• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 5,573 Views, 74 Comments

Return To The Haven - Sweet Tale

Jason and Celestia spend another day together, along with an extra visitor.

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Chapter 4

This was just bloody brilliant. A secret, this was meant to be. A secret! Now, another human is aware of the existence of Equestria, Sarah's probably going to rant and rave about it and everything will just go to pot. Oh...and even Twilight saw me. I bet Celestia's really looking forward to explaining that!


I craned my head back up to see my wife still giving me the 'stare'. Yeah, I named it after a certain pegasus' actions. I knew Sarah was just waiting for me to try and explain so she can shove it back in my face and vent her anger. "Well what? You know most of it already, what do you need to hear from me?" I asked.

"What I want to know..." she started saying, approaching with each spoken word. "...is why you kept this a secret from me." She placed her hand on my shoulder. "You know we don't keep stuff from each other, that's how we work."

I placed my hand over hers and smiled at her. "I'm sorry, I really am but..." I looked over to the Solar Princess who was glaring at her younger sibling. "But she told me I couldn't tell anyone. Only three people have ever known they existed before I did and that was my great-grandad, great-grandmother and grandma. You know...Celestia help me out here please." I pleaded to the sun goddess.

"I knew you were up to something." Celestia coldly said.

"What? What did I do?" I asked incredulously.

"Not you." Celestia replied, staring at me. She slowly turned back around to face Luna. "You. How could you do this Luna?"

"I told you I would come here eventually. You should have brought me along with you. I don't see anything dangerous here at all." Luna replied, smiling.

Celestia shook her head and groaned. "But I ordered you not to! I told you about this place in good faith that you would just accept it! Not become jealous!" she retorted, her anger seeping in every word.

"Jealous?" Luna said quietly. "You're right! Do you not know how jealous you made me when you first mentioned him?" Luna said with a hint of anger. I looked over at her, seeing that she looked fit to burst. "Everything you told me about him, everything you did..." She approached her elder sister and got right in her face. "Do you not realise how much I yearn for such a thing? To be sociable again?!" she shouted. Tears were starting to form in Luna's eyes. "I have tried sister, I tried. Nightmare Night was a success but it only happens once a year. To be surrounded by those that like you, that want to spend time with you." She looked over to me again. "I thought I could find that here..."

Observing Celestia, I could see that she was trying remain neutral with all of her power. But she couldn't hold it - she approached her younger sibling and held her close with one of her wings.

Sarah grasped my hand which got my attention. "I guess she was telling the truth." she whispered.

"How do you mean?" I replied at the same volume. Best not to break the goddess' embrace.

"She said she was lonely and that she just wanted to find someone to be friends with. I have to say though, she did surprise me."

How did I not pick up on that sooner? "Hey, yeah that's right. How come you're not freaking out at the sight of her? I was sure you'd either pass out or try and attack her but...you seem calm and happy."

"At first I was afraid, then I was petrified." I snorted in laughter. "At first I tried to hide but she found me and started talking. To be honest, I was close to passing out but she mentioned your name and...I don't know, I just calmed down."

I gave her a small kiss on the cheek. Celestia and Luna had released each other and were both smiling. "You err...you girls alright now?" I asked.

They both looked at me and nodded. "We are fine dear human. Celestia has understood my reasoning and forgiven me for coming here." Celestia cleared her throat and stared at Luna. "And...I am sorry to you both for intruding in your home unannounced."

"It's alright. It was a bit of a shock but it turned alright didn't it?" Sarah replied. She looked up at Celestia, then back at me. "So, can we do introductions again? And maybe you can tell me a few things?"

Celestia was currently in a conversation with Sarah about my great-grandfather and how she came here in the first place. I had asked if anyone wanted tea to which all three of them agreed to. Out in the kitchen, I set the kettle on the boil and waited patiently.

"It's a wonderful home you have here."

"Hmm?" I turned to see that Luna had followed me into the kitchen. "Oh...um, yeah it's lovely." One thing couldn't get out of my mind so I had to voice it. "Princess, can I ask you a question?" She nodded and approached me. "Those things you said about feeling jealous and alone...do you really feel that way?"

Luna's smile slowly drooped and she sighed quietly. "It is true. Every day since my return, I have felt alone."

"Is this because your subjects still think you're Nightmare Moon?" She looked surprised that I knew such a thing. "Celestia told me."

"I see. Most ponies still think I am what I used to be. Except the citizens of Ponyville. They all accepted me at Nightmare Night last year." Luna explained.

"I heard that the Elements became great friends with you. But I can see why you are still alone. No-one's awake at night, right?" Luna nodded slowly, closing her eyes. I was trying to come up with a solution for her problems. Anything that can make her feel better, knowing that her future will be more sociable. Alas, I could not think of a thing. But there was something I could say. I slowly rested my hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at me.

