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Chapter 4

- several minutes after the discovery of the Base Jabber -

The skies were beautifully clear. Two blue birds flapped side by side below the clouds as the high winds blew past them - brushing past and ruffling their feathers. Alongside the sound of the whistling breeze flying by them, the two birds chirped happily at the view far below, soaring peacefully in the air.

They didn't even hear it coming.

The birds vanished in an instant as a purple blur slammed into them at several hundred kilometers an hour from behind. Two mobile suits slammed against the flying winged platform as it spun and spiraled - a stray feather getting sucked into the air intake as the Base Jabber performed a haphazard barrel roll once.

"I said pull down! Pull it down!!" Monroe barked.

“Steady as she goes!” Rosa squeaked.

"This is the exact opposite of steady as she goes!!"

“I’m trying!”

“You’re squeezing too hard!”

“I’m trying!”

“Try less!!”

The Base Jabber veered left and right over and over as both Hizacks gripped on tightly to the handles of the sub-flight system. The entire platform hovered shakily as the two suits swayed left and right from the admittedly shoddy control. The roar of the vertical takeoff engines nearly deafened the two pilots, though they were relying on direct link comms with their headsets, which assisted in blocking out a good portion of the noise from outside their mobile suits.

The Hizack Custom was the mobile suit properly connected to the Base Jabber via one of its hand tightly gripping one of the handles - with its pilot attempting to manage proper control in flying the thing. The blue Hizack next to it was holding on tightly to its weapon and the second handle on the other side of the Base Jabber.

It was much easier said than done.

These Base Jabbers didn’t have a cockpit - they were controlled by the mobile suit that was sitting or lying on top of it. While not very aerodynamic in design, these craft were more or less powerful and quick to react to control.

It also meant piloting a Base Jabber was a completely different story compared to piloting a mobile suit.

Rosa squealed as she felt the Base Jabber drop for a moment before its thermonuclear rocket jets kicked in once more. Slamming her head back against the headrest, she tried to maintain steady flight with a pull of the control stick, only for the entire Base Jabber to lean right almost 60 degrees.

“Shit, shit, shit!!” Rosa wailed, yanking on her yoke as she tried to lean to the left. Thankfully, her linear seat was stabilizing itself in conjunction with the sudden and violent turn - but it could only do so much against the amount of nausea she was currently feeling.

Her fellow mobile suut pilot wasn't exactly faring any better. “Keep it steady, goddammit!” Monroe growled. He was leaning against the side of his seat, trying hard not to just shove the Hizack Custom’s hand aside and take over control himself - a terrible but tempting choice regardless.

“I can man a mobile suit, not control a flying carpet!!” Rosa complained, with the Base Jabber suddenly veering downwards. Both mobile suits nearly went weightless for a split second before their legs slammed back down on the platform, shaking both of the Hizack pilots hard. “I never got any training on this, I'm a sniper!!”

“You’re gonna have to learn, so might as well do it now!” Monroe shouted as he gripped his control sticks. “If we hit less than a hundred meters in altitude, I’ll take over! So now, just focus on steadying flight!”

“What if we run out of fuel?!” Rose cried as the Base Jabber leaned forward in the air, almost as if it’d braked suddenly before it began to fly upwards.

“Base Jabbers are thermonuclear, they use air as propellant!” Monroe quickly explained as the Base Jabber lurched once more. His linear seat shook to counteract the sudden force, and he felt his head start to pound once more - though whether it was from the nausea or the annoyance, he didn't know. “Just focus on flying, alright?!”

The two Hizacks slammed shoulders with a *clang* loud enough to be heard over the roar of the Base Jabber, which quickly dropped for a mere millisecond before it blasted upwards into the sky at a nearly vertical angle. The air intakes on either side screamed for a moment before Rosa veered down, almost dropping right away.

“Pull up! A little bit, just a little!” Monroe quickly ordered as they shot past the clouds.

