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Chapter 4: Treehouse Discovery, along with Generosity.

My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Original Characters belongs to me.

Chapter 4: Treehouse Discovery, along with Generosity.

As the semi-conscious Twilight was brought back to the tree house by Chrono with Spike behind him, Windie made her way to where the picnic mat and saddlebag, which were splatted in several places by the mud-plosion. She wanted to clean off the mud but restrained herself knowing that it would get messier with her current magic ability. Sighing out, she began to think back on what Twilight had deduced earlier that an elemental was bounded to her.

“... can.... hear...” A dull voice, close, but somewhat distant could be heard in her mind, “... believe... hear... clearer...”

“I... I don’t understand...” Windie shook her head, hoping the voice will either go away or elaborate further, “Are you... it?”

“... spell... help... believe... aero...”

“The spell!” The cream unicorn gasped and easily recalled the spell Twilight showed her earlier. “Lets see... aqua, aero, terra, pyro... these are the terms used to signify the elements in fantasy books I’ve read before...”

“... remove... except... aero...”

“I think I understand...” Windie closed her eyes and reformulate the spell in her mind. Her horn started to glow as magic poured into it. Mentally, she casted the spell, feeling a warm sensation in her eyes as she completed it, the glow on her horn went off with a soft ‘pop’.

A short silence followed before the unicorn opened her eyes only to see a peculiar sight...

A small green sprite, half unicorn pony, half eagle, floated in front of her. It was trying to get Windie’s attention by waving booth hooves in front of her eyes.

“Uhh... Hi?” The unicorn uttered, causing the sprite to squeak in surprise and tumbled backwards. However, it quickly recovered and stood its ‘ground’, literally in the air.

“You certainly took your time you silly mare!” The sprite tried to look annoyed, “This One been trying to contact you since yesterday morning!” Windie could see its mouth moved, but its voice was projected into her mind.

“Well duhh... I never knew I got something attached to me.” The unicorn is not letting a small sprite to climb over her head, “Anyways, what are you anyways? Some dead pony ghost?”

For a moment, the green sprite went into shock, Windie could actually see its cheek going deep green and felt its embarrassment, “Uncouth!” and anger, “Dis-Respectful!” The unicorn then felt a strong magical surge through the sprite, whipping up the surrounding air around the duo, “In-Tolerable!” It squeaked loudly at the former mentally, preparing to bring its ‘wrath’ down on her. It was then the sprite’s magic energy suddenly fizzled out, after which it plopped on the ground in a daze. Windie initially wanted to leave the dazed sprite where it had fallen, however she noticed that the wet mud on the picnic mat and saddlebag had been dried by the buffet of wind, which made cleaning up easily and less messy. Sighing out, she reluctantly levitated the sprite and placed it on her head, before heading back to the tree house with the two picnic items floating behind her.

About half an hour later after Chrono, Twilight and Spike returned from their outing.

“How is Twilight?” Chrono enquired as Spike came down from the stairs. The pegasus’ stomach had been growling since he entered the tree house.

“Over-exertion of magic... she’ll be alright.” The baby dragon replied with a relief. Earlier on Chrono had helped the semi-conscious unicorn back to her home and placed her in the cold tub of water prepared by Spike. The way Twilight sighed as she was lowered into the cool water gave the duo the assurance she was feeling better, “Where’s Windie by the way? And that sound tells me you are hungry.” As if on cue, the door opened and the cream pelt unicorn came in with the folded up soiled mat, and saddlebag.


“Sorry all, had to clear off the mud as much as possible before coming back in with them. The good news though...” Placing the mat at a corner, Windie brought the saddlebag over and opened them, revealing some sandwiches and apples, “The left-overs are safe.”

The pegasus pounced over and swiped two apples before the others could react, immediately chowed down on them. He quickly finished his apples, “You don’t mind?” He looked at Windie, who was nipping on an apple at a corner, somewhat in a trance as she bobbed her head, her horn glowing softly. Chrono then turn to Spike who shook his head, “Alright, I shall chow down without remorse!” A sneeze was heard from above, prompting the little dragon to head back up to the bathroom.

Moments later, Twilight came down the stairs unsteadily with Spike beside her. She was wrapped up in a robe, her mane and tail still damp even after drying with towels. The sight in front of her was amusing, yet weird at the same time as she settled down beside Chrono, who had finished the contents in the saddlebag.

“Feeling better?” The pegasus enquired, smiled seeing the purple unicorn nodded as Spike went off to the kitchen to prepare some warm soup for her. “No hurry about post-experiments reports. Both of us are still coming to terms with what we have discovered...” He turned to Windie, who was still in a trance-like state, “Yeap! We still need some time...” Chrono got up, went over to pick up the bundle of scrolls Spike had jotted down during the course of the experiments, and placed it on the table in front of Twilight, “No magic, anything you need, just call me.” He quickly cut the purple coated unicorn off before she could say anything, “No buts, as much as I’m your guest, but I got you to this state, so I’m responsible for your well-being...” Both found themselves almost nose to nose, causing Chrono to blush and quickly turned away, “...until you are better...” Fortunately for him, Twilight was still groggy on noticing their close proximity.

