• Published 27th Nov 2012
  • 4,817 Views, 105 Comments

Steel Apples - Silentpegasus

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9.

The group of ponies all crowded around Steel Hammer who was still lying in a comatose state. Iron sword withdrew the hammer and wrapped steels hooves around it.

“Well, here goes nothing.” he said as he connected the hammer with Steels horn, Suddenly the hammer began to glow and levitate and produce a magical aura that enveloped the grey stallion. A bright light began to shine between the hammer and it’s master, suddenly Steels eyes began to glow and rise from the bed being suspended by the growing magic coming from the tool. A sudden flash of light, both the hammer and steel fell to the bed. The ponies suddenly rushed to his side, Applejack was in tears Steel took one look at his apprentice and began to cry.

Steel awoke in a place that was shrouded in white, a voice called to him from beyond. Steel knew this voice but his mind couldn’t believe it.


“Yes, it’s so good to see you again.” said the angelic voice. A body started to appear a unicorn mare with a light blue coat black hair and piercing red eyes. She came over and gave her son a long awaited hug.

“Wait, if I’m her and you’re here then does that mean that I’m...”

“I’m so sorry, yes.”

“Mom, I’m so sorry that I...” Steel was cut off by his mothers voice.

“What happened to me was not your fault, you must forgive yourself.”

“But I built the thing that killed you. How can I ever forgive myself for that?” he said as he began to cry.

“I know my son would not intentionally build something for destruction, it was just fate that this happened to me and no-pony is to blame. Not even your father.”

“But of I hadn’t become a forger then none of this would have happened and we would be a happy family.” he said with anger in his voice.

“So are you saying that you’re unhappy now? Remember you have ponies who love you and will support you.”

“I have my friends, I have my family and I have....Applejack.” he said with a smile.

“She is a good mare and loves you with all her heart.” she said as she wrapped him in another hug.

“I love her too. She make me feel like I’m the luckiest stallion in the world and I can’t bear the thought of losing her.”

“Imagine how she feels right now.” Steels mother said as she broke the hug. Steel began to glow and fly up. Steel looked confused at what was happening to him. “It looks like it isn’t your time yet, be good to her Steel and remember that I love you and will always watch over you.” she said with tears of joy in her eyes. Steel began to feel life dwell within his body once more he felt the air in his lungs but more importantly he felt a familiar pair of lips pressed against his and a voice saying ‘Ah love you Steel Hammer.’

“I love you too Applejack.” he said as he began to open his eyes. He saw all the ponies he cared about with tears streaming down their faces. Applejack brought him into a hug strong enough to crush a manticore’s spine.

“AJ......can’t........breathe!” he said as she loosened her grip. he returned the hug with what strength he had. The others soon joined the hug. For the first time in along time Steel Hammer felt at peace with himself.

Steel and Pinkie were discharged from the hospital two days later with a clean bill of health. He heard that Thunderlane had been sentenced to four years in prison for assault and battery, Steel didn’t really pay attention all he wanted to do was focus on Applejack.

Two years had passed since that incident, in time Steel managed to save up enough money to buy a house, Applejack moved in with him and still worked at Sweet Apple Acres. Steel’s forging soon became famous all over Equestria, so much that he had to hire some help, and Iron Sword just happened to move to Ponyville. Steel was getting orders as far away as the Crystal Empire, this gave him the chance to experiment with forging crystal metal. One night he and Applejack went out to Sugar Cube Corner, the two sat in their usual booth soon their friends started to arrive.

“What in the hay are y’all doing her?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Applejack, theres something I need to ask.” he said as he took out a small box.

“What is that?” she said as Steel took her hoof in his.

“Applejack, before I met you my life was hollow and un-eventful. You’ve been there for me through thick and thin, I know I haven’t always been there for you, but I’d like to change that.” Steel said as he opened the small box revealing a golden necklace with an amber cut in the shape of an apple in the center. he then got down on one knee. “Applejack Abigail Apple will you marry me?” Applejack had tears of joy running down her face she grabbed steel and pressed her lips against his.

“Yes! Yes I will!” AJ said as she put the necklace on, all of her friends now had tears pouring from their eyes. As Steel and AJ left after Pinkie had thrown them the biggest engagement party any-pony has ever seen. Steel and Applejack went to the spot at Sweet Apple Acres where they ended their first date, the two decided to spend the night under the stars and apple trees.