• Published 14th Dec 2012
  • 742 Views, 25 Comments

Alcohol, College, and the Elements of Harmony - TroWolf15

In an attempt to help the Elements learn to be leaders and expand their knowledge, Celestia sends the girls to Earth, and they enroll in a party University. Drinks will be had, and there will be party fouls and party poopers.

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Summer Before Fall

Author's Note: Hey guys! Welp, here's my attempt at another story! I need this as a good break from my, more drama filled fic "A New World, a New Terror". Hope you guys like it!

The white alicorn sat upon her throne; writing to her top student. Her mane flowed beautifully from an unknown source, her calm and elegant demeanor vibrating out, filling the entire throne room with her friendly aura.

Next to her was a smaller alicorn. she was as dark as night, from her fur to her mane, it looked as if she came from the night sky itself. She gazed upon the white alicorn writing, and was deep in thought.

Suddenly, the piece of parchment that was floating in front of her rolled itself up and vanished.

“Are you sure about this, sister?” asked the dark alicorn, with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

“Yes, my little sister,” replied the white, larger alicorn, “this is for the best. If we are to be certain of our safety in the near future; we must prepare them beyond our own knowledge and experience,” she said in a calm and relaxing, yet confident, voice.

The dark alicorn simply nodded, accepting the reasoning her sister gave.


“Spike, where are my quills?” asked Twilight, small in physique. Her indigo mane with a purple highlight flowing as she searched her home for quills with which to write her monthly schedule.

“I don’t know Twi! I’m looking as best as I can!” replied the baby dragon, whose mind rivalled that of a 13-year old.

“Well, we need to keep looking! They just have to be around here somewhere.” Twilight groaned as she trotted around her library home.

“I know Twi, I’m— URRP!” A scroll appeared in the green fire produced from Spike’s breath.

“Oh! A letter from Princess Celestia! I wonder what it’s about…” pondered Twilight, who took the scroll with her magic. She read it out loud:

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
I have a new assignment for you. However, it is a very important and it will be very different from what you are used to. I need you here as soon as possible. This assignment includes your friends, so please have them accompany you when you come to see me. I look forward to seeing you.

Yours truly,

“Oh wow! She has a new assignment for me! For all of us!” Twilight was beaming with excitement. “I need to pack! Spike! Tell the girls to meet me here as soon as possible! We are heading out today!”

“But Twilight, we don’t have to go today! It’s going to be late by the time we get to Canterlot!” Spike protested.

“The princess specifically said ‘as soon as possible’! Which means now!” Twilight rebutted, quieting Spike as he left the tree library to gather the elements of harmony.

At the same time, in a galaxy far, far away…


“Ugghh…” I moaned while I tried to reach for the alarm clock. Thing is I had an obstacle in my way getting there… It was a person.

It wasn’t just a person, it was a chick… A hot one, too… A naked one at that, even better.

Ohhh yeeaahh, me and Sarah hooked up last night, hehe. I climbed over her to turn off the alarm, making sure not to wake her up. But I ended up just turning down the volume – I dig this song.

I climbed out of bed and put on some jeans I found on the floor; a shirt bearing The Letters and some flip-flops. I was still groggy as hell and a bit hungover.

“Matt, please keep it down next time you bring a girl over” said a deep, soft voice as I was getting dressed.

I looked over to see one of my brothers in his PJs just standing against the door frame. He’s a tall, slim guy with pale skin and feathery black hair. He always has a smirk about him when talking and he is one hell of a talker, too.

“Hey man, don’t be jealous just 'cause I’m getting lucky and you aren’t. Not my fault I’m sexy as hell” I replied, being the sarcastic smart-ass that I am.

“Ha, it’ll be graduation by the time you bring back another one like this,” said my bro as he walked away to the kitchen.

“It’ll be a fat one you bring next, Andrew!” I shouted back. Then, suddenly, I felt something hit me on the head.

I look back to see that I was hit by a slipper. What the hell?

“Shut uuuppp already, you bitch. I’m sleeping here,” said a high-pitched voice. It was Mitch, another bro who I happen to share my room with. “It was bad enough you took the room to fuck her, but now you’re keeping me up in the morning? Fuck youuu.” He said in a whiney and sarcastic tone.

Mitch is another really tall guy, about 6’8”, and incredibly slender. He has really dark skin and short, super-curly hair.

“Shut up, Mitch. I’m going to the kitchen so you can get your beauty sleep. You need it anyway.” I smirked as he just gave me the middle finger with his eyes closed. I chuckled and went to find something to eat.

Now, you’ve heard me say “bro” a few times and, no, these aren’t my blood brothers, though I love 'em just as much, if not more than.

These are my fraternity brothers. Welcome to the insides of Beta Delta Xi, and the inside of the fraternity house on Greek Row. I’m a sophomore living in the house of the top fraternity at my university.

It's summer right now, and we've got a week till the first day of classes. So, for now we are partying it up and enjoying the home stretch of summer. We had a party last night and it kicked ass. We had girls from the top sororities coming over and enjoying the time with us, in public and private (if you know what I mean).

It’s move-in day today as well, so it’s pretty packed with everyone in student housing with their families helping them out. That, right there, is why I plan on staying away from campus and being lazy all day.

Being lazy all day in the House. Sounds like a damn perfect day to me.

Author's Note:

So there ya have it, chapter 1 of a new story. Let me know what you think of it! Constructive criticism is welcome with open arms in my mind! :D

There's a number of people I'd like to take a moment and thank:


These fools helped me big when it came to editing this and giving me some ideas. I give these guys +2 internets, and a cookie. And you guys should check out their stories as well ;D just sayin.