• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 8,091 Views, 226 Comments

Space Ponies - Boss_Hoss1

Something is watching Ponyvile and Pinkie calls them Space Ponies. One day she goes to find one...

  • ...

Chapter 11. Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3... Part 2

Space Ponies
By Boss Hoss

Chapter 11, Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3…
Part II


After sending off a note to the Princesses with a copy of the graphs, including the part where the needles had slammed fully to one side and jiggled only a little during the “episode”, Twilight trotted outside and checked her saddlebags one last time “Well that was an amazing set of firsts in one try! We have the first known Thaumic Potential graph of a Unicorn in the throes of his first ever Magic Surge, and the first graph ever of the only adult Unicorn’s Panic Surge I have ever heard of. You’ll be famous!”

Chuckling weakly, Scott shrugged sheepishly “That kind of fame I could live without earning…
Oh yeah, while I’m thinking of it… Where do I find Bon-Bon’s sweet shop? Lyra invited me there around Noon for a little chat about my being an alien.”

Twilight paused for a moment before she remembered about Lyra and Bon-Bon being Lifemates. ‘For hoof’s sakes, that was just a dream! He probably doesn’t even see you as a mare. All he’s known are Human females, right?’

Taking a deep breath, she replied. “I’ll write out directions for you as a basic line map, or would you like for me to come along?”

Shaking his head no, he smiled “Thanks, I’ll be fine alone. Some of the fanon... Er, info, on her is quite contradictory so whatever it is she might be more comfy talking just to me for now. I’ll tell you afterward what happens, I promise.”

Seeing another chance to see how deep his knowledge goes, she smirked “Care to Pinkie Promise?”

Pausing a moment to think it over, he nodded, then made the motions as he chanted; “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”
Twilight was impressed, he even shut his eye before putting his hoof to it. “Good, and do you know what happen of you break that promise?”

He closed his eyes to think as he recited “Breaking a promise is the quickest way of losing a friend’s trust…”


Both unicorns snapped their heads around to see Pinkie Pie standing in the bushes behind the Library sign as she gave a menacing glare before sinking back down into the bushes.

After a moment, she stuck her head back out with her normal friendly face. “Ohhh silly me, I forgot! I just dropped off Scotty-scott’s things. They are up in the living area of the Library! Byeee…”
She sank back out of sight into the bushes…

Scott blinked, then shrugged.

Twilight patted his back, “Yes, that’s what we ALL do…”


Finally trotting back outside, Rainbow Dash put on her “Awesome” sunglasses. “I still have no idea what happened to me. Why won’t you two tell me? I didn’t turn into a potted plant, right?”

Giggling, Twilight patted the Pegasus on her back “It’s not important, and he has already apologized. Let’s just get him to the Hospital in a jiffy.”

Moving in a blur, she instantly stood nose to nose with Scott, pushing him back in a challenging manner. “Okay, let’s motivate him to make it really fast then! Let’s race, Big Guy! I win, you tell me what happened! You win, I’ll answer one embarrassing question. Whatever you can think up!”

Glancing to Twilight, Scott sent a questioning look to her. She shrugged and replied “Up to you Scott. We might as well see how well you are moving as a pony now…”

Puffing his chest out, he stood a bit straighter as he looked Rainbow Dash in the eyes. Hordes of his fellow fans, Furry and Brony both, would be dying for a chance at racing this mare so he might as well do it for them. –And to tell the truth, he was pretty excited about it himself…

“All right, Miss Dash. No flying! Magic is a moot point of course… We go when Twilight counts three, right?”
With that, he held out his right forehoof.

Grinning, Dash nodded and bumped her sky blue hoof to his slightly larger black hoof. “You are so going down!”

In moments, the two had lined up and crouched, ready to go.

Some of the passers-by had stopped to watch as Twilight gave the count; “Ready you two? One!... Two!... Three!... GO!”

Waving and yelling, the gathered ponies cheered as Rainbow Dash took an early lead while Scott horribly fumbled the transition from trot to canter, and finally a shaky gallop that smoothed out as he went.

The black sock-markings of his legs flashed as they quickly moved, his hooves clattering on the moss green cobblestones of Mane Street.

Sweat darkened blue and bay equine hides before it fell away from the racer’s bodies in fat drops. Dash raised her wings just enough to get air flow underneath to cool her sides down. Something she couldn’t do in last year’s Running of the Leaves with them tied down like that.

