• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,630 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Our town Crisis


"I hope you enjoy your outfit courtesy of me and Olivia," Rarity said.

"Yes... Thank you very much, until then let's keep in touch okay?" Yuri sarcastically grinned, and then frowned after turning his back.

"Great! Until we meet ta ta!" Rarity waved to the severely annoyed Yuri as he had to go through the suffering of fashion measuring and polish.

But on the bright side at least he got what he came for and that was to get a disguise... But dammit! He didn't even ask a single question on Twilight's powers and abilities, though then again that's what he gets for allowing her and a human hybrid fashion lover to do a makeup artist's work.

But at least he isn't feeling exposed, and after all he can now attend restaurants and move around without the constant eyes watching his every step, even better! Now he can spy on Twilight Sparkle from a good close distance without being recognized.

Ohhh boy was he happy with the thought that he can now look down upon that damned horn-winged pony! For causing him both missions, and because!

However as he contemplated himself in his thoughts though Rarity left her banquet after waving to Olivia with some conversation and then that was when he spotted his greatest opponent Twilight Sparkle! He held his breath and kept himself restraint, although he could've just crushed her brain from where he is standing in a single snap, he wanted her to suffer his suffering and it wouldn't be much fun if he killed her off right off the bat so instead he kept his distance, but while also following the 6 pony friend group as he watch with devious eyes.

Base Alicorn

It was now Gold Star's release day, something I looked forward to after the combat incident with Tirek, and I, Colonel Alex, and the base have a surprise for him in the cafeteria, the first place that I'm bringing him to though is the officer quarters since he'll undoubtedly want to check his room.

Anyways, I walked inside of the medical clinic, said hi to the friendly staff and then said.

"I'm here for Gold Star."

"Right this way sir," replied the nurse as she led me to his room as I looked at Gold Star fully clothed with his uniform but with a bandage on his left forehoof and a bandage on his head which he covered with his formal officer cap.

"Ready to go Captain?" I asked, which he turned and grinned.

"Yeah, about time too, I was starting to get a bit bored of watching everyone doing my work," Gold Star said, as I grabbed him a crutch provided by a nurse and he walked just fine with it.

While humans have regular crutches, we have crutches specifically made for injured ponies in the forelegs to keep them up and not limp in pain on the ground.

But with that said, he was happy to see me as I was and he waved our goodbyes to the nurse and left the clinic with hopes that we will never come back there ever again!

"So, how was it there Captain?" I asked.

"Well, like I said it was very boring, all there was is the television about game shows and the usual Hollywood stuff, but what was mostly aggravating was the time when I tried to reach the remote only to fall off my own bed!" Gold Star explained, shuttering at the experience since he was sleeping on the cold floor for the rest of the night

"Damn.. Sorry to hear that," I replied.

"Eh.. To be honest the bed was too hot to lay on, at this point I think I preferred the cold floor rather than the bed itself," Gold Star groused in a mumble.

"Oh really? Then I guess you won't like the surprise that we did with your bed," I teased.

"What the hell did you do to my bed!" Gold Star ranted.

"Why won't you look for yourself?" I asked in which we were now at our private officer quarters which we opened the door and Gold Star's bed was filled with the gifts me and the men had gotten for Gold Star, such as get well soon baskets and other stuff, and we also gave him green bed sheets with a officer patch higher than Captain.

Gold Star was dumbfounded by the surprise and looked at me with more dumbfoundment.

"You did this for me?" He emotionally asked.

"Hell yeah buddy, of course the base also helped out, and since the government were a bit total ass when it came with taxpayer money we decided to scrounge what we can spend, with some negotiations and peer pressure with the men we manage to got enough to get the stuff we needed Definitely didn't spend some of the Taxpayer money during our shopping spree. "

"Wow... And what? I-I mean you guys didn't really have to do that for me... I am just a soldier like the rest of yall," Gold Star added, while looking at his bed with a surprise still on his face.

"After the shit we've been through? Why the hell not? Meanwhile I'm being hunted by a commie, and you're being hunted by bugs... Wait a second..."

"Hm? What is it?" Gold Star asked.

