• Published 31st Oct 2012
  • 7,256 Views, 147 Comments

Cause and Effect: Discord's Truth - Coltsguy

Watch some shmuck find his true purpose in the land of Equestria.

  • ...

On the Grandest Stage of Them All

Quick note: I'm putting some songs into this one, but I don't know about people's reading speeds. Click them at your own discretion.
"Alright guys, you know what I want to hear," I say to the stage of me's.

They all nod and move over to the instruments. After setting up quickly, the one on the mic gives me a thumbs up.

"We are the Equestrian Cover Band. We will be playing anything that comes into our heads since we don't know any songs from Equestria. And since I can feel Celestia's glare from all the way over here, we would like to let her know that we won't be playing anything she doesn't want the ponies subjected to. However, we will be starting off with something we thought our opponent might find appropriate. Let's start the show."

With a few taps from the drummer, my band quickly started into things with this.

I started tapping my foot along with the beat to start things off. It was perfect. His voice was magically changing to match the person who sang this. They were a perfect cover band. Right as the intro stopped, I snapped my fingers and a giant bat formed behind him. A second later, it conked him in his back. The force of the blow sent him to the ground. A fitting start to the contest.

As he stood back up, he snapped his fingers and a hail of pies fell from the sky. I snapped my fingers and created a large steel beach umbrella to cover me. As I noticed the pies hitting the ground, the earth underneath them started to sizzle and smoke. As soon as I realized what was happening, I turned to Pinkie Pie.

"Do not eat these pies, Pinkie Pie! Their dangerous!"

"Aaaaawwwwww!!!" I heard Pinkie yell.

"Acid pies," I said as I turned back to Discord. "You went pretty lethal to start off with."

Discord simply shrugged standing underneath his own umbrella. I snapped my fingers and an enormous cake appeared over his head. It quickly dropped on top of him; covering a good five foot diameter. A flash later and Discord appeared in front of the cake. His entire body was covered in cake and somehow frosting as well.

I turned back to Pinkie.

"That, you can eat. Just do it later okay?"

Pinkie nodded furiously to me while sporting an ear to ear grin.

I turned back around to see Discord snapping his fingers again. A torrent of water came rising up in front of him and formed a large tidal wave. A few seconds later and the massive wave headed straight for me. With only a few seconds to act, I summoned a large box and hurled it at the wave. Just as it was about to crush me, the wave stopped and turned solid. Well, as solid as a giant wave of strawberry Jello can be.

"This is the best fight ever!!!" I heard Pinkie Pie yell.

"It does seem rather goofy," I heard Applejack comment.

I didn't reply to their comments since I was busy looking for whatever Discord had planned next. I could barely even see him through the discolored Jello wave. Too bad I wasn't looking down at my feet. I didn't notice the teddy bear at my feet until I accidentally knocked into it with my foot. As I looked down to see it, the teddy bear exploded at my feet; sending me hurtling away rapidly.

I blacked out for a second when I hit the ground, but shook it off quickly. Never was I so thankful for enhanced durability than I was right then. Even though I had magically enhanced the gi that I was wearing since I knew that just a normal gi would be completely pointless, the explosion still ripped through the material and left me with a nasty burn on my left leg from my foot up to my knee.

I had never know pain like that in my entire life. The worst pain in my life by far. I had shut my eyes tightly and wished it away. I was pretty sure I heard yelling from the others, but I wasn't paying attention to it very much. I couldn't over the white hot, searing pain in my leg.

Suddenly, the pain started to lessen. I gradually forced my eyes open. There using her magic to heal me was Twilight Sparkle. The others had grouped around me as well while facing towards Discord. Discord, meanwhile, had teleported to the spot where I had been detonated from some several hundred feet away.

"What the hell man? This is completely different from your usual antics! You never hurt any of the ponies like this!"

"You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into do you?" he asked and chuckled. "This is a chaos duel. Even if our normal nature is benign, it is distorted when it comes into contact with magic from another source of chaos. Besides, I've never liked humans in the first place. You talk big without being able to back it up and you say things that you never truly mean. Your race is conniving, ruthless, bloodthirsty, and arrogant."

