• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,440 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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A Friend in Need

Chapter 6 – A Friend in Need

I spent a good hour telling Michelle everything that happened, how I created Quill Flourish and how I just innocently wished that I could be like her. All the while Michelle sat on the couch next to me with a look still frozen in amazement. I guess I couldn’t blame her. I mean, if you came to your friend’s apartment and found a living breathing and talking version of something that shouldn’t exist claiming that they were your friend, how would you react?

Finally I finished and waited her to say something.

“So you just made a wish and the next day you woke up as this?”

“Yeah, that’s what happened. I guess all I can say about it is that it’s magic.”

“Wow, I wish I had luck with wishes like that,” she said, “Do you know how many times I wished I won the million dollar lottery or for a boyfriend?”

She stopped and noticed the look of frustration on my face.

“Sorry Julie. Guess I got carried away. So you didn’t want to be a pony?”

“Yes… I mean no… I mean I don’t know I guess part of me wanted to be Quill but I didn’t think it would happen. I like My little Pony, but to become one? It’s just, I don’t know.”


“Yeah, magic.”

“Well I have to say you’re really cute as a unicorn,” Michelle said looking at me like I was a pet.

“Michelle, I’m not a dog or a cat, ok? So, stop looking at me like that! I’m still me, just in another body. And I’m really freaking out here!”

“Geez Julie, calm down. I was just trying to make you feel better. Your my friend, and I’ll do anything to help you.”
“I know… it’s just… oh Michelle! What am I going to do now that I’m a pony! Where am I going to live? How am I going to eat? I can’t get a job like this, nor can I be seen in public.”

I suddenly couldn’t take it anymore and began to cry uncontrollably. I then felt my friend’s arms around me as she tried to comfort me. She then began to stroke my mane. It felt odd at first but I did not protest. It actually felt good to be held and cared for.

“Julie, we’ll figure this out together, ok? I already have things planned out for you. You’re going to move in with me.”
“Really,” I said as a dried the tears from my eyes.

“Sure you can. My apartment has two bedrooms and two bathrooms, remember?”

“Yeah I think I remember,” I said trying to picture the times I went over to her apartment through the fog of confusion that was in my mind.

“Well, that other room isn’t used for anything other than storage right now. It’s actually too big for me to live in but I made it work. You can live in that spare room, and we’ll just mix your things with mine.”

“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean an apartment is kind of a private place.”

“Julie, what part of friend don’t you understand,” she said with a smile, “I’m offering you a place to stay, unless of course you prefer living in a barn somewhere.”

I was going to tell her that ponies don’t live in barns but actually really nice houses. Seriously, houses here in Ponyville are much better than the apartment I lived in and a lot cheaper too. Oh, I just went on a tangent, didn’t I? I really have to stop that. Twilight gives me a face when I do that which I always say, “Well excuse me Princess!” Anyway, I didn’t say anything to Michelle but thought about her offer. Finally I spoke.

“I’d love to move in with you,” I finally said.

“Oh great,” she said suddenly giving me a hug that I thought my bones would snap, “I always want to have a roommate. We’ll have fun, you and I. Oh, we’ll move all your stuff out though. I’m not sure if you can help move anything other than a box or two as a pony though. Oh, wait a minute. You’re a unicorn. See, I learned something from you talking to me about ponies. So, can’t you do that teleprompt… telephone…”

“Telekinesis,” I corrected her.

“Yeah, that magic where ponies can lift things. Can you do that?”

“I’m not sure. I mean I’ve been a pony for just a few short hours. Most unicorns in the show have been practicing magic since they were foals.”

“Foals,” Michelle asked.

“Kids,” I said, “I think you still have a few things to learn about ponies.”

“Ok, well can you just humor me and try it?”

“I guess. What would you like me to try and move?”

“Um,” she said looking around the room for something suitable to practice on, “Oh how about that?”

I looked over where she pointed at. There next to the bookshelf was a Twilight Sparkle plush. It was odd how as a human it was such a small thing but now as a pony it was a third my size!

“Ok, I’ll try,” I said as I stood near it.

I tried to remember how magic worked in the show. It never really was explained how a unicorn could do it. They just did. I knew that it looked like it required concentration and energy, but beyond that this was going to be a bunch of guessing. I bent my head down, closed my eyes, and focused on the plush, imagining it floating in the air. I then felt my horn tingle as if it had electricity running through it. I opened my eyes and saw that the plush did…


I tried again, gritting my teeth and grunting as I tried forcing more energy out of my horn. It felt like I was trying to lift a car instead of a plush pony that weighed less than a pound. Finally I gave up and collapsed to the ground, panting heavily.

“Julie,” Michelle said as she got up from the couch where she watched my attempt at magic, ‘Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m just a little drained now. Sorry I couldn’t move the Twilight Plush.”

“That’s ok. I know you’ll get the hang of it. I’ll get some of my friends to help you move your stuff to my apartment and you can tell me where it all goes.”

“Thanks Michelle.”

“For what?”

“For all this. You know, for allowing me to move into your apartment and for being my friend.”

“Hey, what are friends for? Now let’s get breakfast. Are you ok with bagels, or Do I need to get grass from the lawn outside?”

“No,” I giggled, “Ponies can eat anything except meat. Oh boy, I’ve got a lot to teach you before I become your roommate!”