• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 3,047 Views, 238 Comments

The Do Dilemma - Metool Bard

What happens when you take a literary character and make her real? Hijinks, that's what.

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Winning Isn't Everything

Chapter 17:
Winning Isn't Everything

"For pony's sake, how long does that bumbling impostor intend to keep us flying?!"

Rainbow Dash didn't show it, but she shared Daring Do's frustration. There seemed to be no end in sight as they continued to chase Lightning Dust and Gilda through the Canterlot Caves. She still had plenty of stamina left to be sure, but she knew that even she couldn't keep flying like this forever. Nopony could.

"We just have to keep at it!" she hollered back. "I don't believe in giving up without giving my all!"

"Same here, but it doesn't ease the frustration any!" Daring called out, straining her voice to account for the high velocity they were traveling at.

"Heh, I'm right there with you, sister," Rainbow said half to herself.

For a few more minutes, they continued the pursuit. Suddenly, Daring noticed something odd.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" she yelled. "It's been awhile since we ran into any deathtraps, hasn't it?!"

Rainbow pondered for a moment and found herself in agreement. "Yeah, you're right!" said she. "You think it means we're getting close to the end?!"

"I sure hope so!" Daring answered.

"Then we need to step up our game! Lightning and Gilda are still way ahead!"

The two pegasi increased their acceleration. Soon enough, they were right behind the hypnotized rivals. Inch by inch, the closed the gap. They were almost neck-and-neck, when...

"Mwuah ha ha ha ha ha ha! You fell right into my trap!"

Ahuizotl's voice echoed throughout the caverns. Rainbow and Daring both stopped in their tracks and looked around, confused as to what the faker was talking about. They then heard a curious sound from up ahead.

"Any idea what that was?" asked Rainbow, sounding a tad worried.

Daring shrugged. "Only one way to find out," she said.

Rainbow gulped and nodded, flying off ahead while Daring quickly followed.


It didn't take them long to find what made the sound. They reached a large underground chamber illuminated by a caldron of sinister green fire in the center. But that wasn't what got Rainbow's attention. She put her hooves to her mouth and gasped as she saw Lightning Dust and Gilda, still under the changeling's spell. Their limbs were tied to a large, unfurled net that was hanging precariously over the caldron. The crystals in the room glistened, revealing a less-than-happy faux Ahuizotl.

"No no no no NO!" the impostor whined, jumping up and down like a foal throwing a temper tantrum. "You were supposed to win the race! Why didn't you win, Rainbow Dash?! You hate losing, don't you?!"

Rainbow looked up at the hypnotized minions, then at the caldron, and then back at the crystals. "Y'know, considering that this was going to be my prize, I'm actually okay with not winning this one," she said.

"Plus, you're not even trying anymore," added Daring. "How the hay do you know about Rainbow Dash?"

"I-I just do, okay?!" snapped 'Ahuizotl'.

"Uh huh," said Daring, folding her forelegs. "Look, just drop the act before I actually have to pity you, alright? We already know that you're a changeling."

"W-well of course you'd think that!" said 'Ahuizotl' with a complacent sneer. "But oh, how wrong you are, Ms. Do. For you see..."

The faux ape snapped his fingers, and became cloaked in green fire. When the fire subsided, Ahuizotl was gone. In his stead was a large lion-like creature with a mane of jade and no nose.

"I am actually the pharaoh's trusted sphinx, guardian of his precious toothbrush!" the creature proclaimed.

Daring raised an eyebrow. "Okay, several problems with this. One, after I got the toothbrush, that particular sphinx didn't have a bone to pick with me anymore. Two, even if she did, she can't leave the pharaoh's tomb. It's forbidden by sphinx law. Three, sphinxes only talk in riddles, unless they are saying 'yes' or 'no.'"

"Um, oh," said the shape-shifting villain, feeling quite embarrassed. "Well, then..."

The green flame reappeared, and a pegasus with a crimson coat appeared.

"I am the Crimson Baroness, Mistress of the Skies!" the creature proclaimed.

Rainbow took her copy of Daring Do and the Treasure of Das Reingold from her saddlebag and flipped through the pages. "Alright, quick question. If you're the Crimson Baroness, how are you in two places at once?" she asked.

The impostor growled in aggravation and turned back into Ahuizotl. "Listen, can't you just pretend that you don't know what I am yet?! There was supposed to be a dramatic reveal and everything!"

"So, in essence, you want us to turn off our brains just so that you can be all 'dramatic,'" said Daring flatly. "Yeah, not gonna happen, Mr. Changeling." Her expression then became contemplative. "Or is it Miss?"

"Don't ask me," said Rainbow with a shrug. "I only know the basic stuff about changelings, like how they can change shape and how they feed off of love. The only changeling with a gender I know of is the queen. Otherwise, they all kinda look the same."

"So they're kinda like bees."

"Except more annoying and dangerous."

Daring stroked her chin with her hoof. "Well, that's another problem. If what you say is true, where's the rest of the hive?"

"Heck if I know," said Rainbow. "I don't even know why they'd want to erase you."

"Hey, don't ignore me!" 'Ahuizotl' bellowed. "You always ignore me, Ms. Do!"

"Now, that's not fair," said Daring in a very matter-of-fact tone. "I don't ignore Ahui. I taunt him and try to get him riled up. There's a difference."

"Y-you know what I mean!" the false ape sputtered.

"Um, no. No, I really don't," said Daring.

'Ahuizotl' growled. "Alright, now you've done it!"

He then used the hand on his tail to pull a lever behind him. There was a creaking sound as Lightning Dust and Gilda were slowly lowered into the caldron.

"You wouldn't possibly let them die, would you?" the impostor said slyly. "But oh, that's right. If you do, you'll waste some precious sands in your hourglass. Oh, what's a mare to do?"

Rainbow scowled. "If you think that's gonna work, you're wrong," she said defiantly. "Daring and I can have those two out in nothing flat."

"Care to put your false bravado where your mouth is, Rainbow Dash?" 'Ahuizotl' gloated. "Those cords aren't clouds. You can't just kick them away. Admit it, you fool! Whether you choose to save them or not, I win! Muwah ha ha— hey!"

The faker's image was suddenly shoved to the side, and a familiar purple unicorn appeared.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," said Daring with a smirk.

"Same to you," said Twilight with a smile of her own. "Are you alright?"

"Just one last loose end to tie up, and we're good," said Rainbow.

"Th-this is a private call!" shouted 'Ahuizotl'. "Y-you shouldn't be here! H-how did you even...?!"

"I've been studying a lot of spells lately," Twilight said simply. "Including this modification of Rarity's jewel-finding spell."

Her horn then pulsed with magenta energy, and several crystals lit up.

"Follow the glowing crystals," she told Rainbow and Daring. "It'll lead you guys to me. I found a way out."

"Good going," said Daring with a tip of her hat. "Alright, I think we've wasted enough time here. Let's go!"

Rainbow nodded and flew up into the air alongside the literary heroine. With masterful precision, they cut and sliced the binds holding Lightning Dust and Gilda. They then scooped up the entranced rivals and flew off into the caves.

"CURSE YOU, DARING DO!" wailed 'Ahuizotl', his cries of defeat resonating throughout the caves.

"At least the faker got that part right," said Daring, rolling her eyes as she struggled to keep up with Rainbow. "Sheesh, griffons are heavy..."