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Raiding Parties

All right, so I started to do a little more research on several characters for this chapter. For something important to the story. Also, I'd appreciate feedback from you, the readers. Just a little way of knowing what could be fixed what you like, don't like, and I'll see what I can do. Disclamer: My little Pony is owned by Hasbro, I have no affiliation with either.

In a room at the Canterlot palace, Princess Celestia was pacing back and forth. Never since Discord and Nightmare Moon has there been so much chaos. "What am I doing wrong?" Celestia asked herself, as she pondered about the PLR. "I've always tried to be fair for all. I encouraged love and tolerance. Why must this PLR rebel?" Princess Celestia looked over at someone coming through the doorway. It was Princess Luna, Celestia's sister. Noticing the saddened look on her sister's face, Princess Luna spoke up "Tia. Please I know this situation is unnerving for you, but I think we should head back into the party. Everyone's waiting for you." Luna said with a wink. "Very well sister" Celestia said with a sigh. "I will go, but everyone has been screened in?" Princess Luna laughed at Princess Celestia's question. "Oh Tia! You are paranoid, of course they've all been checked out! You should stop worrying! Nothing is going to happen."

In the Canterlot Ball room, Celestia watched as the guest ponies chatted and laughed amongst themselves. Pinkie Pie was filling up on refreshments, as usual. Rarity was busy talking to members of the Canterlot elite. Fluttershy was seen trying to make more friends with the animals. Applejack selling the new apple related products ("Everything from apple cider to apple tarts and pies"). "Hello dear teacher." Said Twilight Sparkle as she approached Princess Celestia. "What's wrong, Princess Celestia" asked Twilight. "Oh its nothing, I must be feeling a little apprehensive to another major event. We haven't filled the room since your brother's wedding, Twilight." Twilight smiled at Celestia. "It's unfortunate, that Shining Armor couldn't attend." Celestia looked at Twilight. "Yes but unfortunately as captain of the guard, his duties constrict his ability to join in tonight's event. However, his wife Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is here. Why don't you go talk to her?" Twilight seemed to make a jump for joy at this. "Cadence is here? Well of course she lives in Canterlot! I must go find out how my foalsitter- I mean sister in law is doing." Twilight hurried off to go find Cadence. "I just hope nothing happens tonight." Said Princess Celestia as she went off to converse with the guests.

Outside the Canterlot Palace, a member of the royal guard is patrolling the entrance to the palace. As he walked back and forth, he thought he heard something calling out to him "Psst! Guard over here!" a voice called out. "Hmm what is this?" the guard said as he walked closer to the source of the noise. As he turned around a corner, the guard asked "Who's there?! Show yourself". A voice behind him said "Behind you" BANG! A loud sound shot out from one hitting metal very hard. The guard fell unconscious as the intruder began stripping him of armor. Taking the keys to various places in the castle, the intruder began unlocking several of the buildings… Allowing his comrades in the PLR to infiltrate the Equestria Royal Palace.

Back inside the Winter Celebration, Cadance is having quite a nice chat with her sister-in-law, Twilight Sparkle. "Why yes of course Twilight, Shining Armor and I couldn't be happier with each other. Oh, and I have a special announcement to make with everyone." Princess Cadance walked over to Princess Celestia and whispered something in her ear. "Attention everyone! Princess Mi Amore Cadenza has an important announcement to make." Said Princess Celestia. Everyone turned their attention towards the young alicorn as she made her way to the microphone. After clearing her throat, Princess Cadence began. "Everyone, I have wonderful news-"whatever Princess Cadance had to say, was to be put on hold, as explosions rocked the Palace.

Stallions and mares of all ages ran in terror, as the explosions continued rocking the palace. Pinkie Pie jumped into a pile of fallen pastries. Fluttershy had a panic attack and fainted, her hair soaking in the overturned punch bowl. Almost as soon as the explosions began, the attacks had stopped. When the smoke cleared, the ponies began to try and regain their composure. Some kept hiding, incase another attack came. "Is everyone all right?" cried Princess Celestia as she tried to help others. "Come now your royal highness, you seem to be all… shaken up." Celestia showed a horrified look on her face. "I recognize that voice!" cried Celestia.

"Ah, you all seem to be quite shaken up…" Said Bucephalus as he walked through the rubble in the room. "Dear me, it seems as though the great Celestia herself is helpless to stop even earth ponies. Follow in comrades." Bucephalus pointed to several of the undamaged doors. Through them, more and more PLR ponies moved in, surrounding the attendees. "Bucephalus stop this!" princess Celestia cried out. Bucephalus showed anger though his face. "You are not my master, Princess" Bucephalus said rather rudely. "I will not stop nor rest until your tyranny is destroyed."Little numbers of the guards had shown up. The barracks had been rigged, and detonated, killing the inhabitants. However, there was still a number of Canterlot guards ready to pose a threat to Bucephalus. "I say" said Prince Blue Blood. "How dare you! A commoner attack the high order of society! Were I in charge you would've been exiled for treason." Princess Celestia could not believe of the stupidity of her nephew. "Blue Blood you idiot!" Celestia thought to herself. Without warning, Bucephalus had Prince Blue Blood by the horn, then knocking out a leg, had Blue Blood's head slam into a marble table. Due to the force of the blow, Prince Blue Blood did not get up."Do not worry, dear imperialists, that pig is not dead…. Yet, just unconscious." Bucephalus said calmly. "Hey you!" cried Rainbow dash "Up Here!" Bucephalus looked up to see the blue Pegasus to be hovering above. "Ah, Rainbow Dash is it?" asked Bucephalus "Please, end this hero charade before I have to kill you." Rainbow dash knew the hero icicon jig was up, and flew back to hide.

"Equestria does not negotiate with terrorists!" Shining Armor, Captain of the guard called out to Bucephalus. "You have committed acts of treason against her majesty, the Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna. Not only had you endangered their lives but also that of many others! Including that of my wife and sister!" Shining Armor called out to Bucephalus with anger seething through his voice. "Hmm and a captain, thinks he can overrule a commanding officer?" Asked Bucephalus with a smug toned voice. "As major general, I order you to drop your weapons and toss them over here!" Princess Celestia finally spoke. "Bucephalus! You had been stripped of your military orders years ago! Your commands do not carry weight here." Princess Celestia was angered, how dare he attack innocent ponies, Celestia had stripped Bucephalus of his title years ago, and yet he was ordering around her soldiers like they were still his subordinates. As for Twilight, she was praying to herself that Shining Armor wouldn't do anything stupid as she watched as he took on the giant, Bucephalus. The rest of the attendees stood quiet as they heard the exchange between the Princesses and the guards, over to Bucephalus and the PLR terrorists. "However" Bucephalus said. "I have not come to argue over petty matters Celestia. Instead I have come to send an ultimatum to all of the rulers of Equestria. You are to follow the demands…. Or suffer the consequences. You have forty-eight hours to comply." Princess Celestia wanted the gigantic Stallion to talk. "What do you want?!" Celestia called out. Bucephalus simply smiled, and dropped a parchment to the floor. With that, a smoke grenade was detonated. When the smoke cleared, Bucephalus and the PLR had disappeared.