"Oh come on! Humans aren't the bastards you think they are!"

"You cannot convince me otherwise. Have your new little friends clear out of the way and let us continue."

"No!" yelled, to my surprise, Fluttershy. "He's our friend and friends help each other!"

"Yeah!" replied Dash.

"Darn right!" echoed Applejack.

"We all agree!" yelled Twilight.

"That's right meanie pants!" yelled Pinkie.

"Quite right!" finished Rarity.

Discord snorted in contempt.

"It doesn't matter. You lot can join him if you want. Without the help of the Elements of Harmony, you can do nothing to stop me. You lot are no threat."

There was a pause. A bit of a surprising pause that let me think of something. Could I pull it off? Maybe. He's set up for it. Oh gods of irony, let me pull this off.

"Your overconfidence is your weakness," I said with a wry smile.

Discord stared back at me; matching my smile with one of his own.

"Your faith in your... friends... is yours."

With the pain now gone, I could enjoy this fully. I started to laugh. I laughed like a crazy person. Hell, right about then I probably was a crazy person. I could feel everyone's eyes upon me, even the princesses.

"What is so darn funny about that?" asked Applejack.

Taking a second to compose myself, I gave her an answer.

"I managed to pull off a line that no one here except Celestia would have known how to respond to. It's a famous line from a movie called Return of the Jedi. There's no way I should have been able to pull that off, and yet I did. It's really funny to me. It also help put me back in a good mood from that explosion."

I slowly stood up while making sure that my leg had been fully repaired. After testing it out a little, I turned my attention back towards Discord.

"I'm actually surprised you let me have time to recover."

"Why shouldn't I? You may not know the rules of our duel, but I do. The first to three points is the victor. You score a point whenever you knock your opponent to the ground or cause them a substantial injury. When a point is scored, you are not permitted to attack again until the injury is repaired or the opponent is back on their feet and launches their first counterattack. When you are victorious, the losers magic is expelled and added to the victor's. It may be a chaos duel, but there is still some order to the chaos; a method to the madness one might say."

"Interesting. Are their any other rules I should know about? Any at all?"

"Since we did not agree to any stipulations, then there is only one other rule that applies to our duel."

I waited for him to tell me, but he kept silent.

"Alright, what is that rule?" I finally asked.

He smirked.

"If you lose, anyone who helps you in our duel forfeits their lives."

Everyone gasped at the revelation.

"For the record," he continued, "Twilight Sparkle is the only one who has helped in this duel so her fate is tied to his already. The rest of you can still leave without consequence."

"Are you even listening to yourself talk anymore?" I asked. "They barely know me so I could understand if they didn't interfere on my behalf. However, the second Twilight became involved that became a moot point. These six would do anything for each other. Quit threatening them and let me go for my next move."

"As you wish, mortal."

Wow, I did not like the way he said that. This had gotten pretty heavy. Thankfully, the band had a general feel of the battle and started to play this little number.

"Everyone form up in front of me! It's time for a little power up."

I was happy that none of them questioned me. They just formed up in a row in front of me like I asked. I then gathered my energy into my hand and clasped them together. When they both began to glow I pulled them apart and slammed them palm first into the ground with a resounding yell. The energy shot up and into the six of them. As soon as it did, they all began to glow their respective colors, save Rarity who was encased in her magic's color.

Slowly the glow dimmed down to a visible aura around their bodies. Twilight turned to me and showed that their eyes were now completely white and glowing like when she was using the elements.

"What is going on Seth?" she almost yelled.

"Remember when I used my magic to amplify Pinkie Pie at the surprise party? Well, I did the same thing only this time around it seems to be about five times more potent. Everyone here now has access to magic inherent to their special talent. Let's show Discord a little bit about the power of friendship!"

"Right!" they all yelled in unison.

