• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,629 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Nightmare Night (Halloween special)

Author's Note:

A little holiday chapter for this month, Happy Halloween/Nightmare night 🎃🌎 :twilightsmile:


12:30 PM, ETZ, and somehow I, and Gold Star have already made ourselves at home, for now, while some slouching was involved It kind of makes me miss the time I was in the army, but since we've been both suspended from the military we were confused on what to do next.

And as much as I would miss serving, it had actually turned out to be a benefit since we get to see a good eye amount of Equestria's technology and their lifestyle and how these ponies lived far this is what I have gotten.

Equestria's civilian technology is very decent compared to ours and is steadily growing, just one thing about it is that they are very outdated with weapons, especially when you look at what type of weapons they are using, sure the royal guard may pride themselves in using "the most modernized weapon in the world" when in reality they can't fare against a single firearm.

Of course, being allies I'm sure we can help them adapt with their arsenal, though after asking some locals including the four human locals (I think there are four) they all disagree with the ideals of war and conflict, except for the fourth one who is an old man who lives in an old run-down house at the near end of Ponyville.

Everyone else is against war and would riot if Equestria suddenly waged war on an innocent country so that's good to know that they wouldn't start wars without starting an internal one of their own.

But keeping that logic in mind in case we did have a war with Equestria. (Hope to creator not) I've been writing down my studies on the table where Gold Star and I were having coffee time in the castle, it's still nice that Twilight is letting us stay here until our suspension is up, but I kind of feel like a freeloader.

And of course, they've also suspended me and my friend's payment (great...) So hopefully this suspension doesn't take long or-

"Do you always have to write everything in that journal of yours?" Gold Star asks, sipping his coffee.

"It's not a journal it's a memoir, big difference!" I replied.

"Yeah well your writing is kinda disturbing me, and my coffee, I would prefer complete silence rather than scribbling," Gold Star retorted.

"Heh, at least I wasn't the only one pulverized by the sight of that bright Chandelier, lord above I can feel my eyes melt inside of my eyes," I reminded.

"Oh I remember, and I can take us back right now."

"Nah nah nah... No thank you, I swear it's as if they put anti-human repellent in there because every time I enter my eyes just fucking burn! Hell, they even burn when I think about it!" I ranted.



"Hmph. And I thought my eyes were sensitive, seems that you have it worse when it comes to something simply bright to a... Chandelier?"

"This one in particular man, out of all Chandeliers I never thought this one would be my match," I further ranted.

"Well, until we're unsuspended I guess you'll just have to avoid the map room," Gold Star suggests.

"Yeah I guess your right," I answered.

It was then that Twilight entered the dining room where I and Gold Star had been relaxing, and it seemed that she was wearing some sort of... Costume of some royal guard? Hold on a minute what?

"Hey, I hope I ain't disturbing you two," she apologized.

"It's fine as if we have anything better to do."

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked.

"Eh, that's just Yates being Yates, you would usually see us out there doing usual patrols and... Working around the base, but recently we've both kinda questioned our very existence sitting here bored out of our minds, I know that you must've had cases like these once, what did you do?" Gold Star asked.

"Well, when it came to my friends we would do something fun together, although in your case you only have each other," Twilight pointed out.

"Hey, you know we ain't mares or stallions, (except for Gold Star) you can't possibly have me try to find other people to befriend with and expect them to have the same common interest you'd want."

"And that common interest would be?" Twilight asked, and I replied by pointing at the military rank patch attached to my jacket.

"Oh... I see that, but don't you have friends back at your base?" She asked.

"Heh, to Gold Star he's might popular with some of the guys, but me on the other hand I'm considered an outsider outcast to these men, which it's fine, did the same to a military soldier who transferred to the Statcom before I was transferred here," I added.

"And... What happened to the soldier you mentioned?" She asked.

"Well, I don't know, either A he cracked up under the pressure of being watched so much that he quit the army, or option B, requested a transfer from his transfer."


" Or he went with C being adapted into the division and became friends with the commander, HA! As if that can ever happen without being picked on one or two times," I chuckled.

"And how many times have you been picked on?" Twilight asked.

"None, because I am a high rank in the base with the ability to court martial those below me, for the right reasons obviously," I answered.

"Then wouldn't that mean you would be heading to perhaps like you say with option A?" She smirked.