“Twilight darling,” A very polite rapping against the wooden door was heard, “Are you in?” Before the time bending pegasus could get up to open the door, Spike zipped over and opened it, “Ahh, thank you Spike...” A porcelain pelt unicorn, her violet mane and tail brushed with an exquisite style, entered the library and gasped on seeing the enfeebled librarian, “Ohh goodness! Twilight, what happen to you?!” She dashed over, left Spike spinning while running past him, “I felt a magic surge a while back, and I wondered whether you might been trying out some complicated spell...”

Twilight waved a hoof weakly as she looked at her concerned friend, "I'm fine Rarity, a day or two of rest and I'll recover." She next looked over to her other two guests, "They can fill you in on what happened, while I quietly sit here and read.” Spike had somewhat recovered from his spinning and heading back to the kitchen dizzily.

“Hello there...” Chrono got up, and offered his hoof as gentlecolt as possible, making sure it was cleaned, “Chrono Breaker at your service. And that unicorn over there is Windie Breeze, who is currently ‘busy’ at the moment.”

“Rarity... charmed...” Rarity hesitated at first, then realising she did not really clean hers that well when she came in, “Though I find it awkward returning a greeting to a gentlecolt who looked... unkempt.” She kept an air of sophistication as she returned a hoof and shook his.

“Apologies about the ‘mess’... we had a rough day, and I don’t have the luxury of time in making myself presentable.” Chrono chuckled as they settled back down, “Let me give you a run down on what happened...”

After retelling the events that led to the incident, “Miss Rarity, I’m sure you are wondering why Twilight was exhausted but Windie was not?” The unicorn, sporting the cutie mark of three blue gems nodded, “I’m trying to get her attention as well... she had been like this since she came back into the library.” Chrono sighed and went over to the en-tranced Windie, prodding her shoulder, “See what I mean...”

“Hmm... I see...” Rarity joined the pegasus as she prodded the cream unicorn gently with no avail, “You mentioned about a spell that Twilight showed her. Could you show me that as well?” Chrono went over to the librarian, who had the book, with paged bookmarked at the ready and handed him, which he brought it to the fashionista, “Interesting... Elemental Sight.” She closed the book and started to draw magical energy, her horn started glowing, “Every unicorn will have to cast this once in their lifetime to determine their compatibility with the basic elements.” Twilight’s ears perked up on hearing her friend’s explanation, “The spell in this book my dear friend has is the original spell...”

“You mean there are other versions of the spell?” The librarian interrupted as she looked at Rarity with awe, “I’ve gone through all my spell books in the library...”

“Darling... now I kind of understand why one of our friend called you an ‘egghead’...” Rarity remained composed, while Chrono snickered, causing Twilight to blush in embarrassment, “If you read between the lines of the spell, you should notice the terms for each element. All you have to do is to omit the terms to filter the elements you do not want to see.” She grinned, noticing the librarian’s very red cheeks, “Alright Mr Breaker, what element should I be looking at?” Rarity asked, her horn finally powered up.

“Windie did tell me she was familiar with wind magic. I suppose wind element is our best bet right now Miss Rarity.” Chrono shifted himself to the table in case Windie should recover and start hitting him with a ‘wind hammer’ or something because of being too close.

Rarity acknowledged with a nod as she closed her eye to complete the spell, her horn having the smiliar glow as Windie’s as the former opened her eyes and gasped out, “Ohh Celestia... this is not... possible... This is the BEST... POSSIBLE... THING!” Chrono and Twilight stared at the stuttering unicorn, her legs started to look shaky, only bow down as if in respect for her fellow unicorn.

“This is not what I’m suppose to expect...” The time pegasus stared at the two unicorns with surprise, while Twilight gasped, her mind already processing what may had happened while Rarity had casted the spell. Spike too, had gasped out as he poked his head out to see the commotion.

Time seemed to have stood still as everypony, plus a dragon, watch the two unicorns staring at one another as if some epic magic battle was happening in their minds. Finally, Rarity broke off from the trance, staggering a bit before steadying herself, “I think I really need a place to sit down...” She was tempted to ‘summon’ her favourite lounge chair over but restrained herself as she carefully trotted over to Twilight and settled down, not before a blur of purple and green placed a cushion below the fashionista, which quickly disappeared back into the kitchen.

“What did you find out?” Her friend enquired, curiosity danced in the purple unicorn’s eyes.

