• Published 25th Nov 2012
  • 6,820 Views, 112 Comments

Bardock Lives - The Grimm Reaper

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Chapter 2: Escape

Bardock awoke on a bed. It was soft compared to what he was used to, but he didn’t really care. He forced himself to sit up, ignoring the searing pain that rushed through his body. He was a Saiyan Warrior and he wouldn’t let his body stop him from doing what he wanted or needed to do, his pride wouldn’t allow it. As he growled low at the pain, he looked around the room he was in. It was primitive in design and there was next to no technology present inside. He spotted an entrance to another room which seemed whiter than anything he’d ever worn in his life.

He struggled to his feet, removing the covers over his body. It was then he noticed he was naked, no big deal. Bandages covered his torso, arms and legs; still nothing to care about. He walked around the room he was in, inspecting everything he could. He looked inside a strange wicker basket to find his old clothes, or what remained of them. To his disappointment, his bandanna wasn’t present, nor were his weighted wrist and ankle pads. He growled at that. All that remained was the underwear that was torn in various places. Next to useless in his mind. He walked into the next room and noticed a very primitive shower.

“Ugh, might as well take the opportunity.” he removed the bandages and stepped into the shower. He turned the knobs and felt chilling water. As he played around with the knobs, the water turned from cold to lukewarm, then to hot. It stopped at a temperature that was just right for him to enjoy. He then proceeded to wash himself.

It took him a minute to notice the strange bottles with text wrapped around them. He observed the lettering, but it was alien to him. He placed the bottle back and continued to just rinse his body clear of any dirt.

When he’d finished, he found a towel and dried himself off. As he left the shower, he spotted some new clothes. He lifted some of them and noticed the pants were similar to what he used to wear. He threw them on and found they breathed to allow flexibility to his legs. The torso was similar in shape to his armour, but it was just clothing like his pants, a black material that breathed.

“Huh. Where am I?” he asked himself as he looked around once more. There was a sound, like knocking on the floor. He turned around to find a door opening. A strange equine creature emerged with strange colours and a bowl of fruit and bread. She had a horn sticking out of her head and large round eyes.

Bardock stood where he was, just staring at the horned equine as she entered, closing the door behind her and locking it. She had a lavender coat with a dark purple mane and tail. A pink streak lined up on one side of her mane, adding more colour to her features. There was a strange mark on her flank. Noticing this, Bardock brought his gaze back to the equine’s eyes. She’d stopped and stared at him, the bowl now on the floor in front of him. He sat down, crossing his legs. He reached over to one of the apples and took it. In three large bites, it was gone, core and all. The equine just sat and watched him as he grabbed another fruit and consumed it just as quickly. She seemed surprised when the entire contents was gone within a minute.

Bardock and his guest just sat there, staring at each other. It felt like a staring contest mixed with the silent game. Unfortunately for Bardock, he was an impatient person. He growled at her and spoke up.

“Alright, what do you want?!” he demanded. The lavender equine just rose to her hooves and walked out the door without a word. Bardock watched her leave, and then kicked the bowl across the room. It got stuck in the wall opposite him. The strength of the walls surrounding him made him realise something.

Twilight closed the door behind her. Her friends were waiting impatiently on the other side.

“Well? What happened?” Rainbow Dash asked, pulling the unicorn away from the door. Twilight cleared her throat and sighed.

“Well, he speaks our language. He asked me what I wanted. Apparently he has a bigger appetite than Pinkie. The food was gone in a minute. I imagine it would have taken less time, but he was clearly giving me time to take something for myself.”

Pinkie grinned at Twilight and wrapped a hoof around her. “Nonsense, Twilight, nopony has a bigger appetite than I do.” she said. Twilight felt a slight squeezing going on, as if to indicate Pinkie was annoyed at the prospect.

“Well you can debate that with him in a contest.” she replied, escaping Pinkie’s grip. Celestia and Luna both entered the walkway.

“What’s your opinion of him?” Celestia asked.

Twilight shook her head. “It’s difficult to say. He seemed harmless enough at first, but if that were the case, he wouldn’t have survived entry into our world’s atmosphere. He’s obviously strong, but I can’t tell just how strong. And I can’t really say much about his personality. He’s short tempered to say the least.”

Before anything else could be said, a strange sound resonated throughout the room the creature was in. Light shone through the cracks in the doorway. There was an explosion from behind the door, smoke and dust seeping through the cracks soon afterwards.

“Oh dear Celestia!” Twilight exclaimed as she forced the door open. Every pony stepped through and gazed upon the large hole in the wall.

“How in Equestria did he do that?!” Rainbow Dash asked.

Bardock ran through the streets of this strange world. The gravity was so light here he had to be careful not to accidentally jump into the air with every step he took. He had planned on not being seen by any of these equine creatures, but subtlety was not a redeeming feat for him. The best he’d done was hiding under the bodies of his dead teammates, letting Dodoria believe he’d killed him. He growled at the memory, but stopped running as he began to wonder; how did he get here?

It was impossible for him to even be alive. He didn’t doubt Frieza’s power; if he could destroy a planet, why not a Saiyan? He’d killed Saiyans before.

The train of thought was lost to him as he heard the armoured hoofsteps of his pursuers. With a grunt, he pushed onward. He wished he had his headband at least, but the clothing provided would have to suffice. While he had no doubt he could destroy these worthless creatures easily enough, he had no intention of doing anything else but returning to his homeworld and confronting Frieza once more. With the ability to grow stronger every time he was close to death, he believed he might be strong enough to actually defeat him.

As the Saiyan turned another corner, he ran right into one of the guards who pointed his spear at him.