Rosa complied frantically, and the Base Jabber slowly leveled out, still wobbly - but not as bad as before. As it slowly leaned up and down, the two Hizack pilots found themselves relaxing. Their linear seats were steady once more, and the feeling of airsickness had died down slowly. "Good..." he said. "You got it?"

"I...I think so," Rosa said, her own heartbeat slowly but surely calming down. "Why is it so sensitive?"

"Because it's an aircraft," Monroe sighed.

"This wouldn't have happened if you're the one that flew from the start," Rosa muttered, pouting as she looked away. Her hands were still tightly gripping the controls as she maintained a steady flight pattern. As she turned, she spotted the glimpse of something gray in the corner of her eye - seemingly below the Base Jabber.

"Yeah, well you needed to learn this eventually," Monroe said as he looked to his right. "Besides, you can't tell me the view isn't great."

Rosa was momentarily distracted by Monroe's words, noting his suggestion and turning to look to her left. Her eyes widened at what she saw near her. Taking care not to send the Base Jabber into a spiral once more, she peered over and bore witness to the true extent of this world through her panoramic screen. Fields of green and large rocky mountain ranges greeted her from an incredibly great distance, alongside skies so clean and blue that it almost felt like a fairy tale.

There were even far away villages and towns on the ground far below - even a city at the corner of Rosa's vision. "Think we should stop by and ask for directions?" the Hizack Custom pilot asked.

"Probably not. We don't want to risk any damage, and the last thing we want is to start boosting the Titans' reputation. I mean, we're using mobile suits that they use," Monroe said. Mono-eyes seemed to be associated with evil lately, mostly because of Zeon constantly using it in her suits. The reason why the Federation would ever start using them was forever beyond him - though he certainly wasn't going to complain over how effective the Hizack or Marasai was, though he hadn't gotten any opportunity to pilot the latter.

Rosa fell silent, a wince hidden in her posture as she looked back to the front. "Alright...then where should we go?" she asked, deciding to drop the topic when the Titans were mentioned.

"Hmm..." Monroe muttered to himself as he eyed his instruments. The basic compass unit in a standard mobile suit's control panel worked electronically rather than relying on magnets, especially because Minovsky Particles really screwed around with magnetism. Heck, a Minovsky Craft System installed on some ships allowed them to literally float thanks to the particles being repelled from a planet's magnetic field.

Monroe shook his head off of that little mental tangent - it was a small issue had. Thankfully, such distractions were limited to idleness or maintenance, never in combat. "I say we head...South. Or East. We've been going West for a while now - might as well see what we avoided," he finally said after some thought.

"Southeast then?" Rosa asked.

"Sure, why not?" Monroe muttered, and Rosa complied with the man's suggestion at once - slowly turning the Base Jabber around and veering to the aforementioned direction. As the Base Jabber flew Southeast, she couldn't help but wonder if she was missing something.

"Hey...Monroe? We didn't miss anything important, did we?" Rosa asked.

"Not really. Why?" Monroe asked.

Rosa fell silent once more - almost certain that she had to have seen something important. "...no reason," she said after a bit of thought to herself. "I just thought...never mind."

As the Base Jabber carrying the two Federation mobile suits flew higher and higher above the clouds, neither pilot noticed the MS-07H-8 Gouf Flight Type hovering just a thousand meters below them - followed by an MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 (that's a lot of 2s) kneeling atop a green colored Federation Base Jabber.

Both suits looked at each other, mono-eyes swiveling to side-eye the other before they acted. The Base Jabber carrying the Zaku II F2 veered around, heading the opposite direction while the Gouf Flight Type's leg mounted thermonuclear jets began to roar - taking off from its current position and rising in altitude to catch up to the enemy forces that its pilot had spotted.

Its Gatling shield gleamed in the sunlight, moments before the flying mobile suit vanished underneath the clouds - remaining hidden underneath the fluffy layers of white. It wouldn't attack - not yet, anyway.

Not until it found what they were looking for.

