• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 2,368 Views, 125 Comments

Fiends of Manehatten - Skrive Flip

Everything is Well For Cheerilee untill she is called upon a task to defend the Ponies of Manehatten

  • ...

Rising Darkness


“...-eerilee! Agent Cheerilee, Can you hear me!?”

The voice penetrated the darkness of Cheerilee´s mind like a pickaxe striking through sedimentary rock, and at the same time summoned up all the collected pain that was still rushing through her body.

Groaning painfully, Cheerilee slowly opened her eyes, seeing that above her were several paramedics, and the superior guardspony from earlier this morning. The soldier breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh good, you´re alive… Or… Aliveish… I thought certainly you were a goner there!” he spoke in his Manehattenite accent.

All the pain from the different wounds came back into sensory reality as Cheerilee opened her mouth to try and reply, but the almost burning pains came back to her, making her hiss out instead.

Cheerilee could slowly begin to feel and recognize her surroundings. She was still lying on top of the rooftop she had fought the Fiend on, but it was clearly hours later. The sun was slowly rising in the horizon, and her innards felt like they had healed up again. Several paramedics were gently wiping away the blood away from her downed body. She slowly lifted up her hoof which had been stamped upon earlier, It didn't look good. It looked rather healed up on the outside, but Cheerilee had a complete feel for most of the bones in her body. She could feel how it was incorrectly twisted and slightly off beneath the skin.

One of the paramedics looked concerned upon Cheerilee and he gently gestured for her to lower her hoof.

“Please rest, we will have to scan you back at the hospital. The anklebone looks slightly off.” the paramedic asserted.

Cheerilee slowly opened her mouth to try and reply, but as the air tried to escape her lungs, she could both feel and hear the gurgling of blood from her lungs. She reflexively began a fit of coughs, turning her head towards the ground and began to empty out all the remaining blood from her lungs. It was beyond uncomfortable as while a certain amount was still liquid, there was a lot which had clotted and stuck to the inside of her lungs.

The ponies around her took a slight distance to her as she was, almost literally, coughing her lungs up.

Cheerilee felt horrible, it was painful to just cough the remaining muck out of her lungs. She turned her head, while still heaving for breath to readjust her fake heartbeat and air needed for talking.

“H-How… how long has I been out?” she croaked, as her throat had cracked slightly from all the coughing, but with her healing factor, it was quickly fixing itself.

The superior guardspony calmly sat down upon his hindquarters.

“Two hours.” he stated firmly.

Cheerilee tried to pull herself up upon her hooves again, but two of the paramedics gently nudged at her to stay down.

“Please wait till we get the stretcher up here.” one of the paramedics said, and almost as if summoned, another pair of ponies who clearly was from the Ambulance service came running with the item in question.

Cheerilee grunted and held her wrongly healed hoof closely to her chest as the paramedics all clamoured around her and did their best to bring her onto the Stretcher.

Just as the ponies was about to lift up the stretcher though, Cheerilee lifted a hoof.

“Wait…” She said, before looking over at the superior guardspony. “The Guards… On the rooftop…” she began with a serious face. The guardspony tried to dismiss the issue he knew was coming up.

“Its not important Agen-”

“Its important to me.” she asserted with an almost icy glare that made the guardspony freeze. “How many?” she asked, finishing her original question.

After a few moments of uneasy silence, the guardspony sighed.

“None of the guards stationed on the roof survived, and a few others were crippled by the diamond dogs before we finally were able to bring down the beasts…” he reported slowly, his face falling as he saw his words make the impact upon Cheerilee that it had. The Vampony teacher clenched her eyes shut and tugged her bad hoof closer to her chest.

“Listen, you couldn't have d-”

“Shut up…” Cheerilee cut the guard off, before her healthy hoof grasped around her other one. With a few quick feels, she then suddenly put a large amount of pressure upon the side of the hoof in what to a normal pony looked morbidly creepy. She twisted her hoof around in a loudly cracking adjusting of bones. She screamed again in pain as several healed up muscles snapped under the sudden force she applied to the wrongly healed hoof. The paramedics gasped in terror.

“Stop that you cant just do that!” - “That could be causing irreversible damage” - “You need to get to the hospital” and similar words were escaping all the paramedics, but Cheerilee found herself ignoring them completely as she could finally feel her anklebone back in place.

