• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 1,242 Views, 17 Comments

A New Queen - RainbowStir178

Chysalis is seeking vengence, and when she used a special spell, she ended up in the land of Ooo!

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Chapter Two ; An Overdue Acquaintance

Chapter Two

An Overdue Acquaintance

Not to far off from the field, an optimistic teenage boy in a aqua blue t-shirt, ocean blue shorts, a green circular back pack and a odd white hat that resembles a bear surrounds his head only showing his face is walking the field with his best dog companion This boy was special, not only has he defeated countless enemies, even the Lich- twice, And saved countless number of people, he is the only human in Ooo. His peach color dog ‘brother’ by his side, beat boxing. This dog isn’t no ordinary dog, of course. This dog seems to have the same qualities as a normal person, but he has a special power. The ability to stretch his body and limbs to different shapes and sizes. The two boys looked yonder to see the bubbly princess scurry down their direction.

“Is that- It’s Princess Bubblegum! Princess! Princess!- What’s the hurry Bubblegum?” The boy called to the rushing princess.

“Oh, Finn! I have a very important urgent- Uh- message to send to an old acquaintance of mine. I’m sorry boys, but I have to go!” The bustled princess replied, rushing past them till stopped by a reply from the coral dog.

“Anything we can do to help, princess? You seem to be very rushed..”

“I am, Jake. I am in a commotion, yes. I don’t believe there is anything you guys can help me with, yet-” The princess sighed and quickly surmised and then delicately replied, “Perhaps you should come with me, I might need you- BUT you must keep this between us, everything you hear and see, okay?”

Finn and Jake nodded quickly, both thrilled about a new adventure. The Princess of the Candy Kingdom, the upbeat human boy, and the devoted dog made haste to the Candy Kingdom.


Queen Chrysalis was bustling through the field till she reached an entrance to a huge kingdom. Bubbles blew around which the origin was from giant mutated gumball machines blowing through a bubble blower, the sidewalk seemed to be made out of some sort of brittle, in fact, the whole kingdom seemed to be made out of some different substance than other kingdoms. Chrysalis walked inside, her un shown heels clicking on the sidewalk. She hide behind posts and buildings, taking in the surroundings. She noticed that the whole place seemed to be made out of some edible sweets. Chrysalis was in utter shock when she saw the citizens of this kingdom. They were all some sort of candy! She saw little gum drop girls giggling and running by, a lollipop lady of some sort waving out a window to some sort of walking and talking ice cream cone. The forest surrounding the barrier of the kingdom were a light rose, and seemed to be cotton candy. “Hmm, I better change myself to blend in better with the inhabitants of this kingdom..” Chrysalis thought. She closed her eyes tight and concentrated. Her eyes then shot open and her body turned white and began to form into a medium sized hard candy heart. She was a dark green, her eyes black ovals like some of the other inhabitants, her tiara still on and her arms and legs still having a few holes in them. She smiled looking down at herself and then looked around, hoping that her transformation didn’t cause too much attention, which it didn’t. “Perfect..”


Princess Bubble and the boys entered the kingdom gates in a rush and quickly entered the castle. The boy and dog followed the princess through the castle, down hallways, and down a circular staircase down to the dungeon. The princess walked to a part of the stone wall and knocked three times on a stone. The wall shifted, rumbling and then it sunk in and slid over to reveal a wooden door with a pale, sparkling, heart shaped crystal atop of it. The princess opened the door an in the door was a circular room with a bunch of other wooden doors. All the doors had crystal atop of them in the shapes of certain objects. The one door Princess Bubblegum went to was one with two crystals atop of it, a crystal sun, and a crystal crescent moon. In the room was just a big, long mirror. “Boys, this is where the ‘Keep everything you see and hear between us’ thing comes in..”


The sun shone brightly down on Equestria. The princess that lowered and rose the sun every dusk and dawn was in the Canterlot Castle in her royal chamber. The princess was not human, for she was an Alicorn; meaning half Unicorn and half Pegasus. Her soft multi-colored mane flowed elegantly and her eyes were soft. Her golden tiara and necklace glimmered with the purple gems upon them. She used her magic horn to lift up scrolls and read them peacefully in the thrown room.

All of a sudden her sister, the princess of the night, burst into the room. Her midnight blue skin was a bit damp with sweat from running, her starry night mane flowed like her sisters, her blue eyes accompanied by light blue eye shadow were full of worry, and she began to speak in a worried and breathless tone. “Sister! ‘Tis a predicament! We must hurry!”

The princess looked at her sister. “Luna, what is the matter?”

“An old acquaintance of ours has made a comeback.. But it’s not good news..”

“What? Who is it? What’s going on?” The princess of the day asked her sister.

Luna looked at her sister with a look of blankness and said simply, “There is trouble in the Candy Kingdom.”


Princess Bubblegum stared into the mirror, worried. The boys looked at the mirror and then to each other confused. When Finn was about to ask the princess what they were doing here, the crystals atop of the mirror glowed.
Reflected in the mirror, were two giant ponies. A tall ,white one with her wings flared out, a long horn accompanied with a golden tiara with a purple gem, a necklace that was similar in style to it, and golden, what seems to be, shoes. Her violet eyes were concerned but stable, and her long mane flowed to the side, as if there was some breeze blowing it, were three colors; light blue, light pink, and light purple. Next to her was a bit smaller pony that had her wings flared out as well, a horn accompanied by a dark blue little tiara, a sort of sash wrapped around her neck with a crescent moon on it, and sparkling shoes on her hooves as well. Her mane flowed like the other pony, but it was a dark blue with a lighter blue aura surrounding it and little sparkles that look like stars where accord in her mane. Her face expression was stone, but behind her blue eyes, befell with a light turquoise eye shadow, hid worry.

