• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 8,091 Views, 226 Comments

Space Ponies - Boss_Hoss1

Something is watching Ponyvile and Pinkie calls them Space Ponies. One day she goes to find one...

  • ...

Chapter 3. Enter, Nurse Redheart

Space Ponies

By Boss Hoss

Chapter 3. Enter, Nurse Redheart


Still smirking at the weird silliness of colts, Twilight stopped in front of a building he had never seen in the show and waved a hoof at it grandly "Welcome to Ponyville Hospital!"

This certainly wasn’t the Ponyville Urgent Care clinic from "Applebuck Season" he had been expecting. He briefly wondered if this building would be seen in Season 2.
Scott looked at the elegant multi-story timber and stucco building before him with a beautiful tile roof, surrounded by a well-kept lawn that gave the whole place a feel of tranquility.

The sign out front had a perfect replica of Nurse Mercy’s Cutie Mark, A red cross with pink hearts at the intersecting angles. He always thought her one of the most beautiful of the Background Ponies.
After a second, he suddenly wondered if she got her Cutie Mark from the Equestrian symbol for a hospital, and not the other way around...

"Wow! It sort of reminds me of the one in my old home town! Just beautiful!"
He mentally added 'If this is not seen in Season 2, it should be!'

Twilight giggled "It's not bad. The one my family uses over in Solstice Heights, back in Canterlot is really impressive. Let’s go on in, shall we?"

As they passed through the doors, Scott involuntarily coughed as his improved nose met the harsh smells of medical-grade disinfectants and alcohol.
He wiped his streaming eyes as he followed Twilight, who looked at him in concern. "Will you be okay?
Scott sneezed in response "Ugh, ack! O-okay.. Jus' needa minute.. My nose wasn’t *achoo* this good before..."

They waited several minutes for his nose to finally adjust while he went through a few sheets of kleenex.
After he stopped sniffling, Twilight walked up to the front desk in the admissions area and politely clopped a hoof on the surface. "Hello Nurse Redheart. If you aren’t busy, I have a special case for you."

A moment later, there were hoofsteps and a white mare with a pink mane perfectly styled and tied in a bun, and wearing a nurse's cap, came from behind a white privacy screen. "Oh, Hello Twilight. How may I help this gentlecolt? Does he have any medical records with him?"

Scott blinked a moment and looked at the familiar nurse in surprise, checking her Cutie Mark twice just to be sure.
'Hm, so Redheart and not Nurse Mercy as I thought, then. I wonder what other BG pony names I have wrong?'

Twilight nudged the suddenly shy stallion forward "That's part of the case; he has none. Mr. Skybright needs a full physical right away."

Instantly, Nurse Redheart went wide eyed in joy! In fact, her eyes sparkled eagerly like Pinkie Pie being given a cupcake! She rarely got to do a "pony’s first exam" on anypony, and one old enough not to object to any of it? Bliss!

Quivering with excitement, she quickly swept him to the exam area faster than he could process the event and hoofed him a clip board. "All right sweetie, first things first, we need to fill out this chart."

Ears drooped, Scott looked with dismay at the odd clipboard shoved into his hooves, complete with a quill and a tube-like inkwell on a swinging-level clip.

...Apparently medical bureaucracy demanded ink no matter what world you were on...

Attempting to use his hooves, Scott grunted with effort as he fumbled with the clipboard. "Agh! How do you ponies do this?!"
Desperately trying his horn hardly helped. A cobalt blue nimbus sputtered to life on the tip of his horn for a moment, and then the board flipped over faster than the inkwell could turn and splattered him.

Twilight gave a startled "Eep!" and caught the clipboard with her own magenta glow, then drew the wayward ink back into the inkwell.
"Oh dear, let me help. I'm afraid developmental testing is in order too. I'll have to write for him, if neither of you mind?"

Nurse Redheart waved a hoof "Please!" while Scott blushed sheepishly "Go right ahead."

Twilight clopped her hooves and smiled enthusiastically "All right, here we go; Name, Scott Skybright. Race, Unicorn..."
She looked at him expectantly "Parents?..."

