• Published 17th Jun 2023
  • 3,427 Views, 116 Comments

Element of Balance - SamSwordsman123

What if Celestia had a son in Friendship is Magic? How would he fit into the story? Find out as he joins Twilight Sparkle and her friends on their journey.

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Chapter 25: Diamond Birthday

Author's Note:

Okay, here we are with the chapter that will be on Rarity's birthday. I looked that up and didn't find anything that was really solid. So I guess that's one of those things that is left up to the fans to decide since we never got a canon time period for Rarity's birthday. So I decided to have my version of that be in December. Enjoy and please review/comment.

Fire had a major talk with Rainbow Dash for her prank on Moondancer which had simply gone too far. She apologized for that at least and they both forgave her (after she did them a few favors). Then time just seemed to go by quickly as the holidays began to come upon them. Before that, they had something else to see to, one of Fire's friends, the most beautiful unicorn he had ever laid eyes on was having her birthday.

And she was taking it… well.

"Oh this is a disaster I just can't decide whether to have my party at the Boutique or Sugarcube Corner!" Rarity exclaimed dramatically. "The Boutique is the place of refinement I daresay! But Sugarcube Corner is perfect for Birthdays!"

"Aww! Come on you know you'll love the party, and not to mention the unlimited cupcakes all around you!" Pinkie Pie said joyously.

Twilight put a hoof on her fellow unicorn's shoulder. "You just think about it, Rarity. I'm sure you'll make the right choice."

"Do we really have to have formal attire?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, this is my party so I make the rules. Surely wearing something fabulous for a couple hours wouldn't kill you!" Rarity said.

"I would certainly say not!" Spike said as he looked at her with a heavy blush.

“But I’m still uncertain where to have it!” Rarity said.

"If you want Rarity, you can have your party at Warm Heart Tower," Fire suggested. "We got plenty of room in the entry hall. We could have a dance party with music. I'm sure Lyra Heartstrings can play her harp if I ask her."

“Oh, that sounds marvelous!” Rarity said walking over and giving him a hug. “Thank you, Prince Fire!”

“No problem,” Fire said returning the hug.

He made his way to Lyra’s house and knocked on the door. She soon answered.

“Hello Fire,” the green unicorn greeted.

“Hi Lyra,” Fire said. “I have a little favor to ask. Could you play some music at Warm Heart Tower tomorrow for a birthday?”

Lyra smiled. "I’d love to! Music is my special talent after all, especially when it comes to the harp.”

“I know,” Fire said looking at her cutie mark which was of a harp. “You were pretty good at school.”

“I’ll get the choir I joined here in town and we’ll head to Warm Heart Tower on the day,” Lyra promised.

“Thanks Ly,” Fire said.

“So, I heard you’re taking Moondancer to the Grand Galloping Gala,” Lyra said.

“Uh, yeah,” Fire replied.

“I actually managed to get a ticket!” Lyra told him excitedly. “Pretty expensive but it is the biggest party in Canterlot.”

“Good for you,” Fire said, hoping she would have a good night even if the party wasn’t usually that great. “Are you going on a date with somepony?”

“You could say that,” Lyra said looking over her shoulder at Bonbon who blushed.

Fire’s eyes widened a bit. “Oh, you two are together like that huh?”

“Yeah. I just… never felt a major attraction to stallions,” Lyra told him. “No offense. You were always pretty cool though.”

“None taken,” Fire replied. “We all have our preferences. Do what makes you happy Lyra.”

She nodded. “Thanks. So are you doing anything for Hearth’s Warming after this?”

“I’m going back home to Canterlot. Get to know my Aunt Luna better since I haven’t had the chance yet and I’ll be able to see Cadance as well.”

Lyra smiled at the mention of the princess of love. “She was always so nice when she visited us in Kindergarten. How is she?”

“Doing well from my last letter,” Fire said. “I’ll be seeing her soon since she’s due back in Canterlot just before Heath’s Warming so perfect timing.”

“Good, I’ll be heading back as well to see my family,” Lyra said.

“And I’ll be coming along,” Bonbon added putting a foreleg around the green unicorn who blushed.