Rarity held up a hoof, indicating her need to organize and process what she had experienced mentally, “You don’t want to go there Twilight... unless you are ready...” She took a deep breath, letting her lungs release the air steadily, “I feel better... now my dear...” Turning to Twilight, “Miss Breeze has an wind elemental attached to her...”

“I suspected that much,” Twilight nodded, “I just don’t understand how she was not exhausted from the magic cancellation. Any ordinary elemental still needs magical energy from the unicorn it was bound to to sustain itself.”

“Not some ordinary elemental... with due respect, a Wind Elemental Lord.”

“Huh? Wait... WHAT?!” Twilight’s eyes widened as she exclaimed. Chrono too, was surprised at the new discovery.

“You heard me Twilight, a Wind, Elemental, Lord.” Rarity replied in a clear, concise manner.

“There’s no way an elemental lord will attach to a pony! Star Swirl the Bearded only managed to communicate with them at most. A contract with one of them is SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE!” Twilight exclaimed even louder as the little dragon came back in, placing the bowls of hot soups and glasses of apple juice before settling down beside Rarity.


“Well... Mission: Impossible, Possibled.” A voice was heard beside them, almost making Rarity jump in fright. All turned to the cream coated unicorn, who had shifted herself to the vacant spot at the table, calmly drinking the apple juice, “She wasn’t that bad, just demanding at times... oww... okay... I get you...” Windie winced as if somepony hit her on the head, and looked at them sheepishly, “And its alright not to bow to her now, since you all can’t see her.” Both Rarity and Twilight sighed in relief as they started on the quick meal offered to them.

Chrono shifted a bit to Windie’s side, “So... nothing bad happened?” Her head shook as she started drinking the soup, “Looks like you managed to control the wind aura...” She nodded, “Is she still around? Just out of respect, what’s her name?”

Windie sighed, placing the half finished soup on the table, “Yes Chrono, Lady Sefarina is sitting on my head... and if you don’t sit there quietly and finish your meal, she’ll ‘boop’ you with a Wind Hammer.” That definitely silenced the pegasus as he started drinking his soup.

With the meal over, Rarity and Twilight huddled together and discussed over the events that had happened, occasionally looking at Windie, who was back at the corner ‘chatting’ with Sefarina, while Chrono went over to help Spike with the dishes.

“I noticed you are always looking at Rarity...” Chrono leaned closed to Spike as he was wiping up the bowls, “You had a crush on her?”

“Yea...” The little dragon sighed softly, “I do like her... but she doesn’t think that way...”

“Well, you are a dragon... and she’s a pony...” The pegasus knew he was blunt in this, “Still, you can try your best and hope things get better. Who knows...” Chrono paused, “How about this, once Rarity leaves... , we can setup a sleepover.”

“That be great! Every time Twilight’s friends come over, I always felt left out. This time its just us guys!” Spike replied excitedly.

“You got it partner! And the girls can have upstairs for themselves while we occupy the vast expense of the library!” Chrono chuckled, “However, I do need a shower to get the mud off first..” As the duo exited the kitchen, Rarity had just wrapped up the conversation with Twilight.

“Thank you for your time, and concern Rarity.” Twilight hugged her friend as they got up.

“Not a problem my dear. Remember to rest well.” Rarity smiled and returned the hug. “Its been a pleasure to meet you Mr Breaker.”

“Not a all Miss Rarity. We would probably be meeting much more often since I’ll be staying in Ponyville for a while, also do call me Chrono... Mr Breaker sounds so... destructive.” Chrono nodded politely.

“I do agree on that,” Rarity giggled as she headed to the door, which was opened by Spike, “I’ll be taking my leave Miss Breeze... and Lady Sefarina.”

“Windie would be fine... and Sefarina says ‘Your welcome’.” Windie replied as she looked up at the porcelain unicorn.

“If you happen to pass by the Carousel Boutique, do come in to visit. I might some dresses you might be interested in.”

“Sure thing Miss Rarity. It will be a pleasure.”

“Call me Rarity instead. The ‘Miss’ makes me feel... old somehow. The same goes for you Chrono.” With that, she thanked Spike and left the library, heading back to her home-cum-boutique.

** Indicated above where the below scenario was happening in the background.**

“Sorry all, had to clear off the mud as much as possible before coming back in with them. The good news though...” Placing the mat at a corner, Windie brought the saddlebag over and opened them, revealing some sandwiches and apples, “The left-overs are safe.” The cream pelt unicorn allowed Chrono to ‘strike’ at the food first before she took an apple for herself. A movement was felt on her head, somewhat indicating that the sprite had recovered from the daze as she went to a corner of the library. Settling down, she gently plucked the sprite with magic and levitated it in front of her, causing the latter to giggle.

