• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 10,425 Views, 572 Comments

Turning Point - ZachTheBrony

A God of War and Pony crossover. Oh geez...

  • ...

Chapter 1


That is what he felt.

Almost every bone in Kratos' body was shattered upon impact with the ground, aside from his right arm, left leg, skull, and his entire rib cage. He was in too much of a state of shock to even scream. He just laid there in pain, limp. He coughed. Sometimes, blood would come from his mouth because he coughed so violently. And when he coughed, pain shot throughout his body.

To the fatally injured demigod, minutes passed by like days. Hours like weeks. You know how it goes.

His hands, though in agony, were clenched into fists.

Blood was spattered on the Spartan's forehead, mostly from the coughing.

Eventually, the Spartan's eyes slammed shut, and he drifted into a long unconsciousness from the pain. The physical agony that our hero was in is... Far beyond your or my comprehension, even to begin to understand how painful it was for him. But it wasn't just the physical pain that ailed him. It was the emotional stress. You'd think someone like Kratos was a rock. But no. His problem was his anger. All the yelling causes stress- the root of his problems. He dwelt on his past for too long, and it put great stress upon his shoulders. And these --these two events-- slammed into him full-force. He was denied of his revenge, betrayed by Gaia, and plunged into another world, all happening too quick for him to comprehend. As he slid into the silent world of blackness that was known as unconsciousness, he was sure it was the end for him. He sighed in a raspy tone as his consciousness faded, and his hands relaxed. Even to him, the Ghost of Sparta, this was too much.

But as our hero laid upon the ground, you may take comfort in knowing that this wasn't the end for him.

Three sets of young eyes were watching him from afar, in the bush.

- - - -

"What do y'all think it is?" one pair of eyes with orange-red irises asked to the other two sets of eyes that were close by. Her voice had an absolutely adorable Southwestern accent.

"I don't want to know..." a set of pale-green eyes went half-closed as they looked to the set of eyes that asked the question.

The third set of eyes, open all the way and full of excitement, they were of a semi-pale lavender, and were either striving for adventure or childlike curiosity... Likely both. "Come on, girls! You're not scared, are you?" she looked teasingly up to the other pairs of eyes, who just groaned.

"Scootaloo..." the pale-green set of eyes closed, as their owner, a small, alabaster unicorn filly with a two-toned purplish mane walked out of the bushes, with the owner of the pale lavender set of eyes, an energetic orange pegasus filly who had a deep magenta mane. The final pair of reddish-orange eyes followed, owned by a small yellow filly with red hair with a lighter red bow in it.

"What? It's not like I'm scared!" the one named 'Scootaloo' chuckled.

The yellow one shook her head. "Ah think yer' jus' sayin' that, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo sighed after a little pause. "Yeah, I guess you're right, AB..." she said sadly, letting her head hang somewhat lower.

"Don't be like that, Scootaloo, it's not like we're not afraid of it either! It's ah alien, for pony's sake!" the yellow one exclaimed.

The orange filly lifted her head up. "Well... Okay." she smiled. "Let's go see what it is!" and without warning, she took for the creature that laid on its back, which was still moderately distant.

"Come on, Sweetie Belle!" the yellow filly, or 'AB' followed her orange friend, galloping after her.

"Wa-wait up!" the alabaster unicorn trotted after her.

- - - -

The three fillies stood over the creature, who looked more damaged than the time when they tried getting their cutie marks in construction. AB looked at the biped. "It looks like ah-... What was that big bull with horns called again?" she looked to her friends for an answer.

"You mean a Minotaur?" asked Sweetie Belle.

AB nodded. "Yeah! Ah Minotaur! It looks like ah Minotaur!... Just... No fur... And ah bit smaller... And no horns, either... And ah weird head!"

Sweetie Belle's look of curiosity faded away. "I think it's hurt," Sweetie advised with concern.

"And jus' how would you know that?" AB asked her, raising a brow.

The unicorn sighed. "I'unno." she then shrugged.

Then, the bipedal creature's right hand twitched. Scootaloo jumped at this. "I-it's alive!" she shouted.

Her friends backpedaled.

Before all three of them broke into a full-on gallop towards Ponyville, screaming their heads off.

- - - -

The trio of fillies attracted more than enough attention as they sprinted through the afternoon streets of Ponyville. Everypony, and I mean everypony looked at them as they screamed and ran, until a familiar pink mare stopped them.

All three of them skidded and tumbled to a stop, piling on top of one another.