"If... They're hunting you, that means they've known you were an Alicorn, but how I know or how they know is something up for interpretation," I hypothesized.

"Hmm.. You could be right, but we can talk about this over lunch, I am starving! And the last time I had a good meal was the breakfast before the asshole Tirek ruined the evening," Gold Star chuckled.

"Damn? Not even hospital food was good for you wasn't it?"

"Well, there were the usual foods that I usually eat as a pony, but that's what we ponies have to eat to keep healthy and not slack, but after today I'm going to waste myself, orr at least until my leg heals."

"Hey, that sounds fine to me," I added, and we were now headed to the cafeteria where the fun surprise awaited him inside of the cafeteria.

And with a good conversation between man and stallion we were both glad for each others health, and it was once then that we had arrived to the cafeteria and the room was pitch black dark as if there was no lights other than the piercing sunlight that blared through the windows when suddenly the room lit itself into a bright light and the entire room inside yelled out.


Gold Star eyes widened at the even bigger surprise, what the hell was it? His birthday? Because if it was his birthday then they are 5 months early for this type of gift, and then he also thought about what they said.

"Major? Me? What exactly is going on here?" He wondered, which Colonel Alex, chuckling at the sudden surprise that caught Gold Star off walked towards him with a new patch on his hand along with a letter which he read out loud.

"With the exceeding expectations as commanding officer of the military unit 105th and brave heroics while also following orders along with great citations and going all above duty, in the name of President of the Federation of American States, Ronald Reagan, hereby promote you to Major, sincerely President Ronald Reagan! P DOT S CONGRATULATIONS!" The Colonel burst into a shout as the men shouted hurrah in the room with some clapping while some stood in silence watching the harmonic celebration of one of their commanding officers being promoted.

As for me, I was happy to be the one to plan this celebration, and yes Colonel Alex orchestrated the set up and everything else.

But after the cheering from the men Alex Stitched the Major O-4 patch on Gold Star's shoulder and the two simultaneously saluted in mutual respect for one another followed by more cheering from the men as they raised Gold Star to the roof while it was very unconventional when it came to promoting a officer at least it's good to know that the base morale is positive here.

Unlike the Statcom battleship which was just pure sadness mixed with patriot wannabe's and dreamers whose dreams were crushed the moment they stepped onboard the literal Humarican Mothership of all ships.

And who'd blame them considering the sea sickness that followed.

But now in the moment the men were happy that the pony second in command, first pony to become the F.A.S. military officer, and assigned personal diplomat for Twilight Sparkle. Was now a Major of the division.

A nice accomplishment for Gold Star, but it just left me to wonder about how he'll use this new power bestowed upon him since Major is basically higher than captain.

An hour had gone by and the men and Colonel Alex had now exited the cafeteria leaving me and Gold Star in the now empty room he was sitting on the table still processing what he just went through with joy but worry.

"Major... Major Gold Star... Major me? What exactly would this mean for me?" Gold Star asked me, which I gave no reply and he knew that as he got up from his seat and started ranting. "I don't know how to comprehend the fact the moment I fought just one jackass is when I just utterly got promoted out of the blue by Reagan!"

"But there was other threats other than Tirek the Jackass, there was the Prueben General Cynthia that you shot, and then there was the incident with Yuri (even though you weren't there of course) but even then you have a perfect record and reason to be promoted, and plus you literally became the first male pony to befriend Twilight fucking Sparkle for creator's sake! (Not to desecrate her name or anything) but you've deserved this rank!" I Stated, but he shook his head in disbelief.

"Despite all of that of what you had just said, I don't think I'm ready for this type of position, sure Twilight had been preparing herself for what was to come, but the country we're serving is different as you may remember.."


"So what then? Does this mean more work for me? Or more upper hand in moving forward with diplomacy?" Gold Star questioned himself but all I can answer was this.