Suddenly realizing that she had taken a very easy lead, Dash slowed down just enough that he wouldn’t notice. ‘Don’t want to make this too easy, right? Beside, Rarity is always getting on to me about upsetting stallions that might think I’m cool, and how fragile their egos are. Well, now we see if she knows what she’s talking about.’ she thought.

The cheering grew more energetic as Scott seemed to be catching up and a determined look grew on his face. It put an extra spring in his step as he actually seemed to stand a chance!

Meanwhile, Twilight was teleporting in short hops to keep up with the racers. She was pleasantly surprised he seemed to be keeping up. Speaking mostly to herself, she mused “Not bad for his second day as a pony, huh!”

As Twilight popped along, keeping pace, she suddenly realized Rainbow Dash was running about as fast as she herself does normally. While Twilight has gotten a lot of practice running in the last year or so, she still wasn’t in the league of Rainbow Dash or Applejack. The purple mare giggled and smirked at the stunt the Pegasus was pulling to play fair with Scott.


Meanwhile, Granny Smith had been crossing the street ahead of them and froze in place on her walker when the pair thundered up to and past her…
After her sudden bout of spinning stopped, she elderly mare shook a hoof at their retreating backsides. “Confangled Speed Demons! Watch where ya’ll a’goin!”

At Ponyville’s little red schoolhouse, the foals were having recess and stopped what they were doing to watch Rainbow Dash race the new stallion in town.
Among them, Scootaloo bounced up and down with her tiny wings buzzing. ”Come on Rainbow Dash! You can do it!”

Sitting beside her, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle giggled and elbowed each other “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem Scoots!”

Scootaloo followed the pointing yellow hoof, seeing the mystery stallion that got a Cutie Mark in just a half hour was suddenly panting and struggling to run.


The race had started so well for Scott, he was actually keeping up with Rainbow Dash!
He was learning to run all over again and nopony could ask for a better, if unwitting teacher by making him race her. ‘…And the view aint’ half bad…’ he chuckled to himself as he fought to keep up.
While Scott knew he had been taking frequent rest breaks while dancing at the party, he could surely make it to the Ponyville Hospital, right? He can’t possibly be that bad off with a new body!
Jazzed on adrenaline from the joy borne of the new equine instinct to run, he fought to ignore the growing burning from his muscles.

As he reached the schoolhouse, he was getting light headed and panting. The adrenaline rush was definitely over and he was running on fumes now. ‘Well, this sucks…’


The hospital was now in sight and suddenly Rainbow Dash shot ahead. Confused, the Pegasus looked around, then back as Scott began to wobble on his hooves.

By the time the cyan Pegasus had stopped and turned around, the stallion wheezed and flopped over like the donkey ragdoll Twilight pretended she didn’t own.

Yelping, Rainbow Dash zipped back to him in a rainbow streak and landed beside him. “Ohmigosh! Did I kill him?!

Twilight ran up and helped examine him “No… He’s just exhausted! Let’s get him the rest of the way to the Hospital!

Rainbow Dash shook her head as the stallion floated along in Twilight’s magenta aura “He looks so strong! What’s wrong with him? He should be able to do this race backwards!”

Sighing, the purple Unicorn shook her head. “I have an idea but Nurse Redheart will have to confirm it.
She says his muscles are new like they were rebuilt on the spot. He had to rest a lot while dancing, right? What if he has to rebuild his stamina too, like he’s been sick?”

Blushing, Dash thought for a moment as they reached the doors “Do you think he’ll remember this? Rares has kinda’ been getting onto me about embarrassing stallions…”

Twilight giggles “Probably not…”


Celestia stepped into the library where Luna was studying with the help of her newly assigned Personal Librarian, the slate grey earth pony, Tympany.

Luna looked up from a book detailing how Nightmare Night had come into being on her Harvest Moon Festival night. "Dear sister, you look perturbed. What is the matter?"

The regal mare floated several letters over to her younger sister "Twilight has sent me progress reports. Judging by Twilight's preliminary tests, his talent is magic. I doubt he will ever be as powerful as Twilight, but…"


"We cannot know for sure until he is tested with the full resources the court can provide.
Regardless, I must accept him into the school as soon as he is brought before us if he proves he is no threat.
If nothing else, and as it has happened before, he will be a special unicorn indeed; All the full blown power of a magically talented adult, and all the control of a newborn foal..."

