• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 4,647 Views, 133 Comments

"Where Will I Go?" - gordobraveheart

  • ...

-Cold Hearted.

Everything went dark. I could hear noises, muffled but understandable, some sounded like high pitched sirens, while others sounded like people screaming and yelling. I felt pain all over my body, and I found it very difficult to breath under the mass of pain I was enduring. I tried and tried to open my eyes, but whenever I opened them, I would see some form of light. Not knowing what it was, I closed my eyes tightly, afraid of what was behind said light. The more I would try to breath, I was stopped every time by shards of broken ribs puncturing not only my lungs, but I could also feel bone slightly rasping my heart. I knew it wasn't the best time to laugh, but I couldn't help it.

'How ironic,' I felt my lips moving into a crooked smile, despite the fact that my mouth was filled with blood. 'The thing that is suppose to protect my organs is slowly killing me...' It hurts when I would laugh, but it was worth it. Being able to laugh when I'm about to die proves that I am a strong person. Well, that, or it could mean I'm slightly insane. Ha-Ow!

Still, I could feel all of the warmth in my body slowly leave me, leaving me to feel nothing but the skin-shivering cold on both the inside of my body, and the temperature of this weather. I could feel my organs bleeding, all of them shutting down one by one until I could just feel my beating heart and my punctured, but still working lungs. The noise around me grew faint, and all I could hear, and feel, was my brain swelling up like a sponge. I could no longer move my legs, arms, toes, feet...nothing. Yet somehow, I could still feel pain.

I felt someone touch my chest with something cold, feeling it move on my skin smoothly. My groaning warned the person that I needed some form of medical attention. Medicine, casts, oxygen, anything to keep me alive. I wanted them to do something, but how could they? If they tried to carry me, I would feel everything in my body quiver in terrible pain. But if they don't do something, I would surely die on the street, or wherever the bus left me-

(A.N: This is where you lose your memories. Not your death...)

'Where-Where am I? What's going on-AUGH!!!'

I-I couldn't remember anything, just the final memory of me saving someone. I can't even remember what my mother and father looked like. I can't remember who I am, what I use to do and-and...Just who hell was I?

The pain, it's getting alot worse. I clench my teeth, tasting the blood in the back of my throat and feeling it seep through the tiny spaces between my teeth. I breathed heavily, making feel even more agony then what I was all ready going through. Who did I save from death? Why did I do it, what man? What was that little kid crying about? He didn't get hit by a damn bus!

...I have to calm down, I have know reason to be furious with someone who is not responsible for what just happened. I will not...leave on bad terms. My heart, I can feel it slowing down, at speeds it normally should not go. My eyes feel hot...Am I crying?

I guess I am. Shit, I really am going to die, huh? I don't know who I was, who I loved, loss, who my parents were. I don't even remember how old I am. All I remember is that I saved someone, and some kid kept talking about a man with scary eyes. Who is this man? The bus driver? Dam it! The more I try to think, it hurts. Was I going to have kids? Did I have a wife? Why did I sacrifice my life for somebody I didn't even know?! Damn it! The pain!

This is hell. Why am I still breathing, I should be dead! And why won't anybody help me...What did I do to deserve this?

The tears are flowing. I can feel them...I could also feel someone grabbing me. Not my hoodie or my shirt, but I feel like someone is trying to rip my soul out of my body. It-It doesn't hurt. It just feels cold.

Time feels like it's slowing down. I feel calm, even though I am seconds away from death. Though I do not remember who I was, or what was to become of me, I feel like I've done something good with my life. Saving one is a great example. I actually feel...happy, and I'm not sure why. I am no longer feeling the immense pain I was once in, like nothing ever happened. I slowly open my eyes, and I am bombarded with faces I don't even know. One man was talking to another, something about grabbing a bag. There was also this aged women, and she started to cry. I didn't like seeing that, so I tried to smile myself, but the tears in her eyes said otherwise.I believe she is the women I saved.