"You know? All I can say is that I have no fucking clue, or what it's like to be a major, because I Aint one! In fact I would be as fucking confused as you are right now if I was somehow promoted to Captain or some type of shit, hell I got confused a lot when I was called back to service in the middle of vacation just because I'm related to a guy I don't even talk to because he's dead! And yea of course I may have just pissed off Chrysalis and could've became enemy and priority number one if she didn't had that bigger incident with Twilight and her friends involving kidnapping and whatnot, but sure the whole journey together had been nothing but laughs, chuckles, and a fucking witch hunt on who's trying to kill who, and you know what I think about it all? Just keep going with the punches! Because Creator dammit! That's the fucking best we can do here! So do you still understand what I'm trying to say here?"

My assertion had prompted Gold Star to think for a moment, he thought about what I said with everything we've been through together, with Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, and whoever accompanied us in the journey but as he could remember in my statement, I was right and that we should keep moving on, it is what it is, but he also thought about how wrong I'm probably am or maybe something else..

"I guess you're right Yates."


"I've thought about it, and well.. I guess you're right, I've seem to be over-reacting to something when I should have treated it like a reward and not a negative, although this may kind of affect the way I lead I will still be my old self," Gold Star added.

"Mhm, speaking of old self (Now that I think about it) what did Twilight say or anything when she visited your room in the clinic?" I asked.

"Well, considering how well we've kicked Tirek in the ass I was told to watch over her castle when I got out, look around and maybe keep it tidy," Gold Star shared.

"Wait... How are you supposed to get in though?" I asked.

"With this," Smirked Gold Star as he presented me with a crystal key that can open the castle doors at Twilight's castle.

"What... H-HOW!? Or in a better question, why?"

"Well that I don't really know other than to just visit once in a while and make sure nothing out of the ordinary is out of the place, you know the usual in housekeeping," Gold Star stated.

"Yea I guess so, but why of all people? Or ponies? When she could've chosen her brother, or her pet dragon, or hell! The FUCKING EVERFREE FOREST!"

"Are you still mad about that?"

"Nah! I just love the live trees- OF COURSE I'M STILL MAD!"

"Damn... Remind me not to take you there again," Gold Star reckoned.

"Gladly, but uhh.. Yeah I guess I could say this when it came to this congrats Major, hope to see you lead me and everyone below you in whatever action is needed, sir."

"Loyal to the very end... That's what I like with my troops," Gold Star smiled.

"Permission to be dismissed major?" I asked in a salute in which he saluted back and replied.

"Granted, goodnight Lieutenant."

"Adios, bud."

Northern Stalliongrad


Banged the drawer as Ogav raised himself out of bed rubbing his eyes at a 7:30 AM wake up alarm, he grumbled and thought about the amount of sleep he was going to get.

When he's dead.

He got up out of bed and walked towards a bucket that sat on a wooden box, the camp provided wasn't really that equipped due to the operation that he is assigned in to be a 'counter negotiation' in Equus when really the original assignment was to crush a now defeated rebellion that doesn't even exist anymore in Petershoof.

And as he looked at the mirror of his reflection he grumbled at the mirror which his reflection also grumbled at him as well since he was having to put up with the bullshit of a military command, his brigade could've continue their fight in Arabia if it wasn't for those damned rebels in Petershoof!

And despite him temporarily removed from the 134th he feels sorry for his men that he now commands ever since Malashenko tried to massecre the innocent populace still residing in the city, of course he was given a fucking slap in the back and was only sentenced to 3 years in jail, no doubt Ogav will be chased by him afterwards.

No matter what though, he wasn't going down without a fight, even if it meant bloodshed on the man who already killed thousands...

"Captain Volklav! You've been summoned by Lieutenant General Volinsky sir!"

Speaking of the goat..

"Alright, give me 10 minutes and I'll be ready," Ogav said, rubbing his wetted face with his cold freezing dry towel.

"Unfortunately sir it's urgent, the Lieutenant General requests that all officers report for an emergency briefing sir!" The soldier further informed.

"Emergency briefing? What's going on?" Ogav asked.

"He requests that you find out for yourself sir," the soldier finished.

"Was that straight from the lieutenant general private?" Ogav questioned.

"Yes sir, word for word," replied the soldier.

"Alright, inform him I'll get there in four, dismissed," Ogav responded.

"Yes sir!" Replied the soldier as he marched off from his tent entrance as Ogav rubbed his face with his palm.

