• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 4,646 Views, 133 Comments

"Where Will I Go?" - gordobraveheart

  • ...

-Seeking Shelter.

Monster...I was called a monster.

Well, in their defense, I was a stranger that does not look like one of them. Nonetheless, being called a monster actually hurt me a bit. I mean, I didn’t want to freak them out, hell, I didn’t even know that they were horses...

Ha, there’s no freaking way that they were little horses. This is just my imagination, playing some tricks on me. Waking up in a cartoonish looking world, running without fatigue and talking, colorful horses? Heh, I guess I went into a little coma-

Wait. Am I in a coma?

I stop running and look back, satisfied that I was far away from the orchards than I was before. At least the figment of my imagination’s creation didn’t follow me. Those little horses seemed a little too scared to chase after the ‘monster.’ Hopefully these, I guess kids, live by the ‘stranger danger rule’.

I look around at where I stopped, and noticed a small town in the distance, not that far away from me. I could go there, and hope that somebody knows me, where I live and such. But..If there is a slight possibility that those little horses I saw were real, then could that possibly mean that there are more?

Curiosity got the best of me as I walk a little closer to the town. I looked at some of the buildings as I walked closer, and, unsurprisingly, they too look like they were drawn into reality, just with bright colors and darker outlines. Before I even got close to the entrance, I noticed a small little cottage in the outskirts of this small town. Behind it, was a large forest, with a small sign that I couldn’t much see the name from this far of a distance.

Now, I had two options, and both were a little risky. I could enter this small town, and, just like those small horses...they could also be afraid of me. Now, if I went to the cottage, I could ask whoever is there for help. But, that person...yes, person, could think I’m trying to rob them...

Nodding my head, I decided to walk towards the cottage, feeling myself getting farther away from the town an the apple orchards. As I walk closer to this cottage, I noticed the odd number of bird houses hanging around in branches. Coming to mind, the cottage itself looks like it was built inside of a large tree trunk, though I believe that is unlikely.

The dirt path was curved awkwardly, like a large squiggly line, leading up to the cottage that, upon further inspection, appeared to be on top of a small hill. It boggles my mind actually, but hey, if certain tribes can actually build large tree houses on pencil-thin logs, then I shouldn't be able to question this logic.

Even if it appears as if I’m in a realistic cartoon.

Anyways, I am at the front of the door, and just as I was about to knock on it, I hear a click, see the door knob turn, and noticed the door fully opened right before my eyes. Now, I was expecting somebody, even one of those talking horses, but instead, I am introduced to nothing.

At first.

“Uh...hello?” I say, peeking my head into the door. Again, I noticed more birdhouses, a couple of bowls, a couch, wooden stairs, like, actually built from the wood itself, and other regular house accessories. It wasn’t long until I heard a gruff cough, coming from the ground. I look down, and began to question my sanity a bit.

A fluffy tale, long ears, big feet, whiskers, and large black eyes. I was staring at a bunny. This one looks...I’ve said it too much. Anyways, it looks like that it has emotions, because as soon as I looked into his eyes, I could see...fear and...Bravery? If, that is an emotion.

And then he, at least, I think it’s a he, proceeded to throw stuff at me. He threw pots, dirt, a carrot, another carrot. He was about to throw one more, took a bite out of it, and then threw it at me. That bunny must have had some terrible aiming, because I was point blank from all the objects he threw, and I didn’t feel anything. I guess I didn’t need to close my eyes.

“Angel? Is somepony at the door?

Then, I heard a voice. She sounded very timid, a very quiet person. She sounded a little older than those imaginary talking horses I saw, sixteen to twenty at the most.

“Somepony?” I ignored what I heard, thinking it was also just my imagination. “Yes, I was hoping that you could have a telephone I could use? I would want to call somebody I...”

That’s when I choked a bit. Did...did I even know anybody here, or at least in a different part of this state? I thought for awhile, but nobody came to mind. Not even my mother or father...

Swallowing the bit of panic I had in my voice, I spoke again. “You know what? Could you just point me to the closest motel? I need a place to sleep, and I-”

Without realizing, I entered the women’s house. I noticed it only because that bunny, “Angel”, if I remember correctly, started to back away in fear. I looked down at him, doing my best to calm him down. He looked like he was about to have a stroke, so I knelt down to try to calm him.