After the fastest chart fill-out Nurse Redheart could remember, she eagerly began the exam with an excited giggle.
Quickly pulling rubber hoof sheaths over her hooves with practiced ease, she first measured his height, body length, and weight, and then examined his mouth. "Perfect teeth, body on the good side of average…"
Next, after getting his pulse and checking his heart and lungs, she examined his eyes and made him read the eyechart.
After the first try, she switched to the one with picture icons for the illiterate so he could read it.

Twilight looked to Scott sheepishly, even blushing a light plum "I am so, so sorry, I should have thought to ask if your ability to read carried over. I'll look up translation spells tonight for you like we use for Envoys to Talonopolis. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be to be in my Library and not be able to enjoy it."

Scott thought the small shiver of horror she gave at the thought was adorkable, but did not say so.
Instead, he smiled and gave a sheepish shrug "Its okay Twilight. It did not occur to me either. I thank you for having a solution though."

Both ponies eyes went wide at a sudden thought!

Before either Scott or Twilight could suddenly ask why they could still speak to each other comprehensibly, Nurse Redheart finished the scoring and smiled at Scott "Your eyes are good, 20/20 vision."

Next, the cream colored Earth pony tapped the knee on his right hind-leg with a rubber hammer, making him cow-kick before he realized it. She repeated this on his other hind-leg knee with the same automatic result "Good reflexes…”

Suddenly frowning at a thought, she turned to Twilight and set her clip board down. "You may want to leave for the next part, dear. Some colts feel embarrassed about this as it is without an audience."

Confused, Scott raised a brow and looked from one mare to the other, only having a vague idea what they might be talking about. ‘Everypony's running around naked in public here, what could be more embarrassing than that? -Even if everything is tucked away behind legs and tails?’

After a moment, Scott had an anime sweatdrop on his forehead while his ear lopped to the side oddly as he suddenly thought... 'Wait... wasn’t there some eventual part of a full physical involving handling certain body parts and coughing?...'

Hoping she interpreted the confused look on the stallion's face properly, Twilight snorted and waved a hoof casually. This was her first chance ever to attend the physical exam of an alien, even in pony form, and she was determined not to miss a thing!
"Oh I'm sure he'll be fine with it. He's not been brought up as a pony and I've been in sex-ed in 6th grade Biology in Canterlot, so it'll be no mystery to me. You okay, Scott?"

Suddenly blushing, Scott was surprised that one of his heroines was willing to be in the room for... whatever embarrassing things Nurse Redheart were about to do to his back half.
Well, if she was so determined that it wasn’t something to be ashamed of, he was too.
Bravely, he gave a “thumbs up”…err, well, "hoof up" sign. He hoped that translated across well. "Um, no problem... I think."

Nodding, the nurse turned to Scott "Very well, then. Scott? Present!"

He blinked owlishly for a moment, not understanding the command. Then she whispered in his ear... He blushed, but nodded "Ohhh, I'll try. I just never did it on demand before. It’s not something a human does on the spot without some… incentive, and fortunately for Doctors back home, human bits aren’t hidden in a sheath.
I've never had a physical before and thought the Doctor did all the work on getting them out for inspection.
At least I do know stallions are supposed to be able to do that at will, though. Well, here goes... * Errrgggg!*"

Twilight watched him strain himself, trying to find the trick to something he had apparently never done on purpose before. The mare stayed close just in case he had any more difficulties she would be needed for. -All while she was trying to maintain a clinical detachment as she watched intently.

Her eyes suddenly got wide and she blushed a bright plum.
Apparently he found the trick to doing it after all.

"Oh my... Um, a-admittedly the class did not have any live stallions demonstrating for us. Iyyyyyy..... Think I'll wait outside... A-he-he-hehh..."

With that, she zipped outside.

'(_)' "(_)' '(_)'

Author's Note;
Sorry if the chapter feels so short but in the way I edited this earlier, this was a natural pause point before the next chapter...

-Boss Hoss
Semper Pellus!