• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 4,646 Views, 133 Comments

"Where Will I Go?" - gordobraveheart

  • ...

-The Older The Wiser.

I was completely, undeniably shocked. The last time I checked, only the children can see me, not the adults, and now the elderly are able to see me? Just what is going on here? I stared at the old pony, who in returned stared back.

“Ya know, it ain’t nice to stare, darlin’.” Granny Smith said. The girls laughed at my surprised look, and I reverted back to just a smile. Granny Smith walked up closer, squinting. “Well, he sure ain’t no pony, I’ll tell ya what.”

“I’m sorry, Granny Smith. It’s just that recently only children have been able to see me. The adults don’t see me for squat, yet you can? I just can’t comprehend that.” I say as I looked around the house, trying to not make eye contact with her.

“Awe, pish posh. Don’t you worry none about that sort of thing, sonny.” Granny Smith commented as she walked towards the front door. “Girls, how about ya’ll go play outside, Ah need to get the table set for dinner.”

“But Granny, it’s only four o’clock,” Apple Bloom whined. “And-”

“And, buts, none of that, little missy!” Granny Smith pushed all three of the C.M.C out the living room, leaving them on the porch, “Go on! Git.”

“But what about our friend?” I heard Sweetie Belle complain as she tried to enter the house. “He’s going to help us get our cutie marks!”

“Some other time, youngster. He’s gonna help me cook.” Granny said as she was shutting the door. Both the C.M.C and I spoke simultaneously.

“I am?”

“He is?”

“Of course he is! Everypony gots to help out somehow!” Granny Smith turned around to face me, smiling. “Right, boy?”

“Uh, yes ma'am.” I said, agreeing with the mare. “Sorry girls, I have to help with whatever Granny Smith needs. I’ll play with you all when I’m done, okay?”

“But-” Was all they could say before Granny shut the door on them. I had to admit, that was a little bit funny, but kinda cruel just shutting the door like that. Whatever Granny Smith needs, I doubt it’ll have anything to do with dinner.

“So, Granny, what is it that you need help with?” I asked politely, not wanting to sound rude in front of her. She seemed like the type that would smack my lip if I didn’t watch my attitude.

“Follow me, sweetie.” She began walking to the kitchen, walking towards the back door. I did not question it, and followed anyway. I closed the door behind me, making sure nopony else would enter the house, other than the front.

We walked away farther from the house and to another dirt path, with rows and rows of apple trees on both sides. Granny Smith was on my right side, and for an old mare, she walks pretty fast.

I can always enjoy the scenery around me. Everything about just seems so calm, so collect. It sorta makes me feel, alive, even though I know I already am. Though it is an expression commonly used, it just felt right saying it in my head. I mean, the sun is shining down brightly, and the wind is creating such a nice breeze, making the leaves in the trees sway beautifully. I wouldn’t mind living in the country, actually. Everything here just seems so great.

Then I realized that both the lime green colored pony and I were still walking through down the dirt path, with the sun being blocked out by the tall trees’ leaves. It only allowed sunlight that would pass by the gaps left but the leaves, but other than that I wasn’t really bothered by it.

We've been walking for what seemed like half an hour and I think it is about time I ask her where we were going.

“Granny Smith? Not to sound rude or anything, but we’ve been walking for quite a long time, mind telling me where we are going?” I asked politely, hoping she would respond back.

That’s when Granny stopped in front of an apple tree, looking at a big, juicy apple. “Ya see that apple there?” She said, pointing at it with a hoof, “That there, is a nice one, Ah tell ya.”

“Well, I’ll admit it is a pretty tasty looking apple, but what does that have to do with anything?” I asked, still staring at the apple, “Sorry if I sounded demanding or anything.”

Granny Smith turned away from the apple and looked at me, smiling. “Trust me, sonny. Anythin’ has to deal with everythin’.” I had a confused expression on my face, so Granny Smith explained more. “Ya see, we’re all put here fer a reason. What that reason is, we don’t know until it’s either too late, or until ya find that reason yerself. Ya know what Ah’m tryin’ to say, right?”

‘What in the heck are you talking about?’ is what I wanted to say, because I still had no idea what she was talking about. “I’m sorry, Granny Smith. What exactly are you trying to say?”

She sighed, disapprovingly. “Youngsters these days ain’t that bright.” She walked behind the apple tree, pulling out two chairs from behind the tree, and what appeared to be a scrap book. “Sit down, sonny, I gotta show you somethin’.”
I did what I was told, and sat right next to the old mare, who sat on her haunches on the chair. She held the book in her mouth mere seconds before she threw it my way. I barely had any reaction time, but I was able to catch the book before it was about to hit the dirt ground.

I held the book in my hand and read the front cover out loud. “Apple Family Photo Album?” I looked at Granny Smith with a puzzled expression. “Why do you have two chairs and a photo album here? Wouldn’t it be better to keep them in the house?”

She smiled at me, pointing a hoof at the book. “Just open the book! An’ Ah’ll tel ya why these here chairs and photo album are here later.”