“Hey, hey, hey,” I said, whispering loudly. “I didn’t mean to enter your home uninvited. I just want to talk to your owner real quick.”

And just like that, his fear turned into curiosity, to shock, and finally, anger. He started to thump his foot loudly, and he dashed right pass me. I was actually a little scared. Sure, he’s a small critter, but he can understand what I’m saying, and he has clear emotions. I just hope his owner throws a little fit.

I follow his little footsteps, and I soon enter a small kitchen. Come to think of it, my head nearly touches the ceiling. Either I got taller, or this is an overgrown dollhouse.

I look around for the bunny. “Excuse me, but I’m looking for some help-”

Then I saw her. Or, more specifically, it. It was yet again another little horse, but this one looked bigger than the three I saw before.

And she was flying.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I could even see the fine detail of her wings, how large they are and the color of her coat and...mane? Yes, I think that’s the name of hair for horses. She has a buttery yellow coat color, and her mane and tail are a light shade of pink, long enough to pass by her yellow hooves. Her eyes were very large, about the size of dinner plates:Literally. They're an aqua blue color, and I could see her pupils were very large. Her face was a bit rounded, looking nothing like a real horse.

She was cleaning some dishes with her...hooves. I...I don’t even know how that works.

“Is something wrong, Angel?” She said, looking behind her at the bunny. Angel was stomping his feet loudly, and pointed towards me. The yellow pony looked towards me, and I could only stare in shock. But that wasn’t the only problem.

“Um...Angel. I don’t see anything.”

Both my heart and the expression of the little bunny dropped. What did she mean by nothing was there? I’m right here for gods sake!

Angel seemed like he took it harder than I did. He hopped up to me, stared at me, then tried to kick me. Again, little guy probably has bad aiming, because I didn’t feel anything. He was shocked, and then, he whistled. How that’s even possible is beyond me, but I guess my imagination is into some crazy stuff.

Then, at least twenty kinds of animals came behind Angel. Cats, Birds, hell, even a freaking bear. And that bear looked more scared of me than I am of him. That’s when the yellow horse spoke.

“Oh my...Um, is everything okay, Angel? I remember feeding you all...seconds maybe?”

Wow. The yellow pony seems completely clueless to my presence. Except for the animals, she’s the only one that doesn’t even seem threatened.

“Oh, it’s a little cold in here. Is anypony else cold?”

So she’s cold too...Strange, she has fur on her, she should be warmer than me! I walk closer to the pony, trying to get her attention. “Excuse me, but I think I’m lost. Very lost. So very lost. I know it may seem strange, bit can you-”

Then, all the animals in the room started to make a whole bunch of noise. The loudest was the bear, because when he roared, my ears began to ring. I heard buzzing, humming, stomping, growls, a whole bunch of animal noises. The little horse seemed more confused and afraid than I was.

“Please, calm down! Is there something wrong Angel? What’s wrong?”

I couldn’t handle it anymore, the noise was too much for me to handle. I ran outside of the cottage, hearing the door shut behind me even though I didn’t even close it. I looked around panicked, trying to find somewhere to wrap my head around this whole strange situation.

So many questions filled my skull so quick, I felt like I had millions of bells rapidly being struck into such a loud unrhythmically fashion. I needed to find peace, somewhere quiet so I could gather my thoughts and figure what the hell is going on.

My prayers were answered very soon, as I look behind the cottage to spot a large area of trees. Basicly a forest. I noticed that this talking horses’ back yard was filled with other animals, so I decided to go around the pen. Luckily, there was a fence, so they would not be able to attack me.

But that didn’t stop them from noticing me.

As soon as I began running, I could hear more humming, buzzing, growls, screeches, the flapping of wings, roars and more! I eventually reached the forest, and read a small sign I saw from before out loud.

“The Everfree Forest.”

Without a second thought, I ran head first into the sea of green, not looking back at the bizarre cottage filled with animals, and one herself owning them.

Before I entered, I could have sworn I heard three familiar voices, but I ignored them and entered the Everfree Forest.

At least here I can actually be able to collect my thoughts and collect any form of information I have of this...certain area of my imagination.

Author's Note:

BOOM! Here we go, it's getting real out here, and it's about to go down next part of this chapter!

Comment, tell me what you thought of this chapter, and any messes I need to fix just point them out.
