• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 10,425 Views, 572 Comments

Turning Point - ZachTheBrony

A God of War and Pony crossover. Oh geez...

  • ...

Chapter 3

- - - -The first month of recovery, about 1 week in, no visits from Twilight...

As Kratos lay in what he surely assumed was his deathbed, he was both bored out of his mind, and impatient. He wanted to get the living hell out of there, but he couldn't move without causing himself great pain. This, in turn, pissed him off. But, at least he had something to listen to.

... The sound of a damn clock ticking.

... Tick...


... Tick...






"RAGGGH!" Kratos yelled out in searing frustration. "ZEUS! I KNOW YOU AND YOUR DAMNED BROTHERS CAN HEAR ME!" he bellowed to the ceiling with immensely radiant power, even in his injured condition.

... I mean, heavily injured condition. Literally, it was like having your back rubbed up against the side of a minotaur. Not a fun experience.

He groaned, hitting his head against his... Pillow... In hopes to... Break... The bed.

Just as he was about to slip into his little world full of boredom, wait, he already did that... But, that familiar purple unicorn mare walked through the door. The demigod almost let out a sigh of relief, but he kept it in, and pretended he was asleep.

But, there was one problem:

Twilight heard his yelling.

Sitting beside the bed with a look of concern on her face, Twilight looked at the injured demigod. Finally, she spoke, “Sorry for not coming to visit you in a little bit.”

Kratos didn’t respond. He just snored.

Twilight raised a brow, and sighed. “Okay, you can stop acting like you’re sleeping. I heard you yelling.”

Kratos growled at her as he opened his eyes. “What do you want.” he demanded. Oh no, he wasn’t asking. Kratos never simply ‘asks’. He tells. He orders. HE RUNS THIS CRAP SHACK!

… At least, so he thought...

“I want some questions answered, if you would.”

“No.” Kratos said, closing his eyes. That was usually the conversation-stopper. After that, it was either ‘talk to the blades- oh wait, your head’s gone,’ or ‘time to open up a fresh can of kick-your-ass.’.


“No.” Kratos repeated. Wait, he... Never... Has... To repeat himself. He opened his eyes again, and looked over to Twilight.

“Why not?”

I’d rather die than listen to her childish babbling...’ the wounded demigod frowned, gritting his teeth behind his lips. He spoke, “Because I have no time for you.” he glared at her as he said this harshly.

“You more than likely have several months on your hooves.” Twilight said, with a smile on her face. “I think you have quite enough time to talk.”

Kratos, if he had been able to walk, and use his arms, he’d be playing the ‘How many colors of the rainbow can a pony turn before they choke to death’ game with the unicorn.

But, of course, he was denied of it.


The Spartan growled. “I do not want to answer any of these ‘questions’.” he said. With a humph, he closed his eyes.

“Not even one?”


“Pleeeaaase? Please-please-please-please-please-plea-”

Kratos’ left eye twitched. “So be it! You may have ONE! And ONE only. You may have your words, but be quick with them!” he snapped.


“Who are you?”

The question was simple.

Too simple.

But how Kratos took it was as goes;

He assumed she wanted his name. Then, he thought she wanted to know who he actually WAS, not just his name.

With a sigh, the Spartan spoke, “I’m... Kratos.” he replied dully, with a tinge of boredom combined with a dash of annoyance in his voice.

“Is... Something wrong?” the unicorn asked.

Kratos slowly shook his head.

“But, I didn’t mean just your name...”

I knew it...’ Kratos thought. “What is it that you seek from me?”

“Well...” Twilight sighed. “... I’m not sure how I could word it, but-”

“What I did? My past, you mean?”

“Yes! Y-your past, where you’re from, what you did there-”

“Then I won’t tell you a single thing.”

Twilight’s expression dropped. She was frowning, but she had that look... Not just of curiosity, but a rather confused look. Mixed emotions, basically. “... Why?” she asked, in a low tone.

“You’re not in the place to know. That is why.”

- - - - One day later...

Once again, Twilight had come to visit Kratos. Though the Spartan demigod was bored, he, at the very least, had someone... Er, something, to talk to. But, he just didn’t realize it yet. Of course.

Now, Twilight was being as nice as she could be to him. Sitting in the same chair she sat in the last time she visited, she smiled at him. “I brought some books for you to read.” she spoke, breaking the silence that lasted for a few minutes, just after she came in.

Kratos only nodded.

The unicorn sighed, before taking out two books: one on Equestrian history, and another, being a Daring-Do book. In fact, it was the first in the series that her friend, Rainbow Dash, read.

Looking over to the books that the unicorn held in her magic, the Spartan spoke, “I have a question...” Kratos spoke. After yelling a bit yesterday, his throat hurt, so he had to speak in a rather quiet tone. “I didn’t receive your name...”

Twilight looked back at him, growing an apologetic look. “Oh, where are my manners. I’m sorry. I am Twilight Sparkle. Pleased to meet you, Kratos.” she smiled.

Kratos nearly rolled his eyes. “... May I see one of those... Books?” he asked. He was bored out of his mind, so the least he could do to cure his agonizing boredom was to read something.

“Which one would you want to read? I have Volume 1 of Equestrian History, or the first book in the Daring-Do series.” she presented the books to him.

Kratos thought for a moment, before making up his mind.

“... I choose the 'Daring-Do' book.”

Now, guys, the idea I came up with is, based off of many comments... That I will now make several parts that are shorter than a normal chapter, but they go through Twilight's visits, and Kratos' recovery. Give me feedback, please. Thank you all for the criticism. I've taken some of it into consideration, but it's still a shot in the dark.


Author's Note:

"All of my stories run on my theories, and my ideas. If you have a problem with them, move on, and have a good day. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's as simple as that.

"If you spot any grammatical problems, tell me. If you spot any punctuation problems, tell me. If you have a problem with the plot, I'll give you this and this only: It's my story. Not yours. If you want <insert your idea here> to happen, write it yourself, or stop bugging authors to make a story that they enjoy writing, into something that you would enjoy. In other words, your ideas are your ideas, and my ideas are my ideas. Don't try to force anything down my throat, or another's. Write it yourself, or it isn't going to happen."