Rainbow Dash started things off by catapulting herself right at Discord at near-Sonic Rainboom speed. Discord managed to dodge with the narrowest of margins and Rainbow Dash promptly went headfirst into the Jello. However, at the speed she was traveling, she blew all the way through the Jello and pulled a gut-wrenchingly perfect ninety degree turn upwards.

After Dash's initial attempt, Pinkie Pie went next. She pulled her party cannon straight from her mane and aimed it straight at Discord. I always wondered where she pulled those from. Maybe her mane is where her hammerspace access is? Probably so.

Every item she fired from her cannon was a baked good of some kind. Pies, cakes, muffins, fritters, cupcakes, brownies, things I weren't even sure of what they were came flying at Discord. However, none them touched him. He managed to sidestep everything fired at him because of the distance and the speed of the projectiles. He was even grinning as he did so.

Applejack then reared up her hind legs. Instead, of bucking with them, however, she slammed the ground with them. Out of the ground, a torrent of vines erupted towards Discord. The smug little bastard simply took to the air to avoid them. What surprised him and everyone there immensely was the trail of a red laser that missed in front of him by a few feet. All eyes turned to where the laser was fired from.

We were all amazed when our eyes fell upon Fluttershy. I was going to doubt what I saw, but a singe in her mane made me believe what I saw. Her stare had been upgraded to full laser vision.

"You know, despite getting blown up, this day is just full of awesome," I said almost giddy.

Rarity got things going again by glowing slightly and yanking some of the dirt out of the ground. Then, in another act of awesome, she compressed them into small orbs which actually turned into gemstones. She then hurled the gemstones at Discord with her magic. Unfortunately, they didn't go very fast and he was able to dodge the projectiles with ease.

"Don't worry Rarity, I'll help with that," said Twilight.

Using her magic, Twilight caught the projectiles Rarity created and started hurling them back at Discord. Discord was still dodging them. However, with Twilight's skill he seemed to be actually exerting himself to get out of their way. Eventually, a sphere of fire erupted from Discord; incinerating the gemstones. As the wave of fire dissipated, another shot of laser fire narrowly missed Discord to his left. If Fluttershy isn't afraid to use that on Discord, then I'm willing to bet that it's non-lethal.

Suddenly, I noticed the area getting a little darker. I looked up past Discord to the sky. There flying circles around some large clouds was Rainbow Dash. Her contrail was glowing even more than it did before. The clouds she was circling were getting darker and darker. I was betting that she was going to unleash an electrical storm on Discord.

It turned out I was right.

While Pinkie Pie started to launch more pastries and Fluttershy fired off her eye beams, Discord kept dodging the oncoming attacks with ease. He kept his gaze on us the entire time to keep ahead of what we were doing. It meant that he couldn't keep his eyes on the skies.

Eventually, there was a crackle in the clouds which seemed to signal Rainbow Dash to stop flying around them and fly up even higher than before. Just in case that got out of hand I got ready with a shield spell. Shield spells are remarkably easy. Just think hard wall of magic and your about halfway there. Oh hey, I almost didn't notice, but the band started playing something else. Stop. Focus on Dash.

I retrained my gaze on Rainbow Dash as she turned around and started heading back to the cloud. She seemed to be going way too fast for knocking out the lightning. What exactly was she up to? Is that her cone? Oh holy crap. I brought up the shield just as it happened.

Right as she connected with the cloud, she let off a Sonic Rainboom inside of it. There was a flash as a massive rain of lightning bolts crashed upon Discord. It was amazing. They were all rainbow colored lightning bolts. I watched as one after another struck Discord. It seemed to be unceasing. I don't know how long it lasted, but finally it subsided leaving a scorched Discord floating in the air. Then, after another few seconds, he fell down to the ground.

Rainbow cleared away the clouds and flew back to us; cheers from all over echoing around her.

"AWWW YEAAAAAH!!! How did you like that!?! I call it the Sonic Rainbolt!!!"

"That kicked so much ass. I'd say that cements your legacy as the most awesome pony in Equestria."

