• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 2,669 Views, 94 Comments

Rainbows on Ice and Fire in the Sky - ed2481

Rainbow Dash gets sent to Skyrim and helps the Dragonborn

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Chapter 2

AN, yes i know i have a section for it but that's at the bottom which wold be counter productive here. Anyways my editor is busy editing my Christmas special for Light Wanderings which upwards of 9000 words and is as such unavailable for editing this. On the bright side I had a friend reading the first bit of this so it shouldn't be to bad until near the end, enjoy guys

Chapter 2

The five friends stared at the place where Rainbow Dash had been floating in shock. Nothing remained except for a blackened singe on the ground. The dragon himself looked quite surprised.

“Hmm that’s odd…” He muttered but before he could say more Fluttershy turned to him. There were tears running down her face and her eyes were red with anger.

“HOW DARE YOU!” She shouted while turning the full power of the stare on the dragon. “YOU KILLED HER!” The blue scaled dragon almost flinched under the assault and fell backwards into a crouch. “WHEN I’M DONE WITH YOU YOU’LL HAVE DONE SO MUCH COMMUNITY SERVICE THAT YOU’LL THINK THAT YOUR SCALES WERE NATUARALLY ORANGE!” She roared.

“But I didn’t kill her!” The dragon said meekly.

“What?” Fluttershy asked in confusion as her voice returned to normal.

“I had the full intent to kill her, or you more specifically, but if I’d killed her there would still be something left.” The dragon said while scratching his chin in puzzlement.

“That’s no excuse, actually that’s worse!” Twilight shouted as her horn began to glow with magical energy.

“Forgive me for being unconcerned with the fate of some rainbow maned idiot, now if you’ll excuse me I have a nap to get back to.” The dragon told them before it began to lower its head to the cave floor.

“Oh no ya don’t ya varmint, yall’re gonna tell us where ya sent Rainbow Dash!” Applejack shouted as her lasso shout out and quickly tangled around one of the dragon’s head spikes.

“I have no idea, like I said I wanted her dead not gone.” The dragon replied with a shrug before he quickly cut the rope looped around his head spike in half with a claw. He then lowered his head to the ground.

“You big meanie!” Pinkie shouted.

“I’m a dragon, fuck off.” The dragon told her before he shut his eyes and began to snore.

“You-you utter brute!” Rarity said with an absolutely outraged expression on her face. The dragon continued to snore unresponsively. The dragon let out a plume of smoke from his nostrils.

“I will be telling Princess Celestia about this.” Twilight informed the dragon.

“I don’t care what you tell the sun blasted bitch; just get the hell out of my cave.” The dragon replied while keeping his eyes closed. “Oh and tell her that next time she wants the King of the Dragons to move she’d damned well better come herself instead of sending six incompetent fillies!” He added.

“Wait, you’re not supposed to be the Dragon King, you’re supposed to be a minor blue drake who’s been causing trouble with the local sheep!” Twilight said in confusion.

“I’m the Dragon King, my name is Drake, I eat sheep.” The Dragon King told them. “Now get out of my cave!” He added as his head rose up from its sleeping position and he let out an angry roar.

Twilight and her friends exchanged an uneasy look, they hadn’t been expecting this. It was supposed to be an easy assignment, or as easy as moving a slightly troublesome dragon could be. What they hadn’t been expecting was the loss of Rainbow Dash, the ineffectiveness of the Stare, and that the dragon that they’d been attempting to move was the Dragon King.

“Girls as much as I hate say it we need to leave. We can’t fight him and if he really is the Dragon King then only Celestia or Luna themselves would be able to make him move.” Twilight told them, she was visibly on the edge of tears.

“But what about Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“I’m sorry Fluttershy but there’s nothing that we can do for her here.” Twilight told her yellow friend as a smattering of tears began to run down her face streaking her purple fur.

“Okay Twilight, I trust you.” Fluttershy replied tears forming in her own eyes.

“Yes darling if there’s one mare who can get to the bottom of this it’s you!” Rarity agreed a few tears were running down her own face as well.

“Yeah Twilight you’re gonna be able to find Dashie with your magic easy and then I’ll throw us a party!” Pinkie added enthusiastically.

“Aww come’re yall group hug.” Applejack shouted. The five friends embraced as they all cried.