Then I heard crying. It was not loud, but I could still hear it from where it was coming from. I heard a child, most likely that boy I noticed before the crash. He said something about a man, the same man with "scary" eyes standing right above me. I looked with my eyes, moving them slowly. I still could not locate where he is...Maybe the kid saw a shadow?

Whatever it may be, I don't have to worry about it. Not where I'm going, hopefully.

I close my eyes and take one final deep breath. This time it didn't even hurt. At least I died smiling...

Suddenly, I felt myself being grabbed and pulled away. I didn't even go against it, I just went with it. I opened my eyes, looking around for who pulled me up. I turn around, and I see people crowding around one area, and the ambulance truck parked right next to a street light. I looked down the street, and my eyes went wide when I saw the front of the bus-it was not even dented! There was blood, a big stain of it splattered on the bus. I looked back to at the crowded area, gulping. Slowly, I walked closer and closer. I didn't have to ask them to leave- I just went right through them. I saw the boy and his mother, an old women crying, the paramedics...and me.

"My god..." I was disgusted at how my body was now formed. The bus hit hard enough to twist my legs, crack my skull open and mangle my arms. And I died smiling. I looked at up and saw that a paramedic was holding a big, grey plastic bag, most likely a body bag. One of the paramedics told the people to back away, said something about giving them room to place the body- my body - in the bag.I had to admit, even though this was my body, I was uncomfortable seeing my body being scraped off the street. I just stood next to my body, now on a stretcher, asking myself even more questions.

"Momma look! It's the man in the bag!"

Only to bee stopped by the child talking. I turned around, looking straight at the boy, who pointed at me. The mother held his hand while she was talking to a police officer. The child pointed at me, trying to get his mothers attention. "Momma look!" The mother had enough and picked him up, scolding him about point at strangers. Or in her case, thin air, since nobody here can see me. After she finished talking to the officer, the mother walked away with the kid in her arms. The young one waved his hand at me. "By mister!"

I smiled. I didn't know why. I also waved back at him. I turned back around, noticing that everybody was gone, and that I was left alone on the street. Which was strange, normally a street like this in the city would be busy, but I guess they have to close down the street. Nobody wants to see blood on the pavement.

" I see you are good with children."

That voice. It sounded old, very old. It was echoing through the street, loud enough to cause a riot to cease its behavior. Yet, it sounded friendly, like the person who was behind the voice wanted to talk. Just talk. I felt nervous to turn around, I was afraid of who it might be.

"Are you just going to stand there? It is too cold to be standing around in the middle of the street."

I turned around slowly. My heart, if it was still beating, would have jumped out of my chest, due to the reaction I did. He wore a long, black cloak, with his hood shadowing his face. He was holding some sort of tool, a blade curved to the sharpest tip, and the handle was as tall as him. When I saw him move his fingers, I saw nothing but bone.

Now, I would have been scared enough to turn around and run, but the longer I stood across from him, the more curious I grew, wanting to see who was behind the hood.

The street light flickered above him, and the light shined bright enough to light up the darkness in his hood. He had no skin. No lips, no nose, not even any ears. All I could see was the pale, dusted white color of a skull. His skull.

But what frightened me the most was his eyes-He did not have any. All I saw was pitch black darkness in his eye sockets. Now I know what that kid ment by "scary eyes".

"Who-who are you?" I was scared, so scared I could not move. He didn't talk back, he just stood his ground. So I asked again. "Who are you? Why...Why did I go through these people? I-I no I am dead but...What happened?"

This time, he moved closer to me. I started to feel cold, really cold. I still couldn't move, and by the time he got near me, I could see a bluish line come out of his mouth. I could not see his face, but...I think he is trying to tell me something. And he did.

"I am Death. The Grim Reaper. And you..."

He then grabbed me, pulling me closer to him. He began to whisper.

"Should not be dead."

Author's Note:

So...What do you guys and gals like about this so far?

(ponies coming soon)