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Equestria Ending

Well, we are at the conclusion of PLR: Pony Liberation and Resistance. You have chosen option 1 ending. Therefore we are at the Equestria victory. MLP is Hasbro's property. Etc etc..

"It's over... it's finally over." Twilight says to her friends, as they walk out of the ruined palace. Thanks to their efforts, the mob had left the capital. The psychopath Ground Rider had been stopped, and Bucephalus is dead.

"Big Mac, what you did was very brave. Are you sure you're all right?" Applejack asks her older brother. "Uhh … I'm fine Applejack, let's just put this behind us." Big Macintosh says calmly.

The ponies looked ahead into the streets of Canterlot. Fires were being put out. The wounded were being treated for their wounds. The ponies were trying to rebuild their lives.

"I wish... I've could've done something to prevent this." says Princess Celestia appearing behind the Mane 6. "This place... once symbol of Equestria, is now a heap of ruins. I... Well it's no use sulking about it now. Come girls, we have work to do." At that they all went down to help the rebuilding process of Canterlot...


The Mane 6 went back to their lives. Fluttershy still cared for animals. Rainbow Dash still worked hard to become a wonderbolt. Rarity rebuilt her boutique.

Canterlot was rebuilt back to it's former glory. Though to many citizens and residents, many complained that there was still...a feeling of death hanging in the air.

The PLR took the body of Bucephalus back to Stalliongrad (his adopted home city) for burial. Though Equestria won the civil war, Fillydelphia and Stalliongrad remained independent of Equestria. The soviets (worker's councils) there, under the leadership of Commissar Leon Trodsky, creating the UPSR (Union of Pony Soviet Republics). Stalliongrad went so far as to rename the city Bucephalopolis. Both cities made statues of Bucephalus to honor their fallen leader.

Princess Celestia ordered an investigation on the motives of the PLR. Apparently, there was genuine corruption within Equestria, as well as discrimination of Earth ponies. To try and reconcile the situation, both Princess Luna and Celestia set out to work on resolving those issues.

The COLTS were disbanded. Those who had supported the PLR and responsible for the massacres, were exiled, the more heinous were executed. However, proof was discovered that only the older generation of COLTS (those who were recruited by Bucephalus) had only supported Bucephalus. The newer generation however, were loyal to Equestria and the Princesses, and even aided them during the attack on Canterlot. They were allowed to reform the COLTS thus restablishing the special ops.

Meanwhile... near the Cerulean River...

"Arragh..." Ground Rider says as he struggles to climb out of the river. "AHHHH!" Ground Rider finally manages to remove the crossbow bolt that had caused him so much pain. Turning back towards the river, Ground Rider says to the sea ponies. "Thank you comrades, your service will be remembered by the New PLR... I only need to get back to Stalliongrad... As for you … Big Mac... traitor... you … are gonna pay..." Ground Rider staggers for a bit, before continuing his way back to Stalliongrad.

The End?

That's the end for the Equestrian side... Now on to the PLR ending.