• Published 5th Feb 2013
  • 3,682 Views, 203 Comments

Revelations: The Dark Void - GhostofSandwich

Twilight, having entered a coma, faces the fear that when she wakes, her friends won't be there for her when she wakes.

  • ...

A Future Uncertain

The fog around Twilight slowly turned from the memory of Mystia back to normal fog. As it transformed, Twilight couldn't help but feel the tears dripping from her eyes brought upon by seeing what Mystia had gone through. Wiping the tears away, she continued her way through the deep fog. Each step reminded her of the pain in her chest, but she continued to push on.

Not for her, but for Mystia. The whole coming here was never for Twilight... No, she had felt sorry for Mystia, so she decided that no matter what happened, she would make it through and find the mare and bring her back. She deserved at least that granted the life she had. Of course, when she had read the book she never could have imagined how she had became Celestia's student. Somehow, knowing this, she felt she had connected to Mystia more than she ever though possible.

She didn't know if it was the Dark Void, or just Mystia's magic, but while she watched that scene... She felt as if she had Mystia's feelings; felt everything, thought everything she thought. She also sensed the great love between her and Celestia...There was a unbreakable bond between the two, the likes of which that even put the one between Twilight and Celestia to shame.

So she ignored any and all pain on her body to help connect Mystia and her beloved mentor once again. There was also a need to survive, just to see her friends and Spike again. The thought had not once crossed her mind about what going into a coma would do to her friends, as she had only been thinking about Mystia in this dark place when she did it. Now, she just hoped that they would forgive her when she managed to escape.

She winced in pain as she yawned, the force on her chest causing her vision to go black for a moment. Afraid to take a breath due to the pain, she simply stopped and quit breathing for a moment. Unfortunately, that also hurt. She didn't know what the Dark Void had in store for her now, but if it even had the slightest of painkillers, she would take it.

She continued along in the same direction, eventually coming out of the fog into another black area of nothingness. She jumped into the air a little as her hoof squished in something below her. Looking down, she saw a large puddle of blood. I looked like it had been there for ages, yet it still felt fresh, albeit extremely cold. She gasped as it grew around her, the edges flowing as if trying to take over the entirety of the dark void.

Slowly, the crimson liquid started flying into the air, forming a large circular formation about thirty feet above her. She found herself wondering what was going on as it violently crashed down on her, smashing her against the ground with enough force to knock the breath out of her and force her broken ribs to snap even more. She tried to scream in pain, but found that she was suspended in a lake of blood, which she quickly -albeit painfully- swam to the surface of.

Gasping for breath, she continued to wade in the sea of crimson before her. The thickness of the lake was terrible, Twilight barely able to keep herself afloat. Her stomach began to feel queasy as she spit a small amount of the liquid from her mouth, bile threatening to be the next thing out. She looked around as the sky began to slowly turn a light blue, complete with clouds spotted in the beautiful blue.

The world around her began to warp into place around her, a beach forming along the edges of the sea around her, hills beyond that. Much to her immediate relief, the sea of blood transformed to a shimmering blue lake, the water a perfect temperature. She continued to wade in it as the sounds of birds around her began to fill her ears, the happy sounds making her smile. Even though she knew it was but an illusion, she felt content in knowing that she was safe for just a little while.

"Pinkie Pie, would you slow down! Honestly, darling..." Twilight turned and smiled extremely widely as she heard the voice of Rarity. The smile only grew larger as Pinkie hopped happily over a nearby hill, all of her friends in tow. With extreme relief that she could talk to them, even if it was a manifestation of her mind, she swam happily to the shore and awaited her friends. Her smile turned to a frown of disappointment as her friends all began to set up around her, not even acknowledging her.

"Can you see me; hear me?" She sighed and held her side, which was beginning to hurt and drip blood once more. She found herself pouting softy at she scene before her, as her friends all enjoyed themselves as if she had never existed.

"Hey, Rarity. Wasn't Spike behind you?"

"Yes, he must have gotten lost... Spikey!"

"I'm here!" Twilight looked down underneath herself, the small dragon standing inside of her. Even though she knew she was ethereal, it was still a odd sight. "Sorry, dropped something." He set a load of supplies next to him, which she could only assume was for a party.

"Ah, good. You've been such a help since Twilight..."

"DON'T... say her name." The dragon snapped, obviously angered at the mention of his former friends name.

"Sorry, Spike. You know it slips from time to time..."

"I know, it just pains me to hear her name, knowing I never had the chance to say goodbye..." The dragon looked as if he were about to cry for a moment, before perking up and putting a snorkel on. "Anyways, she's gone and she wouldn't want us to fret over it." Without admonishment, the dragon jumped into the lake, splashing Rarity with a load of water. Twilight found herself smiling at the sight of her friends enjoying themselves, even though she wasn't there with them...

We saw the truth behind everything... Immediately, we knew... This vision wasn't like the rest, it wasn't a 'what if' scenario... It was showing the future. Twilight frowned as the memory from the book washed over her mind... Could it be true? Was she truly to pass, her friends only knowing her as a memory...?

"Cannonball!" Twilight watched with sorrow as Pinkie jumped into the lake in the form of a ball.

"Hey, girls!" Twilight stiffened as she heard the familiar voice she had recently come accustomed with... "Celestia let me leave early. Hope you don't mind if I join you?" Tears began to fall steadily from Twilight's eyes as the mare walked through her. But for the first time, not tears of sadness or pain...

"Hey, Mystia! Glad you made it."

Twilight smiled as tears of joy fell from her eyes.

Author's Note:

Due to me having slight trouble with writers block on this particular story, I'm sorry to say that it is not going to go on as long as expected. I simply can't think of much more to do other than do back stories, which would eventually get old. That being said, the sequel is still planned. This, however, will be ending... Well, I don't want to say soon, but it is closer than expected.

If this changes, I will inform everyone. Thanks for reading!