Luna gasped "Oh my! Teaching an adult from the beginning! I imagine that should be greatly difficult!"

"Yes, Twilight has already had to restrain his power in testing. He had his first Panic Surge just a short while ago and was quite strong at it. Twilight has optimistically taken it as a benchmark he can aspire to reach as she did with hers."

With a sigh, Luna turned to Tympany and raised her right hoof in the manner of a Royal Command a millennium before. "This is a potentially dangerous happenstance, My loyal Librarian. Tympany.
Be a dear and look up all instances of such... "visitors" that occurred during OUR...er, "sleep". Be sure to indicate any Unicorns that also had Magic for their talent.
WE may need to know how this was handled in more modern ways if WE are to properly assist OUR Sister in this matter."

Tympany bowed like a cat stretching, privately amused at the sometimes silly linguistic constructs of his Princess, especially her use of the Royal "We" in speaking pony to pony. "As my Princess commands!"


...Just as he felt himself about to fall over onto the street, he felt a surge of energy as he got his second wind. His horn glowed as he picked up his speed, leaving a red blur behind him.

Rainbow Dash elbowed him “That’s all ya got? Race ya to Canterlot if ya got the guts! Oh yeah, ya gotta fly over Whitetail Woods! Well, seeya at the finish line, slowpoke!”

Scott laughed as he ran “We’ll see who’s the slowpoke, “Dashie!”
His horn flared and wings burst from his shoulders a moment before he jumped into the sky.
Laughing, Scott did a loop and sped neck and neck with Rainbow Dash.
Twin blurs rose up in their way with no time to dodge. He suddenly collided with what turned out to be both of the Princesses over the Palace, falling down with them to splash into a huge hot tub on the Royal Party Deck!
Finding himself between the two Alicorn mares, the new Alicorn stallion put a wing around each and kissed the cheek of Luna and then Celestia, making them blush.

Suddenly, five familiar mares stepped into view and jumped in, giggling. AJ splashed Rainbow Dash, while Rarity ducked closer and under Scott’s wing to avoid the splashes, wedging herself between him and Celestia. Squeaking cutely, Fluttershy hid herself under his other wing. Pinkie Pie giggled as she popped up behind Dash and dumped a bucket of water on her. The trio laughed and called the game ”Even!” After that, they waded over to join the rest in hangin’ with the stallion.

Oh Yeah! His own herd! A HERD! THE Herd, Baybeh! He was a freakin’ Alicorn Prince! The only thing missing was a bottle of Old Spice body wash…well “Apple Spice” like that one parody video since he was now more Awesome than Big Mac!

The winged pile of AWESOME thought of something and started counting with his hoof. ‘Wait a minute! One… two… three... four... five... Where is Twilight?’

Across the deck, Twilight stepped out of a doorway, her head swinging around in an obvious search for him.
Suddenly she stopped shock still, looking at him and her friends with her eyes wide and mouth open.
Her mouth drew into a snarl as she gave a glare that froze the water in the hot tub. Her hoof came down with a resounding crash that split the tub. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY MENTOR?! MY FRIENDS!?”

Twilight’s rage instantly collapsed into sadness and despair as her head drooped low, touching the deck. He could only watch in horror as he was still frozen in place when she turned away from him and began to walk away “I thought you cared for me…”

Mist poured in from nowhere, slowly obscuring Twilight as he fought to escape the frozen hot tub. Somehow the others had vanished from the tub like they had never been there, but he was too busy trying to break free and catch Twilight to worry about that.
Ice flew in chunks as he finally broke free and galloped after her, only to find himself in a wall of mist.
Heart pounding, he looked around for why he wasn’t moving faster, but found his wings were gone. He stamped his hooves in frustration as he yelled for her. The mist faded away revealing he was in a maze of thorny rose bushes and no Twilight.

He raised his head to the sky and yelled, his voice filled with anguish.


Gasping, Scott jerked awake as a hoof touched his shoulder. His heart pounded as he looked around in terror “Shh, shh, you’ll be just fine, Mr. Skybright.”

Groaning, Scott sat up, wincing at the burning in his legs. “What happened? Did I win?”
Nurse Redheart smiled and patted his shoulder “I’m afraid you collapsed in exhaustion, Sir. Twilight and Rainbow Dash brought you in a little while ago. Just rest right here while I get them and Dr. Stable.”