Cheerilee breathed through her teeth a moment before she sat up on the stretcher, still sore from last night’s fight, but determination was trumping pain.

“Filles and Gentlecolts, I thank you for your medical assistance, but I have no more need for your help.” she said in a slightly pained voice, before firmly gazing at the guardspony, who instantly tensed, like the abyss was suddenly staring at him. “And you, bring me an express coach, I need to be in canterlot within the next few hours,” she commanded before slowly getting up upon her hooves, though not leaning upon the now newly healing bones.

Everypony around her was staring in a mixture of disbelief and surprise, but the guardspony was still a bit on the backhoof so to speak.

“W-Within a few hours? What are you going to do?” he asked in confusion.

For the second time this morning, Cheerilee sent her stare upon the guard who froze, and counted his blessings.

“I am going to find out everything about this Fiend. And to do that, I am going to hear the story, directly from the Alicorn´s mouth.”

Unknown Location:

The first thing that Pen could feel was the merciless cold of concrete that had pressed itself against his fur for several hours by now. As his senses slowly came to him again, he clenched his eyes shut and slowly tried to move his limbs. His hooves felt heavy as they pressed against the concrete floor to slowly try and lift his head up from the unforgivable floor.

Opening his eyes to finally look around, he found himself in what seemed to be a small concrete room, barely lit up from a small stream of light that emitted from the door. The door seemingly was designed with a small plexiglass window, while the rest of it seemed to be made out of steel.

Pen groaned slightly as he tried to lift himself up to his hooves, but his body just seemed to ache, and just as he began to get to the altitude that heads normally reached on a day to day basis, everything began to swirl around him. He felt so unstable upon his own hooves, almost anemic. He stumbled to the side and caught himself with the cold concrete wall.

“W-What in the sweet name of Celestia…” he slowly mumbled before looking down himself. His shirt was very disheveled and ruffled, but thankfully it seemed relatively unharmed.

So did the rest of him. He felt groggy certainly, but other than that seemed alright.

He stretched his forelegs a moment, feeling nothing off, though as he began to stretch his hind legs, he began to feel a slight hissing pain. It clicked for him at the moment as he remembered his tail had been dislocated by that diamond dog.

In a sudden moment of realization, Pen whipped his head around to look at his tail to see that it was back in its socket. All nice and fitting, not only that, somepony had tied a small bandage around the root of his tail, tightening the hairs and lifting up his tail slightly but also restricting the movement of the tail. It was the way dislocated tails was treated in just the beginning phase, just to make sure that the recipient does not end up dislocating the limb again. Also in case any muscles had suffered strain, then they would get some time to heal up again.

“Huh…” Pen lowly muttered, before looking back at the door again.

“Ok… Let’s… Recollect…” he thought aloud, while taking in all the facts, and remembering the ordeal from yesterday.

“So, I must assume that the Fiend has trapped me after…” he stopped a moment and blushed remembering the Fiend nipping at his horn, and his magic going off. He covered his face in his hooves. “Oh sweet Celestia this can only go bad…” he whispered to himself.

Earth ponies had their usual, nervous dispositions in such situations. Pegasi had their ‘Pomf’ moments, and unicorns had slipspells.

“Why did that happen?” he asked aloud, trying to make his curiosity and professionalism go above his embarrassment.

“Of all times…” he lowly mumbled, before shaking his head firmly. He couldn't think about that now. Why he was in the predicament was not as important as getting out of it.

Giving the room another perusal, Pen once again returned to the door with the glass window. He walked up to it and peeked out at what he could see outside his prison cell. There didn't seem to be anypony, or anydog for that matter.

Not completely sure if it was the best way to proceed, Pen carefully pressed against the glass. He mused a moment how much force would be needed to smash through, before shrugging. Only one way to find out after all. He turned around and sank down into his forelegs, and made a buck backwards towards the door, hoping to hit the glass.

He did, though only with one hoof, sadly not having coordinated his hind legs correctly, so one did crash through the glass, while the other made an audible twang against the metal floor, sending quite a shock through his body, and making him faceplant the floor.

“Umph…” he lowly grunted as he imagined how awkward he was hanging from the door.

