• Published 15th Feb 2013
  • 4,646 Views, 133 Comments

"Where Will I Go?" - gordobraveheart

  • ...

-Books and Dragons.

Ponies. Everywhere I would walk with the C.M.C, they would wave hi to a ton of other ponies. Thing is, when I tried waving my hand at some ponies, they didn’t wave back. I don’t think they even noticed me, and just walked away when I would keep waving my hand.

It wasn’t until after what seemed like a couple minutes I was able to wave hi to a pony, two actually. Both were just children though, maybe about the same age as the C.M.C. Only way I could have told they were boy and girl was because the girl had long eyelashes, while the other didn’t.

But when I waved hi to them, they looked scared out of there skin, and were just about to scream until Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom ran up to the two and calmed them down. I was just standing a couple of feet away from them, trying to keep my distance because I didn’t want to scare them in any other way.

“We swear Rumble, he’s a good guy! Guy means colt, or stallion, by the way.” I heard Scootaloo said to the little colt in a gray coat, and spiky, black mane, also now known as Rumble. “We’ll be honest;we thought he was a monster too, but when you get to know ‘em, he’s actually pretty cool.” She turned around, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry mister!”

“But what are those things on his hooves? They look creepy!” A filly in a grey coat and blond mane said. I look down at my hands, and automatically knew she was talking about my fingers.

“They’re called ‘fingers’. They help him grip and pick up stuff.” Sweetie Belle chimed in as she pointed to her on hoof. “He doesn’t use his mouth though. I guess it’s because he has no maw.”

“Believe us Dinky and Rumble, he ain’t gonna hurt nopony.” Apple Bloom turned her head towards me and waved her hoof at me, letting me know to come closer. “Watch, he’s a nice.”

I walked over to Dinky and Rumble, towering over them. They looked up at me with huge eyes, scared but curious at the same time. I knelt down so they could get a better look at me from a better angle. “Hi. I promise you, I’m not gonna hurt anypony.”

Dinky and Rumble gave each other suspicious looks, then Rumble looked towards me. “We don’t know. You promise?”

“I promise.”

“Pinkie Promise?” I honestly didn’t know how they would have a pinkie promise here, but I didn’t promise. I held out my pinkie. However, they looked at it strangely. “That’s not a Pinkie Promise!”

“Um, okay? Then what is a Pinkie Promise?” I say, clearly confused. That’s when Rumble held up his right hoof, and nodded at me. I did the same and followed the colts orders.

“Repeat after me. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” He crossed the center of his chest, closed his left eye, and placed his hoof above said closed eye.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, Stick a cupcake in my eye.” after crossing my heart and placing and putting my palm on my closed left eye, a smile crept slowly on Rumble’s face. Dinky smiled too, and so did the C.M.C. I don’t know why, but I smiled as well.

Again I felt warm, but for a brief moment. After that, I felt cold yet again. Why is that?

“Rumble, I have to go home. My mom will get worried, and I don’t want Mr.Whooves getting worried either.” Dinky said as she nudged Rumble’s shoulder.

“Alright. Well, I guess we’ll see you three at school tomorrow. We’ll see ya laters, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle.” Rumble looked towards me, and help out his hoof.

“You want a fist bump?”

“A what? No, it’s called a ‘hoof bump’.” Rumble began to pound his hoof into his other hoof, but stood up on his hind legs and balanced himself long enough to demonstrate. “See, what you do it bump your hoof and mine, like this. Got it?”

Even though I already knew how it would go, I played along. I guess there are way more similarities between my world and this one, which I have yet to know the name of this land. Ponyville doesn’t count, since it’s a town.

After bumping his hoof, Rumble smiled. “Nice. Can’t wait to tell my bro Thunderlane that I hoof bumped with a pony with fingers!”

As they walked away, I couldn’t help but smile at the two walking away, talking with each other and laughing. I also noticed a few adult ponies were looking at them weirdly, but I payed no mind.

“Looks like you made some new friends, mister!” I stood up from my kneeling position and looked down towards Sweetie Belle, who was smiling cheerfully, along with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. I petted all of their heads, then began walking away with them.

“Yea, it looks like I did.”

As we ventured further into Ponyville, we were finally able to locate the Golden Oaks Library

“Wow. This is a big tree, Sweetie Belle.”

“Told you!”

Sweetie Belle wasn’t exaggerating, Spike and Twilight Sparkles’ house is not just a library, but a giant tree as well! My mouth went agape when I stood under the colossal tree, noticing how there was a porch high up top with furniture and some books. Something told me one of the two love reading books.

“So are we just gonna stand out here and admire this house, or are we gonna go inside and get Spike?” Scootaloo said as she pulled my pants leg. “I’ll go knock on the door.”

As she did that, I needed to ask Scootaloo an important question. “Hey, Sweetie? By any chance, could their be a book with maps here? Or just maps in general?”

Sweetie Belle pondered for a second, but then nodded. ”Mhmm! Twilight has tons of books! I’m sure she’ll have a lot on Equestria.”

The name she just said rang like chimes in my head. “Equestria? Is that the name of-”

“I’m coming! Sheesh, ponies these days.” I looked up from Sweetie Belle and looked towards the door Scootaloo was pounding on. She kept pounding the door until a boy’s voice responded yet again. “I’m coming! Geez, can’t ponies wait?”

Just to annoy the colt behind the door, Scootaloo stopped. Then pounded the door once more, making not just Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to laugh, but me as well. The door opened, and to my surprise, there, standing was a scaley, purple and green reptilian creature. I would say I was scared out of my wits, but like I said before, this world is too cartoonish to be scared of. I was just shocked is all.