Fire frowned at her. “Uh, are you sure that’s okay?”

“Huh?” Lyra asked. “Why wouldn’t it be? She’s coming to the gala”

“Everything’s fine,” Bonbon assured him. “Not a problem.”

Fire nodded in response.

“What are you talking about?” Lyra asked looking from her friend (or perhaps more than friend) to Fire. “Is there something I don’t know about?”

Fire looked at Bonbon. “I’ll leave that for you to decide, Bonbon. But if you two are gonna be together like that I think there shouldn’t be any secrets between you.”

The yellow Earth Pony clutched her teeth nervously as Lyra looked at her.

“What is he talking about?” Fire heard her ask as he left.

He walked back along the streets heading home, but couldn’t help thinking he was missing something as he did so.

“Hmm, what could I be forgetting?” Fire asked.

“Hey Fire!” a loud and silly voice called.

Fire was startled as Pinkie Pie seemed to appear out of nowhere.

“Hey Pinkie,” Fire greeted.

“Can I help you with getting the party ready?” the pink pony asked.

“Sure,” Fire said.

“I can handle the decorations and the cake! Rarity loves vanilla oat flavor, and I got her a few pink yarn balls she can use for either her fashion making or to play with her cat.”

At those words, Fire put his hoofs to his head. “By my mother! That’s what I’m missing! A present!”

He began to panic. “Oh what do I do? The party is tomorrow! I got to find something for her!

“Oh relax,” Pinkie said. “You’re getting yourself all fired up here! Get it? Cause you’re fire?”

Fire took a few deep breaths. “Yeah, I need to just be calm and not lose my head.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pinkie said. “You’re sure to find something special for Rarity.”

“Thanks Pinkie,” Fire said appreciatively. “Well, I’m off to find the perfect gift! You mind decorating my entry way for the party if I can’t make it?”

Pinkie smiled. “No problem!”

“Just tell the guards I sent you and you shouldn’t have a problem.”

“Got it!” Pinkie ran off to Warm Heart Tower.

Fire looked around Ponyville in various shops but found nothing there. He then flew to Canterlot and arrived as the sun was beginning. He wondered the shopping area of Canterlot. He’d looked at the jewelry stores in Ponyville, and while they had some decent craftsponyship there he knew the ones at Canterlot were the trusted royal jewelers. And a mare like Rarity deserved the best.

“What oh what to get her?” Fire asked himself.

He looked at the jewelry stores and dress shops, but Rarity had plenty of those from the dozen or so times he’d been in her boutique. A part of him wished he could find something grand enough for her to choose him instead of Blueblood.

He could imagine himself presenting the gift to Rarity in a box, she would open it and gasp before saying “Oh Fire! This is such a magnificent gift! I love it! I love... you! You are the most noble and gracious prince in Equestria! I'm sorry I ever liked Blueblood! You are a better prince and I want to marry you!

"Rarity..." Fire said in his fantasy and they leaned in to kiss each other.

Fire sighed as he returned to the real world of Equestria. "If only that could come true. But she's in love with Blueblood. Stil I can get her something she'll love."

Fire looked around and saw beds, couches and other things. But Rarity already had a number of those and wouldn't be in need of furniture for a while. But then, Fire saws something that made his mouth fall open. A number of vases that held a variety of sparkling jewels in the shape of flowers.

They came in several different colors. Rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. Fire looked at the sapphires which reminded him of Rarity’s eyes.

"Yes! That is perfect!" Fire said. “Flowers that will never wilt!”

He approached the counter and bought them. This would have cost any common pony a fair portion of their life savings, but Fire had the luxury of being a prince of Equestria with thousands of bits at his disposal. He went to the castle and got the money from the royal treasury and then returned to the shop. Finally, he had the perfect gift for the perfect mare.

The gift was wrapped in a gift box filled with bubble wrap to keep from breaking and then sealed with a blue ribbon. Fire took it in his magic then exited the shop. He spread his wings and flew back to Ponyville just in time for sundown. After a late dinner he went to bed, looking forward to what would come at the party tomorrow.


