• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 1,946 Views, 80 Comments

Ponnequin Relations - Cheer

Twilight makes the realization that she doesn't handle stress well, so she creates something to help.

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Chapter 3 - Observations and Tests

As she headed to the guest room again, Twilight decided to mentally list what she needed to do.

‘Alright. I need to, test the capabilities of the AP, make sure that it didn’t get too much power out of my spell and, after that I suppose, I can begin just talking to it. Finally, I need to figure out something more secure for storing it. Maybe a few securing spells on the room. Soundproofing might be a good idea too.’

Twilight continued to muse on different ideas until she found herself outside of the guest room once again.

Before opening the door however she was spoken to once again. ’Twilight? Is that you?’ Twilight thought she heard something like a whisper after that but shrugged it off, as a more prominent thought was in her mind.

‘Was its range always this long? Could it hear me in the kitchen?’

After entering the room, she quietly closed the door and addressed the voice. “Yes, it’s me. Let’s get you out of there, shall we?

Twilight took the ponnequin and notes out and placed them back in their original spots. While she was looking around, making sure everything was in its correct place, she was reminded she was not quite alone in the room.

Thank you Twilight. How was Spike? The sudden voice made Twilight brake out of her mental checklist. Surprised, by the facts that, she had forgotten about the AP and that it was concerned about Spike.

‘Hmm. Maybe it didn’t hear me after all.’ She mused before answering. “He’s just fine. I sent him off to have some fun while we conduct some tests. Why do you ask?” It felt a little mean to ask since; some ponies might take offence to her curiosity, thinking that she thought of them as uncaring. But, that’s just it. This wasn’t a pony. It was a personality she created that same day.

’I’m not sure really. I just felt like I didn’t want him to feel bad on my part. Was that not normal?’ Twilight was sure that if it could move her head would be cocked to the side.

Giggling lightly, she gave a smile unseen by the eyeless ponnequin, “No. It was very considerate of you. Quite kind, if I do say so myself, and after being friends with Fluttershy for so long, I think I’ve learned quite a bit more about kindness than I ever thought one pony could teach me.

’Fluttershy? She’s the yellow coated, pink maned, shy one, right? Bearer of the element of kindness? Twilight smiled, not able to have brought up a better, more natural, introduction to her first test if she tried.

“That’s right! Very good! Which actually, brings me to our first test. Who are the elements of harmony, who bares what element and what are they like?” She asked, beginning to fall into a teacher like mode.

’Well, let’s see. You, Twilight Sparkle, element of magic, personal student to Princess Celestia since you were a filly. You tend to be a bit socially awkward, but have a strong bond to the rest of the elements as friends. You have some slightly obsessive compulsive tendencies and are very studious.’ Twilight grumbled a little about being called, socially awkward as she took notes.

’The element of laughter, Pinkamina Diane Pie is an enigma wrapped in cotton candy. Coming from a rock farm, she does her utmost best to spread smiles and laughter. She has a strange ability to sense future events and seemingly break the laws of physics. Your efforts to figure out the pink party pony, ended at a dead end and many headaches.’ Twilight chuckled a little at the memory of that ordeal, the twitchy tail, the hydra, and the rage shift.

’The element of loyalty is Rainbow Dash. Self-Proclaimed fastest flyer in Equestria. Winner of the best young flyer competition and the only known pony to perform the sonic rainboom. She suffers from a large ego, which sometimes blinds her to how she acts. Her loyalty to her friends is easily larger than her ego. In her words she ‘wouldn’t leave her friends hanging’. Her love for practicing her tricks has led her into the walls of not only the library many times, but also many other buildings.’ At that Twilight made a note about and enforcement spell for the room.

’Do I have to go over Fluttershy again, Twilight?’ the sudden question was lost to the unicorn for a moment until it registered that she was asked something.

“Hmm? Oh, I’m sorry. Could you say that again?” Twilight answered, a small blush of embarrassment on her face from being so focused on her notes.

’It’s ok. I asked, if I have to go over Fluttershy again.’

“Not in too much detail. Just tell me what she’s like.” Twilight said, as she scribbled away

’Fluttershy is a shy, mainly earth bound, pegasi who takes care of many animals near the Everfree Forest. She is easily frightened and very shy. She has gotten slightly more confident in recent months.

’Applejack is the element of honestly. She works and lives on Sweet Apple Acres. She is physically rivaled only by Rainbow Dash, and constantly has competitions with her. Her ability to tell through lies is countered by her own near complete inability to lie. She is known to be very stubborn about her work and pride.’ Twilight sighed, remembering when Applejack tried to buck all the trees in Sweet Apple Acres and when she went to the rodeo competition.

’Rarity, the element of generosity, works and lives at the Carousel Boutique. She has a strong tendency to overreact to many situations. She is strongly adverse to getting dirty, or doing anything that could be considered rough. However, when properly encouraged, she will slog through mud to do what she had set her mind on, even if she still does complain about it. She is very fashion conscious and apparently, from what I can recall from the information in me, she has a very nice -‘

“O-okay. That- that’s enough about that.” A very red faced Twilight cut off the thought, continuing to write notes. “N-now” She cleared her throat so she could speak clearly. “Let’s move on to my next test.

“Do you known any of my secrets?”