"There's something I don't get. You said you were struggling to be sociable, right?" Luna nodded. "Well, when you came here and found my wife, she told me you instantly spoke to her in a friendly way, like you'd been friends for years. And she even told me that she felt calm around you. From that, I can't see any sociable issues here."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that maybe this is it. The start of something. You willingly spoke to my wife, who you'd never seen before, and became friendly with her like that." I said, snapping my fingers. "If you can do THAT then you should be able to do it back home. You just need to...throw yourself in the deep end. Just get stuck in and get out there and make some new friends."

I could see that Luna was listening to every word that I was saying. "I...you're right. I can--"

"Jason! Where's the tea?" Sarah called.

"Just a minute honey." I poured the boiling kettle into the four mugs and stirred the teabags. I was about to pick up the mugs when I felt something touch my cheek...Luna's lips to be precise.

"Thank you." Luna walked out of the kitchen, levitating two of the mugs of tea. I froze. Did a once-thought fictional pony princess just kiss me on the cheek?! I chuckled softly and picked up the remaining mugs of tea.

"Crazy day...crazy day." I mumbled under my breath. I walked out into the living room to see that Sarah and Celestia were finishing up their conversation. "So...what information were you two divulging into?" I asked, passing a mug to my wife.

"Sarah was telling me about how you met and I was telling her about your great-grandfather." Celestia replied.

"I can't believe your great-grandad is responsible for this giant following." Sarah added.

"Neither can I." I said, putting my arm around Sarah. "So...what's the plan now? Will you two stay for a while?"

Celestia and Luna shared glances and grinned. "Maybe you should show Luna that wonderful game you showed me." Celestia said.

Oh my god, a rather large MLP meme was about to become reality. Gamer Luna was about to be born. I giggled to myself and switched the 360 on. "Ah, might have a slight problem." I help up two objects. "If we all want to play, we can't Only got two controllers."

"Sister? Please take one of them and follow my lead." Celestia instructed. She levitated one controller and held it near her horn with Luna doing the same. In a quick flash of light, one controller became two. She bloody duplicated it! Luna smiled and did the same procedure. "I believe you're problem is resolved, yes?"

Sarah's jaw hung open at this powerful display of magic. Even I was stunned. The controllers were shared out between the four of us and the eagerly-anticipated game was about to be loaded. "Wait a second. I've got a better game we can play." The three of them all waited for me to choose the game we were to play. I scrolled over to the game and got a nod of approvement from Sarah. Loading it up, I turned to the two princesses and said one thing. "Ladies. Welcome to Castle Crashers."

An hour or so in and we were intensely enjoying every second of it. We chose to be the main four knights - I was Green, Sarah was Orange, Celestia was Red and Luna was Blue - and we were powering through the game.

After the Luna's initial shock as to how this technology works, she turned. She turned into Gamer Luna and I could not believe it. All of the pictures people have made, all of the stories people have created and I'm seeing it happen for real. Part of me wanted to gloat all over the internet but who the hell would believe me? And I'm not supposed to anyway.

We had just reached the Corn boss and as always, this one was a nightmare to kill. We had Celestia and Sarah using magic as me and Luna went in and whacked the giant, growling ear of corn.

"He's spinning. Block!" I shouted.

"Got it!" Luna replied.

Before long, we completed the level. "Not long to go now. Just another four or five screens and we'll be at the finish." Sarah said with a smile.

"Yeah we..." I let out a huge yawn. "We'll be done in no time..." I said, rubbing my eyes. Always happens when I look at a screen too long.

"My friends, are you tired?" Luna asked.

I glanced at the clock and I was surprised when I saw what time it was. "Well, it is 11PM." I let out another yawn. "Maybe we should stop for the night."

"I think that will be for the best." Celestia added. She and Luna got to their hooves and approached me and Sarah. "Thank you both for making our stay most enjoyable."

"Oh that's alri...are you leaving?" I asked.

"I am afraid so. What with both of the royal sisters being absent from Canterlot, our subjects and the royal guard are probably wracked with worry." Celestia explained.

Luna approached me and Celestia approached Sarah. At the same time, they unfurled their wings and put them around mine and Sarah's shoulders, pulling us close. "Thank you for the lovely evening. And sorry for causing all the trouble earlier." Luna said to me.

"It's quite alright." I replied, putting my arms around her azure neck. "Just remember what I told you." I whispered in her ear. She nodded and pulled away.

"It was a pleasure to meet you both." Sarah said.

"Likewise. Come now Luna, we shall return." Celestia turned to me and smiled. "Once again Jason, you welcomed me into your home and treated us like true friends. I thank you." Her's and Luna's horn started to glow. "Goodbye friends."