“Can you do this somewhere else before I decide to eat you?” The Dragon King asked in annoyance, in response Twilight teleported the group outside of the cave with a tiny magical effort. It took the group several minutes to get over a small portion of their grief, but once they had the other four turned to Twilight.

“What now sugar cube?” Applejack asked hoarsely.

“First we get back to Ponyville and then I go to see Celestia. This situation doesn’t make any sense…I smell something fishy.” Twilight told them still whipping tears away from her eyes.

“Twilight we’re miles away from any river and the ocean is even farther, how could you smell something fishy?” Pinkie asked in confusion.


“Is there meat in this?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked at the bowl of soup that was currently sitting in her lap.

“Yes, there’s a bit of rabbit and some venison in there along with carrots and a few potatoes.” Lydia replied.

“Cool, it’s been forever since I had any meat.” Dash told her with a grin before she tipped the bowl back and took a long slurp. Then she pulled the bowl away from her face and licked her lips with a grin.

“Aren’t you a horse?” Arria asked with a confused expression on her face as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

“Nope, I’m a pony.” Dash replied with a shrug as if that made it any less confusing.

“But then shouldn’t you be a vegetarian?” Arria asked sounding slightly annoyed by Dash’s non answer.

“I like fruits and vegetables to if that’s what you’re asking?” Dash asked clearly not understanding the question. Arria’s brow furrowed even further but before she could think of another way to phrase the question Lydia came to her rescue.

“What my Thane is trying to ask is; if you are a pony then shouldn’t you only eat plants?” Lydia clarified.

“Oh that’s what you meant.” Dash replied with a chuckle. “Na that’s an urban myth, meat’s actually just really expensive in Equestria so we don’t get it all that much and we have to have tofu instead. I hate that stuff.” Dash told them with a grimace before she raised the bowl to her face again.

The two humans watched her eat for a few seconds in silence, Arria her head full of questions, Lydia content to let the silence stretch. Once Dash had finished her gulp she looked up at the other two.

“So umm would either of you mind telling me who you guys are? I mean I know your names, but that’s about it.” She asked.

“Well as you know my name is Arria Delitian, and I’m an imperial battle mage… well the apprentice of an imperial battle mage. I came to Skyrim, the country we’re currently in, to help him fight in the civil war.” Arria explained with a sigh.

“There’s a civil war going on?” Rainbow Dash asked in surprise.

“Yes, and it’s a pointless one at that.” Arria told her with a scowl.

“But if it’s a civil war… then shouldn’t it be important?” Dash asked.

“You’d think that wouldn’t you?” Arria replied with a sigh as she took a sip of her soup.

“Umm yeah, I mean the last civil war that Equestria had were the Lunar Rebellions a thousand years ago when Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon and tried to cover the entire world with eternal night. From what my friend Twilight says if Celestia hadn’t led the Solar Army to defeat her…” Dash said trailing off.

“They don’t do things by halves where you come from do they?” Lydia asked with a chuckle.

“I wish I could say the same about Tamriel.” Arria said as her scowl deepened.

“What do you mean?” Dash asked.

“The whole point of this war is because the Nords, no offense Lydia-”

“None taken my Thane.”

“-won’t swallow their pride and praise Talos in secret like everyone else!” Arria explained.

“Who’s Talos?” Dash asked.

“Talos is the Hero-god of mankind. He was once a great hero and the first emperor of the Empire but when he died he became a god. The Thalmor don’t like us believing that it’s possible for mere humans to attain godhood so they outlawed worshiping him.” Arria summarized.

“Umm and what does that have to do with the civil war?” Rainbow asked still confused.

“The Nords of Skyrim aren’t happy that the Empire agreed to outlaw Talos worship.” Arria replied.

“Wait, if he’s your god then why did you agree to outlaw him?”

“Because it gained us time to lick our wounds, which the Stormcloaks don’t seem to understand!” She exclaimed in annoyance.

“I’m still lost here.” Dash said shaking her head before taking another slurp. “Who are the Thalmor?”

“They’re elven supremacists. They want to unite Tamriel under their rule and then demote everyone who isn’t an elf to what would essentially be slavery.” Arria answered with a scowl.

“Wait, if they want to turn everyone else into slaves then why are you guys listening to them?” Dash asked.

