• Published 26th Sep 2012
  • 9,468 Views, 65 Comments

A Place To Relax - Sweet Tale

  • ...

What's This?

"Thank goodness for that..."

Princess Celestia slumped back in her throne, worn out to the core, after meeting with every pony who had an issue. Day court could be a right hassle at times but ever since the changeling invasion, the amount of visitors had doubled.

It had been months since her emergency teleportation to Earth. Months since meeting Jason and gaining a true friend. They had both kept in touch via scrolls and had been talking about how their lives are progressing.

"I need another vacation..." Celestia mumbled. She thought back to that day when she met the human and saw how the world had changed. She closed her eyes, re-living the scene in her mind.

'One day I'll go back...one day.'

"Sister, are you OK?"

A familiar voice snapped her out of her thoughts and gathered her attention. "Wha? Oh, sorry Luna. I was...thinking." she said, drifting off again.

"Hmm, very well. Another group of subjects wish to see you. Shall I let them in?" Luna asked.

"Of course." Celestia got to her feet and stood up straight.


"Oh for goodness sake, not again!" A clasp on Celestia's breastplate had snapped, causing her armor to fall to the floor with an almighty boom, echoing around the room. "Luna, can you please ascend to my chambers and fetch a spare clasp?"

Throught stifled giggles, Luna managed to respond. "Uh...ha...*snigger*...of course Sister." Luna quickly departed the throne room. Celestia swore she could hear echoed laughter emitting from the hallway.

Celestia looked down at her body and prodded it with one of her forehooves, looking worried. "It couldn't be...could it?" she muttered, thinking about all of her late night snacking adventures into the royal kitchen. She stomped her hoof in defiance. "No. I'm in perfect shape!" she stated with pride.


Luna had reached her sister's chambers and began to search her room for the golden clasp. She searched high and low, in drawers and cabinets but it was not to be found.

"Confound it clasp, where are you?"

Luna searched under the bed, in her sister's personal belongings, everywhere. Whilst she was under the bed, an unmistakeable sound emitted, catching the lunar Princess' attention. She rose from under the bed and looked upon it, where a rolled up scroll was sitting.

"Hmm...should I?" Luna had opened her sister's messages before and was never moaned at for said action. Although she knew it was a bit wrong, she levitated the scroll and opened it up.

Dear Celestia,

Sorry I haven't written to you in a while - work has been hectic! Dave is giving expecting me to cover for more people again and again so I'm run ragged at the moment. Sarah said I should find a new job but I don't know...

Speaking of Sarah, she is away at her parent's on the upcoming weekend and I have space at the cottage. If you are free, would you like to visit? I could really appreciate the company and I'd love to see you again.

Also, there's a big online game happening and I could use your support!

All the best
Jason x

Luna processed what she had just read and re-read it again. "Jason...that's the human that Tia was talking to me about." She brought a hoof to her chin and pondered her thoughts.

'He sounds like a nice gentlecolt but...why should Tia have all the fun?'

A smile spread itself across her face. She rolled the scroll back up and levitated it close to her. Soon after, she found the elusive clasp and made her way back to the throne room, to a relieved Celestia.

"Ah Luna, you found the clasp. Thank you so much." she beamed. Celestia levitated the clasp and attached it to the fallen breastplate, then levitating it onto her body and locking it into place. "Wonderful, that feels much--" Celestia spots the floating scroll. "Oh, is that a message for me?"

Luna levitated the scroll to her sister and gave a worried look. "Yes it is. I kind of...read it already."

"Not to worry dear sister." Celestia unrolled the scroll and began reading. "Hmm...I see." The sound of shuffling hooves caught Celestia's attention. "Something troubling you Luna?" Luna focused her gaze on the floor.

"Um...well, I wanted to ask...can...can I..." she stuttered.

"Can you what?"

Luna breathed in heavily and looked up at her elder sister. "CAN I GO WITH YOU?! PLEASE!"

*A/N* - Just a little extra chapter. I thought long and hard about this and came to a decision. It's not going to be up for a while but I've made my choice.

You wanted a sequel? You got it!