"I- Hey! Don't try to turn my words on me just because I ain't that relatable on base, besides most of the time I've been sweating my ass off trying to lead and work with the men we didn't have time to mess around on base, in the middle of a foreign territory, several miles from said territories capitol in the middle of nowhere, you think you know military here princess!" I paused, trying to catch my breath over my continued rant, and continued. "But trust me when I say that when you are ordered to do it you are expected to do it... If you don't then everyone knows that the HRs will. Fuck. You. Good!"

As I turned back to my book writing all of that Twilight was jerking herself back surprised at my anger-filled speech, no I wasn't angry, I was livid.

As she looked at Gokd Star who was even surprised as well in my response he silently shrugged, no sound was heard and that was good for me, until 30 seconds later when Gold Star cleared his throat.

"*Ahem* anyways, now that we're off that sensitive topic, why are you wearing a star swirl the bearded costume in the middle of October? Halloween is like 2 days away isn't it?" Gold questioned.

"Well, not really, unlike your home nation which celebrates Halloween we celebrate Nightmare Night," introduced Twilight.

"Excuse me, Nightmare wah?"

"OH! That's right, every year two days before Humarica's Halloween celebration, Equestria celebrates Nightmare Night to remind them of what Luna was, basically the same thing as Halloween, only the purpose of Jack o' Lanterns here is to keep Luna from transforming into Nightmare Moon," Gold Star explained.

"And what is it keeping what exactly from making Luna turn into a destructible being?" I asked.

"Well, simple, I don't know."

"It's kind of to fend off the spirits that seek to transform Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon, although it's only a filly's bedtime story tale everypony had kept up with the traditional ways," Twilight added.

"That is literally what Halloween is, and how it originated from, and I'm not interested," I grunted.

"It's not like that at all, I bet I can show you that it's not Humarican Halloween, you'll be impressed!" Twilight babbled, intimidating me with those puppy eyes, I can't believe I'm about to say this...

"Alright... Probably going to be a mistake."

"Trust me, it won't at all!" Twilight replied, lighting her horn and teleporting us out of the room. (I hope Gold Statr didn't spill his coffee on my Memoir).

Meanwhile in the Pentagon

General MacArthur after having to bathe himself for days after the arrest warrants were sent out, had been forced by Uncle Sam to recall them.

With the sudden death of Reid General MacArthur took the reigns of the military branch, and after the incident of what he did, he was convinced that there were some limits that he would need to be careful about.

So after tearing the arrest warrants and throwing them into the fire, he got to work on creating military strategies to hopefully enhance victory chances for the American army, however, upon making a copy of Patton's old tactics that the man himself used in the Human-Crystal war, his secretary arrived with documents.

"Mr. Salveron, I assume you have what I need?" MacArthur queried.

"Yes sir I did sir, along the way though I was given this document here," Salveron said, placing the specific document on MacArthur's desk.

"According to written FIU reports, they detected a signal from Parsley so they sent in two agents to investigate the area," Salveron briefed.

"Uhuh... Sounds like a long-range signal, who transmitted it, the Thestrians?" The General asked, sipping his coffee.

"Umm... Surprisingly it's actually the Resistance in Parsley," replied the secretary which nearly caused MacArthur to spit out his coffee before he swallowed it and shook his head.

"Resistance? In Parsley? Thestria is actually weakening?" MacArthur spoke amazed at the discovery.

"Yes sir, also President Reagan and Congress had jointly agreed to tear the treaty with Thestria," informed Salveron.

"Proof?" MacArthur asked.

"All in the document, page 5," replied Salveron, as the general flipped through the pages and read.

"After further examination of the war situation in South Humarica, President Reagan, and members of Congress unanimously voted to tear the treated, at 4:30 PM as of today, the act will go into effect, enabling us to intervene against Thestria," Huh, how about it, but what about Thestria's modernized equipment?" The General asked.

"Well, that's something you've got to investigate yourself, sir," Salveron replied.

"Right, then here's what we'll do, invite members from the Institute Study of War, and some military officers, I think it's about time we start probing these bat bastards and their technological supremacy," MacArthur ordered.

"Yes sir."

Meanwhile back in Ponyville.

Twilight's friends were assisting the other ponies in setting up a festival for Nightmare Night.

"That should be enough apples to cover for a town-size party, nothin' like a good ol' snack for the fellers'" Applejack stoked.

"Well as much as you are with your apples, I'm here to make this place a fashion paradise! Olivia darling, can you fetch me the decorations sitting on the table please," Rarity requested.