- Canterlot Castle: one hour later -

Spitfire and Soarin rushed into the throne room as soon as they were granted access. Princess Celestia and her flanking royal guards looked up in surprise as they watched the two fully uniformed and utterly tuckered out Pegasi slide to a stop at the base of her throne, completely bypassing the nobles who had been rattling on over...some trivial manner that the princess hadn't bothered to listen to.

"Ah, I assume you have important news?" Princess Celestia asked. Nearby was Raven Inkwell, flanked by her own pair of royal guards - the aide having paused her writing of the issue at hand.

"Y-yes! We found-" Soarin began before he was silenced by Spitfire quickly elbowing his side. With a jerk of her head, she gestured to the haughty and clearly irritated nobles near them. "Uhh...something...big!"

"Yes, and it is very important...one that requires only your attention, your Highness," Spitfire said, piggybacking off of the admittedly awkward statement by Soarin.

The princess nodded. "I shall attend to your issues at a later date. Please clear the room," she said, redirecting her attention to the other ponies in the room: specifically the royal guards and the nobles in the room, including Raven Inkwell - who got up and bowed before headng out. The royal guards bowed and turned to leave, with a few of them making their way to the flustered nobles to escort them out of the throne room.

Once the door was shut, Princess Celestia nodded to the Pegasi. "I apologize for making you wait. Now, what have you found?" she asked.

"Uhh, we found them! Two of them, one green and one blue!" Soarin quickly spouted out. With another elbow from Spitfire, he coughed and lowered his voice. "They were...bipedal golems, I think. They had one pink eye each and held a bunch of things. The two of them were sitting on a purple flying piece of metal with wings."

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow, out of both confusion and minor amusement in the manner that the blue stallion had oh, so elegantly described it. Spitfire coughed and spoke up. "Fleetfoot and I came across such bipedal golems ourselves. One on them was green and sitting on top of a flying winged platform, like the ones Soarin saw. The other was gray and seemed to be flying under its own power," Spitfire quickly explained. We followed them and came across Blaze and Soarin after chasing it for ten minutes. Then the green one turned back West while the other headed East."

"If you four all reunited, then you surely both saw the golems you were pursuing, correct?" Princess Celestia asked as she levitated a teapot and two of several empty porcelain cups from a nearby end table. Pouring the steaming tea into the cups with her magic, she kindly gestured for the ponies to continue their recollection of past events.

"Y-yes, your Highness," Spitfire said, taking a deep breath as she moved to speak once more. "Though the two golems on the platform didn't appear to notice the ones we followed. The green one we chased turned back while the gray one went after the others. Fleetfoot and Blaze are currently pursuing the green while Soarin and I tried to chase the other three."

"And what did you find?" Princess Celestia asked as she levitated the cups over to the two Wonderbolts. Soarin drank while Spitfire declined.

"We...couldn't follow them. They went up, much higher than we could manage. The altitude alone is impressive, then there's the speed. We lost them high above the clouds, princess," Spitfire said. "Whatever these things were, they were heading Southeast towards Dodge City and the Badlands, possibly even further. That's all we were able to figure out. I apologize."

"Don't apologize for getting answers. I don't expect the impossible, only your best. And you ponies have certainly done that," Princess Celestia reassured. Spitfire, looking more than a little tuckered out and flushed, accepted the cup of hot tea on the princess's second insistence.

She'd never get to drink it as the large twin doors of the royal throne room swung open with an utterly violent bang. Both teacups shattered, the two disheveled Pegasi whirling around to see Fleetfoot and Blaze stumbling in. "We followed the green one!" Fleetfoot gasped. Unlike Spitfire and Soarin, the two mares looked like they had just about flown all over Equestria without a single break. For all the princess knew, they might have just done that. "It's not just a few! There's lots of them!!"

The two royal guards who had tried to stop the mares looked to the princess, ready to detain them should she give the word. The princess would give no such order, simply waving a hoof calmly and letting them know that it was alright. The two armored stallions silently nodded and closed the large doors with a much softer tap than they'd opened. "I apologize. Please continue," the princess said, as gracefully as ever.