“Ah, to hell with this.” he growled, extending his hand in front of the spear. The guard looked confused as he went to gently touch Bardock’s hand with the tip of the spear, only to receive a bright light and searing pain as the world around him exploded and vanished in a white light. It took him a second to realise it was him that was dying.

Bardock smiled as he looked at what remained of the guard: nothing. He knew that blast would have attracted the others’ attention. He abandoned his stealthy escape and took to the air.

Back at the castle, Princess Celestia and the Elements of Harmony could see the strange creature hovering in the air. How he was able to do it without wings baffled them all. As the creature flew away, Rainbow Dash shot after him, leaving her rainbow trail behind. Celestia and the others remained where they were, confident in Dash’s ability to capture and subdue the enemy.

Rainbow Dash caught up to Bardock easily. The Saiyan heard her wings flapping and looked behind him. He angled around so he could face her directly.

“Not bad, girl. Not many can keep up with a Saiyan.” he said. Dash smiled.

“I’m the fastest Pegasus in Equestria, nopony can keep up with my speed.” she boasted. Bardock smiled cockily at her.

“We’ll see about that.” he then proceeded to increase his speed to a point Rainbow Dash had difficulty keeping up. The Saiyan and Pegasus quickly began to turn the pursuit into a race as they were neck and neck with each other. Dash was on the verge of a Sonic Rainboom.

“Watch this!” she called over the wind. Bardock took interest as he saw her begin to break the sound barrier with a multitude of colours in front of her. She was close to doing it when she noticed something weird. Bardock was doing something similar. Wisps of white fire began to appear around him and as Dash went into the Sonic rainboom, Bardock burst into flames and kept up with her.

“You’re good kid, but my Saiyan pride won’t allow me to be defeated unless it’s in battle." Bardock straightened his body and increased his speed and energy output, managing to get a whole head ahead of Rainbow Dash who struggled to go faster than she already was. But she was at her limit and Bardock was beginning to move even further ahead. She noticed that unlike herself, This ‘Saiyan’ wasn’t breaking a sweat as he flew. Whatever he was doing, it was akin to a Unicorn’s magic.

“How can you fly without wings!” Dash called out to him. Bardock slowed down and returned to beside her.

“The same way I can do this,” Rainbow Dash stopped her flight as Bardock extended his hand out to her and a ball of light emerged from within his palm. Her instincts told her that the light was dangerous. Sadly, Bardock stopped next to her as well and continued to charge his energy wave.

“Crap crap crap crap!!!” Dash cried as she tried to fly downward, but Bardock appeared out of nowhere right in front of her.

“I won’t kill you unless you get in my way.” he warned. Rainbow Dash nodded. If she could come away from this alive, at least she’d get another chance to chase him down, and perhaps race him again.

The last thought disturbed her. Why would she want to race him again? He was clearly a threat to Equestria and her duty and loyalty to her kind should have taken precedence over wanting to race someone faster than herself.

Bardock lowered his hand and the energy vanished as quickly as it had appeared. He then disappeared in a flash, leaving Rainbow Dash searching for any sign of the Saiyan. With no leads, Dash flew as fast as she could back to Canterlot castle.

Bardock looked up at the sky, watching the rainbow shoot past. He hid behind a tree whenever he suspected she was looking his way. When she was out of sight, he looked around. The trees were strange and disfigured compared to the other forest trees he noticed on the way over. The trees he stood amongst now were wilder and older than any others.

It didn’t matter to him either way. The inhabitants of this world were no match for the likes of him. He walked further into the forest, listening to the silence that seemed to gather around him as he progressed. It didn’t take him long to discover a cave where he could rest and recover a bit longer. He still felt pain from Frieza’s Supernova. As he made his way toward the cave, however, he was stopped by five heads that slithered out and connected to a single body.

“Hydra, eh? Alright. I could do with something to let my frustration out on.” Bardock clenched his fists and smiled, getting into his fighting position. The middle head went for a simple strike, hoping to swallow him whole, but Bardock saw this coming. He grabbed the Hydra’s jaw with his hands and held it open, dragging a pair of grooves in the ground as he was forced back. Another head went to attack Bardock from the side. The Saiyan huffed at its attempt and forced the head he held to intercept the second attack. The second head bit the first and pain was felt throughout the hydra. In it’s moment of disarray, Bardock fired an energy wave at the creature, taking out two of its heads. The hydra paused for a moment and began to grow two more heads.

“So the rumours are true about you guys. Alright, let’s see how you handle this!” Bardock ran straight at the creature, jumping into the air between their necks. The heads of the Hydra grew confused as they searched for their attacker. The Saiyan landed on the Hydra’s back and grinned. He lifted his hand and threw it down in the creature’s spine, penetrating its scales and surface. The Hydra screamed in agony as Bardock took a hold of the spine that joined the creatures together and crushed in in his grip. The monster lost all feeling into its body and crashed to the ground, unable to move. The heads were still active and writhing around in pain.

“Heh, guess you weren’t all that tough after all.” he jumped off the creature’s back and grabbed it by the tail. With abnormal force, he began to swing the hydra around, starting out slowly, then increasing in speed. The Hydra screamed, likely for mercy, but Bardock released the Hydra and it went flying into the air. As it spun around out of range, He charged the same energy attack as what he’d fired at Frieza and threw it after the creature. A massive explosion occurred and the Hydra was nothing but a memory, soon to be forgotten. Bardock then went into the cave and took a seat somewhere near the back. He leaned against the wall and went to sleep. He would begin training his body again in the morning.

Author's Note:

I know I said I'd only be focusing on the Darkness series, The Pony Piper and Next Generation, but someone desperately wanted this story updated. So here it is.