• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,444 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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The Grand Finale

The Grand Finale

The sun began to set outside Sarah’s house as we prepared to make the final leg of our journey to our destination. There was part of me that was sad that we had to leave Sarah, a girl who loved My Little Pony as much as I did and who helped us relax before our journey.

“You have to go now,” Sarah said looking like she was about to cry.

“Don’t cry Sarah,” Brush said, “We really like you and had lots of fun. But now we have to go back to our homes.”

“You won’t forget me, will you?”

“Never,” I said to her, “I will always remember how you helped us. Will you remember us?”

“I will,” she said with a smile, “But, will I ever see you again?”

“Maybe one day, but as long as you remember us we’ll be there in your mind and heart.”

With that Brush and I gave one last hug to Sarah. Then as we left out the backdoor we could see Sarah smiling at us through the window, waving goodbye and wishing us well. We left the safety of the garden and made our way along the alleyways towards our destination. It was only a short journey, but one that was probably the hardest one to make. As I walked with Brush Stroke, my mind played the events of how I went from being a human to a pony. Now Brush and I would be leaving Earth for good, abandoning humanity as we crossed over to Equestria. It wasn’t the human comforts or the technology that kept me bound to Earth. It was Michelle, my dearest friend, who was always there for me that I would be leaving behind. I could see that Brush thought about the same thing with leaving his brother Dan behind.

The two of us knew that there was no other choice. Earth was not meant for cartoon ponies to live in except for on TV. We could live in an apartment, but that would be just another cage like the one the man with the van put us in, afraid to leave it as someone might find us and wish to capture us or worse. We were tired of running and tired of hiding. We wanted to be free where we could be accepted. Traveling to Equestria was the only answer.

We got to the park as the sky grew dark and the full moon shown overhead. Everyone who enjoyed the park now left, the metal gate over the entrances to the parking lot signaling that the park was now closed. We ducked under the gate and crossed the asphalt lot, getting closer to the park. All the while I was on the lookout for Michelle and Dan to be there, but at that moment they did not show up. We passed by the playground, once a rainbow of colors but now looking like a strange castle of metal and plastic in the moonlight and devoid of the laughter of children who played there. Up ahead we saw the clearing, the place where we would make our escape to Equestria.

“We made it,” I said.

“Yeah, we did,” Brush Stroke replied as he gave me a hug.

“I hope that Michelle and Dan see us off.”

“Don’t worry. I think they will. So did Luna tell you when she’s supposed to beam us to Equestria?”

“I don’t know, but I hope soon.”

“You two are not going anywhere,” an all too familiar voice suddenly said making us turn around.

There standing in the moonlight like the monster in my dream, was the man with the white van.

“Do you realize how much trouble you’ve caused,” the man said as he approached us, “I spent hours trying to find you two in the city after your little stunt putting me asleep. Well, now you’ll be mine again, and this time I’ll make sure that you two can never get out!”

The man then brought out his tranquilizer gun and fired at us as we dashed out of the way.

“Split up and hide,” Brush said as we went our different ways.

I galloped with all my might as I felt something whiz past me, another one of the man’s darts. I needed somewhere I could be safe but still be close to the big clearing in the park in case the portal opened up. The open area provided no cover except for a tree or two, so I had to backtrack to the playground. I climbed up the chain link drawbridge, worried that with each creak and squeak I’d be discovered. Finally I made it to the top where a turret was, overlooking the field.

For a moment I thought I was safe, that Brush and were well-hidden from the man and all we needed to do was wait for Michelle and Dan to arrive and the portal to open. But then I felt a gloved hand around my neck. I struggled to break free as I was lifted into the air, but the hand closed tighter. I began to choke, unable to fight with my magic or even move. I knew that the man had me.

“Alright now,” the man said loudly as he walked back to the clearing with me in his grasp, “I know you’re out there. I have you precious pony friend with me. If you surrender I’ll make sure you’re put into a good home like the pets that you are. If you don’t, I’ll snap this filly’s neck like a pencil and then I’ll come for you.”

As if to illustrate the point he squeezed my neck, making me cry out in pain.

“So, what’s it going to be,” the man said mockingly.

“Leave her alone,” I heard Brush say as he came out of the darkness.

“No Brush,” I choked out, “Run! Run away from here!”

“No Quill, we’re in this together. Besides I love you, remember?”

“I love you too Brush,” I said as I began to cry at the fact that he was about to sacrifice his freedom for my safety.
“Awww isn’t that sweet,” the man said, “two ponies in love. Maybe I’ll sell you two together. Nah, I’m going to make sure to sell you as far away from each other as possible after all the trouble you’ve caused me. But don’t worry, you can say goodbye when you’re back at my house. Now then, let’s go.”

“No,” Brush Stroke said defiantly.

“No? Silly pony you realize I have this mare’s life in my hand?”

“Yeah, but I also realize something else. It’s time to take out the trash.”

I didn’t see it from where I was but when Brush revealed himself he brought along something nearby: a trash can. The man it seemed didn’t notice either until it was too late. Before he could react, Brush overturned the can, covering the man in garbage and causing him to drop me and the gun. I fell to the ground, choking as the air rushed back into my lungs. A purple ring around my neck marked what he did to me. Before the man could recover, Brush placed the can over the man’s head and arms. He tried walking but then tripped and fell, struggling to get up.

“Quill, are you ok,” Brush said running to my side.

“Yeah, I’m ok now that you’re here,” I said.