As she walked out, she giggled to herself, making a mental note to get in on the Cake’s little betting pool, especially after hearing him yell “Twilight!”…

A moment later, a serious looking unicorn with a goldenrod coat and a light brown mane entered and adjusted his rimless glasses. “Good morning, Scott is it?”

He was followed a moment later by Twilight and Dash. Their smaller stature showing the stallion was about his height. The Pegasus was scuffing a hoof sheepishly while the Doctor gave Scott a quick check. “Umm yeah, a-about the race, Big Guy…Ya see… Well…”

Twilight holds up a hoof “We decided it was a tie. You don’t have to tell Dash what happened, Scott.”

With that, Rainbow Dash nods quickly. “Y-yeah. I’m real sorry, y’know?”

After a moment of poking and prodding by the Doctor, he nodded “It’s okay, Dash.”

Visibly relieved, the cyan Pegasus waved a hoof “Um, thanks, Catch ya later, okay?”

Chuckling, the stallion nodded “See you later, Miss Dash.”

After Rainbow Dash quickly left, Twilight looked at the Doctor “Dr. Stable, how is he?”

Putting his stethoscope up, the unicorn nodded to her “He’ll be fine. If his muscles weren’t doing this well, I would say he had been inactive for weeks like a long illness, just as you have suggested it resembles. He should be fine if he keeps his bursts of activity to just a few minutes at a time for now. Nurse Redheart will prescribe a course of physical exercise, in addition to his hoof use exercises, when she comes back with an electrolyte drink for him.

In the meantime, he will be quite sore tomorrow and will need to walk around as much as he can for the next hour or so to prevent leg cramps later. Fortunately, tests will be mercifully short today and he will receive some aspirin for later when he leaves.
I would also recommend a trip to the Ponyville Day Spa later for a massage and a soak in their hot tub. It pains me to admit it, but Miss Quake is better than our resident Physical Therapist at body and leg massages. “

He then whispered to Twilight “There was also an oversight that Nurse Redheart let slip by her. She will explain when she comes back, and she may need a powerful unicorn such as yourself to assist her…”

Puzzled, Twilight nodded in agreement, whispering back “Okay…”

Just then, Nurse Redheart came back pushing a cart with a tall glass of red liquid, and a small cup with aspirin “Here we go Scott. Just take these together and your discomfort will ease for now.”

Nodding, Scott leaned forward to use both hooves in taking the medicine, then slamming down the slightly salty strawberry drink to wash them down.

In that time, Nurse Redheart picked up a clipboard and looked at Scott with a sheepish blush. “I really must apologize to you. I overlooked something important since I’ve never once done a First Physical on an adult pony before…”

Ears rising, something in her tone made Scott’s mane prickle. “Dare I ask?”

Now the poor nurse was blushing brightly “Well, the Foals First Physical ends with immunizations, but that is not included on the Adult Physical checklist.
It is automatically assumed every adult has been immunized and it did not cross my mind at all since you were an adult.
Fortunately, Dr. Stable thought to check your new records before you came in today…”

Looking nervous, Scott coughed “Er, y-yeah… Fortunate…”

Quickly stepping over to help Nurse Redheart, Twilight levitated a quill to write on the Immunization record sheet.
Nodding in thanks, the Nurse continued “Please tell me what immunizations you have had."
Her face looked increasingly troubled as he listed off “Smallpox, Mumps, Rubella, Polio and Tetanus. I was also exposed as a child to Measles and Chicken Pox.”

Aghast, Nurse Redheart looked him in the eyes. “...No Pony Pox? No Horn Fever? No Firefever…?"

Sweating now, Scott leaned back from her. "Nnnno, why?..."

Glancing toward Twilight for help, she walked over to the small box refrigerator like the one his blood samples had been put in yesterday. "Well... Adult ponies who have never been exposed as a foal or immunized run the risk of... well, death should they catch those and several other nasty diseases. Some of our vaccines are combinations of several types so you won’t need as many…"

A large sweatdrop formed on Scott's forehead as he saw where this was going...

This was confirmed when Nurse Redheart opened the fridge and got out five vials. “I-I’m afraid since you are not a citizen of Equestria as yet… W-well, you are required by the Royal Equestrian Immigration and Commerce laws to be immunized or face quarantine and/or exile.
I also need to immunize you for Feather Flu. Unicorns and Earth ponies can become carriers to infect Pegasi. Same for Hoof n’ Mouth with all these cows in town… Twilight? Can you get me five syringes out of that drawer, please?”