"About time... But what should I wear for this occasion?" He asked himself looking at his formal uniform, and his tanker uniform.

"Eh, formal would be fine, more decent anyways.."

The Lieutenant General tapped his foot below the planning table as the other commissioned soviet officers watched patiently at their Stalliongradian counterparts with anticipation and nerve racking tiredness until Ogav entered the room with a formal uniform when the officers were wearing their military uniforms.

"Damn! I was so close!" Ogav contemplated.

"About time Captain, you're late," Perov scolded gently.

"Sorry I was-"

"No matter, sit down, let's start already," Perov stood up from his seat and walked towards the board with the nation of Stalliongrad, a railway line, and what seems to be a micronation resting on the border of Stalliongrad.

Ogav leaned to one of his fellow officers and whispered.

"A micronation? What's this all about?"

"Now as some of you may not know." Lieutenant General Volinsky announced. "Apparently the R.I.B. has gotten intel of a potential conspiracy in this nation, currently a rebellion is brewing in this piece of land here, now some of you may not know what this land or micronation is called, so I'll just put it lightly and say it is, "Our Country."

"Our Country? You mean, it's Rodinia?" Asked Ogav.

"Incorrect Captain, it's literally named "Our Country," although to keep your brains from frying and to prevent mass confusion within ranks over the name, it's simply just described as "Starlight's land" and you may be wondering why a single small piece of Stalliongrad is controlled and wielded by a single pony,"

"Please tell..."

And immediately the room except for the Stalliongrad officers erupted in protest and attempted to try to change Ogav's answer until Perov got aggravated and grabbed his Makarov shooting at the air through the tent roof scaring everyone shitless.

"Is that enough!? Are we through now!?" Perov yelled as the entire commissioned officer row sat back down scared.

"*AHEM* anyways, to not bore you with the details, the supreme soviet awarded the land to Starlight as a 'test' with her new supposed ideology more aligned with ours (but perfected) as "Equalism" now between that and our ideology the Social Union, we have intel that a secret railway has been established not too long ago by American F.I.U. our Red Mother wants it gone and so does Secretary General Altidiya, but there's a complication," explained Perov.

"Complications? Lieutenant General, you can't be serious now? The Rodinian army denied the operation lands? Surely you must be pulling our legs comrade," Ogav chuckled.

"Unfortunately Captain, apparently we cannot legally enter the land even with permission from Stalliongrad, that's why I've decided to send a informant to inform Starlight Glimmer about this infiltration and ask her for her permission," Perov replied.

"Going to feel sorry for the idiot who has to do that job," Ogav smirked.

"Congratulations "Idiot" you're that informant," Perov retorted, giving Ogav a smirk while the captain wasn't intimidated by this sudden assignment.

"Whatever then sir, so what am I being transported with?" Ogav asked.

"Oh you'll have a transport alright, just not a speedy one hehehe," chuckled Perov as Ogav looked at him with a ridiculed face.



As the mane 6 walked out from the castle Yuri had overheard everything in their conversation, and as he relocated to a bush where he can watch them from a distance, he smiled and chuckled at the news he was about to tell to the R.I.B...


Moskva, R.I.B. Headquarters (Lubyanka)

The office of soviet intelligence is busy 24/7 with shifts rapidly changing time to time to keep up with the intel that pours in from soviet informants and/or defectors, it was filled with bureaucratic death, with dreams immediately crushed the moment a worker stepped in the building.

A phone rings in the head of the department intelligence service officer as the chief head picks up the phone and hovers it near his ear."Service Officer Belikov, how can I help you with today," yawned the tired man.

"Hello, my name is Yuri high class of the soviet espionage division, and I am calling regarding a possibility of an infiltration operation in Stalliongrad," Yuri said on the phone.

"Ah.. Infiltration... Of course.. Please enter your digits in the phone," Instructed the officer.

"Really.. Do I have to?!" Yuri protested.

"Yes... Standard protocol, (please be quick I'm tired.)"

"Alright, fine! I'll enter my digits," replied Yuri as he pressed the numbers on the phone annoyingly and then said.

"Alright, did you get them?"