His one hind leg was throbbing from the sudden shock, but he was thankful to not feel anything in his other hind leg, which signalled that he at least didn't cut himself on the glass.

Awkwardly, he stretched his hind legs correctly and got himself onto all four hooves again.

“Alright, that could have been done much more elegantly…” he mused before his horn lit up in the average telekinesis spell, unlocking the door from the outside now that there was nothing constraining him or his magic to the outside world.

With a certain little smirk of his own, he strode outside the room and found himself in a long hallway of a sort. It looked like there was several rooms much like his own, however a quick peek inside a few, he found nopony inside.

“Huh…” he said in slight confusion.

If this place was somewhere that the Fiend had brought him to, would his other prisoners not be here as well?

As if summoned from the aether, the sound of lumbering paws could be heard as something large was heading his way.

Acting quickly (and trying to panic minimally), Pen set off in a sprint on the opposite direction.

Pen had no frame of reference to where he was, so he had little to no way of figuring out where he was going either. He just took a quick turn by the end of the hallway and continued down another dark hallway. He presumed however that it was something underground. Which would explain the lack of light from outside sources beyond the occasional magical lantern.

The echoing clatter of his hooves against the concrete suddenly seemed to be the only thing he could hear beyond his own breathing. Pen was perplexed, considering that he knew the Fiend had Diamond dogs to help him, they should have heard him.

Pen slowed down and leaned against the wall for a moment as he began feeling slightly faint. He was panting actively already and his heart was racing.

He looked around for any sort of door that perhaps could hide him. The hallway he had set down had been very door less, as compared to the other one he had been in. Though he did find a few. In urgency, Pen pulled at the doors, none of them budging an inch.

“Celestia Damn it-” he cursed, while in the same movement, he slammed his shoulder against the door in frustration.

And the door gave absolutely no resistance. He fell forwards and smashed into the floor for the umpteenth time that day. Confused and momentarily dazed, he quickly clambered inside and closed the door behind him. With heavy breaths and a slightly wobbly vision, Pen looked back at the door and realized why the door had given in… It was a push door… Not a pull…

He facehoofed so hard that he could swear he heard an echo.

“Right… Always like that…” he grumbled, before slowly getting back upon his hooves again, gently dusting off his still ruffled shirt a moment and turned to look into the room.

He wished he hadn't.

The room was a large concrete square filled with what he could only describe as Objects of torture.

There were several chains connected into the wall, tables with the same kind of chains connected directly into the concrete, with one large one, dangling just above it. Besides the table was another smaller, hospital roller, which was filled with several different kinds of scalpels, and surgical tools. Everything was hidden in the dim lighting which only seemed to light up from the door. The entire room was reeking of what smelt like old blood, yet in the darkness, Pen could not see any. In fact, most of the corners of the room was so dark that he could forgive even Princess Celestia for not being able to illuminate them.

Suddenly, a rustling sounded at the door. Pen panicked and instantly threw himself into one of the dark corners of the room and pressed himself against the wall, holding his breath and just staring ahead to see who was going to enter.

If he had not been holding his breath, he would be gasping.

It was the Fiend, but he was carrying somepony over his back. A stallion with a white mane and blue coat.

It was Clear Brush, the victim of half a year ago.

He looked horrible. His coat looked dull, his mane almost looked like it was ready to pop off of the pony´s head due to excessive stress. Pen could not see it, but had the light been on he would have seen horrible signs of scarring and constant abuse. But he didn't need to see them to figure that out.

For the Fiend just casually strolled inside, thankfully not looking in Pen´s corner, but instead walked over to the table in the middle and strapped down Clear Brush. He then lit up his horn and levitated the chain that hung into the ceiling, and clamped it around the captured unicorn's horn, the chain for a moment lighting up in smaller runes.

A small, pained and absolutely pathetic whimper escaped the blue unicorn as he seemingly began to wake up, just as his captor had begun to giggle.

“Rise and shine, Clear Brush, the sun is out, and I am certain it looks, Oh so fine.” The Fiend cooed, as it leaned its head down to face with Clear Brush.

The blue unicorn whimpered again.

“P-Please… N-Not me… P-Pleaaseee…” he was begging in a low, borderline crying voice. But the Fiend only grinned and lit up his horn in a levitation spell, which picked up one of the scalpels on the table.