Seconds later, Twilight slammed the door shut a bare moment before Scott flattened against it at full speed with a resounding thud!
The magical mare shook her head as she freed his horn from the door and set the stunned stallion down. "Honestly, some stallions are such big babies about this..."


Shortly afterward, a groaning unicorn stallion was led to the Radiology lab, his rump dotted with band-aids. Also, one was on his tail dock, and another was on his shoulder.
His head drooped forlornly even if his tail was too sore to droop and complete the look.

Twilight giggled and patted his back comfortingly “Well, isn’t this better than dying some horrible death by Firefever or worse?”
Her giggles only got louder, joined by Nurse Redheart when he groused “…Not by much... That stuff BURNS!”

A tall, lanky cornflower blue Unicorn stallion with a white mane and tail waited inside with the nametag “Dr. Hex Ray” prominent on his coat. Behind him were ivory colored plastic sleeves hung on a wire rack in the vague shape of a pony’s profile.

Puzzled, Scott looked around. “So where’s the X-ray machines? The MRIs and stuff?

Dr. Ray shook his head “What? I can cast an X-light spell with utmost precision, young sir. What are you talking about?”

Meanwhile, Twilight had her quill out writing quickly. “This sounds important! Scott? Please tell us while they do their work.”

Nodding, Scott was placed against the rack, with Nurse Redheart correcting his pose.
“We have machines that do what he is doing. The technicians that run them must be precise or they harm the patient with the X-rays, or even themselves.
MRIs, -Magnetic Resonance Imagers do a similar job using an intense magnetic field to make real-time images of the organs X-rays have trouble showing.”

Twilight scribbled quickly “Ohmygosh! If we can find a magical way of doing this and combine it with illusion projections…”

Nurse Redheart gasped “Oh my! Colic and hidden soft tissue injuries could be found and treated much faster! Amazing!”

While this was going on, Dr. Ray shone a white light from his horn, moving it across Scott in precise left-to-right sweeps, working from horn on down to his hooves.
The final part involved moving to several different wire racks for a top and front view of his skull.
Smiling, Nurse Redheart explained; “The film in the plastic sleeves will soon be processed into X-ray photos for Twilight to examine. I’m sure she will let you see them too, Scott.”

Getting a little punchy from the mix of vaccines, he gave a “hooves-up” sign. “Groovy!”


Fortunately, the last set of tests, urine, stool and “other” samples, were as quick as they were embarrassing, enough that Twilight bowed out of observing them.
Scott wished he could have done the same.

In any case, they were finally out of the hospital and heading back into town.
Off in the distance, the clock tower rang out the time of 11 A.M.

Trotting at a casual lope, she turned to Scott. “Looks like you still have time, Scott. How about lunch? There is a great outdoor café on the way to Lyra and Bon-Bon’s place.”

Sheepishly, the bay Unicorn stallion nodded as his stomach growled loudly. “Um, yes please!”

Picking up the pace, she giggled as she led him to the eatery “Here we are, the Lucky Clover Café. Oh! There’s Rarity! Let’s go sit with her!”

Following along, Scott recognized the place from “The Ticket Master”. He turned his head and marveled at how huge the building really was in “Furson”, as he liked to say.
It was dazzling with white stucco and green trim. “Oh wow! Impressive! Look! They actually have a hayloft like a country barn! Makes sense for a pony restaurant I guess…”

Listening to his comments, the mares giggled happily. Rarity smirked “Oh, but Dahling! Wait until you see Canterlot! Come dears, sit with me please!” She pointed with her hooves to the small tufts of straw to sit on, meant to convey “rustic country charm” to travelers.

Scott groaned just thinking of that scratchy hay on his sore rump. “I’ll stand, thank you.”

At a curious glance from Rarity, Twilight whispered in her ear… She gasped and put a hoof to her mouth “Oh, poor thing!” Getting a decisive look on her face, she clopped her forehooves together, twice.

As the waiter showed up, Rarity whispered in his ear, pointing to the stricken stallion.
In moments, a soft cushion more likely used for foal booster seats when sitting with their parents had been placed on the tuft.
Scott gingerly sat down, then sighed in relief. “Oh Sweet Mother Epona, that feels good! Thank you, Miss Rarity!”

Beaming, the elegant mare giggled coquettishly “Oh, it was nothing really. In fact, allow me to treat you both. Waiter, put their orders on my bill please!”

