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An Aweful Truth

I'm just going to skip this boring author's note, no one listens . Disclaimer: My little Pony is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I have no affiliation with either of the two.

After a loud slam into the door, Applejack is huffing and puffing. Arriving in Ponyville after the attack on Canterlot, Applejack had run all the way back to Sweet Apple Acres. "EEH!" cried Granny Smith as she backwards, on her chair. "Granny Smith!" Applejack yelled as she moved to help her grandmother up. "Err what's going on? I should be asleep now!" exclaimed Granny Smith. "Granny Smith, I was just in Canterlot… it was…. Err… explosive." Granny Smith leaned back "Yes child I heard. Loud noises woke old granny from her sleep." Applejack was a little worried, but told Granny Smith about the attack on Canterlot by the PLR. "Oh my! Earth ponies attacking the sweet Celestia? Why would anypony do that?" Applejack had a confused look. "Beats the heck out of me, Granny Smith. But if you see their leader…. Bucephalus I think his name is….." Granny Smith looked shocked beyond words. "Is he, a rather big pony with a hammer and sickle cutie mark?" Applejack thought about her grandmother's question "Uhh yeah, Granny Smith, how did you know?"Normally the senile old pony would always be confused at new events. But it seemed to Applejack she knew the name Bucephalus.

"Granny, do you know something about him?" asked Applejack. With a almost horrified look, Granny Smith said "Umm no young one, I don't recognize the name, you know I must catch up on my sleep." Applejack shook Granny Smith awake. "Granny Smith, please this is important! Who is Bucephalus?!" Granny Smith took a deep breath and said "He's your real grandfather..." Applejack was shocked "That insane terrorist is what?!" Granny Smith had repeated herself again. "He's Big Mac's, Applebloom's, and yours grandfather." Applejack couldn't believe what she had just heard, normally the old pony would be confused about everything she sees and hears. "What are you talking about?!" cried Applejack. Granny Smith turned away and put a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. "Sit down young filly" said Granny Smith. "Granny has a long story to tell.

"I was just a young mare when I had met them." Granny Smith began. "My father needed extra hands to buck apples. The only two who applied were Bucephalus and his brother, Silver Tail. Now my daddy was easily impressed with Bucephalus' strength able to buck more apples than any member of the Apple family. Bucephalus was also took a liking to Zap Apple jam, and would regularly take part of his pay out to have some. Now to tell you the truth, back then I had a sort of school girl crush on the hard working farm hand. But there was a part of me that wanted to know all about him, yet he refused to give out too much information about himself. All my family knew is that the two brothers moved from town to town working odd day jobs. They wouldn't share too much about their past, as they said it was too painful for them. They did mention however, that they used to work with their father in a coal mine. Now when Rich's father, Stinkin' Rich, would visit to pick up zap apple jam, Bucephalus was nowhere to be seen. When I asked him what was up with him, all I got was that "I do not trust his kind", and walked off. From time to time I'd come out and offer the boys some apple juice, they'd always appreciate it. Eventually I told Bucephalus about how I felt about him; it took me more courage to talk to him than it did facing timberwolves, seeing as how Bucephalus was such an intimidating giant." Applejack was quiet as her grandmother continued her story.

"He told me that I was also very lovely, and from that time we were stallionfriend and marefriend. However, we weren't ready to tell everyone the news of the arrangements between myself and Bucephalus; he was a bit of a younger pony, but still in my age area. I then…. Errmmm" Granny Smith began to show a face of embarrassment. "I took him by the hoof to the barn… for a little… hokey pokey... hee hee." Applejack looked at her grandmother as she recounted such early events. "But why did he leave, granny?" said Applejack "Bucephalus' brother, Silver Tail, was quite a trouble maker. He told Bucephalus of a new bar opening in Ponyville, seeing as how they worked for quite some time; the two stallions took leave and went off to the bar. That… was the last I saw of him." Granny Smith began to cry a bit. Applejack, seeing as how distressed her grandmother was, Applejack tried and comfort her. "Please Granny; it hurts to see you cry." Granny Smith shook away. "No dear filly, someone must know."

Granny Smith began talking again "You see, Bucephalus' brother had too much to drink and got into a fight with some ruffians. Bucephalus came to his brother's defense and fought them off. That did not mean he wasn't to be punished. Both Bucephalus and Silver Tail were arrested. They joined the Equestrian Military rather than serve a jail sentence. By that time I was having these strange cravings for things I did not normally eat. I was moody often. It wasn't until later I had realized I was pregnant with Bucephalus' child, your father. My father was in an uproar; his best worker had not only gotten his beloved little mare pregnant, but also had been arrested for a fight. Seeing as how my future hanged on a little thread, he married me off to the pony that would be your "grandfather" though biologically he was not. " Applejack was a little sad with this. "Didn't he ever write?" Granny Smith answered "Why yes of course, up until the Gryphons invaded Equestria. By that time, he was so caught up in the war, and suffering injuries and all that. I guess he stopped loving me. But why he'd attack innocent ponies is beyond me child." Applejack couldn't believe that she was related to the stallion that almost killed them. "Does he know about us, Granny?" asked Applejack. Granny Smith shook her head no. "No, my sweet little apple, he does not, you and I are now the only ponies alive that know the truth. But please for your brother's and sister's sake as well as your own. Don't mention what I have told you to anyone. The truth isn't ready to be revealed yet, and I fear Bucephalus' retribution on me, for his grandchildren. There I have told you everything child, now I must go to bed, I have some sleep to catch up on." Granny Smith got up off the chair, and went up the stairs to her bedroom, leaving Applejack alone to her thoughts. "I can't believe what I heard" Applejack thought to herself "That terrible monster is … my grandpappy? Grandpappies are supposed to love their grandkids not try and kill them…" Applejack was exhausted from the night's events. Seeing as how the house was still dark, with her family resting, Applejack quietly walked up the stairs, into her room, and fell asleep.