"Hi girls!" the pink mare hopped in spot as she greeted them.

"Pinkie!" the three fillies shouted in unison. "There's-a-monster-in-the-fields!" they spoke too quick for most to understand, but Pinkie understood.

She gasped. "A MONSTER!?! Ooh, was it big and scary and went like 'RRRR'!!!...?" she got on her hind legs and raised her front hooves above her head, growling for a few seconds before coming down.

The fillies shook their heads with vigor, now standing bunched together.

"Was it a big ugly monster that moaned like this?" she moaned like a zombie.

They shook their heads.

"Did it stand on two hooves and have no head and ride a big horse?"

They shook their heads again.

"Ooh! Ooh! Did it-"

The trio, specifically AB, cut her off. "Pinkie Pie!" she shouted over her mumbling.

"Yes?" she smiled happily.

"It was tall." she said with extra enthusiasm, lifting her hoof above her head. "Ah bit taller than Princess Celestia herself, Ah reckon!"

A crowd was formed around the group. They gasped.

"It had chain things on its arms!" Scootaloo added.

Another gasp.

"And red markings! And white fur!" Sweetie Belle continued.

A few less gasps than before were heard.

"It wore this golden thingy on its shoulder!" AB exclaimed.

"A red skirt!"

"Big muscles!"

"... Big muscles?" AB looked at Scootaloo.

They hadn't realized until now that the crowd was laughing at them.


AB frowned, and looked around a bit angrily. "It's true, for pony's sake! Ah can take y'all right now!" she shouted.

The crowd stopped laughing, and looked to one another.

They mumbled some stuff, and some shook their heads, walking off.

Soon, only three ponies were left; a lavender unicorn, Pinkie, and an orange earth pony.

The lavender unicorn spoke up. "I'd like to come with you, if that'd be alright, Applebloom." she smiled at the filly.

"And Ah don't want my little sister goin' off an' findin' some potentially dangerous creature by herself." the orange earth pony followed.

"Thank ya' Miss Sparkle... Thanks Applejack..." Applebloom smiled warmly.

"Ooh! Ooh! Can I come? Please-please-please-please-please?!" Pinkie fell to Applebloom's hooves as she begged.

The yellow filly giggled at Pinkie Pie's silliness. "Yes, of course 'ya can, Pinkie Pie!"

"YAY!!!" cheered Pinkie Pie as she hopped into the air, landing about a second and a half afterwards.

Applebloom let out a laugh. "Come on, everypony!" she began trotting off in the direction in which they saw the creature.

The five remaining ponies followed the yellow filly's lead.

Though, Sweetie was a little hesitant.

- - - -

It was gone.

The creature was gone.

Poof! It was there, now it wasn't!

It didn't make any sense! Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle saw it with their own eyes! How come it has to up and disappear when they try to prove that they really did see it!?

"No, no, no, no no!" Applebloom looked around in a slight panic. "It was here!" she pouted angrily.

"Wait," Twilight said. "Look." she pointed a hoof to a little trail of red liquid.

"Is that... blood?" Applejack whispered to Twilight.

"I think so." she replied, looking at it closely. After a tiny pause, she spoke, "Yes. It is in fact, blood."

The fillies were unsure what to think of it, but Applejack winced.

Twilight slowly followed the trail of blood. Hesitantly, the rest of the group, well, aside from Pinkie Pie, who hippity-hopped along with them, followed her.

Then, they heard the breathing.

Oh, the cold, deathly rasped breathing.

Twilight slowly looked up, to see... something... On the ground, laying on its front. A trail of blood followed it.

Everypony gasped.

"Applebloom was telling the truth..." Twilight said in absolute awe.

"I told you so!" Applebloom shouted.

The bipedal creature coughed up blood.

"Shh." Twilight shushed the young filly, who now wore an apologetic look. She mouthed the words "Stay here", and everypony nodded.

She slowly approached the creature. "... Hello?" she spoke to the biped.

The creature groaned. She stopped walking towards it.

The unicorn's eyes widened, and she stepped back as the creature slowly begun to get up. Its legs were shaking, and every second that passed, the biped growled in pain. It managed to get onto both knees, before it fell onto its arms. It groaned, and gasped at the pain that it brought, and coughed up more blood.

Twilight went slack-jawed. She looked back to Applejack, who had her hat off and pressed against her chest by a hoof. She was beginning to get a bit teary-eyed in either sympathy or fear, though she was mostly taking in the horror of the sight.