“Because they all but destroyed us in the last war, the signing of The White-Gold Concordat was all that kept them from finishing the job last time. In exchange we had to outlaw Talos worship.” Arria told her.

“Okay…” Dash said before she trailed off. “So Lydia what’s your story?” She asked changing subjects.

“I was raised in the city of Whiterun and trained there all my life to be a housecarl. About a week ago she slew a dragon and Jarl Balgruuf made her a Thane. I was getting bored so I volunteered to be her personal housecarl. So far we’ve killed three dragons and a few dozen bandits together so I can’t complain about my choice.” Lydia replied with a grin.

“You’ve killed dragon?!” Dash all but shouted spitting a bit of her soup out all over Arria. The mage whipped a bit of beef off of her face with a light blush.

“Yes, I’ve um helped kill four dragons. Three were with Lydia and one with the help of a troupe of guardsmen from Whiterun.” The mage said still blushing with embarrassment.

“And then you ate their souls!” Lydia added with a grin as she clapped Arria on the back heartily.

“You-you can eat dragon souls?” Rainbow asked in shock.

“That’s a gross oversimplification of the process, but in laymen’s terms, yes I can eat dragon souls.” Arria said still blushing.

“That’s awesome!” Dash exclaimed with a grin.

“You find the fact that I can “eat” dragon souls awesome, not scary, or worship worthy?” Arria asked slowly.

“Na, it’s just awesome and cool, and radical!” Dash replied with an emphatic nod. “Although the killing itself…I’m not really sure what to think of that, I-I’ve never had to do it. I’m not sure if I could or not.” Dash told them nervously.

“I know the feeling.” Arria said softly.

“You do?” Dash asked in surprise.

“Yes, my master got rid of it fast by pushing me into a bandit camp and leaving me there to fight my way out…but I still remember the way it felt to first shock someone to death with my sparks.” Arria said as she looked down at her hands and let a small bit of electricity play across her fingertips.

“Wait, your master just pushed you into their camp and forced you to kill your way out?” Dash asked in surprise. Arria nodded. “He sounds like a real ass.” Dash said.

“Honestly he’s a bit harsh, but you get used to it.” Arria told her.

“My Thane I still wonder how you can be so naiveté about sex when you had a master like that.” Lydia told her causing Arria to blush a deep scarlet.

“He never touched me Lydia, I’m a virgin.” Arria snapped at Lydia who chuckled.

“Testy, testy; truly it is a great wonder why you’ve not yet found someone willing to open that gate my Thane.” Lydia teased making Arria blush even deeper.

“I’ll do it when I’m ready Lydia.” Arria replied as she hid her face in her hood. Rainbow Dash chuckled to herself.

“You sound just like my friend Twilight.” She told the mage. “And a little bit like Fluttershy to now that I think about it.” She added.

“I do?” Arria asked coming out of her hood.

“Yeah, Twilight’s a unicorn who’s really good at magic and always gives lectures and Fluttershy’s always blushing about sex and stuff which is weird when you think about it considering her job.” Dash replied with a shrug.

“What’s her job?” Lydia asked.

“She runs an animal shelter thingy; she doesn’t really adopt the animals. She just takes care of them and stuff.” Dash answered.

“And why does it not make sense for her to be embarrassed by sex stuff?” Arria asked through her still heated cheeks.

“Well they’re animals, rutting season comes eventually.” Dash replied frankly.

“Can we stop talking about sex please?” Arria asked sounding slightly flustered. “In fact why don’t you tell us a little bit about your home Dash?” She added quickly.

“Sure I guess; so what do you want to know?” Rainbow asked.

“What are you exactly? I mean no offense but I’ve never heard of a flying horse.” Arria asked.

“I’m a pegasus; we control the weather of Equestria and make sure that the earth ponies get the right amount of sunshine and rain.” Dash explained.

“Wait, you can control the weather?” Lydia asked interestedly.

“Yep, in fact I’m head of the Ponyville Weather Patrol.” Dash said proudly with a grin.

“Ponyville?” Arria asked with a raised eyebrow.

“That’s the name of the town I live in.” Rainbow replied.

“And I thought Nords were uncreative namers.” Arria said ruefully.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Dash asked a bit defensively.

“Nothing…um please continue.” Arria replied with a cough.