Rarity inspected herself in the mirror, she wore a blue dress with a swirling frosting like design. Her birthday dress that she’d made a couple years ago. She also wore her personal diamond party hat.

"Perfect," she told herself in approval. "Worthy of a princess on her birthday! And one day I will be one! When I marry… Blueblood."

She sighed, more and more her attraction toward Fire Sword was growing.

“Get ahold of yourself Rarity, Fire will be happy with Moondance and you’ll be happy with Blueblood!” she said. “Just a bit more time and the gala will be here. You’ll be able to put this behind me once you see your prince.”

She took a breath to compose herself and walked down the stairs of her home and out the front door, her head held high elegantly as she made her way to Warm Heart Tower, the cool winter breeze running over her body.

“Ooh a little chilly,” Rarity remarked. “But I do have a fur coat underneath. At least its not snowing for another week.”

She soon found herself at the prince’s home and found Lieutenant Vine Archer and another guard at the door.

“Welcome Miss Rarity,” the lieutenant said as he opened the door for her. “Happy birthday.”

“Thank you good sir,” she replied as she made her way.

She saw the decorations hung up in the form of banners holding her cutie mark as well as a happy birthday sign. Music played as she entered and Rarity saw the source of the music was Lyra Heartstrings and some other ponies. They played for only a few seconds and then-

“Happy Birthday!” all of her friends said as they surrounded her in a group hug.

“Thank you everypony!” Rarity said.

All of her friends had their outfits and party hats that matched their cutie marks. She then looked around for Fire and saw him on his throne, which was the first time she could recall him being there. He wore a red party hat with orange flames and swords on it, as well as well as a red suit and orange tie.

“As the prince of this tower, I declare this party is now… in full swing!” Fire said flapping his wings.

The girls al whooped in excitement. The choir began to play beautiful music and the first event Rarity had wanted began. A dance party.

Fire approached her and offered his hoof.

“May I have this dance my fair unicorn?”

She smiled at him, “You certainly may, my handsome alicorn!”

Rarity took his hoof and they took the center of the entry way that for the party served as the dance floor. They twirled and spun, Rarity’s hoofs on Fire’s neck and his on her waist, just as they had during the Nightmare Night party at the Rich family house. Twilight and the others did their own group dancing for the most part except for Applejack and Grand Garden who were awkwardly dancing as partners as well.

“Ow!” Grand said as Applejack accidently stepped on his hoof.

“Oops! Sorry Grand!” Applejack said to her… Rarity wasn’t sure what they were at the moment. They’d gone on a couple more dates but weren’t official as far as she knew yet. Maybe in time though.

“Its alright Applejack,” Grand said.

They danced for a good half hour and did a variety of other party activities afterwards, such as pony train where the birthday pony walked in the lead with the others following. Rarity blushed as she felt Fire’s hooves on her hind legs near her flank while Twilight came up behind him, followed by Fluttershy, and so on.

They ate the cake with Rainbow Dash lifting some to throw at Fire and start a food fight. But recalling the makeover she’d gotten in retaliation from both him and Rarity, she lowered her hoof at their mutual glare.

“No ruffian behavior at my party!” Rarity said. “Or you’ll be missing a few feathers in your wings.”

“I think I’ll permit a little rough housing at mine,” Fire said.

“I’ll be sure to remember that!” Rainbow Dash said.

They ate their fill of cake. Finally the time came for Rarity to open her presents. She got a red bandanna with green apples on it from Applejack.

“Just in case you wanted something appropriate to wear when you might help me on the farm. Though that’s a pretty rare occurrence for you Rarity,” Applejack said. “Whoa, didn’t mean to make that a rhyme.”

“Thank you, Applejack,” Rarity said with a nod. “And yes that is correct. I believe that time when you were working yourself to near death was the only time I ever helped on your farm. But if you really need my help, I’ll be there.”

“Thanks. But unless Big Mac hurts himself I think I’ll be good. Still, best to be prepared,” Applejack said.

Twilight got Rarity a book on ancient Equestria fashion and decoration making.

“One of the few remaining original copies,” Twilight said.

“Thank you Twilight,” Rarity said as she forced a smile looking at the rather old book.