Finn and Jake where utterly shocked and confused. These ponies where non of what they have seen before. They were more elegant and more detailed and defined.

The white unicorn broke into the silence like a gentle blade. Her voice was regal and smooth. “Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum. It’s been a long time since we last spoke, and I have assumed that this reunion isn’t an overdue ‘Hello’, as from what my sister told me, you sense trouble in your kingdom.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia. I apologize that this reunion isn’t just a tardy catch up. I have told Luna that I sense trouble in my kingdom and my realm. Of course you must be wondering what connection or reason this has with you..” The white pony nodded delicately along with her ‘sister’. “Well, I was taking a stroll through a field, and felt a strange essence. I took out my ‘ELAF’, Essence Locator and Finder, and it was traced back to Equestria. This essence has a strange dark green tint to it. I have a sample trapped in the ‘ELAF’, please, check it out and tell me if you know what it’s about.”

Princess Bubblegum takes out the ‘ELAF’ and hands it in front of the mirror. Princess Celestia’s horn glows a light yellow and the same aura surrounds the device and it goes through the mirror like it’s water. Celestia messed with the device for a bit and got the sample and used her horn to analyze it. She stared blankly at and let go of her magic. Luna’s horn glowed a dark violet and it caught the device before it fell on the floor, earning a sigh of relief from Bubblegum. Luna spoke carefully to her sister, her voice was deep, soothing, and elegantly, “What is wrong, my sister? Whose or what’s magic essence was it?”

She kept staring at the floor till slowly shaking her head. She began to speak with worry and seriousness in her voice that broke through like a bullet through glass. “Listen carefully, the thing that made that essence isn’t our kind. She is evil and tricky. The vile beastress that can disguise herself as anything and anyone. Her name is Queen Chrysalis. A few months ago, Queen Chrysalis disguised herself as Princess Mi Amore Cadanza. She tricked everyone, besides my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. We didn’t listen, though… and she then banished Twilight to the Canterlot Caves, where she found the real Cadance. I was defeated by Chrysalis, Twilight was defeated by Chrysalis, but thanks to Cadance and her new husband saved all of Equestria with the power of their love.. Chrysalis feeds off love. She’s a changeling. She can change into anyone and anything. Please be careful. I will send Twilight and Cadance to you some time tomorrow, till then be careful.” Celestia’s glance turned to Finn and Jake and was followed by Luna. They took in their forms and then looked back to Bubblegum.

Luna was the first to ask. “Who might these little creatures be?”

Princess Bubblegum’s eyes opened in shock, she opened her mouth to answer but was cut off by the boys in question.

“I’m Finn the human! A radical boy adventurer! And this is my best friend, Jake the dog!” Finn made jazz hands toward as if to present Jake.

Jake pushed Finn’s arms away and walked up to the mirror and pointed a finger at them, his face trying to seem tough. “Yeah! And what are and who are you two!”

Luna’s eye expression changed a bit to annoyance. Celestia just smiled warmly and replied, “I am Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria. I raise the sun every morning. This is my younger sister, Luna. She helps rule our kingdom and she raises the moon every night.”

Princess Luna beckoned a loud echo, “CHARMED TO MEET-” Luna was interrupted by Celestia’s hoof pointing toward her snout. Luna’s face tinted a light pink with a whispered ‘oops’. She cleared her throat and begun again, “Sorry, It’s a pleasure to meet thee, Sir Finn the Human, and Sir Jake the Dog. As my sister hath mentioned, I am Princess Luna, the Princess of the night.”

Celestia smiled, put her hoof to her mouth, leaned against the mirror toward the Princess of Ooo, the adventurer, and the magical dog, and whispered, “Don’t mind her, she is still getting used to talking regular speech.”

Princess Bubblegum smiled warmly. Finn tilted his head in confusion a bit, and Jake just stared, trying to hold back a laugh. “You talk funny!” He said.

Luna’s eyes went fully white and glowed, the background of the mirror turned dark with lighting and storm clouds, Luna hovered and yelled in her deep echoing voice, “WHAT DID THOU SAY ABOUT THY PRINCESS, KNAVE!

Jake stretched down, horrified he stared up at the princess quivering and whimpering. Before Finn was about to stand up to the princess, the clouds and darkness disappeared and the princess’s eyes returned to normal and she lowered back down laughing a bit to herself. Celestia just smiled and rolled her eyes amusingly.

“It was just a little, how you say, ‘prank’ or ‘joke. Wee- I mean.. I apologize if I scared you a little too bad..”

“Me? Scared? HA! Nah, I was just- just humoring you, that’s all!” Jake replied returning to normal size.

Celestia broke in on the little fit of giggles, “All joking and introductions aside, Bonnibel, please be careful. Be on the look out for suspicious behavior of some people, but don’t go too crazy, or suspicion will arouse. My sister and I must depart now. Good luck, Bonnibel.” Their reflection warped and faded.

Bubblegum turned to the boys. “Not a word about this situation to anyone, now, as Princess Celestia said, be on the look out for suspicious behavior, but don’t go too crazy- JAKE. If you suspect someone, come to ME first, don’t interrogate them.. Now, off you two go, I have other important Princess business to attend to. Bubblegum, AWAY!” Bubblegum ran out of the room and up the stairs.

The two boys walked out of the room and the wall slid back in place. They walked up the stairs and walked out of the Candy Kingdom. Finn had his hands behind his head and elbows up. “Dude, we are so stepping up as adventurers,”

“Heck yeah!” The two brothers brofisted and continue their walk.