Me and Sarah joined hands as we watched the sisters begin to charge their spell. The electrics in the house flickered as the raw magical energy caused the power to go haywire. I took a glance out of my back window and saw something which gave me an idea. "Wait! Stop!"

Both of the princesses' horns stoped glowing as I shouted at them. "What's the matter, honey?" Sarah asked.

I quickly went on my laptop and opened up the internet. As I searched for what I wanted, the three of them started to approach. "Ah-ah! No peeking!" I commanded. I quickly found what I was looking for and fortunately, my instincts were correct. I walked to the back door and opened it up. "Follow me, all of you."

Sarah caught up to me as I began to walk through the back garden. "What are you doing?"

"Something memorable." Celestia and Luna soon caught up.

"What is the meaning of this?" Luna asked.

"Just something I want to show you before you leave." The warm Indian Summer air of October blew against us as we walked out of the garden and into a wide open field. To the left was a hill, which we began to ascend. "Now, you know we live quite high up? Sometimes, if the light is right and the sky is clear, you get a treat." We reached the top of the hill and looked out. "Take a look."

"Oh my..."

"That's beautiful."

The sisters were staring in awe at the sight before them. The rolling hills of the Lake District, the small villages and towns illuminated by a full moon's glow. The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. The constellations were easily identifiable.

"I thought as you leave, you can leave with a look over the hidden beauty of this world."

Sarah leaned into me and kissed me. "And you couldn't have done better."

"Yeah..." I turned to the sisters who were still gazing out. "So...I guess this is goodbye for now."

"Indeed my dear human. But I must thank you again for showing me and Luna this magnificent sight. If this is only a fraction of your world, then I can only dream of what else lies hidden here." Celestia said. "And I ask you now Sarah to follow in Jason's footsteps and keep our existence a secret?"

"No problem. I'll never tell."

"Thank you." Her horn began to glow, as did Luna's. "Not going to interrupt us this time?" she asked with a smirk.

"Not on your life." We watched as the glow began to increase. "Oh! Say sorry to Twilight for me!"

Celestia laughed as I said that. "I will. And please remember, we will see each other again." With that, they both disappeared with a flash of golden and blue light.

Sarah and I began our trek back down the hill. Overall, the day had been pretty good. I saw Celestia, met Luna, unexpectedly met Twilight Sparkle and I went to Equestria! I'll be thinking about this for weeks to come.

Eventually, we reached our home and entered it's warm embrace. The day ahd taken a toll on us both and we quickly reitred to the bedroom. I thought now would be a chance to explain something.

I opened up the drawer and pulled out my notepad and the enchanted quill. "Babe, this is how I kep in contact with Celestia. I write a letter, roll it up, tap it with the quill and it gets sent to her."

"Wow...almost like magic." I gave her a look. "OK, it is magic." she said, laughing.

I handed the quill to her. "Why don't you try it?"

She gingerly took the quill and the notepad and then thought about what to write. Before long, she was scribbling something down. Finishing up, she handed the note to me so I could read it. It read...

Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,

If someone had told me that in the future, I would be friends with two Princesses who were ponies, who could perform magic and could fly, I would have said they were crazy. As would anybody else.

But after today, I take that back. Meeting Princess Luna in the middle of my home was frightening at first but it soon became clear that she meant good. She meant not to scare me. And then you showed up with my husband.

I was so close to losing my rag and screaming at him but I felt calm around you two. And I want to thank you both for explaining what happened before and what your lives are like. Equestria sounds like fun! You know...except from the dragons and the hydra's and...you know.

I better wrap this up before I waffle on. It was a pleasure meeting you both and I had a great time spending the evening with you! I would love to see you in the future and I am pretty sure that Jason would as well!

Best Wishes

I leant over and gave my wife a kiss. "That's beautiful, it really is. Now, roll this letter up, like a scroll." She did so. "And tap it twice with the quill." She did that with an eager smile and her mouth hung open as the scroll was engulfed in a magic aura and dissapated into thin air. "There you go. She'll read that any minute."

"Thanks honey. Now come on...let's get some sleep." She snuggled down next to me as I lowered myself into the covers. To think that I'd want to sleep after a day like today. There was nothing that could spoil my mood now. "Oh, and if you leave the house, leaving everything turned on again? I'll hide the 360 from you."

OK...maybe that.

Author's Note:

Well, that's that. I had fun writing this story and I'm glad that a lot of you enjoyed it.

Remember what Celestia said - they will see each other again. I will make another sequel to this but I won't be for a while as I will be focusing on my main story and a couple of ideas that have been brewing in the far distant corners of my mind.