A set of metal chain-blades dragged across the ground on both sides of the being. The chain-blades were connected to its arms. The biped groaned, and fell onto its front.

Twilight cautiously walked up to the creature, that was now unconscious. "Applejack... It's very badly injured..." she said.

"Sweet Celestia..." Applejack put her Stetson back on. "Whatever that there critter is, Ah can agree with Twilight, it is ah might injured." she looked to the group, who nodded.

Pinkie spoke, "Aw! I wanted to say hi!... Wait... Hi!" she waved to the creature, who didn't respond.

It began to snore.

The trio of fillies held back giggles.


Not being able to hold it back anymore, Scootaloo chuckled. "I-HA-IT SOUNDS LIKE A-HA-HA-BEAR!!!"

Soon, the other fillies, and Pinkie Pie, joined her.

Twilight sighed. "Girls, can you please stop? I'm trying to focus." she said.

The fillies slowly but surely complied, becoming silent. They still had their backs to the ground, though.

"Okay..." Twilight began to inspect the creature closely, and mumbled some words under her breath. Some of them involved body parts, while some noted the bone structure... I mean, what was left of it. After she got a good, solid base idea of the anatomy, she said, "The creature is definitely bipedal, which means it walks on two legs. It also has a bone system moderately similar to ours, specifically, the rib-cage. The skull is much different, and the hooves are different, though. Facial features have yet to be determined, because I'd rather not disturb the biped. Now, for its injuries..." Twilight got down to business. She was entirely serious about this. The unicorn softly poked some broken bones, until she looked up. "It's lucky to even be alive right now. An-..." she spotted a large scar on its back. "What's this..?" she looked at the scar curiously. 'It's some form of scar... It looks like... B-but how... Can that be... A stab wound..?' Her jaw dropped, and her irises shrunk.

She just... Stared... For minutes to come.

"Twiliiight," Applejack waved a hoof in front of her face.

No respon-

Twilight snapped out of it. "Wha?... W-what? Oh..." she looked back to her. "This creature has suffered quite a bit of broken bones... I don't know how it survived..." she said. "But we need to get it into the Ponyville medical center if we're going to have any chance of its survival! Pinkie Pie, Applejack, I'd like you to help me pick up the biped and carry it. Okay?"

"Okie dokie!" Pinkie said, coming to her hooves.

Applejack nodded.

- - - -

As soon as they managed to lay the bipedal creature across Pinkie and Applejack's backs, Twilight used her magic for added support, and holding the two chain-blades in midair. She tried to take them off, but soon found that the chains were seared into its flesh.

They began to carry the creature back to the Ponyville Medical Center with great caution.

The fillies went off about their business. They decided not to get in their way, and then decided to attempt to gain their cutie marks in adventuring... Oh golly.

- - - -

"The creature has multiple breaks in many of its bones! There is absolutely no time for questioning!" Twilight exclaimed at the hospital receptionist, after force-feeding her the information on the biped's basic skeletal anatomy. "It needs medical attention immediately!"

The receptionist nodded, and rushed off to get help.

Twilight and her two friends still held up the creature, waiting patiently but eagerly for her return.

She returned with two uniformed doctors, and four unicorn nurses. They brought a gurney, also. Applejack and Pinkie carefully slid the biped onto the gurney, and the doctors quickly removed the golden shoulder-pad that was on the humanoid's right shoulder.

The gurney rolled down the hallway, and into a surgery room at the far end of the hall.

Pinkie Pie hugged Twilight, who looked a little sad. "Don't be sad, Twilight! I'm sure it'll be okay!" she said.

"Oh, I don't know..." Twilight sighed. "I-I'm sure he'll be... Just fine..."

" 'He'?" Applejack asked, confused.

"Oops! I forgot to add, it's a male." Twilight quickly explained. "Did you not take notice of the more masculine features, Applejack?"

"Well, Ah guess not, but Ah bet Ah wasn't payin' much attention..." she replied with an exhausted sigh, sitting in a seat that was behind her.

Pinkie Pie released Twilight. "Well girls, we'll stay until we know that the biped is alright." she said, sitting down with Applejack, Pinkie doing the same. "Er... If the biped is alright." she corrected herself.

"Ah sure hope he'll be alright." Applejack looked at Twilight. "... Do you think he'll be-..."

"I can only hope, Applejack." Twilight replied. "I can only hope."

