• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 2,734 Views, 164 Comments

Grounds for the Dead: A L4D2 Story - SCP Pinkamena

When the life you know was blown away, how will you cope waking in another?

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Meeting the Ponies

Grounds For The Dead: Chapter Two

The eight Infected wandered their way through the forest, Hunter noticed something move in the trees and leaped up to grab it. While the others thought he was going after a squirrel, what came out of the trees instead were three little fillies. One yellow, one white, one orange.

"AHHH!" They all screamed as the fell one by one on the ground. The group of eight could see stars coming from their heads as they were dazed. All three shook their heads and when they looked up to see Jockey's eternal smile. For whatever reason, it scared them the way how he smiled, and what scared them even more was his insane laughing. He waved at them very frantically like he was waving a burn away on his han- er hoof. The three fillies smiled nervously and waved back. Jockey opened his mouth to say something but was cut of from Charger.

"Look at what you're doing! You're scaring them to death you stupid ingrate!" Charger said smashing Jockey down to the ground. While Jockey felt the pain, he laughed none the less.

"Hehehe...Sorry hehehehehe..." He said while still laughing as if he heard the most funniest joke in the world. Charger only groaned and grabbed Jockey and flung him the back of the group. He turned to the three shaking fillies, and did a slight bow.

"I apologize if Jockey scared any of you, he's just... excitable," Charger said the three fillies on the ground. They were scared of this 'Jockey' pony, but now looking at this pony seeing his massive left forearm that he used to crush and throw Jockey with was now the most terrifying thing they've ever seen. They all had the look in their eyes, one the Smoker saw.


"Wait, Charger move," Smoker told him as he turned with a snarling look on his face. Smoker knowing he had no chance against Charger still held his ground. "Please?" He added after their intense staring competition. Charger looked at him and back at the fillies. With a heavy sigh he moved out of the way and Smoker nodded in thanks.

"Look, Charger's right. Jockey here is just excitable. He wouldn't hurt a fl- he wouldn't crush a an an-..." Smoker trailed off at that moment because what he was saying wasn't really true. They all hurt, hell they killed stuff that wasn't them. He looked at the rest of group from some kind of support until he heard one of the fillies call out.

"Holy sweet Celestia! What happened to your wings?!" The orange filly yelled and made her way to Witch. Even Tank's eyes grew wide as the other seven stepped in-front of her, effectively cutting her off. She stopped at the sight of them all shaking their heads at her telling her not get closer.

"And why shouldn't I? Look at her! We need to get her to a hospital!" She screamed in protest and charged through them all. Due to her small build and size, she was easily able to get through them. Witch was a lonely soul, and she liked it that way. She does not like loud sounds, nor does she like being touched by anything, and on that day all three rules were broken.

Witch looked up from her sitting position taking a gasp of air. She saw the little filly with wings, and she looked back at her own. Unlike the fillies her wings were six long appendages, three on each side. On the end of each one, it went from red to bone white and unlike the orange filly and Hunter her's didn't fold. Witch could control each individual appendage, she moved each one like how a person would tap the fingers on a table. She since stopped sobbing but a new sound came out of her mouth.

"W-wings..." She said. Everyone stopped and looked at Witch. She spoke! It was like watching a new born say its first word. Her voice was silky smooth, and her tone was soft. Her eyes were once again glowing, but with a softer hue yellow-green that the deadly orange-red. Looking at the filly with a smile, she stood up and slowly made her way to filly.

"I'm...Witch..." She said, each words hesitant and her voice was just above a whisper. The filly smiled softly and extended her hoof to her.

"My names' Scootaloo," Scootaloo said as Witch put her hoof in hers. Witch for some reason, felt something she had never felt before and Smoker saw it her eyes as well as everyone else.


Witch felt joy for once in her cold, miserable life. The spark in her heart went to her throat and out of her throat came a scream. Everyone besides Tank and Charger put their hooves up to their ears in attempt to block her screaming. She stopped almost as fast she started and began laughing, not Jockey's insane laugh, but a laugh of happiness. Hunter looked down from the tree the three fillies were in and smiled to himself.

"Well," Smoker interrupted. "we know your name, but you two?" He asked the two remaining fillies.

"Ahm Applebloom!"

"I'm Sweetie Belle!"

"And together we're..." They began and took a deep breath.

"The Cutie-Mark Crusaders!!!" They screamed in unison. The seven ponies expected Witch to be on them in an instant instead they found her clapping her hooves together like a little child. They all sighed a breath a relief... except Smoker he coughed.

"Tell us little ponies, where is town?" Tank asked. Even though he had butchered speech, they still understood what he meant. They pointed in the direction of the town and they eventually followed them and what they saw was...

Nothing more than a small town. Once again a sigh of relief.

"Whut? Were you expecting some run down town were the dead walk the earth?" Applebloom asked and that caused all eight to look away very quickly. She looked at them and then fell on the ground laughing her head off. Pretty soon Boomer began laugh, then Spitter then soon the group of eleven started laughing, only to be broken by Smoker coughing.

"OK, now that that's over, what is this place?" Spitter asked.

"This is Ponyville! Where did you guy's live before?" She asked them. They were hesitant, until Tank came out and towered over them.

"Not important..." He said as he stepped over them. He stopped for a minute and looked around before turning back around.

"Where we going?" Tank asked as the Crusaders took lead and showed them around town.