"Sure can Rarity," replied Olivia, as she grabbed the decoration and held it over to Rarity which she then hovered it above her face.

"Okay, so far from the number of apples here I believe there are hundreds here, quite enough for the town don't you think?"

The person counted is named Dean Kenneth, a black-colored skin human who is a resident of Ponyville.

His family were supporters of the Apple family during the Pear-Apple tussle which spanned almost half of Ponyville's land, they supported the Apple family economically and physically, although they did try to mediate once by starting a cotton farm before they received a lot of letters from blacks all over Humarica's being offended.

So they disbanded the cotton farm and instead used the land for apples which inevitably kicked the Pears out of Ponyville and into Vanhoover, or that's what Dean's family believed anyway.

But Dean continued his family legacy by supporting the apple family, tending to Granny, and even helping Applejack and Big Macintosh in farming, although he kind of struggled at times the siblings would help Dean out a bit on how to tend the farm.

But most of the time he only hauled apples and at times helped pick the apples from the trees.

Here at the festival, he is currently keeping the apples sorted out while also preventing Big Mac from forgetting the arrangements and preventing the deliveries from mixing up. (Something that may be useful for future reasons)

"Phew, glad to hear that Dean, and the cider?" Applejack asked.

"Currently being brewed, but surely it'll be quick, (hopefully)"

"Ah' think it'll be made in time, speaking of which, where's Rainbow Dash?"

"Last I heard she was on 'weather duty' though I think it's a lousy excuse don't you think?" Dean wondered.

"Lazy isn't really something to describe entirely for the gall, but it is somewhat a description for her," Applejack shrugged.

It was then that Twilight, Gold Star, and I teleported in the middle of the festival setup which was being made and decorated in the town square, interestingly I didn't think Ponyville had such a festival, other than Canterlot though last I heard Luna and Celestia were heading to a secret meeting in South Humarica, (wonder who they're meeting I wonder?)

Gold Star looked around and smelled in the autumn wind like the "earth pony" he is, while I stood there blankly not expecting any difference with Nightmare Night.

Like seriously! Why not just adopt the name we give to Halloween and not call it something else, I mean holy hell! Griffons have the blue moon celebration, Equestria here has hearts warming eve, the hippogriffs in Zebrica have some sort of traditional thing, AND WE HAVE FUCKING CHRISTMAS ON OUR CONTINENT!

Of course, the only exception that is the tradition of the December 25th is the same tradition, but different meaning, Equestria celebrates it in commemoration of the Hearts warming eve war which united the three tribes (plus one) against the Windigo's, Blue moon, on the other hand, is well, just the day when the griffon species were created, as for Christmas on our continent, it celebrates the birth of the chosen one who isn't my great grandfather, but the son of the creator who died for our sins, but in the lines with meanings I can understand, BUT NIGHTMARE NIGHT AND HALLOWEEN ARE THE FUCKING SAME THING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Of course with dates being separate.

I am seriously losing my mind over this.

"Welcome back Twilight, did you get the carrots?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight answered by using her magic to levitate the carrots to Fluttershy.

"All here," Twilight smiled, looking around astonished at what her friends had made. "This is going to be a great festival! I hope Luna can be able to see this!"

Unfortunately, the mares cringed at that statement, which grabbed Twilight's attention.

"Ummm... Twilight... Luna..."

"Luna isn't coming to the festival, she's heading to Thestria!" Pinkie Pie interjected, bringing out the cake as Twilight slowly took off her Starswirl hat shakingly and said.

"Everypony leave except for AJ, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy..."

Upon her request, everyone, (including me and Gold Star) in the vicinity entered inside of the town hall where we patiently waited for what was to come as the last pony slammed the door closed.


"Thestria is a nation in humarica-"


"It's probably because of that bad old baddy war over there?"



*Sobbing sounds*

"It's okay, at least you aren't there," said some random pony, as I rolled my eyes and tried to look for a pack of gum, of course, I didn't find gum other than my phone.

"Huh, I thought I left this at base?" I said to myself, before also reminding myself that I did because how else did Alex text me, or bring me to him?

And before I was going drift my mind to blank land I suddenly had a lightbulb of an idea.

"Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me, pardon, pardon," I repeated, as I reached the door I opened it, and the 5 mares were walking around figuring out whether they should cancel the party or postpone it.

