• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 4,647 Views, 133 Comments

"Where Will I Go?" - gordobraveheart

  • ...

-Cookies and No Scream.

Spike offered to carry the two books I was holding, and though I was fine with carrying them both, he insisted that he carried them for me.

We were walking away from the Royal Oaks Library after Spike had locked the door, making our way towards the dirt road that led to Sweet Apple Acres. I wasn’t surprised that Spike already started asking questions, he is a kid after all.

I answered the basic questions, such as what I am, how the girls found me and such. I’m surprised that he didn’t ask about who I am, because I still don’t know. Which is strange itself, because I thought would overreact and go emotional.

Hopefully, that doesn’t happen.

Anyways, Spike started asking more harder questions, such as why older ponies can’t see me, yet little fillies and colts can.

“To be honest Spike, I don’t even know why the adults don’t notice me. It’s been like that since yesterday.” I said as he and I separated from the C.M.C. Not too far, but just enough to talk with Spike and watch over them. Can’t have any of these kids leave my line of sight. “It’s almost as if I’m a ghost, you know?”

“Ha! A ghost, as if those are real.” Spike laughed at my statement, patting my left right leg. I smiled at that as well, but something in the back of my head told me I should be more wary of what I said. I don’t know why, but sent a bad vibe to me. “Hey, where’d the girls go?”

“Huh? Oh they’re right there..Oh no.”

This is bad. They were right in front of us the whole time Spike and I were conversing, and when I look up, they’re gone! Maybe they already ran towards Sweet Apple Acres and left us in the dust. Rude, but at least that’s where I hope they’ll be. “Alright, \we’re going on a little hunt, Spike.”

“Hunt? We’re gonna eat the C.M.C!?”

“Eat? No, it’s a metaphor. We’re gonna look for the girls, not eat them!”

Spike tilted his head, towards a large, gingerbread building. I would be shocked, but if cartoon ponies can talk, fly, and use telekinesis, than there is no point in even faking. “I think I know where they’re going.” Spike pointed his finger towards the door of the large gingerbread house, where I saw Scootaloo’s tail scurry in there very quickly.

“Well then, let’s get in there.” I was walking towards the the door of the house, but Spike whistled loudly, causing me to turn around and look at him. “Something’s up?”

“Well...there’s this pink pony in there.” Spike said, twiddling his claw thumbs, if that is the right way to put it. “And...well, she talks. A lot.”

I know this sounds kind of mean, but I need some fun too. I smiled at the purple dragon, mischievously. “Oh, I see...You like her, huh?”

Spike, just as expected, gasped. “What!? No! She’s just a friend! Besides, I have like another pony.” He humphed, sticking his nose in the air.

After chuckling, I walked back to him, petting the tall green spike he had on his head, which felt more blunt than sharp. “Say no more, Spike. Come on, let’s go get those ponies. I mean, how talkative can this pink pony be?”

Spike grinned, patting my leg. “You are new around here. You don’t know Pinkie Pie until you have a few words with her. And by few, I mean a whole thick covered book, recited front to back.”

He walked ahead of me, entering the cookie sweet covered building. After rethinking my choice of entering, I walked inside anyway.

This “Pinkie Pie” can’t be so bad, right?

Entering the building, the first thing I noticed was how every corner of the store was shelved and stocked with all kinds of sweets. Heck, there was enough sweets in here to fill up a dentists wallet forever.

At the back of the store, were two older looking ponies. One was yellow, who wore a hat and an apron, and scrawnier than the pony beside him. She, on the other hand, was more plump, and her coat was a cyan color, with her mane and tail were a mixture of hot pink and normal pink.

I swear, sometimes I think these ponies mane and tail colors were dyed another color from their original. But hey, I’m still in a coma, right?

Those two weren’t the only ponies I saw behind the counter. There was also a kitchen, and standing at the doorway, was a pink-everything pony, balancing a metal tray of cupcakes on the tip of her maw. How that was possible, I don’t even know, I just didn’t question it.

“So, tell my why you girls are here again?”

Across from me, I could see the C.M.C and Spike walking towards the counter where the more older ponies were. They didn’t seem to notice me, so I just followed them from behind not really caring if they did hear me or not.

“Well, we’ve also noticed that a lot of the adults don’t notice him. So we came up with the idea of Pinkie trying to talk to him.” Sweetie Belle said as they walked closer to the counter.

“I thought it was a bad idea,” Scootaloo said as she rolled her eyes. “We all know how Pinkie could get when she meets a new friend. Always throwing parties and stuff.”

“Exactly.” Apple Bloom cut in. “If Pinkie Pie can see him, then we’ll know that we ain’t the only ones that can see him! Including you and Rumble and Dinky, Spike.”

