• Published 19th Nov 2023
  • 160 Views, 20 Comments

Aura. Back to equestria. - Dot-Dot_Dot

Aura is brought back to equestria to answer to her crimes.

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A small note for the readers.

“Hello Readers. It’s me, Aura I’m hoping you like the story so far. The writer is trying his best. I know he is. Even if he can’t spell things correctly. Or he’ll put an I instead of an a. He may but dumb but he’s getting better each time he posts a chapter. I don’t know what he has planned for the next chapter but I might have a clue. What happened in episode 1 of the season that released back in April of 2015. Till the next time readers. And im fully aware of you all! Bye Bye!!!” She waves as she teleports away from the fourth wall.

Author's Note:

I know that the mods of the website don’t like these kinds of little chapters but I’ll do it anyways- Signed by yours truly Aura