"Excuse me, princess, if I'm being a butt (as if I was this morning) but didn't you want to show Princess Luna the festival?" I abbreviated.

"Well of course I did! Me and Luna planned this festival all year!" Twilight answered.

"Perhaps I can help you by taking a picture with my phone," I insisted.

"Why? It's just a modified thing-of-a-jig made to call and take pictures," Applejack said. "Not to mention, what would be different about taking photos with this new age camera and this here old camera?"

"Well, since Luna and Celestia are with our diplomat heading to Thestria I can text the pictures to him, and have him show them to Luna," I pointed out.

"But what about the security that this man has?" Rarity questioned.

"Don't worry, we were training buddies back on the first day of training, we go way back, and we've also helped each other, plus he owes me a favor so win-win for everyone here of course unless you want to wait a week princess? Which I doubt this setup would last a single storm," I further insisted.


"Hey guys I'm back!" Rainbow Dash entered, landing on the ground, cracking her neck left and right while being met by an annoyed Applejack who looked at RD dead in her eye. "So... What did I miss?"

White house party

As the celebration was in process Ronald Reagan with the help of the white house servants hosted a party for the congressmen and the civilians both high and low class to raise a fundraise for the needy in Argendina.

The purpose of this party is to raise awareness and grab the public attention on what is going on in Argendina and the war crimes being committed by Thestria, ranging from civilian executions to kidnapping. (Although one fact overlooked on Argendina is that they have been using PMCs in the frontline).

The refreshments served are beverages such as Lemonade, wine, and some burger, which is personally made by the President.

Governor Huey Long meanwhile, was sitting with the reserved Democrat row which was surprising to be more supportive of the president recently, despite the Jimmy Carter incident just last year, of course when his party failed to potentially become the first independent party since George Washington he hoped for the best of Reagan.

In the end, it would seem that Hope is doing exceedingly well since Reagan abolished and overruled Uncle Sam's martial law order, and even pressured him to reopen the Democratic party.

And now, the Governor of the State of Louis sits on a lawn chair eating a burger made directly by the president of the United States whom he had rivaled.

While refreshments were being placed the House Speaker of Congress got up stage and said.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this year was quite eventful today as the president had been busy at work when I first met the President I thought to myself "Man, he has a lot of work ahead of him" but you know, who to say he hasn't accomplished a lot of things within one year, so I won't bore you much with details but I would like to point out the said accomplishments he has made the past two years of his term.

First, he has blown us away with establishing military ties with Equestria ending the thousand-year feud that every president had tried to reverse for ages."

In a moment of pause interrupting sounds of clapping are heard all over the White House gardens with some whistling and some cheering, the speaker continues.

"Second, he has successfully enforced many military operations within Zebrica, with reports stating that the Z.I.T.S. had been crushed, and more ponies captured in this horrendous war had now returned safe home to their families here and the Equestria!"

Again, more people clapped for the achievement and the speaker caught a glimpse of the president nodding his head giving him a signal to go ahead and announce the more significant news.

"You may or may have not heard on the news today, but I'll give you an explanation, yesterday at 12:30 in the morning in a secret session hosted by Congress, the Republican, independent, and Democratic parties had all agreed to unanimously call for the tearing of the Batanero treaty, this treaty was signed illegally between ex-president Bucannon and the Thestrial ruler which called for the US to restraint military operation in South Humarica and to reduce contact with Equestria, this treaty since had somehow been overlooked by the congressmen of the past with some even hiding the existence of the treaty to the presidents, well today, I hold here this treaty," the speaker appears to show what looked like a perfectly preserved piece of paper with the old signature handwriting of Bucannon and the Thestrian rule as he stepped off the stage and hovered the treaty over open flames. "And now, as of today, this treaty no longer validates towards us, because WE AMERICAN'S! ARE PROTECTORS OF THIS CONTINENT! NOT THE COMMUNIST! AND NOT THE THESTRIALS! US ONLY, AND ONLY US!"

As the crowd cheered the speaker dropped the treaty into the fire burning thousands of years of history into a bowel of fire Reagan sighed at the achievement as he could now retake control of South Humarica under his influence again.

"Thank you! And Creator bless America!"

"That's nice John," said Reagan. "Now who wants hot dogs before they get cold in this weather."


In the land of Yakyakistan laid the town named, well Yakistown the home of the Yaks where their species are very... Communicative...

Anyways, on the barren land with the town being the source of civilization, lies on the left is a Rodinian military base.

