemed acceptable to join the league of extraordinary gentleponies and will be acquired when possible.
Any others placed in this dossier later will be held under consideration or have already been rejected due to problematic issues.

Subject Codename: Lost Prince
Name: Carnage Moon (Prefers title Mr. Carnage.)
Gender: Male
Race: Pegasus
Status: Accepted
Noted Abilities: Electricity generation and manipulation, unbreakable blades that deploy out of the subjects forelegs, razor sharp teeth, unnaturally strong, and advanced senses. (E.g. Smell, sight etc.)
Bio: Carnage is the only known child of Princess Luna. Like the princesses, he is immortal, despite not being an alicorn. He was born one thousand years ago, but we have no official date for his birth. Before he was born, he was genetically engineered to be the perfect soldier. However, Luna became too attached and only ever sent him on small missions. His combat abilities are second to none and his strategic mind makes him invaluable.
Extra notes: He has a strong hatred for Celestia and more recently, his own mother. Keep him away from the monarchy if possible. Also, he will likely not come of his own accord. Despite the rule that any potential league members must join willingly, Carnage is needed for the mission as the Illusive Pony says he is the perfect leader. Take him down with extreme prejudice. His fighting style is very unique. He has incredible balance which helps him fight on his two back legs while he slashes at his foes. One more thing, he suffers from Arsonphobia, fear of fire. I would recommend keeping Spitfire and Carnage apart when it come to combat.

Author’s notes: Carnage was inspired by the concept of Wolverine. The unbreakable blades in Carnage’s forelegs are similar to Logan’s claws. Their backgrounds are also riddled with similarities. The blades were based on the Pokémon, Grovyle.

The voice for Mr. Carnage is an upper class accent, which clashes with his down to earth perception of the world. Despite this, he always acts like a gentlestallion in front of strangers and only shows his bestial nature when threatened or insulted.

Subject Codename: Assassin
Name: Silver Tongue
Gender: Female
Race: Pegasus
Status: Accepted
Noted Abilites: Stealth, trained Assassin, master of weaponry, psychology background
Bio: Foal of the current leader of the Assassin brotherhood, Silver is fully committed to her father’s cause. She comes from a long line of successful and famous assassins that have helped shape Equestria as we know it. One of her notable ancestors in Altair, the Assassin that helped mould them into what they are now. Silver is committed to the league and her ability to read anypony makes her an invaluable asset.
Extra Notes: She is a notorious flirt and is usually drawn to the more unusual and bizarre ponies in the world. Despite this, she maintains a high level of professionalism as both a psychiatrist and an assassin. How this will translate to the group is anypony’s guess. She has taken a great deal of intrigue towards Carnage, though. Although not confirmed, we suspect that she has not picked up her ancestors famous sixth sense. A pity as that would have proved tremendously helpful.

Author Notes: Due to many of the established Assassin’s existing in the past (excluding Desmond) I opted for an original character. However, she is closer to a female version of Ezio, and combined with a little bit of Rosa from Assassin’s Creed 2. She has a slight Italian (or Poma in pony language) accent, but speaks excellent Equestrian. She was created for two reasons. To have a strong link to one of the main antagonists, the Templars, and to be the one to convince and control Carnage throughout the story. Her purpose to the story is invaluable, as she is also the Illusive pony’s main mouth piece in the group.

Subject Codename: DJ
Name: Vinyl Scratch
Gender: Female
Race: Unicorn
Status: Accepted
Noted Abilities: Incredible speed, enhanced strength, strong magic ability.
Bio: Vinyl Scratch is a vampire. Reportedly, when she was travelling with the Doctor (now identified as the Master) she was attacked by a vampire and turned into one several days later. Ever since then, she has kept her sunglasses on to hide her red eyes, which acts as a good cover as her main occupation is a DJ. Technically, she is considered a vegetarian, as she only consumes animal blood and blood obtained from hospitals, courtesy of the vampire network.
Extra Notes: Despite her abilities, she’s very green when it comes to combat which will have to be something to keep an eye on. Hopefully her teammates can pick up any slack but in my personal opinion, she is very much a wild card in this group. Although, her presence also helps secure the Doctor (new one) on the team, who has been reluctant to fully commit.

Author Notes: Vinyl was originally going to be Mina Murray, the original female League member. However, I wanted a stronger connection to the my little pony universe and use a popular background character. The idea of Vinyl being a vampire came from a popular fanfic on this site, ‘my roommate is a vampire.’ However, her origin is vastly different than the one on the story. Vinyl’s voice is the same as the regular one used in fan animation, Jessi Nowack. You can see in the video below.

Subject Codename: Spider
Name: Guardian (Given name.)
Gender: Male
Race: Arachnapony
Status: Accepted
Noted Abilities: Speed, strength and abilities of a spider.
Bio: Little is known about this creature, except for its immense power and the fact that it’s the perfect predator. The creature has been living in the Everfree forest for a very long time but we cannot pinpoint an exact time. The creature protects a tree that in our tongue is called the ‘tree of life.’ It’s actual importance is unknown.
Extra Notes: Again, the creature is largely an unknown. Despite his passive/aggressive nature towards everything that moves, he has shown an element of kindness when he protected a young foal in the forest. Appealing to his good nature is recommended, but hopefully our offer will be good enough to sway him.