“Now now now, Clear Brush, You´re my oldest little plaything, and I think you should have the honour of being the preparation.” he spoke in and almost cheery voice.

Pen was breathing so carefully through his nose as possible, praying that even his own heart rate would lower so much that he would be invisible. He knew that if he bolted for the door he would just be caught. So he prayed that the stench of blood was covering his scent.

The Fiend gently levitated the scalpel up against Clear Brush´s cheek, and gently stroked the fine, non-sharp side of the metal piece against his roughed up fur and skin. Clear Brush was lowly whimpering now.

“P-Pleaaaseee…” he kept on begging, but the Fiend gently covered his mouth with his hoof.

“Mister Brush, don't be such a baby, we are just working on a little art piece.” he spoke in a condescending manner, while the scalpel floated up towards Clear Brush´s horn. “And we just need a bit of paint to start with.” he said with a grin, before in one quick motion, sank the scalpel down upon the unicorn´s skin and cut a fine line around the horn. Blood gushed from the small wound in the skin and the blue unicorn whimpered in pain, and tried to pull at the chains, yet nothing seemed to be able to help him.

Pen bit into his own tongue, trying to focus on the pain he was causing himself instead of the horror in front of him.

But there was one thing that caught his eye though. The moment the Fiend cut into the unicorn, the runes on the chain upon Clear Brush´s horn lit up just slightly.

Something, left Clear Brush and went through the chain?

The Fiend leaned up to Clear Brush´s horn and gently let his tongue run across the small wound he had created upon the unicorn´s forehead, lapping up any excess blood. Clear Brush was wincing at first, but somehow seemed to relax, even while there was still tears welling in the Stallion´s eyes.

The Fiend then floated the scalpel down to one of Clear Brush´s hooves, it quickly slicing through a bit of the skin around the fetlock. He just seemed to revel in every movement and whimper of pain from Clear Brush. Once again, as Clear Brush was pained, the runes lit up on the chain, and something seemed to go through the metal links.

The wound was small, but it must have hit a minor artery, because the blood was gushing freely from the wound, seeping out upon the table and even beginning to drip off of the side.

“Oh that should be enough.” The Fiend spoke in a cheery tone, as he actually dabbed his hoof in the growing pool of blood and then gently placed a hoof upon Clear Brush´s chest, making a small imprint from his own blood.

The retching stench of blood was assaulting Pen´s nostrils, his heart hammering against his chest in fear as he was staring upon the Fiend as he casually drew his bloody hoof across Clear Brush´s restrained body.

To top it off, the Fiend was humming. He was humming a light tune whilst drawing in blood.

“The plight of an Artist,

You pour your heart and your soul,

Keep working for days on end,

Perfection, Is your goal.”

The Fiend let the scalpel sink down into the Blue Unicorn´s chest and proceeded to seemingly draw a shape in the skin, all the while Clear Brush was crying out in pain.

The Fiend stopped there, though. He pulled out the scalpel and looked upon his mutilated victim with a small dismayed frown. He sighed and sank himself down to the cut artery, and gently began to lick the wound. Pen didn't want to look, but his eyes were drawn to every move the Fiend made, knowing that every single disgusting piece of information could be so important.

That’s also when he saw it. After the Fiend had licked up the wounded fetlock, he seemingly bit into his own lip, making it draw blood. The tiny wound closed up quickly, but not before he dripped a bit of his own blood directly onto the wounded fetlock. And like a miracle cure, the wound closed up again, with the same sort of Vampiric healing factor he had expected.

‘Fascinating’, Pen thought, for a moment distracting himself with the scientific aspect of this, instead of the inequine display.

The Fiend sighed slightly again, lifting himself back up so he could look at Clear Brush´s face more clearly.

“The search for perfection is always so tedious, isn't it?... Mister Pen?”

Pen´s heart stopped for half a second.

The Fiend turned to face directly into the shadow that Pen had been hiding in for the whole time there, and smirked at the red unicorn.

“Enjoying the display?” he asked wickedly.

Pen could not hold it in anymore. He gasped for air, screamed in fright and bolted for the door. He swung the door open, only to be met by the sight of a large Diamond dog blocking off one of the corridors, so he fled in the other direction.