"It was definitely quite the sight there sugarcube."

"It was incredible! First you were like peyuuu, and then you were all phwump, and then you went all woo woo woo, and you went up and came down all whoosh and then you got to the cloud and you went all boooom and then Discord went all zap zap zap sizzle!!! It was the best thing ever!!!"

"I hate to bring this up everypony, but don't you think that Discord went down too easily?" asked Twilight.

"What? Why we were throwing everything at him darling. What makes you think that he went down easily?" asked Rarity.

"Common sense," I stated bluntly. "He didn't shield himself. He didn't teleport away. He waited patiently for our attacks like they were the easiest thing in the world. He's toying with us."

"You are quite right."

We all jumped to attention and looked back to the voice. Discord was back on his feet, looking no worse for wear.

"The two of them are indeed correct. I gave you all a little breathing room to see what exactly you would try to do to me. For the most part, I was actually disappointed. In fact, I'm mostly disappointed in you Seth. You've done almost nothing this entire time. You supercharged the Elements of Harmony and sent them to fight me. You haven't really done anything to me that I haven't allowed you to do. I find you a little above average in intelligence and definitely more sociable than any of the ponies in Equestria."

"If you want sociable, you ought to check out some of the people on Earth."

"I don't want to deal with any more of your kind than I have to. I couldn't really imagine a whole civilization of you now. It doesn't matter anyway. It's time to stop fooling around."

He quickly snapped his fingers and the glow around the girls disappeared. Another snap of his fingers and they fell to the ground as if something was hold them down. I snapped my fingers and several stone pillars shot up around Discord. However, Discord simply teleported away.

I scanned the are looking for Discord's attack. This time I also kept an eye out at my feet so that didn't happen twice. I heard a chuckle like he was nearby. Perhaps he's... maybe. Let's see if two can play that game.

I quickly activated my invisibility spell. I then summoned some magic and slowly levitated myself off the ground as to not rustle any of the dirt or grass. I only managed to pick myself up a few inches off of the ground and moved myself a few dozen feet over to the right. It was enough that I was no longer in the same position for him to make a blind attack and connect.

"So, you can become invisible as well," said Discord's disembodied voice at volume that suggested he wasn't too close. "That's quite the hard spell to use."

I was going to retort, but I realized that doing so might give away my position. I wasn't good enough to know which direction his voice was coming from either. It may have seemed like we were on equal footing, but I was willing to bet that he could figure out where I was soon. I needed a strategy. An actual strategy. I was technically up two points to one so if I could somehow manage to get one more hit in, even by accident, then this duel would be over.

The problem was that Discord was no longer messing around. I bet that even that bat to his back was a freebie. I think he practically said that. That doesn't mean that he can't be surprised. If doesn't see things coming... Wait... If he doesn't see things coming then-

"There you are!" Discord interrupted. He then promptly fired a blast of magic that came forty feet from my left.

I barely had time to raise a shield. As my invisibility spell dropped in a panic, I placed a half dome shield into the path of the blast; deflecting it upwards.

"A good reaction time," mocked Discord. "Let's see if you can stop this."

He snapped his fingers and a large boulder appeared over my head. As it started to fall, I grabbed it with levitation and hurled it in Discord's direction. I almost regretted it. The boulder came dangerously close to where the girls had been pinned down. It flew over the top of them, but if I had skimmed the ground at all, then I would have hit them instead. It was a bit of a confidence breaker.

It was definitely enough to break my concentration. Discord grabbed the boulder as it passed him and hurled it back towards me. I had enough time to raise my arms in front of me and stop its momentum. I caught it in my palms and I skidded back a dozen feet before stopping and as I did the boulder crashed to the ground in front of me. My palms stung a little bit. It was a good indicator of just how fast he hurled that boulder at me.

I jumped up onto the boulder and looked for Discord. He had not moved from where he had thrown the boulder back at me.

"Alright, let's try something a little more Avatar styled."