Spitfire and Soarin stepped to the side, allowing the other two Wonderbolts to quickly approach. "There's machines, a lot of them," Blaze said, her tone just a little bit calmer as she plopped on her haunches to take a break. She didn't seem to care very much about her appearance in front of the princess. "There's a few giant golems - about five or six of them, I can't remember. Then there's tracked carriages, tents, large helicopters and several other craft with duck wings or something-"

"Wait, you saw them there?" Spitfire interrupted. "Quick, how many?!"

"I dunno, like fifty? Maybe more? Oh, and a bunch of those flying red bricks! And...a giant creature? No, it was definitely some flying machine. And it was giant!" Fleetfoot quickly explained - going off on rapid fire mode. It wasn't out of panic - but rather out of a need to get as much information out there while she could still clearly remember it.

"How big?"

"We didn't see it moved - but it looked like it landed or something. The fields it was at were completely torn up," Fleetfoot explained as she began to regain her breath. She too had calmed down considerably now that she wasn't running. "They're near Unicorn Range, closer to the rocks."

"Which rocks?" Princess Celestia asked.

"The ones overshadowed by the Smokey Mountains," Blaze said. "And then there were other creatures. They were too far away to see - we didn't wanna risk ourselves getting spotted. But they were bidpedal, just...tinier. But I think they're larger than us."

"I think they're still there," Fleetfoot said. "If you organize a search party, we'll lead you right to them!"

The Pegasi all looked expectantly at Princess Celestia for her orders. The alicorn ruler sipped her tea from one of the surviving cups, clearly deep in thought over their next course of action. "I believe...we shall call in additional assistance."

"What's the plan, princess?" Soarin asked. The four of them had quickly stood at attention, fatigue forgotten in anticipation for what they were to do next.

The princess smiled, seeing that they were still willing to help. "First, I want all of you Wonderbolts to rest. You all have done much more than enough in the matter. Now it is my turn," she said as she stomped her hoof - loud enough for it to echo in the large throne room. The two royal guards opened the door, expectant of the princess's orders. "I wish to assemble a force of guards to rally in the barracks. I shall be there shortly. Until then, please escort the Wonderbolts to guest rooms so they may rest. Provide any accommodations they may request. I say they have earned it."

The four Pegasi looked at each other, all of them a little uneasy that she was having them rest - but they knew better than to suspect the princess's orders as anything other than kindness. Not wishing to be rude, the four bowed thankfully before leaving the throne room. One of the royal guards had saluted before galloping down the hall, likely set on following the first part of Princess Celestia's orders.

The other guard bowed at the princess's behest and gestured for the four Wonderbolts to follow him. As Princess Celestia made her way to Raven Inkwell's table, she took a piece of parchment and a quill from the nearby inkwell before immediately writing.

Dear Princess Twilight

I know you and your friends are recovering from the incident in the Everfree Forest, but I have important news to share: news that may very well affect Equestria as a whole. I'm certain that you're aware of an anomalous beast that may have slain a Hydra and caused the catastrophic forest fire. I've employed the Wonderbolts in a kingdom wide search, and results have been made. Several large bipedal cyclops golems have been identified, and there is a very good chance that these are our culprits. I shall skip straight to the chase, given that little else is known other than a few possible leads.

The first lead is a definitive location - specifically a gathering of aircraft and what may be self propelled vehicles, alongside some of those identified cyclops golems and a massive winged flying machine. The location isn't too far from Ponyville. I shall be sending an airship to your location, alongside a few squads of some of our best in the Royal Guard. The second lead is a direction that a few other of these golems have been spotted heading, specifically Southeast where the Badlands reside.

I shall investigate this second lead myself. I hope you understand how important this task is, but I also implore you to take care of yourself. If you're unable to continue with this investigation, please let me know and I shall remove the burden. You are allowed to say no, my former student.


After a quick grammar check, Princess Celestia sent off the letter with a flash of magic. With a proud grin and a determined set of eyes, she began to leave the throne room in order to begin preparations.