’Like what?’ It asked innocently.

“Well like how Spike-“

’Twilight.’ A stern sounding voice stopped her from saying any more. ’Aren’t secrets supposed to stay secret? Wouldn’t giving me an example make it not a secret anymore?’

Twilight for the third time, in far too little time, burst red in embarrassment. This time clearing her throat before speaking. “Right. Thank you for stopping me. But do you know what I was going to say?” She asked, not wanting the test to end abruptly due to a near slip up.

’No, I do not. I know of nothing that could be considered a secret. I only have basic information on things. Except that Rarity has a very nice-‘

“Did you have to bring that up again?” Groaned Twilight, who by now was wondering if her face would ever get a chance to go back to its normal shade. Her ears instinctively perked when she heard something. “Are, are you, laughing?” She asked, more confused than upset.

I do believe so. How strange. I apologize. For some reason I thought that making you stammer again was something I wanted to do. I’m sorry if I angered you. It stopped laughing and sounded honest in its apology.

Heaving a sigh and a chuckle Twilight turned towards the ponnequin once again. “No, no. It’s fine. I guess it was a little funny. But.” Twilight’s voice suddenly took a serious turn, “It’s a secret where that thought came from, okay? I know you couldn’t tell anyone if you wanted but, I still want you to promise me that you won’t tell anypony. Please? Also you don’t have any information about any of the others like that do you?”

’No I do not. Rarity was the only one and so, I promise I won’t tell anypony that, you are the source of that bit of information.’

Twilight could feel the redness coming back into her face once again. However this time there was a smile on it as well as a blush. “Thank you. Now then, I’m going to copy down these notes. After that, we’ll talk.” She walked back to her desk to copy down the notes she had taken.

First Day of Observations and Tests

Upon awakening from an unconscious state, caused by exhaustion from the spell used in the experiment, Spike was pounding on the room door in an erratic manner. This caused me to begin to worry about him asking questions about the experiment, which led to a mild panic.

Due to this situation, not only was I able to discover that, the spell had worked and the experiment successful so far, but also that it did exactly what I hoped for. It calmed me down, helped me to act in much better manner, so I was able to address the situation calmly. Dealing with Spike became much easier thanks to this. Afterwords, during breakfast Spike had the idea that my experiment was, ‘a mare thing’ which, while I’m not fully sure what he meant, stopped him from asking any more about it.

Upon coming back to the room, I began to perform a couple tests. Below are the points I had covered both through the test and otherwise.


The “voice” is exactly like I wanted. The stern side can stop me when I’m on a tangent, and the calm side gives me a very soothing feeling.

Basic Knowledge of Acquaintances Test

The point of this test was to find out if the AP had the information I meant to give it through the spell. There were six points of the test. The six points being, each element of harmony and close friend of mine.

Twilight (Myself)

-Information Correct

-No unnecessary information noted.

Pinkie Pie

-Information Correct

-No unnecessary information noted.

Rainbow Dash

-Information Correct

-No unnecessary information noted.


-Information Correct

-No unnecessary information noted.


-Information Correct

-No unnecessary information noted.


-Information Correct

-A small bit of personal thoughts on the subject got mixed into the spell creating a bit of embarrassment. This however, led to the discovery that the AP has the ability to find something funny on its own. It has promised that, if given the chance, it will not let this information slip. Thusly creating a secret between myself, and the AP.


-I have determined that, aside from the secret created before this part of the tests, the AP has no knowledge of any of the secrets that I know.

- Due to a near slip up on my part, while dealing with secrets I also know that the AP understands the seriousness, or at least the basic idea of a secret.

End Notes

I will, after writing this out, begin talking one on one with the AP. I believe that I will speak of my life and friendship reports.

Ask Rarity where, “a mare thing” came up.

-Do something nice for Rarity, for teaching him of this.

AP seems to be developing a personality even from the very light conversation between us. However it still seems very rigid when confronting emerging parts of its new personality.

Put reenforcment enchantments on the rooms to avoid a Rainbow Dash sized hole and subsequent possible revealing of AP experiment.

Find replacement stand for Ponnequin. Neck aches, caused from looking up due to height of stand, becoming quite bad.

Turning around, Twilight looked up and smiled. “So, I figure, I’ll just talk about my life in more detail than I gave you through the experiment. Does that sound good?”

’Of course, Twilight. Whatever you want to do is fine.’

“So, what should I start with?” Twilight asked trying to think of what would be the best point to start on.

’The beginning always seems like a good place to begin something.’

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to bore you. I’m not that interesting.” She near mumbled, not used to someone literally wanting her life story and honestly not thinking that it was worth telling.

’I don’t exactly have anywhere to be, now do I?’ It said with a small laugh which Twilight joined in on.

“I suppose not. Wait.” Twilight blinked in realization. “Did you just make a joke?”
There was a small silence until the AP broke it ’Did I? Strange. It was just like earlier when I mentioned, you know what. I just kind of did it, without thinking much. I’m sorry, jokes are okay though, aren’t they?’

“Oh, of course they are. I was just surprised is all. Anyway, I suppose I should start. The earliest I can remember is when I was about 2. I had surrounded myself with books, in a kind of building shape. I called them book forts-“

-End of Chapter Three