“Yeah, anyways I run the weather team and make sure that the farms all get the rain that they need.” Rainbow Dash told her two listeners.

“Interesting, I know that the farmers of Whiterun would enjoy having someone who could make it rain whenever they needed it.” Lydia said while she tapped her chin.

“Wait, you mean that your farmers don’t have any say in how the weather works?” Dash asked in confusion.

“Well we can pray and hope.” Lydia replied.

“Next thing you’ll tell me that you can’t control the seasons!” Dash exclaimed. The crickets outside started to chirp as Lydia and Arria just stared at her. “Or-or that the sun rises by itself!” Dash added; Arria’s jaw dropped as did Lydia’s. Several minutes of silence passed until Arria pulled herself together enough to ask a question.

“Dash; do you mean to tell me that your people have the power to raise the sun?” She asked in amazement.

“Yeah, Celestia does it.” Dash replied.

“Didn’t you say that she lived a thousand years ago?” Arria asked.

“Mhm, she was still going strong last time I saw her.” Rainbow answered with a shrug.

“Dash…are you a daedra?” Arria asked quietly as her hand slowly reached for her mace, Lydia followed suit.

“What’s a daedra?” Dash asked in confusion. Lydia and Arria exchanged a look.

“A daedra is an immortal being from Oblivion, they vary anywhere from chaotic and evil to benign and helpful. They also have no real sense of morality.” Arria explained. “They’re most often characterized by the Prince of their native plain of Oblivion, some of whom at least attempt not to harm mortals.” Arria continued as she clenched the handle of her mace.

“Why are you two looking at me that way…?” Dash asked suddenly noticing the way that the two women were regarding her, Arria’s eyes were scanning her in an extremely creepy way and Lydia’s were hardened with resolve.

“Dash what were the names of your Princesses again?” Arria asked, her voice had acquired a low almost threatening quality.

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Dash replied uneasily as her eyes jumped back and forth between the two women. Her body was tensing, preparing to dodge in any direction necessary to avoid danger.

“Odd…I don’t recognize them from my readings, and my master made sure that I knew my Deadric Princes…” Arria said relaxing slightly as her hand retreated from the hilt of her mace. Lydia shrugged and discreetly sheathed her sword which Dash hadn’t even noticed being drawn.

“So um should I be worried about you guys attacking me?” Dash asked but Arria shook her head.

“I don’t recognize your Princesses’ names as Deadric, and from the way you seem so clueless about things I’m willing to bet that you probably aren’t one.” Arria told her with a slight sigh. “I’m sorry Dash, but if you were a daedra then… well there’s a reason that most daedra are mistrusted at best.” Arria told Dash sounding legitimately apologetic.

“Uh… it’s cool I guess, but I could’ve totally taken you if I had to.” Dash told them with a cocky grin on her face. Lydia snorted and Arria let out a small giggle at her tone.

“So, more soup?” The mage asked.

“I’d love some more.” Dash replied with a grin


Twilight stepped out of the train and was met at the station by her brother Shining Armor, Celestia must have sent him ahead to meet her. The white stallion gave her a loving smile before he wrapped her in a hug with. Twilight returned the embrace and shuddered once before she found her voice.

“Thanks Shining.” She said quietly.

“Are you alright Twily?” Shining asked, Twilight’s letter to Celestia hadn’t included a reason for her sudden need to
meet with the Princess.

“No I’m not Shining.” Twilight replied tersely. “We need to get to the castle immediately.” She added as she began to stride purposely through the darkened Canterlot streets towards the castle.

“Twily whatever it is you can tell me.” Shining told her as he walked next to her.

“I will when I talk to Celestia, in the meantime how’re things going with Cadence?” Twilight asked him.

“Perfect.” Shining said with an incredibly happy look on his face. Twilight let out a small giggle at the look on his face momentarily losing a bit of her intensity.

“You know Shining I’m still not sure how you managed to keep your relationship under wraps as long as you did.” Twilight told him.

“Oh it wasn’t too hard; trust me Twily you were kind of oblivious to stuff like that.” Shining told her with a chuckle as he bumped her with his side.

“I was not!” Twilight replied with an annoyed frown on her face.

“Oh really?” Shining asked sardonically.

“Yes really!” Twilight told him.

“Alright so where did Cadence go whenever you were asleep?” Shining asked her with a wicked grin.