Her eyes fell back to the mess in the throne room - with the puddles of tea and the shards of porcelain dangerously close to the carpet.

"Hmmm...I shall send a pony to clean it up," Princess Celestia muttered to herself as she left the room. She had a barracks to find.

- Ponyville: two minutes later -

"Twilight, calm down! What if you're still injured?!" Spike called as the princess of friendship hurled objects left and right, sounds of crashing and clattering heard all over the room. The young dragon assistant was holding the letter Twilight had hurled into the air after she'd finished it.

"I'm not, I promise! I've had plenty and plenty of time to recuperate and I'm back to full strength! My magic feels as good as normal!" Twilight Sparkle declared as she continued to fling objects left and right. "Ahah!" She stumbled out of the room with her saddlebags - a camera floating in her magical grasp as she loaded it into her bags, all while a concerned Spike followed along.

"Twilight, if you really are up for this, then why are you panicking?" Spike asked.

"Spike, take a letter. Dear Princess Celestia-" Twilight began as she opened up a drawer and yanked out a brand new notebook.

"Twilight! Wait!" Spike shouted, gripping Twilight's hoof. With a sigh, he spoke up once more, calmly. "I know you're eager to help the princess, but you should probably be taking a quick breather."

Twilight looked back at her number one assistant - well, her only assistant - before letting out a tired exhale. "It isn't just that, Spike. I'm a princess now, and that means I have plenty of new responsibilities. And many of those all boil down to keeping Equestria safe. And you know the cause of that fire! If something that dangerous is out there..."

She stopped and quickly inhaled before sighing once more. "I just"

She smiled at Spike before hugging him tightly. "I know how to take care of myself, but I need to start putting the good of Equestria before me as well," she said.

"Well...if it ever gets too much, let me know. I'm not your number one assistant for nothing," Spike offered - not that he needed to, since the sentiment would always remain. "And your friends too! I mean, they all have families and jobs and stuff, but they're always down to help out whenever they can, you know!"

Twilight smiled once more. "I have planned on asking them for assistance. If we're to meet these...bipedal newcomers, then we need all aspects of friendship available. And the machines! What're the chances we could learn about them?!" she asked, her giddiness clear to witness as she double checked her saddlebags.

"Well...I guess you could ask nicely," Spike said as he looked over the letter again. "Besides, you don't exactly need to rush it right away. It's not like you're teleporting there. The letter says the princess will send you an airship as well."

"Right! Plenty of time to manage everything we need to bring! And prepare for! Oh, do you think I need to make a speech? I am a princess, I should probably start adhering to the standards one should have!" Twilight said before clearing her throat and standing tall. "Dear...newcomers!" she began.

"Twilight. No," Spike groaned. "Plus, what if these are the ones that...started the fire?"

Twilight's excitement and anxiety dropped, her own expression having turned somber at the memory of fighting the blaze before the princess and her reinforcements had come to their rescue. "Well...then we'd ask. I'm sure it was an accident. Nopony would want to start a fire on purpose...right?"

Spike shrugged. "I dunno. I've met a few dragons who are jerks," he grumbled. "Besides, I think planning every little detail is overrated. I say we go with our gut."

Twilight shook her head. "We'll just have to agree to disagree, Spike. We need to let the others know of our situation. Can you finish preparing what we need? I have a list right here. I need to visit the girls," Twilight said as she levitated a note to Spike for him to read.

Spike gave off a quick salute. "I'm on it!" he declared.

"Good. I'll be back soon," Twilight said before she vanished in a flash of white and purple light, having teleported out of the room - likely out of the castle as well.

Spike looked down at the list before raising an eyebrow. "Ten inkwells? What's she trying to write, a novel?" he mumbled as he began to read off the list, making his way out of the room to start collecting what was needed.

- far far away -

The Atlas’s engines screamed as they approached the waves below. The massive war plane was tilted nose up, its large angular boat-shaped belly ready to land in the relatively calm waters on the East coast of some unknown land. The downward oriented jet engines underneath the wings tore up the waters as they flew overhead, slowly closing the distance between the plane and the water.