Twilight smiled as she pulled up a menu “Oh thank you! I’ll have my usual daffodil and daisy sandwich and tea, please.”

Grinning happily, Scott nodded to Rarity “I and my stomach thank you, Miss Rarity! Oh! I’ll have the same as Twilight but add an order of hay fries please.”

As they waited on the order Twilight turned to Scott. “Since its Doctor’s orders, did you want to go to the Spa right after you talk with Lyra and Bon-Bon?”

Rarity gasped happily “Oh my! Might I join you both? I want to make sure he’s taught how to properly groom himself with hooves.”

Beaming, Twilight nodded “Of course! What’s more, Scott is going to experience Miss Quake first hoof! He’ll be quite sore tomorrow if he doesn’t.”

Giggling Rarity patted the stallions hoof “Oh, you will just love that! She is quite the miracle worker, you know! A few minutes and my muscles are as limp as a dishrag.”
Conspiratorially, she leaned in. “So, Dears, what are you planning for tonight? Where is he staying?”

Not having thought that far yet, Scott looked to Twilight.
In response, she brought out a checklist that unrolled over to the next unoccupied table before she got it under control.

“Ah, here we are; “Lunch, if time allows.”, “Go over test results while Scott is occupied.”, “Spa!”, “Return to the library.”, “Have dinner.”, “Cast Reading Translation spell on Scott.”, “Question Scott about his world and species.”, “Move the Guest bed to the Living Room of the Library’s living area.”, “Put Scott to bed.” -And finally, “Sleep.”

After a moment, Rarity’s eyes wet wide in shock as she gave a gasp that would do Pinkie proud, then she leaned in and hissed out in a scandalized whisper. “Oh my stars! Dear, sweet innocent Twilight! You cannot be serious!? You and Scott sleeping under the same roof?! A sure recipe for scandal! We simply must correct this at once!”

Confused, Twilight looked at Scott, then at Rarity before replying in a whisper “What are you talking about? He’s an alien for hoof’s sake. Nothing will happen!”

Rarity raised her nose to show she was taking a stand on this. “No, as your friend, I must protect you from yourself. Scott will be staying elsewhere, and that’s final.”

Now Scott leaned in “Is this necessary? All the fanfics I’ve read assume there’s no problem with the trapped human staying with Twilight for even a short-term basis. Besides, it’s a Library with hundreds of books! I could not ask for a better place to stay!” he added with a touch of the same eagerness Rarity had only heard from Twilight.
‘Oh dear, they are two of a kind aren’t they?’

She whispered to the two ponies “Oh but Dahling! I insist! I’ll reserve a room for you at the Prancing Pony. Mrs. Latchkey is an old family friend and her Inn is quite comfy.
We must protect the reputation of our dear Twilight. We must! We must! We must!
Ponies would talk, you see. Twi, dear, nopony has been frightened of Scott because all they see is a fine Unicorn stallion of the Canterlot breed, not a horrible pink or brown alien such as Lyra has spoken of.”

Rarity waved her hoof in a candid manner as she would for telling gossip to drive the point home. “..And, since that is what they see. What will they say about such a fine, handsome, unmarried stallion…? -One living under the same roof as a lovely unmarried mare when they haven’t even been seen dating in public? Scandalous for someone so close to the Princesses!

Both Scott and Twilight both looked at each other, Twilight as if she were suddenly seeing him in a different viewpoint that had not occurred to her.
The pair then blushed a bright crimson and looked away shyly.

Rarity softly giggled into her hoof seeing they were indeed both embarrassed.
‘Could it be? No, certainly not so soon for love, surely… Besides, it would be fashionable for a certain Miss Rarity Belle to be seen with such an exotic Gentlecolt at least once. No need to let “Shy Twi” hog all the fun, after all…’ She mused with a sly smile as the food arrived.

Author's Note:

All right, my Mystery Guest cameo finally got settled down enough between conventions to give the OK on his OCs appearance in "Space Ponies". Its been part of my headcannon that Tim Kangaroo's Tympany, Personal Librarian to Luna, is a valid OC.
This is also the Ponyversary of the day he was converted to a Brony so lets hear some hoofy applause there. :twilightsmile:
For the curious, here is his main homepage; http://www.furaffinity.net/user/timkangaroo/
I plan to post the next chapter closer to the weekend to space out the timing between this post and that.