“I-I thought she went home…” Twilight said with a confused look.

“Nope, we’d spend the nights till mom and dad got home talking and occasionally kissing.” Shining told her.

“But-but…” Twilight stuttered.

“Yeah those were some fun nights sis, let me tell you.” He said with a chuckle.

“You two didn’t do it on the couch did you…?” Twilight said trailing off at the thought.

“On the couch; no of course not. We didn’t actually um do it until our marriage night.” Shining told her as a slight blush touched his face.

“Well that’s a relief, I was worried that I’d never be able to sit down anywhere in our house again.” Twilight replied.

“I wouldn’t retract that just yet.” Shining told her with a chuckle.

“Why’s that?” Twilight asked.

“Well mom and dad…” Shining said trailing off. Twilight hit him with her hoof.

“Eww gross! Shining why do you make me thing about that!?” Twilight asked as a disgusted look washed over her face.

“Because it’s fun to mess with my little sister.” Shining told her with a wide grin. “Also because you looked like you needed it.” He told her sobering up for a second.

“Do I really look that bad?” Twilight asked.

“Twily your eyes are red and the fur around them is tearstained.” Shining told her as he leaned against her slightly, offering her his brotherly warmth.

“I-I hadn’t realized, I haven’t had a chance to look in a mirror.” Twilight said quietly. “Although… that would explain why Spike almost forced me to take him with me.” She added slowly.

“So are you sure you don’t want to tell me what happened now?” Shining asked.

“Yes, I don’t think I’ll be able to tell it more than once without having a breakdown.” Twilight said softly.

“Alright then Twily, I’ll trust you on this.” Shining told her as he leaned a little closer to her in a comforting way.

“Thanks Shiny.” Twilight replied.

They walked in silence until they reached the castle. Shining nodded to the guards at the gate and they respectfully stepped aside and let the Captain of the Guard and his little sister pass without comment. As always Twilight couldn’t suppress a small smile at the sight of the castle rearing up before her, she had so many happy memories from the place that it practically radiated love and comfort to her. The guards at the front door let them pass with a similar amount of trouble as the ones at the gate, that is to say none, and they continued inward. Maids scurried about their business dusting and cleaning the walls and floors of the castle’s many hallways along with straightening pictures and making sure that the place was generally spotless.

As they walked towards their destination, Celestia’s suite, Twilight began to relax. The familiar surroundings set her mind at ease and her brother’s invisible protective aura added another layer of security and stability. Two nearly identical guards stood motionless on either side of the door to Celestia’s suite however the second that they saw Shining they saluted. Shining nodded to them and one opened the door with a hoof before stepping back and allowing the two unicorns to enter the room un-harried.

Inside they found Celestia peacefully sipping a cup of tea in a simple wooden chair while she eyed a slice of opulently iced cake that was sitting on the table beside her. At the sound of their entrance Celestia looked up from her cake and gave Twilight one of her patented smiles, it was the kind of smile that instantly filled your heart with hope no matter what had happened, the kind of smile that promised you that no matter what you did she’d forgive you. In short it was the smile of a being older than Equestria itself who was more powerful than the sun and fully capable of using that power to accomplish whatever she wished.

To Twilight however, that smile had a different connotation. To the purple mare it was the smile of a loving mother figure. She was the one who had held her when she was scared at night in the big scary castle until she’d gone back to sleep. She was the one who had taught her how to discern the true nature of the universe armed with nothing but her magic and her brain. Celestia was the one who, in her infinite wisdom, had sent Twilight out into the world to make friends just in the nick of time to prevent catastrophe.

“Twilight what has happened? You look awful.” Celestia asked in concern as she rose from her chair to embrace her student in a hug.

Twilight didn’t answer at first; instead she just began to weep losing all form of dignity or control as Celesta pulled her closer. Shining watched from behind struck by indecision. Should he go and comfort his sister, or should he wait for Celestia’s command? In the end his brotherly instincts won out and he went up to embrace his sister as well. Finally after five straight minutes of crying Twilight’s eyes dried and she could cry no more, then she pushed herself away from her mentor and brother.

“I-I’m sorry Princess, I shouldn’t have done that.” Twilight said quietly.