Fluttershy got her a fresh set of sewing pins.

“Oh good, mine are getting old and in need of replacing,” Rarity said.

Rainbow’s gift was a Wonderbolts shirt.

“For when I become a Wonderbolt so you can look like a real fan!”

“I shall cheer loudly,” Rarity promised. “For you Rainbow Dash.”

Next came Pinkie’s gift of a sketch book.

“I know you like to draw the outfits you make before you make them,” Pinkie said.

“Thank you, this will be quite useful,” Rarity agreed before turning to the last present.

Lighting up her horn, Rarity pulled blue ribbon off of the red box, pulled the item out, and unwrapped the protective packaging.

She gasped as she beheld the sapphire flowers. “Oh this is beautiful Fire! I love it!” Rarity said as she hugged him. “Flowers that I can look at forever!

“Thought you would,” Fire said returning the hug. “They may require a little cleaning now and then but they’ll never wilt.”

“You are such a wonderful friend and prince,” Rarity said as she kissed him on the cheek.

Fire blushed. Everypony else watched with smiles. Though one dragon frowned.

“Thank you everypony for a wonderful party with my friends!” Rarity said looking around. “You are the best friends a pony can ask for.”

They all smiled hearing that. Rarity gathered her presents and gave the remains of her cake to the choir.

“Thank you for a wonderful performance,” she told Lyra as she levitated a piece to her. “Enjoy this on me!”

“Thank you Rarity,” Lyra accepted the cake and took a bite of it along with the other members.

Rarity turned back to her friends. “I will see you all soon. For now I must prepare to join Sweetie Belle and our parents for their birthday appointment with me.”

“Bye Rarity!” Fire said. “Enjoy the rest of your birthday!”

“I will,” she said as she made her way out elegantly.

Twilight then looked at Fire. “This was a great party Fire.”

“You can thank Pinkie Pie for putting it all together since I had to hunt down a gift for Rarity at the last minute,” Fire said gesturing to the decorations.

“See you later Grand,” Applejack waved.

“Bye, my sweet Apple,” Grand said with a wink.

Applejack chuckled at that. “Ah shucks you… uh… Heart Digger?”

Might not have been the best come back. But it worked for Grand. The two maids of Warm Heart Tower began to clean everything up while the five other mares began their walk home, Spike following.

“Fire and Rarity seriously need to get together,” Rainbow Dash whispered to Applejack who nodded. “Its so obvious they like each other, yet they don’t know they both do.”

“Fire did kinda set me up with Grand,” Applejack said. “Maybe its my turn to return the favor?”

“You know what’s coming up right?” Rainbow asked.


“Hearth’s Warming Eve!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah, so?”

“So you know what they have at Heath’s Warming?”

“Gifts and lots of food?” Applejack guessed.

“That, and mistletoe!” Rainbow reminded her.

Applejack frowned. “I thought you would have learned your lesson after that prank on Moondancer!”

“Aww come on. This is to help them!” Rainbow Dash said.

“I’m in!” Pinkie said. “Maybe if they kiss they’ll realize they’re right for each other.”

“Leh,” Spike stuck his tongue out.

“But what about Moondancer and Prince Blueblood?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well sure Moondancer might be hurt but she can probably find another stallion,” Rainbow said. “And Blueblood’s never even met Rarity before so he probably wouldn’t care!”

“But what if it doesn’t work out?” Fluttershy asked. “What if they break up so badly and are mad at each other?

“That kind of thing happens in love,” Pinkie Pie said. “Even among family.”

“Girls, I think it would be best if we just stay out of this,” Twilight tried to reason before Rainbow could answer. “We can’t force love! Sure they fancy each other but these things take time.”

“They’ve taken a lot of time already!” Rainbow Dash said. “They need a little push or they’re gonna remain unaware of the other liking them and waste a bunch of time with the wrong pony!”

The only one not joining in the conversation of possibly helping the two love ponies get together was Spike who frowned.

“We’ll see if I can get a kiss from Rarity on Hearth’s Warming,” Spike declared to himself. “Just get myself under the mistletoe with her and I’ll have my dream come true!”