We gave each other a long passionate kiss, not wanting to be apart ever again. But then we turned and saw the man covered in garbage and free of his trash can prison, holding the gun and determined that this time he would not miss. Before we could react, the sky brightened up behind us like someone lit up a thousand lanterns, causing the man to stumble backwards and fall, blinded by the light. We turned to see the source of the light and noticed an oval shaped portal, like someone tore a hole in the clearing. There we could the shadow of a pony step out of the portal, walking towards us. As her figure became clear we could see it was none other than Twilight Sparkle who came to our aid.

“Are you two ok?”

“Yes,” we said in unison.

“Who gave you that bruise,” Twilight said sternly pointing at my neck.

“That man,” I said coldly pointing at the man who desperately felt around the grass for his gun, still blinded by the blast of light.

“Step aside my little ponies,” Twilight said to us as her face furrowed into a look of anger at the man that caused us so much trouble.

We parted as Twilight walked towards the man, not once looking at us as she did. The man saw the purple princess approaching and felt the power around her that crackled like lightning. In a last ditch attempt he reached for the gun but Twilight immediately seized it with her magic and crushed it in front of him like it was made of glass.

“So, you are the one who Princess Luna told me about who is hurting these ponies?”

The man said nothing, whimpering like a puppy, but Twilight didn’t need a response to tell the guilty party. The princess grabbed the man by the collar of his uniform and pulled him close to her face.

“Now listen very closely because I’m only going to say this once. You will not hurt anypony or try to capture them ever again, nor will you try to do the same to any living thing, understand? If I find that you’re doing this again, I will turn you into a bug and crush you with my hoof. You got it?”

The man could only let out a squeak as for the first time I think in his life he saw fear.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Twilight said as she let go of the man forcefully, causing him to fall on his back, “Now leave before I change my mind to let you go!”

The man quickly got up and ran screaming out of the park and back to his truck, his power gone for good.

“Well you two,” Twilight said returning to her calm demeanor, “I have heard from you two that you had quite an adventure. I’m Twilight Sparkle by the way, but you already know that it seems. I’d be interested to hear about your adventures later on and I think Princess Celestia and Luna would want to as well. But for now we must get you to Canterlot where you’ll be safe.”

Before we could go through the portal, we heard our human names being called. Then we could see Michelle and Dan running towards us. Twilight tensed up, fearing that there were others looking to do harm to us, as her horn started to glow.

“Don’t worry Twilight,” Brush said, “Dan is my brother and Michelle’s Quill’s friend.”

Twilight relaxed and stood by as Dan and Michelle met us.

“Julie, your neck,” Michelle said, “What happened to you?”

“That guy in the van came again but don’t worry. He won’t be hurting anyone ever again. Oh and Michelle and Dan, this is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Hello,” the two said nervously at seeing a pony who up until that point only existed on TV.

“So I guess this is it,” Brush Stroke said to Dan.

“Yeah, I’m going to miss you bro, but I know you’ll be in a better place.”

“I’m going to miss you too, Julie, I mean Quill,” Michelle, “Here take this.”

Michelle then took off her necklace and put it around my neck.

“That’s so you’ll remember me by,” she said as she gave me a hug.

“I’ll never forget you,” I said to her, “and I promise that I’ll try to write to you if I can. Let me give you a piece of me. Twilight, will you do the honors and snip a little of my mane off.”

“Sure,” Twilight said before turning to Brush, “Would you like your brother to have a piece too?”

“Yes,” Brush said.

Twilight’s horn glowed as what felt like a pair of magical scissors cut into our manes, removing a small piece. The Princess then floated them to the two best humans in our lives as they held them like they were priceless mementos.

“The portal will not stay open for long,” Twilight said, “We have to go.”

The two of us exchanged one final lasting hug with Dan and Michelle before we followed Twilight towards the portal.

“Are you ready to see your new home,” Twilight said with a smile.

“We’re ready,” we replied.

“Then follow me,” she said as she headed into the portal.

We followed her through as the world around us dissolved into a spiral of colors. We felt ourselves spinning, floating, and falling all at the same time. Finally we approached a white light and then landed suddenly on a hard surface. Opening our eyes we could tell we were in the castle in Canterlot.

“Yeah, I guess you weren’t prepared for that,” Twilight said as she picked us up on our hooves with her magic.

“So these are the ponies my sister has told me so much about,” a calm voice exclaimed.

We turned around to see none other than Princess Celestia and Luna standing there; looking more regal than even the show portrayed them. We quickly bowed at their presence.

“Rise you two,” she said with a nod, “There is no need for formalities like that.”

“You are the one from the dream,” Luna said to me, “The one called Quill Flourish?”

“Yes I am. And this is Brush Stroke. Thank you, all of you, so much for meeting me in my dream and helping us get here.”

“You are quite welcome. It is what my sister and I do, helping other ponies in need.”

“Well it seems that you two have quite a story to tell,” Princess Celestia said, “But perhaps it is best that you rest first from your journey before we speak. I have arranged two private rooms for you to stay in.”

“Um… Princess,” I said, “we actually prefer one, if you don’t mind.”

“I see,” the princess said smiling seeing the love in mine and Brush Stroke’s eyes for each other, “Very well then, one room. When you are rested, feel free to speak with Twilight, Luna, and myself. We have much to discuss getting you two acclimated to life in Equestria.”

Princess Celestia then summoned a guard to direct us to our room. It was the most magnificent bedroom you could ever imagine with marble floors, big windows overlooking the city, and the biggest most comfortable bed I’ve ever slept in. After taking a well-deserved bath, Brush and I settled into bed for a long peaceful sleep. As I lay there next to the love of my life, watching him sleep, I knew for sure that I was home, and this new life of ours would be wonderful from that point on.

Author's Note:

Well, there is one more chapter to go before i can put this story to rest.