“Nonsense Twilight never say such a thing.” Celestia answered sharply as she returned to her chair. “Whatever has happened has upset you very badly and it is perfectly alright for you to cry on my shoulder if need be.” Celestia told the purple mare. “Now I need you to calmly tell me what’s happened so that I can help.” Celestia told her calmly.

“It started with that letter you sent me this morning about the dragon problem.” Twilight began.

“Twilight I never sent you a letter this morning.” Celestia said puzzled.

“You didn’t?” Twilight asked in confusion. “Then what’s this?” She asked pulling the letter out of her saddlebag and sending it floating over to Celestia to read. The Solar Monarch spent a few seconds looking over the letter before she gasped in obvious distress.

“Whoever sent this was trying to get you killed Twilight.” She said very quietly; then she looked at the look on Twilight’s face as it crumbled. “Oh no, Twilight I’m so very, very sorry.” She said as she bent down and picked up the unicorn in her forelegs and held her close.

“What’s going on, who died?” Shining asked quietly.

“What’s going on is that whoever sent this letter is going to pay very dearly for it.” Celestia said with an angry snort that almost sounded like a snarl.

“What did it say?” Shining asked.

“Dear My faithful student

I need you and your friends to move a blue drake living in the south western mountains near Gryponia who’s been causing the local sheep a great deal of trouble and relocate him to a lovely cave near in the eastern mountains. Pleas report back when you’ve done this.

Sincerely your teacher Princess Celestia

Ps. Remember Cats can be Bats can be Rats can be Hats can be Gnats.” Celestia said with a scowl as she released Twilight who was looking at her strangely.

“I don’t remember the last part; it wasn’t there when I originally read it.” Twilight said slowly. Shining’s eyes had bulged by this point.

“The only blue dragon who lives in the western mountains is- oh by Luna!” Shining almost shouted.

“…Is Drake, the Dragon King himself.” Celestia finished for him.

“Twily…” Shining said at a loss for words. The Dragon King was known for being incredibly violent, fast to anger, and even faster to seek retribution for even a perceived slight.

“Yes which is why I’ll make sure that whoever did this is thrown into the darkest, deepest, dankest pit in all of Tartarus.” Celestia said; her words held barely constrained rage. “Twilight you have to tell me what happened after you got to the cave.” She said switching topics.

“I told him that he had to leave but he refused and got angry, and then we tried fighting him but nothing worked; even Fluttershy’s stare didn’t affect him.” Twilight said.

“No, it wouldn’t. Fluttershy’s got a strong will, but young Drake’s been alive thousands of years. At this point only Luna or I could hope to control him and whatever we accomplished would be temporary at best.” Celestia said with a slight scowl once more gracing her regal face.

“Then he shot a ball of fire straight at Fluttershy and-and” Twilight stuttered.

“He killed Fluttershy?!” Celestia asked in shock.

“No, Dash threw her out of the way at the last second and got hit instead.” Twilight sobbed.

“Oh Twilight, I’m so sorry. I know how it is to have someone close to you die.” Celestia said sadly as she pulled the purple mare close again.

“But she’s not dead.” Twilight sniffled.

“Wait, she isn’t?” Shining asked from behind.

“No, that’s the weird part.” Twilight said pulling away from Celestia who was regarding her curiously.

“What do you mean Twilight?” Celestia asked

“She didn’t die; if she did we would’ve found something left behind beside a scorch mark, as at least. Instead it’s like she just vanished, almost as if she was a letter that I sent through Spike.” Twilight explained.

“That is odd…” Celestia said trailing off.

“What’s even odder is that apparently he was legitimately trying to kill her, he didn’t want to teleport her he just wanted Fluttershy dead.” Twilight said.

“Something must have interfered then, although I have no idea what or who it could be.” Celestia mused aloud.

“So Princess what do we do now?” Shining asked.

“Scramble the Guard and send them out looking for any trace of Rainbow Dash. Remember Shining Armor time is of the essence.” Celestia commanded, Shining saluted and gave Twilight a hug before he walked out of the room.

“Can I stay in the castle tonight?” Twilight asked in a quiet voice.

“Of course you may Twilight.” Celestia answered with a loving motherly smile as she wiped another tear away from her student’s face. Then Celestia’s face changed a bit as she thought over the contents of the letter.

“What is it Princess?” Twilight asked.