“Oh, it’s just you three.” The little dragon said, Spike, said. His eyes slowly crept up to me. “And who are...you?”

I smiled, trying my best to look friendly. “Hi.”


He slammed the door shut, and I could hear his little footsteps scurry away.

“...Well, that went well.” Apple Bloom commented, clearly sarcastic. “Spike! Open this door!”

“No! Not until that thing leaves!”

“Ouch.” I said, not really hurt. However, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle didn’t take too kindly to that.

“He isn’t a thing, he’s a human!” Scootaloo barked. “Come on girls, let’s open this door!”

“I really think that isn’t so much of a good idea.” I said as I tried to calm down the C.M.C. I stepped in front of the door. “Look, how about I go away and you can bring him back to Sweet Apple Acres?” I thought carefully at what I said, and decided to go a different route. I don’t want these ponies hurting a dragon, if that is possible. “Scratch that, let’s try later.”

“But he called ya ‘thing’! That ain’t nice, Spike!” Apple Bloom said as she tried to sneak by me. I gently pushed her back, not wanting her to do something she’ll probably regret. He is a dragon after all.

“Spike? Who’s at the door?” All four of us heard a feminine voice come from inside the house, and I stepped away from the door. “Are there ponies out there? I told you, we’re open!”

“Yea but, there’s this tall creature out there with the Crusaders! and It has weird claws, like mine but they’re not sharp, and it’s standing on its hind legs, and-”

“What?! Is it hurting the Crusaders?” The voice sounded serious for a second, I began to worry. But the Crusaders just started giggling, raising a brow from me.

“Well, no. In fact, I think it;s friends with them, but-”

“Spike, remember what I told you? Never judge a book by it’s cover!”

“Yea but!”

“I'm opening the door, spike.”

“Nono wait-”

The door began to glow a purple and pink colored aura, and the doorknob slowly churned until I heard a click. The door creaked open, and behind it was a unicorn with a glowing horn, a light purple coat and dark purple mane with a pink highlight, and a cutie mark of a six point star, surrounded with other little stars.

“Spike! Why would you close the door on the Crusaders! I also don’t see a strange creature. I swear, you need to stop staying up later than your bedtime, you're seeing things.” She stepped away from the entrance, and smiled at the C.M.C. “Hi girls. Do you need something?”

“Applejack was wonder’n if we can borrow Spike for a bit, she needs help out in the farm.” Apple Bloom said as she stuck her tongue out at Spike, who was too busy trying to comprehend everything that just happened.

Twilight Sparkle gave a mischievous smile, and turned her head towards the baffled dragon. “Tell Applejack he’ll be on his way. Now, I have to go get some groceries.” She walked towards the door, and I entered the house before she could knock right into me. “Spike, lock the door when you leave, okay?”

Spike couldn’t argue with Twilight, as she closed the door with her magic. I could have sworn I heard her laugh, but I digress. The real problem here, is how close the C.M.C were to Spike.

“So, ‘thing’ huh?” The C.M.C said simultaneously.

“Look, I didn’t mean it I swear!” Spike chuckled nervously as he was backed into a corner. As much as this was sort of fun to watch, I had to stop it.

“Alright, eveypony just calm down. He doesn’t know what I am, so it’s okay.” I walked behind the three ponies and carried them away before they could harm the quivering dragon.I placed the ponies behind me, and knelt down to look at Spike. I brought out a fist, hoping he wanted to fist bump. “Hey Spike. I’m not gonna hurt you. If it makes you feel better, I made a Pinkie Promise with two other kid ponies.”

Spike looked down at my fist, then brought out his claws. He closed them to make a fist, then pounded mine, still wary of me. “So, you're not gonna eat me?”

“Of course not. If anything, you could eat me, little tough guy.” I said, lightly punching his arm. He winced and rubbed it, but then smiled.

“Yea, I guess you’re right. Sorry I called you a ‘thing’ by the way.” Spike hung his head low, feeling sorry. I patted his back, knocking him forward a bit.

“It’s cool, the C.M.C thought I was a monster when they first met me.” That brought Spike’s head up high. He peaked beside me, lightly glaring at the C.M.C. I turned around to see them blushing, and I chuckled. “Haha, yea, they were scared of me more than you actually.”

“Pssh, what? I was just exercising my lungs.” Scootaloo said as she looked away.

“Yeah, us too!” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom said, doing the same. Spike and I laughed at that, and I stood up, towering over him.

“So, can you trust me?” I said to Spike as I walked over to a bookshelf. I heard him say yes, and I nodded. “Say Spike? Do you know if there’s any books involving maps in here?”

Turning around to look at another bookshelf, Spike had a book with the cover of a map on it. “Well, that was fast.”

“Yea, I know this place inside and out! So, are we going to Sweet Apple Acres or what?” I nodded, and looked towards the C.M.C, who were already outside the house waiting for us. Spike nodded, and wobble his way outside of the house, waiting for me. “Come on dude, I don’t wanna lock you in here with boring old books!”

“I’m on my way.” I said as I checked out a book. I hope the C.M.C don’t mind if I used their names, trying to remember mine if still a little fuzzy. Before I walked outside, I found an old, dusty book on top of a desk. I walked over to it, and dusted it off. I read the book title out loud to myself.


For some reason, the book caught my attention more than I expected it to. I figured if I borrowed this big as well, it will let me know of other residents in this place, along with some interesting facts that can help me along the way. I sign another book with me, and quickly rushed out the house, letting Spike lock the door.

Maybe now I can get some information on this place.