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Special thanks goes to hawkeye35 for allowing me to use his special creation: the colts. Basically a special ops unit in the Equestrian military. They're going to be used in this story as well. Be sure to read hawkeye35's story "Colts" when you can. It's one of the best MLP fanfics out there. Sorry about the delay between chapters. School has come up and I have a lot of college credit classes to do (Calculus, psychology, adv. Bio, etc) as well as cross country. I'll try to finish the story as soon as I can type them out. MLP is the property of Lauren Faust and Hasbro. If I were affiliated with them, I'd have season 3 out by now.

"What do you mean they've been taken!" cried Rainbow Dash in a fit of rage. "You're telling me those creeps have imprisoned our friends and there's nothing we can do to save them?!"

Princess Celestia looked at the remaining Mane 6: Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, with a saddened look. "Yes I'm afraid. Though we've managed to get you to arrive safely, the other three are unknown in their whereabouts."

Pinkie spoke up "Those meanies kidnapped our friends! What if they're partying without us?" Rainbow Dash glared at her friend. "Pinkie! Now is not the time for that!" Pinkie made a sad face "Okay Rainbow, but I should get a party going when they're back." Princess Celestia finally spoke up. "Don't worry girls; we have a special operations team in the area. They'll be safe in no time." Fluttershy quietly spoke "Will ... Our friends be safe? I … don't... Know what I'd do… without them." she said in a gentle voice. "Of course Fluttershy" Princess Celestia responded "I wouldn't let anything happen to them or any of my subjects."

In a room, the PLR leader, Bucephalus, and Ground Rider are talking. "The base has been infiltrated comrade. It seems as though it is from my former work from the Equestrian Armed services. " Ground Rider looked at his leader shocked and asked "What do you mean? You know what's coming". Bucephalus smiled at his comrade. "Of course... We will allow the imperialist agents to think they've won, and then we'll spring a trap for them."

Inside the PLR compound, four COLTS (Covert Operation and Lethal Takedown Squad), have managed to infiltrate a section of the base. Seeing as how they have killed several PLR terrorists, the group made its way deeper into the facility. With orders to neutralize the PLR orders on site, two of the members split up to take out Bucephalus, while the other group was to rescue Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity. "All right they should be around here somewhere" one of the colts said to each other. "All right" One of the colts pointed to a door. "On three we'll break into the room, and rescue the hostages." The two colts charged into the room. Looking around they see it's empty. "Uh what is this?" asked one of the colts. "They should be here." The other colt panics. "Oh sweet Celestia! It's locked from the other side!" Though the two colts had been augmented for greater strength, the door wasn't bulging. "Game over man! Game over!" cried one Colt. "Sweet Celestia look!" The colt had pointed to various holes in the walls. Gas was seeping out, the very same gas used to kill the buffalo surrounding Appleloosa. The two colts held their breath for as long as they could. But to no avail, and soon succumbed to the gas. The door soon opens, and Bucephalus and several others with gas masks enter the room. "There they are" says Bucephalus. "They aren't dead… yet. Just paralyzed." Turning to his comrades, Bucephalus speaks again. "Restrain them comrades, and take them in for interrogation."

Applejack sat there bound and blindfolded. Though her captors have been kind enough to remove the gag that stopped her from talking, the PLR wanted to transport the three to a different location. "Some grandfather he turned out to be." Said Applejack to herself. A door to the room opens. "Woah!" says Applejack "If you fellers even thing of laying a hand on me, you are sadly mistaken." The ponies who entered the room laugh. "Don't worry poor mares, we've been sent by Celestia to rescue you guys." Rarity hears this and with full of joy says "Oh my! It's been awfully dreadful in this prison cell. I can't wait to return to Ponyville." Twilight too speaks "Oh I knew the Princess wouldn't abandon us!" After untying the mares, the COLTS lead them out of the facility.

"Hey gotta smoke?" asks one PLR terrorist to the other. "Nah, you know they ration those things out, but damn commissars get the best of everything. Scumbags." A noise is heard. "Woah whats that?" the two PLR ponies say to each other in unison. As they walked to the source of the noise, neither pony feels getting dropped to the ground dead. The colts have taken them out swiftly and cleanly. "The coast is clear girls lets go." Says one of the colts. The two COLTS walked down the hallway. Inside a security room, they watched on a camera as Bucephalus interrogated their comrades. "Aggh! That bastard!" Screams one of the colts. "Shh!" The other COLT said. "They're as good as gone. There's nothing we can do to save them. We have to go." Realizing the other pony was right, the COLT got up and joined the rest of the ponies.

After sneaking around the PLR security, the COLTS and the captured mares managed to leave the facility. "All right girls, here's our getaway." The mares look up and see a sort of hang glider. "Oh I am not getting on one of those things" said Rarity slowly backing away. "Oh yes you are" One colt said as he grabbed Rarity and got on the hang glider. Soon the other ponies had done the same, and gotten out of there. Their mission completed (albeit at half man-power), the ponies returned safe and sound back to Canterlot.

Meanwhile, in the interrogation room. "Ah, so the princess herself used my own forces against me." Said Bucephalus as he removed the sacks from the two COLTs heads. "Now remind me, who trained you? Who recruited you?" The two captured COLTS realized whom they were in the presence of. Their former commanding officer Bucephalus. "Oh dear" said one of the colts. "Ah so you do remember me." Said Bucephalus. "Afterall, colts, you owe me a sort of debt. Without me, both of you and Equestria would've fallen to the griffons." The other COLT jumped up. "You turned your back on Equestria and Celestia, General Bucephalus. You betrayed her!" Bucephalus merely glared at him. "Did I Comrade? Tell me, what is it like knowing that your army has been backstabbed by the other races in a foolish attempt to outrank others. The earth ponies. Why do you think my COLTS were an all earth pony unit. The first generation of Colts were never loyal to Princess Celestia. They were only loyal to the common pony. After all, I did handpick each and everyone. Trained them to their maximum potential and beyond." The two colts glared back. "Well! We're not the first generation! We've been trained after your running of Equestria's spec ops units. You have no power over us." Bucephalus laughed at the two colts. "Comrades, I have put in place instructions in all of the COLTS' psyches. They are under my control, ready to finally fulfill our dreams of revolution." Suddenly, Ground Rider bursts into the room. "What is it Ground Rider? What is so important you must interrupt a private interrogatin?" Bucephalus said glaring at his subordinate. "Comrade Bucephalus, the elements of harmony have been taken! The colts team arrived, killed the guards and removed them from the facility." Bucephalus merely smiled. "Comrade, I no longer need the elements of harmony for our plans. Each and every COLT, first generation and beyond has been brainwashed to follow my commands. Soon, even the princesses will bow to the will of the common pony."