“We're about half a kilometer away from the land. Hull integrity nominal," an officer said.

Touching down in three. Two. One,” the Federation helmsman announced.

“Brace for impact!” the captain ordered. The Garuda-class carrier slammed into the water, violently shaking the craft. The internal bay of the craft rumbled, with crew members either strapped in to their crash seats, or simply holding on to any stable railing as hard as they could. The personal aboard the bridge of the Atlas gripped their seats or controls, with the captain herself holding tightly onto the command console in front of her.

In the Atlas’s main mobile suit bay stood several mobile suits, all of them safely secured in standing racks on either side of the bay. On the port side were six RMS-179 GM IIs, two RMS-108 Marasais, and two RMS-106 Hizacks in Federation blue colors. The starboard side of the mobile suit bay held an RGM-79SP GM Sniper II, two RGC-83 GM Cannon IIs, an RMS-108 Marasai, and two NRX-044 Asshimars. The last two storage racks on the starboard side of the Atlas’s main bay remained empty.

The storage and maintenance deck underneath the main mobile suit bay was full as well - not of mobile suits, but of all sorts of equipment. Weapons racks on the walls held over a dozen BR-87A and BOWA·BR-S-85-C2 Beam Rifles and a BOWA BR-S-85-L3 Sniper Beam Rifle, alongside 90mm GM Rifles and bullpup machine guns, 120mm Hizack machine guns, half a dozen BLASH HB-L-07/N-STD Hyper Bazookas, and a pair of 170mm mobile suit handheld cannons. Above the weapons were sets of shields, used by both the Hizack and GM line. Massive compartments full of magazines and energy capacitators were set up underneath the weapons racks.

Hanging above the racks from the ceilings were a dozen Base Jabbers secured in ceiling crane systems, alongside eight large shuttle boosters. Standing in the middle of the packed maintenance were two additional mobile suits in standing storage racks - two additional RMS-179 GM IIs with their armor panels opened up for maintenance. In front of the two mobile suits were a pair of RMV-1 Guntank IIs, their navy green color schemes dimmed by the lack of light in the lower deck.

The Atlas skidded on the water as its hover nozzles lowered their output - allowing the bottom of the craft to partially submerge until the aircraft was essentially skating on water. The ten sets of twin thermonuclear ramjets began to throttle down as well, the screams of the air intakes lowering into loud hums as the craft began to slow down, assisted by the water.

Minutes passed as the Atlas slowly crawled to a halt, effectively floating in the water a few hundred meters from the shore of the rather rocky lands near them. As the bridge crew recovered from the admittedly rough water landing, the captain exited her seat and brushed off her uniform. She was a middle aged woman in her mid thirties, with black hair of medium length and narrow green eyes. She was relatively tall, and she wore a pair of thin glasses on her face.

"Orders, captain?" the helmsman asked. The entire crew looked back to the woman, who simply closed her eyes for a second to breathe.

"Deploy Asshimars, reconnaissance only," she finally said. "We're going to find out exactly where the hell we are. I want maintenance checks on all mobile suits and weapons systems, and I want a full systems reboot on our power systems! We don't take off until everything's in optimal condition! And someone get me the quartermaster!" The bridge crew complied, prepping the bow catapult for mobile suit deployment.

The intercom rang loudly throughout the Atlas, with its crew of soldiers, pilots, and engineers stopping whatever they were doing in order to listen. "This is Captain Welles! All corpsmen, please have all personnel undergo medical checkups. Following that, I want all personnel prepped and ready for mobile suit deployment!" she ordered over the intercom.

As the Atlas's crew rushed into action - no one noticed what was going on outside the craft. As the Garuda-class Aerial Carrier floated in the now calmer waters near the coast, a small figure watched them from the rocks.

The young blue dragoness's eyes widened as she stared at the absolute behemoth close to the Dragon Lands. "...whoa..." she whispered.