- - - -

The doctors put on their protective masks, the nurses the same. "So, we already know the basic skeletal anatomy. She stated that the broken bones are in these appendages." one of the doctors pointed to several appendages, and the nurses cut open the blue fabric in said areas. "We have taken a safe measure of checking for a musculoskeletal, nervous, cardiorespiratory, digestive, integumentary, endocrine and lymphatic systems. This bipedal creature seems to have all of the systems. Now," the doctor continued, "Are we all ready to perform the reconnecting of the bones? We may need to make a few incisions here," he, being a unicorn, used his magic to levitate a marker and make dotted lines among many incision and stitch areas. "-here, here and here, and there. We can then have a clearer view of the broken bone, and the healers may focus their magic on the bone. Everypony got it?" he asked for confirmation.

The nurses and doctors nodded in response, and began to carefully make incisions among he dotted lines, beginning the long operation.

But beforehand, the doctors gave the creature some anesthetics to relax it and keep it asleep as they operated.

- - - - Several hours later...

The doctors, unfortunately, had to remove the chains that were seared into the humanoid's arms.

I'll just leave it at 'It wasn't pretty'.

"We have successfully removed the chains around the biped's arms. If we hadn't, the surgery wouldn't have gone through, and worse, it could've gotten tetanus, and a nasty infection. There was quite a lot of blood loss, but we have a transfusion sustaining it currently. But fortunately, this being had an AB blood type, so we transfused it with some B-type blood. He'll be up on his feet in a number of months." the doctor broke the news to Twilight and her two friends.

"That's super-dee-duper!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "Now I can say 'Hi' to him!" she smiled.

Applejack yawned. "Yes, that is ah might good to hear, 'doc-..." she looked over to Twilight...

... Who was... still... sleeping.

"Twi..." AJ nudged her. She didn't wake. "Twilight!" she raised her voice, and the lavender unicorn shot awake.

"AH- ah... What, wh-what's wrong?" Twilight looked around.

"Twilight, your friend in there is fine. Just unconscious." the doctor said. "It was quite a lot of work."

Twilight smiled, her eyes widening. "R... Really?"




(Just to explain how happy and "I told you so!" Twilight was, I had to get these two things. Play the music with the dancing GIF, but y'know, don't listen to all of it... If you want... But I recommend going to 1:09 and watching at least until 2:40 +...)


As Twilight stopped cheering, and dancing, Pinkie was giggling happily.

"I'm sure you can see it in about an hour." the doctor said.

"Oh, I need to get home. I'll come back tomorrow, though!" Twilight said.

"Me too!" Pinkie followed.

Applejack yawned again. "Ah reckon that Ah need 'ta hit the hay..." she and Pinkie walked out of the hospital. "See'ya later, Twilight!" she called.

Twilight waved a goodbye, and looked to the doctor. "So, I'll be going now..." she said. "Thank you, by the way."

The doctor nodded. "Trust me, it was hard for us to stay calm, Twilight. But we needed to- or else the creature would've gotten more questioning than it did help." he walked off.

The lavender unicorn sighed with satisfaction, and walked out of the hospital.

- - - -

Upon Twilight's return, little Spike was laying asleep on the couch.

With two empty tubs of ice cream on the coffee table.

The unicorn frowned, and sighed. Picking up the empty tubs of strawberry and chocolate ice cream, and throwing them out. Afterwards, she brought Spike upstairs to his rightful resting place, and set him under the covers.

She began to write a letter.

"Dear Princess Celestia, today I have found a new creature in Equestria. It was in the field outside of Ponyville, just West to the market. The creature stood at about six feet, two inches, and was bipedal. It had red markings on its torso, legs and head, and its skin was a ghastly white. It was terribly injured when we found it. By we, I mean Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders and I. Currently, the biped is in the Ponyville Medical Center, and is undergoing recovery. Further information is yet to come.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Author's Note:

"All of my stories run on my theories, and my ideas. If you have a problem with them, move on, and have a good day. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's as simple as that.

"If you spot any grammatical problems, tell me. If you spot any punctuation problems, tell me. If you have a problem with the plot, I'll give you this and this only: It's my story. Not yours. If you want <insert your idea here> to happen, write it yourself, or stop bugging authors to make a story that they enjoy writing, into something that you would enjoy. In other words, your ideas are your ideas, and my ideas are my ideas. Don't try to force anything down my throat, or another's. Write it yourself, or it isn't going to happen."

Made an epic mistake that I fixed; 'They were still had their backs to the ground, though.' Changed to 'They still had their backs to the ground, though.'

Also, I fixed the whole shit-bomb with Hermes' boots. God damn, it was hard to pick that shit out!