• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 133 Comments

"Where Will I Go?" - gordobraveheart

  • ...

2:(E)nter Equestria.

"What is he doing?!"

"Somebody Stop them!"

"The bus is going too fast!"

"Somebody, anybody, call a freaking ambulance!"


Instantly, I wake up from a terrible nightmare. I...can't remember much, but I believe I got hit by a bus. Wow, crazy dream. I'd be more comfortable if I wasn't sleeping outside. Wait, outside?

The wider my eyes get, I get blinded by the sun. Using my right hand to cover my face, I get up slowly by sitting up, using my left leg to get up, and lift my body. I rub my eyes, seeing a mixture of random colors. I open my eyes, and I couldn't believe where I was.

All around me, I could trees. Not just any trees, apple trees. Thing is, these trees looked, what's the word...cartoony. Come to think of it, the sky, the ground, nearby bushes, and even the clouds look like they were drawn! Yet, they all look so very real. I can see leaves swaying in the wind, the clouds moving slowly across the great blue sky, and the brightness of the sun shined down upon me. The strange thing is...I feel cold. Which isn't normal, because I'm standing outside, and the sun is just blasting this forest-like area of apple trees with sunshine.

But back to the matter at hands, why was I sleeping outside? Didn't I go home last night? Come to think of it, where did I go? Hopefully I wasn't out drinking, people would think I look ridiculous sleeping outside of a...farm, I think? Well, whatever, might as well find somebody to help me. Don't know where I'll be heading, might as well just fallow this dirt path until I find somebody.

Hopefully I find a person before I get hungry. These apples look good, but I don't want to take any...yet.

Every step I take, I feel as if I'm one hundred times lighter than I'm suppose to be. I feel like I've been walking down this dirt path for at least five minutes already, and I still haven't spotted a person. All I see is apple trees and the dirt road. While looking cartoony, everything here looks realistic! I'm sure I said it before, but I just can't ignore it. Was it ever this nice where I live? Where do I live...Hopefully not the city, this place seems so peaceful and happy. I like it.

As I walk down this dirty road, I spotted a big, red barn all the way at the end of this road. Satisfied that I found a barn, I quickened my pace. Hopefully there's a house nearby, or at least a farmer there. I'm sure he'll think I'm trespassing and kick me out, but it won't hurt to try, right?

I walk to the front of the barn, and to my surprise, the door was wide open! I looked all around if anybody was there, and couldn't find a soul. So, I decided to enter it, as any person would if they needed help. At least that's what I think. Anyways, I go inside, and all I see are the basic farm equipment. Pitchforks hanged on the wall, along with other tools, haystacks were neatly stacked on top of each other, and I could see animal's in there stalls.

These pigs, and chickens look...different. Just like the trees, the ground, the grass and the sky, they too looked cartoonish, yet very real. I could see a row of pigs eating in a trough, chickens pecking the ground eating some food, and I could see...a dog sleeping on a pile of hay. Think is, I think that dog is a girl, because I could see eyelashes curling out easily. Yet, she still looked like an animated dog.

I walk deeper into the barn, hoping that I could find a farmer. "Hello?" I say. My voice echoes around me as I walk deeper in the barn. The pigs looked up at me, then looked away. Guess I'm not a bother to them. Same thing with the chickens, they just looked up at me, and continued to peck the ground. "Is anybody there? I hope you don't think I'm a crazy or anything, but I woke up in your...Orchard? Yea, I woke up in your apple orchard somehow. I hope you don't mind if you can help me out somehow? Let me check my pockets, I think I have my wallet on-"

I stopped. Mainly for two reasons. One, I don't even remember owning a pocket, let alone if I have one on my right now. And two, I could here some growling. I turn around, and I could see that female dog growling at me, like she doesn't want me here. I raise my hands up in front of me, trying to calm down the angered dog. "E-easy now, girl. I'm just looking for the farmer. I don't want any-"

The next thing I know, she starts to bark at me, scaring me a bit. Eventually, the pigs and chickens start to make noise as well, causing a loud ruckus inside the barn. I tried to calm them down, but the more I talked, even if I moved, that dog would fallow my movements and bark even louder. I back away to the back of the barn, where another small door was let open.

"Who's in there!?" A gruff, booming voice yelled. Panicked, I ran out the door, to afraid to confront the farmer.

As I run deeper into the orchards, I could here the farmer call the dog, "Winona." I'll remember that. Hopefully, the next time I see her, she won't try to rip me to bits.

Interesting. I have been running for quite a while now, and I don't feel tired. Not even sweating. Maybe it's because I'm fast? No, that's not it...It could be possible that the weather is actually colder than it looks, which would explain why I feel cold. I should stop running, I think I'm out of the apple orchards already.

Looking around, I noticed that there are fewer apple trees around the area I am currently standing on. At first, this area looked lonesome, like barely anyone or anything come here. It's sad...

Anyway, I was going to some small town I spotted in the distance, but I noticed a big tree, firmly rooted to the ground. The soon started to bother me, so I might as well get some shade. To be honest, the heat from the sun, which I am suppose to feel, isn't bothering me, it's the light.

As I step closer to the large tree, I could see some large structure placed on the branches, which was covered by the leaves. The closer I got, I could see a window, a ladder, and a door. I gotta admit, for a tree house, it's pretty well built. Still, it looks so much like a cartoon come to life, but a lot more realistic. Ha, architectures nowadays.

"Alright, we tried rope climbing, pet sitting, dragon training, and nothing worked!"

"Cheer up! Maybe we can get them in ghost hunting?"

"There ain't no such things as ghosts!"

As I approach the tree house, I suddenly hear voices. They were young voices, maybe ten years old each. One sounded a bit high pitched, but sweet and innocent. The other had a more scratchy voice, but sounded more lively and daring. The final one had more of a country accent, but she spoke quite fluently, and sounded really smart.

"Maybe these girls can help me out somehow..." I whisper to myself. I thought about climbing up there, but then realized that I would look like a creep. So, I stepped back a couple of feet from the tree, and faced the door.

"Um, excuse me!" I say, cupping my hands and placing them around my mouth. "Do you girls know where I can find a phone-booth? Or, somebody that can help me home. I look down. "Where ever I live." Suddenly, all their talking stopped. I was afraid that I might have scared them, but then again, wouldn't any little girl be if you called for them, when they don't even know you? "I'm not gonna hurt anybody, I just need some directions. Or at least a map."

More silence. Thinking I scared them, I started to walk away, disappointed that I couldn't get any help. Just then, I heard the door creak, and I quickly turned around. I couldn't see them, but I could here there voices.

"What's a phone-booth?"

"What's a "somebody"?

"Who are you?"

Well...maybe they are a little too young, since they don't know what a phone-booth is. Though, what did she mean by, "What's a somebody?" Well, I ignored those flaws, and just decided to ask more questions.

"Tell ya what, I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours, okay?"

More silence. Then, I heard some loud whispering, and then an okay. These little ones seem friendly. I wonder if-

"My names Scootaloo!"

"And I'm Sweetie Belle!"

"And I'm Applebloom, and we're, the..."

This...is not normal. At all. I was expecting some energetic girls, but no, Instead, I get three little horses. All colored differently. I thought that this was a prank. That somebody was playing a joke on me. Yea, that's it, just a friendly joke. But no, these were actually technicolor little horses speaking.

I had no words. None at all, I was speechless, to say. Thing is...they weren't. I could see their eyes grow wide, see a horrified look on their faces. That's when I knew it would be a good idea to run.