I quickly gathered magic into my hand and then followed up by dropping my stance. I then motioned to the side and the ground underneath the girls moved a good distance in the same direction. I then thrust my arms forward palms down and several pillars of earth erupted at Discord's feet. He simply jumped back out of the way as though he expected where they came from.

Seeing that happen, I jumped from the boulder towards Discord. I then managed to surround my hands with fire and as soon as I hit the ground I unleashed a torrent of fire at Discord. He responded by rolling to his right and firing a beam of magic at me. I countered by switching stances and summoned a wall of earth into the path of the bolt. I didn't see the explosion, but I certainly heard it. I followed by thrusting the wall towards Discord.

Discord took to the air to avoid it and started to hover in the air. I knew he was still playing with me despite his declaration. He was still not using teleportation or shields. Until I saw him use one I could assume that he was still looking down on me in a metaphorical sense.

I switched back to fire and started throwing handfuls of fire at Discord. He simply weaved around the fire in midair with a half-smile. This wasn't working. Fire and earth styles were the best to attack with. Air is the best to defend with and water is pointless since there is no source of it nearby. Don't even get me started on bloodbending. I didn't feel like becoming a monster. I needed another strategy change.

"I can't seem to make this work for me. Perhaps something in the variety of summoning would work? Yes. Let's try that."

I then coalesced more magic into my hands and tried to bring something forth. I peered into my mind to think of something to throw at him. It needed to be something that he would be unable to simply dismiss. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind.

My pause was not lost on Discord.

"Having trouble?"

"Kind of yes. It's hard to come up with something to beat you with. Especially since I'm more of a novice in chaos magic than you are."

"Disappointing," he said as he sighed.

"Well, you've had your power for what, a couple millennia at least? Ten millennia maybe? Hell, I'm twenty seven years old. I bet you've had laughing fits that have gone on longer than that."

"Once or twice perhaps. I'm not going to tell you my age if that's what you're after."

"It wasn't, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious about it anyway. I've never seen a whatever it is you are before. You're some kind of mishmash of several types of animals. For all I know you could predate this planet. I've heard how long the princesses have been alive. I know how long a Time Lord could potentially live to. You are just too big a mystery to not know about."

"I'm surprised a being like yourself knows of the Time Lords. They are a closely guarded secret."

That was a bit of surprising news. There were Time Lords in this universe as well? Oh wait. Doctor Whooves. Damn, I was kind of hoping that interpretation of him was just fanfiction nonsense. I'm guessing that Time Turner is just a possible alias.

"Never mind how you know about them," Discord said; breaking into my thoughts. "You are out of ideas and that makes this even more boring."

A snap of his fingers an he disappeared. A second later, he reappeared in front of me. Before I could even react, a white hot pain jolted through my gut. I looked to see a sword thrust through my stomach just above my navel. At first, I was just in disbelief. Then, I quickly realized that I could no longer feel my legs.

I then started screaming.

Discord pulled the sword from my gut and without the leverage I quickly fell to the ground. I was screaming in agony.

"That's two points each," Discord said callously.

I barely heard him over myself. I thought that getting that burn earlier was bad. This was much worse. I honestly thought that a stabbing would hurt less. Maybe it was psychological. Maybe it was something that had to do with the sword he used. I didn't really care at the time. All I remembered was just how painful it was.

I wasn't sure when it happened, but the pain started to subside. I was getting a bit cold and light-headed too. I think I realized that I was about to go into shock. I just started to think things. How could he be like this? Did he really change that much because of this duel? What is he going to do once this is over? What will happen to everyone else? Was there nothing I could do? Was there anything I could do to stop this? I could make anything with this magic. Why couldn't it help me now?

I just stared down at by bleeding wound.

"You know, I bet Goku wouldn't be taking this like a coward," I said barely above a whisper. "He'd probably just get a senzu bean from someone and he'd be all better. I mean Yamcha had a fucking hole in his body and it helped him get better."

Then, it hit me. I could create anything with this magic. Did that include a senzu bean? Well, I didn't have anything to lose right now.