The diamond dog grunted a moment and prepared to give chase, but was stopped as the Fiend called.

“Stay where you are… Guard the blue unicorn…” he commanded, while he walked out into the hallway with a malicious smirk and blood smeared coat. “I´ll take care of this myself…”

Pen just kept running, he didn't know where he was or where he was going, but he didn't care. He just had to get away. He took every turn he could, praying that somehow he could loose the Fiend in the strange maze of corridors he found himself in. He had never before been so terrified, in the few years of his service in the Agency, this was the first time he truly feared for his own life. Finally getting to some upwards going stairs, he thanked Faust, Celestia and Luna in advance for what he thought might be his salvation.

He was wrong.

As finally he got up the stairs, he found himself in a large, circular room, which had an eerie similarity to the torture chamber below. There were lots of different tools for extracting pain from a pony, along with lots of ways to restrain them, including a plethora of chains. A certain amount were connected in reasonable intervals along the circular wall. Four for each limb, one for the neck, and a last, Pen guessed, was for a unicorn´s horn, as they were smaller than the other ones, and all were connected to the ceiling. There was however also all sorts of medical supplies and sanitary items.

Pen bolted across the room, avoiding all the… other items, he didn't even want to describe mentally, and tried to open a door that was on the opposite side of the room. He fiddled with the handle and kept trying to get it open, pulling and pushing, but it revealed itself to be securely bolted.

“No, no no no, please don't be locked.” he spoke aloud in panic, as if the door would react and neatly open itself for him.

That was when he heard the giggle from behind him again.

“Oh certainly, I am certain the door would love to sort out this misunderstanding, Just keep asking nicely, perhaps it will comply.”

Pen turned around and stared in absolute terror upon the white unicorn who was standing on the far end of the room. While his manner was casual, his blood smeared coat did nothing to soothe Pen´s already strained nerves and hammering heart. He had nothing to resist with. He knew the Fiend could just crush him if he wanted to.

The Fiend began to casually walk forwards towards him, but stopped as Pen seemingly began to slowly pace to the side. The Fiend could not help but giggle at the display. It was like a predator facing off with his cornered prey.

Pen was the first to raise his voice of the two.

“Well, that's the thing about doors, you can't rely on them!” He said in a slightly joking manner, having retreated to wit as his last defence from just breaking down and submitting. But the Fiend knew fear when he saw it, but it was still amusing to see the way this young stallion coped with that fear.

“I find them rather reliable, Mister Pen, After all, you´re still here.” he said in a slightly musing tone, while pacing to the side, mirroring Pen´s walking.

“T-That’s of course true… May I ask why you know my name?” Pen asked, quickly trying to switch the subject, whilst his eyes kept themselves transfixed upon the Fiend, waiting for him to pounce.

The Fiend did not, however. He just gave a bemused smile.

“I have my ways of gaining information Mister Pen. And any information about such a young, talented, and attractive pony as yourself, will not go past my nose,” he purred lightly.

Pen tried to keep a straight face, but the Fiend´s words was really making him uncomfortable in so many ways. He´d have to shift the subject around somehow.

“Well, You´re not too bad looking yourself, I´d perhaps have asked you out, if it wasn't for the whole, Malicious and Evil Fiend, thing…” he said, trying to pass it off as yet another comment, and not come off as the nervous wreck he was. The Fiend smirked and walked forwards, Making pen freeze a bit, as he knew he could not bolt to either side.

“Why thank you Mister Pen, and I must admit, I do owe you another show of appreciation.” He said, before stopping in the middle of the room, at one of the rolling tables with a pair of items on it.

Pen swallowed. “Thank me? What for?”

“Why, for being the stone to start the avalanche.” he said with an almost appreciating smile. “If it wasn't for you, I most likely would just have been playing with my Toys for much longer than necessary. But thanks to you, I was able to get the attention of the pretender.”

“T-The pretender? Y-You mean Celestia?” Pen asked, seeing that the Fiend was staying in the middle of the room, his magic seemingly fiddling with a few different items.

The Fiend seemed bemused.

“How´s your tail?” he asked, not answering Pens question, but instead lifting up what Pen could only describe as a Gagball.