“Laugh all you want...” The sprite pouted cutely as it sat in the air, not even resisting the spell which held it, “This One regretted protecting you from the mud storm that crazy purple mare casted earlier...”

“Mud storm? Ohh...” Windie replied mentally as she start nibbling on the apple, not wanting others to think she’s crazy as she released the sprite, placing it on the wooden floor, “You are an elemental...”

The air elemental’s ears perked up and looked at the cream unicorn, it floated up in front of the latter and give a cough, “Why yes! I am The One!” It held its head high, reminding Windie somepony she knew, “Now This One shall excused itself, do release the bindings.”

“Um... how do I do that?” Windie asked, then gasped, “Wait a minute... so its true... but... I don’t have a binding contract with you... how could you be bound?”

The elemental sprite facehoofed, “You are kidding, aren’t you?” it asked the unicorn, who shook her head sadly, “This One is an Elemental Lord! How could This One be bound to a silly mare?!” It began to ‘trot’ around Windie’s head in deep thoughts for a bit before slumping its shoulders in defeat, “This One can’t remember...”

“Seems like this Elemental Lord is having memory issues as well...” Windie sighed, “Maybe for now, we should work together until an opening is available to us.” The unicorn mentally created a mini version of herself, “Windie Breeze... How should I address you?”

“I had many names... and no specific gender...” It examined itself, “From the form given... I’m half unicorn and ohh... half eagle...” It tried to lift its hind talons, but was stopped by the cream unicorn.

“Umm... from your voice, I can tell you are feminine... so you don’t really need to check ‘there’ to find out...” Windie flustered on her reply, “Now maybe a name...”

“Yes, a name fitting for This One!” It smiled, already forgotten about what it had tried to do earlier, “Let’s see... Aura... nah, too common... Anemon... too fishy... Zephyr... very one directional...” It pondered further, finally getting a breakthrough, “Sefarina! This One likes this name very much!” It squealed in delight as it bounced around Windie.

“Ok...” The unicorn chuckled, “So lets try again. I’m Windie Breeze... and you are...”

“Sefarina!” She declared, “Hmm... This One is an Elemental Lord... so...” Sefarina pointed a hoof at Windie with a smug, “You, my first loyal subject, have to call This One Lady Sefarina!”

Windie rolled her eyes, “Let me remind you we are suppose to be working together, not you claiming Lordship...”

“Ohh Celestia... this is not... possible... This is the BEST... POSSIBLE... THING!”

“Lady Sefarina knows Princess Celestia!” Sefarina chimed and turned to the new voice, “But... Lady Sefarina does not know this new unicorn...”

“Ahh... forgive me... Milady...” The porcelain pelt unicorn with an exquisite combed mane and tail stammered as she gave a bow, “I... Rarity... came here to request Windie’s... presence back in the physical world...”

“Hello Miss Rarity,” Windie stepped up, “I suppose you are one of Twilight’s friends? I’m so sorry for not being physically available when you came in, as well as causing some inconvenience for you to come pick me up.”

“Don’t mentioned it Miss Breeze,” Rarity tried not to glance at the elemental, “You had been in a trance for quite a while, and I’m the only able unicorn available to contact you...”

“Lady Sefarina here...”

“Its my first time one of her kind being bound to me... and I do need to set some rules due to the special circumstances...”

“Don’t ignore Lady Sefarina.......”

“Verily! We are talking about an Elemental Lord...” Rarity had to take a quick glance, “Is she easy to handle?”

“This One heard that......”

“She acts like a filly on the first day of school...”

“This One has been here since the creation of Equestria......”

“So you aren’t worried she’ll bring her wrath down on you?”

“Lady Sefarina will bring her wrath down on this wretched mare!! This One will....!!!” A hoof came down hard on the elemental’s head, causing her to squeal out in pain, “This One is gonna tell...!!!” Another time the same hoof came down, “You.... you... Uncouth! Dis-respectful! Bully!!!! The hoof came down the third time on Safarina, which finally broke her down as she cried.

“Told you she’s a filly...” Windie huffed and stared down at the crying sprite, “Third time is always a charm...”

“Ha... haha...” Rarity chuckled with a concerned tone, “Well, I’ll go back out and update Twilight and Mr. Breaker on your situation... Looks like everything here is under control...” The porcelain pelt unicorn left with a popping sound as the spell broke from her side.

Windie dissipated her mental form and levitated the now sobbing elemental onto her head, “I don’t care what you are, as long we have not establish our roles in this matter, you are just a bounded filly spirit... Understood?” Not waiting for Sefarina’s reply, the cream pelt unicorn returned to the physical world.

Author's Note: This chapter took me a while due to work issues and Writer's Block. I'm also currently writing up another fanfic while tackling this. Thus bear with me if there's any delays.

After-actions report and discoveries between ponies.