The base stands as Prince Rutherford's objective to end Yakyakistan's century-long isolation from the outside world with the objective to bring attention to the major powers of the world in a peaceful approach, rather than being the violent selves when it came to something like this the Yaks had been visited once by Pinkie Pie during the Soviet construction of the base.

Commander of this base is Captain Ogav, after being dismissed from the 134th motor-rifle division and transferred to the base he hasn't really been himself since with military officials continuing to turn down his RNR request.

That is because the base he is overseeing is a test rig for new military equipment not announced by the Red Mother, and with the signed agreement between Prince Rutherford and the Red Mother to joint testing assistance.

The treaty states that Yakyakistan and its people may abide to keep the Rodinian weapon experiments secret until the announcement of said weapons, but without hindrance in Rutherford's advancement he has gained contact with Equestria despite the incidences where the mane 6 keeps offending him, and his diplomatic team he however, is yet to negotiate with the biggest powerhouse in the world.

The Federation of American States.

But turning away from this topic, the base Ogav commands are equipped with AKMs, RPG-30s, PKMs, and any other arms that the Rodinian troops use.

As for the vehicles, the only vehicle that guards the base is the BTR-4s from the Omarian 10th Light Armor company which was formally based in North Stalliongrad before being transferred to the base.

The experimental vehicles are...

The BMP-3:

The BTR-90:


And a vehicle to combat against America's Humvee and to replace the outdated jeep, The Tigr.

The base in question is codenamed "Crimea" which apparently has no significance as it has no meaning, (I guess I could say the same for putting a base in the nearest nowhere possible).

It was not an eventful day, as Halloween to Rodinia was nothing but a capitalist excuse for children to become fat in candy.

But of course, since the men at the base all pulled out cases of Vodka and started a party, among them were their superior officers who did the same as they sang songs that would usually be used for December or November months, while most of them sung the unofficial anthem of Rodinia.

Rodina Moya:

Ogav meanwhile as everyone sang, was sitting on his desk looking at the images of his adopted daughter and his dead parents wondering... When will he go home..?


Rommel stood over the balcony that watched over the city of the changelings, wondering how the insects had created such a city using only barbaric hives.

And yet survived this long in the barren wasteland with no farms, and no desire to eat other than the love they feast from their neighbors.

And yet as he stood towering over those below him he could hear the sounds of gunfire below him as his men carried out executions on mass scales to put an end to the espionage tree that aimed at overthrowing his client, Queen Chrysalis, with her written authority the orders are given to the men to dismantle the espionage trees through whatever methods are necessary, and so far over 20 had died in suspicion of being spies of a now crushed rebellion.

When Rommel received reports that Changeling rebels attempted to cross the Equestrian border before being stabbed and executed on the spot by Equestrian officials, a funny irony in Rommel's mind since Equestria is supposed to be based on "Friendship and harmony" but it seems that this does truly confirmed Chrysalis's theory that Equestria is out to commit ethnic cleansing on the Changeling race.

Behind him a door opened and one of his men entered the balcony room, stomping his feet in a salute.

"Höchst Allgemein! Message from the North and Southern armies," purported the soldier, as he handed Rommel the letter from the frontline commanders.

"Well..." Rommel Read. "It would seem that the rebels have surrendered.

"What should their term be sir?" Asked the soldier, as Rommel turned the page back and wrote his response and then tore it off from his notebook.

"Send this to the commanders, in exchange for the leadership we will allow Changeling resistance fighters to roam free under military supervision, and inform Chrysalis that at 13:00 hours we must speak on an immediate plan of action," Rommel ordered, as another soldier entered the room.

"Yes, commandant!" Replied the messenger soldier, leaving the room and switching with the trooper who stood in front of the Supreme General.

"Höchst Allgemein, you have a visitor who wishes to see you and our client, sir," informed the soldier.

"Inform the visitor that he'll need to wait for the meeting that is in 2 hours-"

"Sir, it's a female pony," replied the soldier, catching Rommel off guard by the statement.

"Female pony you say? Is it an informant?" He asked.

"No sir, we have no idea of her presence, she claims she could topple the Crystal Empire with her plan," informed further the soldier.

"Hmm... She has intrigued me indeed, what is her name?" Rommel asked.

"Radiant Hope."