“I’m trying to think if I’ve ever heard the phrase at the end of the letter before.” Celestia said as she closed her eyes for a second to think.

“Have you?” Twilight asked as her innate curiosity won over her grief at losing her friend.

“No, I haven’t the faintest idea where it’s from.” Celestia said with a sigh.

“Do you think there could be anything in the Archives?” Twilight asked.

“Could be, could be.” Celestia said with a nod. “Would you like to begin searching now?” Celestia asked Twilight who nodded eagerly until her stomach cut her off with a loud growl.

“Maybe after some lunch, I haven’t been able to eat anything since this morning.” Twilight said with a blush.

“Of course Twilight, follow me and I’ll get something prepared for you.” Celestia told her student.

“You’re just going to eat cake aren’t you?” Twilight asked.

“I have an image to uphold Twilight; cake is a very important, and tasty, part of that image.” Celestia replied loftily.


Dash was woken from her sleep by the sound of a woman shouting a battle cry. It sounded like Lydia! The housecarl had volunteered to take the first watch of the night and was supposed to be on the lookout for anyone who tried to mess with them while they slept.

Dash opened her eyes rapidly and waited for them to adjust to the dimming light cast by the dying fire. She turned her head to the right where Arria was sleeping and found to her surprise that a stocky man was lying atop her forcing her to the ground with one hand pressing into her chest right above her breasts immobilizing her and the other covering her mouth so that she couldn’t talk. His trousers were half way off and he looked to be trying to get them all the way off without taking his hands away from her body. Arria’s robe had been pushed up over body revealing the skin beneath, her breasts were still covered by a thin strip of cloth but the man didn’t seem to really mind.

“Oh boy when I told ma boys that there’d be fresh meat in here I had no idea that it’d be this pretty.” The man slurred. He was wearing what looked to be armor made out of leather with some studs of iron and metal sticking out of it along with a snow covered cap of some kind and ruff fur boots. At his waist were a steel dagger and an iron sword. Arria struggled beneath his grasp but the man just laughed.

“You mages are all the same; ya don’t got any muscles under those robes!” He chuckled. “That’s alright though I don’t like them muscular!” He added with a leer.

“Hey get the heck off of her!” Dash shouted as she leapt into the air and sped forward to deliver a powerful kick to the man’s face as he turned to look at her. The man was thrown off both by the power behind the kick and the surprise that came from being kicked in the face by a flying rainbow maned horse.

“Da hell are you?” He asked blearily as he pulled his trousers up.

“Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria, and I’m about to kick your butt!” Dash told him angrily.

“Ha I’d like to see you tr-” The man began as he drew his sword but he was interrupted by a small bolt of lightning that suddenly slashed out and struck his left arm sending him spinning. He regained his feet after a few seconds visibly shaking but still able to fight.

“I’m going to kill you.” Arria stated simply as she began to walk up to the man, rings of blue lightning sparking from her fingers. “FUS RO DA!” She shouted.

Dash watched in amazement as the man was sent flying backwards into the wall of the tower by the force of the words. Then Arria sent a bolt slightly larger of lightning straight into the man’s right thigh causing him to let out a horrible scream as the lightning burned its way through his flesh.

“I may be mage, but I’m also an Imperial Battle Mage, and if there’s one thing that my master drilled into my head over the years it’s ways to kill someone.” Arria told him as her voiced dripped with venom. “I think we’ll start this off with your testicles.” She told him with a snarl as she sent a bolt lightning flying straight into the man’s crotch. Dash flinched at the sound of the man’s pain and turned to look at her new friend who was watching the display with a blank face.

“Arria are you okay?” Dash asked softly.

“He tried to rape me Dash.” Arria replied without turning to look at Dash. She then shot out another bolt of lightning that seared into the man’s chest slicing through his armor like butter and leaving a large black mark where it had struck.

“Then shouldn’t we umm turn him over to the guards?” Dash asked hesitantly.

“There are no guards this far away from any of the cities and towns.” Arria replied. “Besides they execute people for rape so I’m just expediting the process.” She then gathered magic into both hands and unleashed it into both of the man’s shoulders at once. This time it was a concentrated bolt but instead it was a flickering trail of multiple bolts. The man screamed in agony so loudly that Dash knew that she’d never unhear the noise.