Author Notes: Guardian was inspired as a replacement for Hyde from the original graphic novel. Guardian’s nature means he doesn’t trust easily, but he isn’t necessarily bad. He is protective of his possessions and those he holds close and he’s not afraid to get violent. As you may know, Guardian comes from The Arachnapony. He has a deep, imposing voice.

Subject Codename: Timelord
Name: The Doctor (Real name in question.)
Gender: Male
Race: Earth Pony (Technically Timepony.)
Status: Accepted
Noted Abilities: Extremely intelligent, possesses machine that travels through time and space.
Bio: Before his arrival, there was another Timepony of the same title. After an event called ‘the time war,’ this universe’s Doctor went insane and tried to duplicate his race through us. At the same time, the Doctor, who at the time was a simple Timelord, came to our universe. After a series of events where the Doctor defeated his counterpart who began to call himself the Master, he created a perfect clone of himself with all his memories. The difference being was that the clone was a Timepony, rather than a Timelord. Also, the clone had a slightly different personality. The Timepony counterpart took the Master’s TARDIS and the rest is history.
Extra Notes: The Doctor’s intelligence is certainly his greatest assets to the team, but his machine may well play an invaluable part in the mission. One problem is his strong issue with killing and guns as he absolutely abhors it. Although it does appear that both Doctor’s histories are very similar, and by his own admittance he has destroyed many lives. Make of that what you will.

Author Notes: Doctor Who is one of my favourite TV shows and since I had already done a crossover story with the tenth Doctor, it only seemed natural to have the Doctor be a member. This Doctor has the voice and appearance of the tenth Doctor, David Tennant. However, his personality is only loosely based off him since this is an original Doctor in its own right. not to be confused with the eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith.

Illusive, I will send you more updated files soon. Also, I will include some of the previous incident reports with updated information when I can. However, I have been able to compile two for you to view. Let me know if you would like them in a different format.

- M.

(BNMR = Before Nightmare Moon’s Return.)

P-COM Incident
Date: 200 years BNMR
Several years after the initial formation of the original league, Equestria came under attack from two different alien races at once. One race, identified mainly as insectoids, attempted a secret invasion. The other race was never properly identified, but they utilised tripod like devices to scour the landscape. From reports taken from the Hubble telescope, they failed to take Mars from John Carter, and turned their attention to our planet.

During the League’s attempt to combat the tripod aliens, Celestia authorised the P-COM project. It was a combat group designed to utilise the aliens technology and use it against them. Meanwhile, the Invisible Pony betrayed the league and sided with the aliens. Before doing this, he forced himself upon a mare that Hide had begun to grow attached to and this sent him on a revenge seeking mission against Griffon. The league was splintered while Nemo attempted to combat the threat, and Quartermane and Manna looked for a way to combat the tripod aliens. (On a side note, Mr. Nature Drake came across a deactivated tripod in the Antarctic.)

We focused on the tripods due to the fact the P-Com project was turning into a success. Not only were the soldiers able to combat the threat, they actually managed to annihilate them until the tripod aliens were all that remained. For once, luck appeared to be on our side. It turned out the common cold was lethal to the race, while it would only be a minor annoyance to the average pony. In a matter of days, the entire army died and peace returned to the planet.

Sadly, the effects of Griffon’s betrayal were irreparable. Hide was able to locate Griffon, and in revenge, he raped the Invisible pony to death. During the final days of the Tripod’s attack, Hide was killed keeping them away from Canterlot. This gave Nemo and the P-Com soldiers enough time to destroy the rest of them. Nemo left shortly after, his dislike for Ponies getting the better of him, and Manna Heart and Quatermane left together. Their locations are still unknown to us but they are likely dead.

The Reichenbach Fall
Date: 10 years BNMR
Sherclop Pones is the greatest detective to have ever lived. That’s not speculation or an opinion, that is fact. His eye for detail and his ability to deduce any problem would have made him an invaluable league member. Sadly, as his brother, I have prevented your attempts to recruit him. Sorry about that, old chap. Most of his adventures have been lovingly documented by his friend and Companion, Dr. Watts. This has been an incredibly useful reference guide.

During his adventures, shortly after Pones took care of Jock the Ripper, Professor Moriarty arrived onto the scene. Moriarty had created a vast criminal empire in order to profit immensely. He would offer protection to nearly every criminal in Trottingham and Canterlot, in exchange for a small profit margin. However, Pones had severely dented his activities and Moriarty went on the offensive.

He attempted to have Pones killed, but Pones and Watts fled the country and led Moriarty on a goose chase till they ended up in Stalliongrad. There, Pones led Moriarty to the waterfall where they both reportedly fell to their deaths. But this was a ruse created by Pones as he never actually fell. Due to Moriarty’s old age, he accidently slipped off the fall and to his death. While everypony believed Pones had died, the detective went on a mission to destroy Moriarty’s criminal empire and after two years, he returned home and reunited with Watts.
He is still alive, living on Baker Street. Moriarty’s corpse was never located.

Again, I will have more of these prepared when I can. From your friend in Celestia’s government.

- M.