• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 479 Views, 14 Comments

Between Equestria and Azeroth - Sunny_Blast

This is my little cross between World of Warcraft and MLP.

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The Preparation

The weather in Olgimmar wasn’t quite well either. Regardless, as always, Ponies, Pegasi, and Dragons were fighting at the gates of it, dueling. This dueling has been going on for years now, but Kich could not care less. She was used to the sound of the bows shooting, swords swinging and hitting one another, creating bright sparks, and the shields making loud noises as they were blocking the mage ponies’ attacks completely.
It was raining, which normally doesn’t happen in Hurotar. Hurotar is an ancient half-desert and half-forest, and was occupied by the Herd for hundreds of years.

Kich has been seeing transparent pony figures throughout the day. But those ponies were different. They had bright colors such as blue, green, red, and yellow, some ever rainbow in their manes or on their bodies. The one that was showing up the most, though, was a pony with green fur, a short mane which differed between two colors - red, and light blue. All the sights Kich has blamed on her preparations for the upcoming battle with the Alliance, which consisted of other ponies, newer generations of them, and other races.

As she was destroying the fifty-fourth mannequin in a row, she has heard a strong, friendly voice of one of her best friends - Rootra. He was a strong, honest, loyal and friendly pegasus, which has been her friend since she was born.

“Train too hard and you won’t have any power for the battle!” - said Rootra as he was getting closer.
“It is going to be a hard battle, I need to train twice as hard as usual.”
“Yes, but isn’t being the best sword and magic fighter in all of the Herd get you ready enough? Plus, they’re going to put the elites in the front rows, so you could settle your blood thirst as fast as possible.”
“I guess you are right...”
“Come on, let’s go have lunch. You seem tired.”

So they went to the best Inn in Olgimmar - “The Lion’s Pride Inn.”
Rootra has ordered some wine, and he and Kich enjoyed a fine afternoon in there. They were with their friends, singing songs, having feasts, talking about various topics and doing lots of other fun activities. In about three hours after they came to the inn, Kich more than full, counting that she normally eats three times less food.

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, guys!” - said Kich, while leaving. The rest of the group yelled things such as “Thanks for the fine afternoon!” or “Why can’t you stay longer?”.
She went to her hut, and fell to her soft, furry, nice feeling bed. Even though she was one of the Olgimmar’s most favorite people, she did have a quite moderate house.
Kich fell asleep instantaneously. During her night, the images of technicolored ponies still appeared. But mostly, she was still interested in that one pony with red and blue mane.