Hi girls! Hi Spike, how are you all doing!” Said Pinkie Pie, who shoved all the cupcakes under the display shelf of the counter. “I’ll take care of this, Mr. and Mrs. Cakes, you two can go check on the twins.”

“Thanks Pinkie, we’ll be back soon.” Mrs. Cake said as she opened the door to leave th counter. Mr. Cake followed behind, shivering. “Did it get cold in here?”

As soon as they went upstairs, Apple Bloom began to speak to Pinkie Pie about a new friend her and the rest of the C.M.C made. She only told her about how I’m new to this town, which made Pinkie Pie’s smile grew wider. That’s when Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Spike pushed me towards the counter without me even noticing that they were behind me.

“I’d love to meet your new friend!” Pinkie Pie said with such excitement. I was just standing there, looking at here eye to until she starting looking around. She even checked under the counter. “So, where is he?”

At this point, I just raised my hand and wagged it in front of her, hoping she would notice that. Big surprise! She didn’t.

“Are you kidding me?” Scootaloo said, rubbing the side of her head with hoof. “You too, Pinkie?” She turned around. “I...I can’t. I’ll be waiting outside.”

“Woah, what’s wrong with Scoots?” Pinkie Pie said, raising a brow. I wasn’t really worried, because I just know that she’s just frustrated that nopony else can see me. “Is everything okay?”

Apple Bloom sighed, looking up at me. “Yea, it’s just that our new friend is right here, and nopony can notice him, other than us and other colts and fillies.”

“Well, maybe your friend can only be seen by colts and fillies, ever thought about that?” Pinkie said as she placed a dozen of cupcakes in a bag.

“I have.” I said, looking down at Spike, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. “Though, I don’t know why.”

“Hm..Well, thanks for trying at least, Pinkie Pie.” Spike said, turning to me, shrugging.

“No problemo. Oh! Before you go, take a free bag of cupcakes with you guys, complements from Sugar Cube Corner!” Pinkie said, turning around. “I got to get back to the kitchen and cook a new batch of sweets, tell Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith I said hi!” With that, she returned to the kitchen, where I could hear a whole bunch of cooking noises.

“Welp, we better get back to Sweet Apple Acres. You ready to work, Spike?” Apple Bloom said, chuckling.

“Hardly.” Spike replied, very boringly. We all shared a laugh, walking towards the door. That’’s when I realized the bag full of cupcakes was still on the counter. I turned around to run and grab it before anypony stole it.

I reached my hand to grab the bag, but it just went right through. I looked at my hand, wondering what just happened. I tried again, but my hand went right through the bag. This time, I was getting frustrated.

The lights started flickering, but I payed no mind. I just wanted to grab that damn bag. After one more try, I grabbed the bag, smiling at my success.

“Got ya.” I said, taking the bag with me. I looked up to see Pinkie Pie staring at the back with wide eyes. “Yes, it’s a pretty bag.” I chuckled, turning around . I closed the door after I left, not wanting any flies or something to enter the store.


“I got to get back to the kitchen and cook a new batch of sweets, tell Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith I said hi!”

Pinkie Pie did as she said, and quickly returned to the kitchen to make some delicious cupcakes. She rummaged through the fridge, pulling out some ingredients she needed for the cupcakes she was about to make. She had everything: frosting, metal tray, sprinkles, and the doh.

It only took her 15 seconds to create the cupcakes. That stove does work, doesn’t it? All that’s missing is the little paper wrapping you put under the cupcakes. Fortunately for her, said wrapping was behind the counter, in the drawers.

She walked towards the counter, smiling happily and humming a song she sang not to long ago.

“Smile, smile...smile?”

Pinkie noticed something strange. She looked at the bag on the counter, which was left by the C.M.C and Spike. But, that wasn’t what bothered her. What did bother her, was the sudden chill she felt in the store, especially how it surrounded the bag. She knew the store got cold before, but every second that passed by ever since the children left the store, everything got colder and colder.

Suddenly, the bag that was filled with cupcakes began to move slowly. Pinkie wanted to stop it from moving, but the lights started flickering above her, distracting her from the thought of picking up the bag. She could only stare at it, as the lights flickered on and off.

The bag started floating towards the door, and Pinkie Pie was too confused and shocked to focus on what was going on. There was no aura around the bag, so how could it be floating?

Pinkie Pie got her answer. When the store door closed, she could she a strange hoof leave before the door was shut completely. It had claws, but more meat and less hair. None at all.

When the door was fully shut, all the lights stopped flickering, and the whole store began to warm up to it’s normal temperature. Pinkie Pie did not scream, however, she just sighed from what left her store.

“What in the name of Celestia was that?”