Crystal City

Nothing like the Crystals in a city, a miraculous place especially for Equestria's version of trick or treating, oh look Holt is giving out some candy to the foals, hey look I think that's Patton saying-

"HOLT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Patton scolded, as Cadence was walking by the base gate when she noticed the general cussing his man out while Holt stood there smiling as if he loved being scolded.

Which he weirdly does for some reason.

But to Cadence on the other hand didn't think so, so she intervened and entered the base despite the MPs guarding it.

"Excuse me general, what exactly are you mad at him for to warrant so much yelling?" She asked, which Patton could go 360 degrees with his neck.

"Excuse me? You dare try to question my authority! Drop and do 50 push ups COME ON GET ON WITH IT DAMMIT I DON'T GOT ALL NIGHT!"

Immediately out of confusion Cadence dropped to the ground and did a amount of push ups up and down before hearing crystal foals chuckling at the princesses foolishness which she realizes that she's been tricked, bamboozled.

And got up on her four hooves and shook her head.

"General, I'm not your soldier I'm your regional head, I have authority to have your division ship and pack up back to the continent where you and your men belong, but I do not wish to do that, so please explained why your were yelling at your man?"

"Hi," said Holt.

Patton sighed in aggravation and placed his fingers rubbing against his eyes.

"First of all, MRE's is not candy, it's meals that are specifically prepared for when we have to fight, and Corporal here had been passing them down thinking it was candy... (Again) So if you have a solution please provide one, otherwise get out of my base," Patton pressured.

"You know, I could just give Holt some candy to pass out?" Cadence said as a solution, which Patton, who was tired as hell because of the night, shook his head and replied.

"Whatever, just don't make a mess in my base, it's kitchen duty for you two!" Patton warned.

"Umm... Okay?"

Patton then saluted, yawned, and went about his buisness onto bed, while Cadence cordially invited Holt with her to pass some candy to the Crystal foals.

The ride to Batanero

The helicopter transporting the diplomat, and the princesses are nearing their destination towards Rio Batanero for the negotiation.

Of course with the princesses onboard unannounced to the bat ponies, Luna sat down looking out of the window at the open sunset as the sun slowly descended down as Celestia appeared behind her with her horn lit with the yellow glow surrounding it adjusting the sun's solar position halfway in the horizon and then letting it drop down on it's own.

"It's a shame that you had to miss this year's Nightmare Night celebration, you didn't have to go," Celestia spoke in a soft voice.

"It's... It's been so long Tia, Ever since the day of my banishment I left my own subjects to miserable punishments they've never deserved and yet they were left unchecked, because of my action I'm sitting here wondering what in great Faust should I do! My return had shown no symbolism to my subjects, and now the biggest nation of the southern continent is now waging war on its neighbors!" Luna expressed, as Celestia inhaled and placed her hoof under Luna's chin.

"It wasn't your fault for leaving the subjects defenseless for all these years... I should've taken on your responsibilities for the last thousands of years, even if the subjects had revolted against my will I should've done what needed to be done, it was entirely my fault Lulu... For everything, for the years, and for being the source of the abuse committed towards your subjects, your subjects shouldn't have gone through these things, and yet even in peacetime I've forgotten your ponies, and I've allowed my subjects to forget your name in the past years... All I am trying to say Lulu is... I am sorry," Celestia then retracted her hoof from Luna's chin as the two locked eyes on each other in silence.

"Tia... I..."

In the moment diplomat James came inside of the room with a mayonnaise sandwich in his mouth when he stumbled upon the two that were having an emotional moment.

"Uhhh... Sh-should I go?" He asked.

"It's alright, it is your ride after all," Luna said.

"I mean, if it's fine I-"


"Gimme a moment," he said, in which he grabbed out his phone and looked at the messages.

"Ah Yates, 'been a while old friend' and sent!"

He sent a response to my message which I then posted about the Festival.

"Huh, hey Princess Luna, do you still care about Nightmare Night?" He asked.

"Of course, I do, why do you ask?" She wondered.

"Well, a good old friend named Yates just sent me a picture which I think you may like," the diplomat said, as he showed the widened version of the picture Luna felt her heart tugged and warm as she looked at the image.

"You know Tia... I think I might have an idea of how we can get my subjects to accept our way of harmony," Luna smiled.

"How so?" Celestia asked with a smile.

"It may be a bit harsh, but given enough authority I'm sure we can get them to realize the mistakes made, even if it means rooting out this corruption," Luna spoke determined as she looked back at the image she saw with Twilight and her friends and the festival set up.