I opened the book, and the first thing I was introduced to was a picture Apple Bloom, wearing her red bow as usual. However, in this picture she was just a baby.

“That there’s little Apple Bloom when she first got here bow, cute little feller ain’t she?” Granny Smith said as she pointed at the picture. “Yes sir, she was always a little more hyper than her big sister. A lot louder than Big Mac, actually. Why, he was the quietest one of them all, still is!”

“Wow Granny, you really do care for your children.” I say as I flip through some pages. I found some pictures of Applejack when she was but a baby too, and the same thing with Big Mac. I journeyed deeper into the photo album, finding pictures of other relatives and family portraits in the book. It wasn’t until I reached the end of the book where I found an older yet still younger Applejack and Big Mac. both looking between the ages from 5 to 8, while Granny Smith looked just a bit younger.

Applejack and Big Mac were in front of Granny Smith, who was behind them, smiling. However, there were two other ponies I have n’t seen on this farm, much like the other Apple family members.

On Granny Smith’s right side, there was a young mare, older looking than the Applejack now. She too had a mane and tail like Applejack, but they were the colors of a cherry red. Her coat was more of an autumn leave orange, while her eyes were a normal green. She wore a red bow on her head.

On the left side of Granny Smith, there was stallion that resembled Big Mac in almost every way. The mane and tail were brown, but darker and messy. His coat was a light brown color, while his eyes were the same color as Apple Bloom. He wore a Stetson hat and the same object around his neck just like Apple Bloom’s big brother.
However, I couldn’t find Apple Bloom in the picture.

They were standing behind a large tree, the only one in the picture. I pointed at the two ponies hoping to find out who they were from Granny Smith.

“Say, Granny Smith?”


“Who are these two ponies? I never saw them in the other family pictures; just this one.” I say as I pointed at the picture. I look at her for just a brief second, and I felt bad for ever asking the question.

“Those two...they were Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom’s parents.” I looked into her eyes, and all I could see was sadness. I felt immediately bad for ever asking, so I closed the book hoping that would help. “It’s okay, sonny. Ah’ve cried a bit in mah time, this ain’t a thing. That picture is the reason Ah’ve been meanin’ to talk to ya about,”

Granny Smith got up from the chair and placed it back behind the tree. I got up, and placed it there as well, as the same with the photo album. She began walking back the way where we first came from, and I followed. I walked by her on her right side, remaining silent.

“Ya see, them two were always happy. The happiest in Equestria, maybe. No matter how bad the weather got in the winter, or how many apples we didn’t sell, they would always smile.” I looked down at the mare, which was busy smiling with tears in her eyes. “Yes sir, the happiest bunch they were. You know that tree we were sittin’ under?” She asked.


“Well, they would go under that tree and watch the sunset an’ the sunrise together. A little mushy, if ya ask me, but that’s love for ya. Also, that was the tree where that photo was taken.”
“Really?” I say, looking back at the tree that shrunk as we walked away. “It looks so different now that there are more trees.”

“Yea, thems apple trees fer ya. Always growin’ quickly and what not. Just like little Apple Bloom, growin’ mighty fast, she is.”

“Anyways, the reason I wanted to talk to ya was so that you could see that life goes by fast.” She stops in her tracks, looking up at me. “Poor Big Mac and Applejack were the only ones to really know their parents. That day we took that Picture was when the mother was six months. Only we three had to deal with the pain, Apple Bloom was just born. Her mother died giving birth.”

“Oh. I’m so sorry so sorry to hear that, Granny.” I patted her back as she wiped a tear from her eye. It didn’t help, because the tears began to flow quickly.

“Darn eyes gettin’ all watery again. After she passed away, the husban’ couldn’t handle it. It was as if all his strength in his body just leaked out, leavin’ him depressed. One day he was usin’ the plow, and his back gave out. Pain was so unbearable he just dropped dead. Never had I seen Applejack and Big Mac look so sad, not since their mother's death. Big Mac had it worse. That stallion taught Big Mac everythin’ he knew. Poor Mac was so sad he rarely talks, now.”

The mare was so sad at this point, I just had to hug her. I don’t quite know how it feels to lose a loved one, but two?
She was crying on my shoulder, but the sniffling began to decrease. I let go of her as she took a breather.

“Thank ya sonny, I haven’t cried like that in a while. Feels mighty nice to let it all out.” She said as she looked at me. “Now, the point of me showin’ you them pictures were that family is important and it seems like little Apple Bloom and the rest of them Crusaders and that little dragon seem to take a likin’ to ya. Protect them sonny, because family is important.”

“I will, Granny Smith. You can count on me.” I say as we began walking again. It was all silent until she spoke again.

“Oh, and one more thing.”

“Yes, Granny?”

She looked up at me, looking me deep in the eye.

“We’re all put on this here planet fer a reason. You just gotta find that reason on yer own.”

Author's Note:

Things are getting more serious, as you can tell.