“I think Lydia’s in danger!” Dash said as she suddenly remembered the woman’s shouts from before. That broke through the shell of anger that Arria had erected around herself.

“I-I forgot about that.” She said unsteadily. Then she turned back to the man who was now lying prostrate against the wall groaning in agony. With a quick flash of light she sent a lightning bolt flying out of her right hand that burned through the man’s head. “Come on we have to help Lydia, she’s good but who knows how many men this bastard brought with him!” Arria said urgently as she rushed out the door.

Dash was frozen in midair. The only parts of her that were moving where her wings which were acting off of instinct more than anything else. The man’s body just lay there on the ground covered in sear marks. At least there wasn’t any blood; Dash was pretty sure that if there’d been blood to go along with the stinking smell of burning flesh she would’ve lost her dinner. A sudden screech from outside snapped her out of it, she turned and rushed out of the tower almost smashing face first into the shield of a man dressed similarly to the first one. Dash pulled up at the last second and quickly back winged away just in time to avoid a nasty blow to the head.

“They’ve got a flyin horse witdth them!” The man shouted before he swung his sword at Dash who rolled away from the blow in midair.

“I’m a pegasus!” Dash shouted as she charged towards the man and punched him squarely in the jaw sending him stumbling backwards.

She followed this up with a roundhouse kick to the chest that sent him tumbling to the ground. The man groaned as he lay there on the ground but before he could regain his feet Dash came at him again smashing her hoof into his nose breaking it with a crack. Red blood poured out of his nostrils and coated her foreleg but Dash didn’t notice it. All she cared about was making sure that the man wouldn’t cause her new, and extremely scary, friends harm. The man just lay there quietly unmoving apparently unconscious. Dash nodded to herself and looked around to see if she could find Lydia and Arria.

She found them a few feet away guided by a spectral light that floated above them. Lydia was kneeling on the ground breathing heavily and Arria was standing next to her with green swirling around her hands as she pressed them into Lydia’s shoulder. Slowly the housecarl regained her feet and turned to Arria.

“I’m sorry my Thane, I failed you.” She said hanging her head.

“I’m fine now Lydia, you couldn’t be watching all of them at once.” Arria told her softly as she pulled her robe back down so that it was covering her once more, apparently she hadn’t thought of it during the fight.

“Are you two okay?” Dash asked as she flew over to them.

“I’m fine, once I calm down that is, until then I’d avoid startling, or touching me unless you want me to accidentally electrocute you.” Arria told her shakily, she’d been using a lot of magic today and even with the added fortitude granted to her by her mantle of Dragon Born she was still close to dropping with exhaustion.

“I’m fine as well thanks to my Thane.” Lydia said with a nod towards Arria.

“How many were there?” Dash asked.

“Twelve, I managed to kill seven but five got through.” Lydia said hanging her head again.

“I killed three counting the one in there.” Arria said with an unsteady nod towards the tower.

“And I knocked one out which means that there’s still one left.” Dash said looking around hesitantly.

“He’s probably run away by now; bandits only fight battles that they know they’ll win.” Lydia said.

“Alright.” Dash said her voice was still shaky.

“Where was the one you knocked out?” Arria asked suddenly.

“Over there on the ground.” Dash replied with a nod in the appropriate direction.

“I’ll get him.” Lydia said as she rose to her feet and started over where Dash had indicated. The wet sound of a sword blade sinking into flesh followed a second later making Dash shiver.

“Now what?” Dash asked as Lydia rejoined them.

“Now we sleep and then get a move on in the morning; I want to get back to Whiterun by noon.” Arria replied.

“In there?” Dash asked with a note of panic entering her voice. “But there’s a body in there!” Dash all but shouted.

“I’ll move it, and then we’ll sleep.” Lydia told her simply, ending the pegasus’s protests.

“Alright I guess…” Dash said trailing off.

“Don’t worry you’ll get used to the killing, oh and Dash in case we forgot to say it before; welcome to Skyrim.” Lydia said.

Author's Note:

So if you don't know who sent Dash to Equestria after this chapter then i'm going to assume that you've never played any of the Elder Scrolls games in which case I hope that the info dump at the beginning of the chapter helped explain a bit more about the world that Dash is going to be exploring.

Also i hope my grammar wasn't to bad at the end, until next time then

Ed out