I concentrated as much as I could and snapped my fingers. Sure enough, a bean materialized in front of me. I hoped beyond hope that it would work as advertized. I reached out as quick as I could despite the feeling I had and picked up the bean. I brought it back and placed it in my mouth. It had a weird flavor to it, but I wasn't really concentrating on that. I chewed it up for a few seconds and swallowed. I then waited.

And waited.

And waited.

I couldn't feel it working. I wasn't feeling any better. My stomach still hurt. I was still light-headed. My feet ached.

Wait. My feet ached? I could feel my feet again. I looked down and saw my foot move back and forth. I then reached down and pulled up my gi and undershirt. The wound in my stomach was gone.

It worked. For the love of everything good that ever was and ever will be it worked.

I started to pick myself up off of the ground. I could hear some gasps coming from where I assumed the others were. I didn't really care. Though, I assume the me band had stopped playing if I could hear the others.

"Well, well, well. I thought for sure I had killed you with that special sword of mine. I suppose that you do still have a trick up your sleeve if you managed that."

So, it was a special sword. Bastard really had it out for me. I really wanted him to pay for that.

I turned to face him. He had moved a bit closer to the others, but wasn't that close by. Maybe fifty feet from the girls and a hundred feet from the princesses. Just where I had moved them all. The girls were still stuck to the ground as well. I guess whatever Discord did to them was localized on them and not the area.

"So my little friend it comes down to this. The next one of us to score a hit is the victor. You have the next move. Pray that it is a good one because I'm done fooling around. The next move I make will be the end of this. You have one shot. Make it a good one."

He was goading me. I knew it. I was still angry about my near death experience. I had no idea how much more I could give him. When in doubt, go all out.

"A good one? Fine. I have one good one left. Let's see if you can take it."

I shifted my stance and dropped down while cupping my hands near my hips.

"No! Don't use that Seth!" I heard Twilight yell. "We're too close! You'll hit us with that too!"


"What is it your doing?" asked Discord.


"It sounds ridiculous."


"And what were you talking about Twilight?" he said turning his head to ask her.


"That blast was too big last time! Now there's even more magic you're using this time! You'll blast everything in a quarter mile if you hit Discord with that!"

"What!?!" yelled everyone; Discord included.

I wasn't listening to them. The magic energy had started to appear in my hands. It was already the size of a basketball and was growing at a slow, yet steady pace.

"He wouldn't dare!" yelled Discord. "He's your friend. He wouldn't dare do anything to hurt you."

The energy in my hands said otherwise. It had almost doubled in size and continued to grow.

"No! It doesn't matter. I'll simply fix this now."

Discord brought up his hand. It was now or never.

I concentrated hard. Before he snapped his fingers, I teleported behind him. While everyone was adjusting to what happened I let loose my attack.


I looked on as the attack collided with his back. The sphere on the beam was half as big as he was. It swept him off of his feet and carried him into the air. The wave then sped up into the sky until the both of them were out of sight.

"Warp Kamehameha. Enjoy it and the humble pie," I finished while breathing hard.

"That. Was. AWESOME!!!" I heard Rainbow Dash cry.

It was soon followed by some cheering from everyone else. I looked back to see everyone starting to get free of the spell that held them down. As soon as the six of them got to their feet, they rushed over to me and tackled me into a group hug.

"I'm glad none of you are hurt."

"Us hurt? Ah think all ah us started cryin' when we heard that scream and saw you fall to the ground. We thought thatcha' wern't gettin up after that."

"I was wondering the same thing after that sword severed my spine. I'm really lucky that I conjured up that senzu bean."

"Conjured up what?" asked Twilight.

"A senzu bean. It's a special bean that, once eaten, can restore your strength and heal any wounds. Even wounds that are fatal can be treated with that bean. It's one more thing I can tally to Goku and his friends."

"I'm just happy that you're okay," said Fluttershy.

"So am I," said Pinkie Pie. "I mean how else was I supposed to have a 'We Beat Discord Again' party if you weren't there?"