Pen swallowed his spit a moment, giving his tail a small glance.

“Uhm, Its, alright… its… Healing… I think… Why´d you bandage it up?” he asked curiously. The Fiend looked back at Pen.

“It was hurt, So I bandaged it up again…”

“Oh… Well, Thanks I gu-”

“Besides, it does give a good view of your rather fine flank~” The Fiend emphasised, making Pen light up in a red embarasment, once again suddenly feeling very, VERY self conscious. Its bad enough to feel out of place at a party, but it didnt match up to being seemingly desired by a supernatural creature who could kill him in an instant.

“W-well, thank you for that!” Pen tried to sound defiant, though he had no idea how to phrase his words, he was terrified, yet had to seem confident. His eyes shifted around to the room and he stepped forwards in a moment of inspiration. “But now that you have me here in your little play room,why not just spill the beans, Hmm?” he asked, pushing all his pretend confidence into his words, that actually seemed to make the Fiend raise an eyebrow slightly. “What is all of this!?” Pen asked, waving a hoof around, his eyes also shifting around the room. “What do you need all these chains for, What are they all connected… Toooooo…” his words gave up upon him as his eyes fell upon the item in the ceiling.

The huge thing was brimming. Every single chain seemed to in some way also be connected up into the ceiling, and up onto the-

Suddenly the Fiend was there in front of Pen, and forcing him eye to eye.

“You want to know what this is? Alright, Its very simple… This is half my world… And your princess has the other half. And I want it back.” he growled slightly, before slamming Pen back into the wall, knocking the air out of the young unicorn.

While he was dazed, the Fiend´s horn lit up, and the chains attached to the wall each seemingly came to life and clamped themselves around each limb of Pen´s, except for the horn chain, that one instead flowed over to the Fiend so he could place it gently into his own hoof, and stare upon Pen, who only then realized that he had gotten chained to the wall. In a panic he tried to rush forwards towards the Fiend but was stopped and yanked backwards like a dog on a leash.

Once again, the Fiend laughed sadistically. He oh so enjoyed seeing them struggle.

“And as I said, thanks to you, I have planted the seed of the usurper´s destruction…” he said, before looking upwards in a thoughtful moment. “Though I will perhaps need a much more direct way of contacting her…” He mused, before lifting up his hooves to open the horn chain and move it towards Pen´s horn. Pen obviously struggled to try and move his horn out of the way, but the Fiend just pushed him firmly against the wall, and then clamped the chain around the horn. “There we go~” he cooed, and then stood down upon all his four hooves again and looked into Pen´s eyes. “Now, there should be at least three hours until I will need to send any sort of reminder to the usurper, so we have lots of time to play~” the Fiend quipped happily, before leaning himself against Pen, who was slowly stopping to struggle as the Fiend´s close proximity was not only making it harder to move but also it was just, uncomfortably terrifying to feel his cold body pressed against his.

He stared into the Fiend´s eyes, his own growing wide as the Fiend gently began to stroke a hoof down his chest, and down to a very… private… place.

“You know, I always loved them younger~, You have so much more energy~” the Fiend purred. He leaned in and gently licked his tongue up the coltish pony´s neck, tasting the skin and fur again, and revelled in the feeling of his new toy, who in turn was gasping in terror, as his body began reacting.

That feeling... Terrifying… Hot… and only going to lead to something horrid.

‘P-Please Cheerilee… Save me…”

Canterlot Castle:

The great imposing castle of the Equestrian capital was an architectural marvel, having been standing, and been renovated, for millennia, some of the stones within even older than the walls that surrounded it.

Everypony who would be inside of it would always remember it, due to this imposing and awe inspiring display.

Though of course it could get a bit dull and tedious if you yourself were a long living being like an alicorn. That was the case for Princess Luna.

Even with all the changes that had happened to the castle for the entire millennia that she had been gone, it still felt the same. So now as she was sitting inside the great dining hall, which could take the breath away from most normal ponies and make interior decorators bite their hooves in the huge task it would be to make any sort of improvements on this seemingly perfect room, Luna was just using it like normal ponies would their dining room.

Thus, dining in it.

She was sitting on the one end of the table, having her breakfast, served and cooked by the great staff of course, with her sister Celestia on the far end, who was all fresh and talking, seeing as she had gotten a full night of sleep, only just woken up to raise sun, running her mouth on about interesting kinds of magic that Twilight Sparkle had rediscovered.

Celestia was in no way decent by royal standards, as she had not bothered to brush her mane, and still had not gotten out of a pair of pyjamas she had taken on, mainly to tease Luna who said it was childish of her.

Luna looked rather normal, since she was used to working on her beautiful nights, so much that such things as sleep began to become of so little importance to her that sometimes she could not remember when she last slept. The nights just sort of flowed together.

It was while considering when she had slept last, that she was slowly zoning back into the celestial monologue.

“-and thanks to this sort of siphoning magic, all sorts of emotional energy would be able to be used as much more tangible magic. Its sort of like a changeling strategy, though while changelings perhaps could use a single victim, this would take a large amount of donors, or the same donor for years at least-” She continued on, making Luna keep her focus more on her breakfast, though Celestia was finally beginning to realize that her sister was not listening.

So she leaned her head slightly more forwards.

“And after those long years, clowns would appear out of the sky, bringing with them dubstep canons and bring on the apocalypse…” she said, going off a completely ridiculous tangent, to confirm that Luna was indeed not listening, before the word apocalypse. That did snap her attention though.

Celestia could not help but giggle lightly, that dignified and mature giggle he so often had done around Twilight Sparkle before.

“I’m sorry if I am boring you, little sister.”

Luna rolled her eyes.

“Don't apologize, big sister. We simply have things to think about…” she spoke, still holding on to her royal we, it just having stuck for now. She levitated a napkin up to gently wipe her mouth, before rising from her large seat. “Please excuse us, sister.”

Celestia tilted her head a moment, and frowned slightly, she didn't like when Luna just left her alone, but she respected her sister´s wish for either privacy or time to work. She sighed as the door closed and Luna had left her behind alone to finish her breakfast.

“You really should be more social, Luna… I have always said that…” she lowly muttered, levitating her spoon to get into her food.

However, her ears perked up the moment she caught the sound of commotion outside of the dining hall, hearing someone mutter about ‘You cannot go in there’, and ‘Halt’. The Celestial diarch turned her head to the door just as it was swung open to reveal a very, very grumpy looking Cheerilee. Along with a certain amount of Guards who were seemingly about to try and stop her again, but Celestia raised her voice.

“At ease, let Cheerilee pass,” she commanded at the guards, who followed their orders obediently with an “As you wish, your highness”. They walked out the door and closed it behind them, letting Celestia and Cheerilee be alone. Celestia smiled, despite Cheerilee´s grumpy exterior.

“Greetings Cheerilee, It has been a long time since I have seen you at the castle. I presume you're looking for my sister?” she asked, her voice pleasant and dignified. Cheerilee took a deep breath through her nose, keeping as calm and stoic a face as possible.

“Yes, I am, Would you perhaps know where she is? I was told she was in here…” she said, getting straight to the issue, not even bothering greeting the Princess of the Day. Not many had the audacity to do so, which was why Celestia was mildly surprised, but it was more out of concern than anything else.

“Yes, she just left a moment ago, Take the door there by the end of the room, and follow the hallway until you get to the tower stairs, up in the furthest tower is her room, that’s most likely where she will be…” Celestia answered calmly, before giving a more regal and firm glance down at Cheerilee. “Is something of the matter?”

“Yes…” Cheerilee answered, already walking past the Princess. “Which is why I am going to talk to Luna directly…” she answered before she was already halfway out the door on the far end on the room.

The door closed with a relatively loud slam, causing even some of the windows to shudder a moment.

‘Whats eating at her?’

Author's Note:

Welcome back to the Chapter of Vampire Cheerilee, one of the more darker ones I would like to say.
Hope you´re all still enjoying the story, cause I love writing it, No matter how much it will boggle and stress.
I am sorry if some of you are disappointed by the lack of Cheerilee in this Chapter, please write if you are.
In fact, Please comment AAAALLL thoughts you have. Good, Bad, Everything. I will most likely reply, and even if I seem snippy, know that I appreciate everything, critique, praise, anything.

All Credit for editing still goes to Totallynotabrony, and the amazing person that he is.