"Good point Pinkie," I said. "Let's go get everyone out of those cells and go on back to have that party."

"Good idea," said Twilight.

"I have a small flaw in that plan that you might want to know about."

We all jumped up and turned around.

It was Discord. He was looking singed all over. What did it take to actually bring him down?

"Perhaps I should have used a Final Flash on you instead."

"Shut up!" Discord spat at me. His usual flamboyance was gone.

"Look, I won. You can keep your powers if you want. Just release everyone and go wreak havoc somewhere else. I honestly don't care all that much."

"You little cretin! I have never lost a chaos duel. Never! You think I'm going to do what you asked? You and I are the only two wielders of chaos magic left. Once I beat you, then there will just be me!"

Discord then brought his arms up and they began to charge up with magic.

"Oh this can't be good."

A small arc of light appeared in between his two hands. It looked almost like frozen still lightning. If I wasn't so concerned about what he was doing with it, I would be admiring it a little.

"Take this, runt!"

He then hurled the bolt, beam, whatever at me. I brought up my hands and gathered energy into them. As I caught the attack, it forced me back a few feet. It sure felt like lightning. It made my hands and arms tingle like they had fallen asleep.

"Don't think that it will be that easy!"

Discord then rushed towards me. It was all I could do to keep the bolt thing from hitting something around me. I definitely didn't want this doing anything to anyone. Who knows what might happen?

As Discord was about to close in, a bright light erupted from somewhere. It stopped Discord in his tracks. I looked down to see the coin underneath my shirt was bright enough to emit a glow through the shirt. Suddenly, I could move the bolt thing from where I had stopped it.

"That's impossible!" Discord yelled. "I made that so that you couldn't stop it on your own! Not even the ponies could help with that! What is happening?"

"It's called screw the rules!" I yelled as I mustered up the power to hurl it back at him.

As it hurtled back towards Discord, he gathered up some magic and fired a beam at the thing. As it connected, everything seemed to stop.

"If I can't hit you with it directly, then I'll simply hit everything around it!"

The arc seemed to glow brighter and brighter. Just as it was beginning to be too bright to look at, it exploded. As I witnessed it happen, everything became a golden hue. I squinted to see if I could see through it, but it was no use. Finally, the light died down and I could see what happened.

There, spread out around me, were seven of the same arc beam things that Discord had thrown at me. They weren't still like before. Instead, they were moving slightly like living lightning. It stopped at two points on either side, but in between it danced around like crazy.

"What in the name of Equestria has Discord done?" asked Celestia.

I looked back to see that the cages that held everyone had disappeared. The princesses had moved in closer to inspect the energy bolts while the guards had spread out to cover the area.

"It's a dimensional rift. They've all been sent to alternate dimensions."

"What?" said Celestia with a hefty tone of disbelief. "How would you possibly know what this is?"

I turned to her and looked her in the eyes.

"I know because this is what Discord said would happen."

Author's Note:

Yes! It's coming together now! What the hell just happened? I get to reveal my grand plan of writing next chapter!

If you are wondering about the song selection, know that I could only play songs that I have heard before.

Things I wanted to add, but decided not to:
The band sings Shadow of the Day; it was more of a joke since there is the line that says 'and the sun will set for you' meaning it would be a Celestia tribute
The band was going to fight; that would have just been too complicated for me to write since I'm not that good of a writer
Discord was going to grow enormous and the mane six were going to become Power Rangers; this was my original idea for Discord's third hit. They would become Power Rangers and pilot the Megazord against him. However with the girls down and Discord still likely to have his powers in that form, I decided to scrap it
I turn Super Saiyan; does this even need explaining?
The summoning portion; I was going to summon some things there, but that would have just led to more problems. Also, I had used the girls to help me earlier and summoning more beings to help out would have been too contrived.

Finally, a note to skultech: That Sonic Rainbolt was for you. That was my 20% cooler that I added in later.

Edit: changed the power up song. I think it goes better and I get to put something with Power Rangers in it after all.