"Yes good sir... *yawn* I will submit this to the committee to verify, and if they'll approve within 24 hours then you have good trust with us, blah blah blah.."


"Bye bye sir.."

"HOLD ON A MINUTE I AIN- *beeeeeeep* HELLO? HELLO?! HELLO!!!? fucking piece of shit!!"

And immediately Yuri throws his phone and smashes it to pieces out of spite and pissed off anger as he continually stomps it on the ground, he then vented on how stupid the Lubyanka is and finally breathes in a calm sense of relief but aggravation as he stood there silent and said.

"You know what? Fine, I'll let them suffer for the bullshit, see if I care at least I'll have a good explanation to the Red Mother or her advisors whenever they contact me about this, and then after this I'm sending a complaint to the manager! Hmm.. Now I wonder who else is suffering the same pain I'm going through.."

Stalliongrad-Starlight trail

Unfortunately the same pain happened to be with Ogav as he was on a T-72 armor tank, while it may be good since the place he's going at is filled with Terrain but the speed it agonizing torture that he has to impatiently endure in this journey.

"I should've kept my big fat mouth shut," he grumbled as some of the dirt that blew out from the tank treads kept getting in his nose and mouth.

But despite the fact that dust is getting in his mouth it is more better than being cramped up in a tank, although this tank saved lives back in Petershoof he wasn't really a fan of how old the model he's riding on of course it does make up the majority of Rodinian's tank divisions he preferred to pilot the decent type tank the T-90CM, but it would seem that fate has it that it takes him to pilot APCs and tanks.

"And now with the next top music in Rodinia! The music band, Kino! Now playing Пачка сигарет on channel station 14.12."

The radio attached on the tank played a piece of music that Ogav loved in his teenage years, the days when he wasn't this interested in the army as he was now, but everyday he would wonder when he could attend a band concert that hosted Kino, but of course being far from his homeland he can't do anything other than just shoot at things...

So instead he listened to the music and thought to himself about a pack of cigarettes in the winter snow that froze in the night, but it was then that his tank hit a speed bump on the road and bumped his head a little on the Machine gun cartridge on his left side.

"Hey driver! Watch where you're going, you're going to give me a concussion if you keep doing that!" Ogav scolded.

"Sorry sir, it's that I was thinking about home, I miss my mothers cooking... Don't you have something to come back to sir?" The driver asked, focusing on the dirt trail road that leads to Starlight's village while Ogav sighed at his question.

"I do.. But I can't come back to it if I get a hemorrhage Now can't I?" Ogav added.

"No sir, my mistake it won't happen again sir," the driver said back as he focused deeply on the road ahead.

"Let's hope so.." Ogav said to himself. "Or neither of us won't be going home.."

The tank arrives at the mountain area 1 mile away from the town that he is supposed to negotiate with, but at the same time he hears a train horn in the distance.

"Halt!" Ordered Ogav as he pulled out his binoculars making the tank pause in a full halt confusing the crew as he stepped off of his tank and ran towards a hill that perfectly aligned with the horn, what he saw next surprised him, as he sees 6 mares, and clearly a identification of ponies, and what's even more odd is that they're at the target his company was assigned to dispose of.

"The Princess from Equestria? What's she doing here?" Ogav wondered, despite him being in an exposed location he is far away enough so they wouldn't see him, but it also sparked a lot of questions in his mind such as.

One, why are they there for? Was Princess Twilight behind the construction of the railway and if so why? And two, Perov was actually right? Although considering that this did not surprise Ogav he'll need to take some pictures and document his findings so he took his camera out and snapped some pictures of the railroad that seemed to be established on Stalliongrad soil..

After taking pictures he then slid down from the hill and quickly got on board with his crew.

"Did you find anything, sir?" Asked the cannon gunner.

"Yes indeed I have, it seems the princess of Equestria is here on Stalliongrad soil," reported Ogav.

"WHAT!?" Shouted the entire crew in unison.

"But sir! We're going to have to let-"

"I know I know, but first I want a better understanding of why they're here in the first place, if it's something entirely bad then I will contact Perov of my finding, until then keep me updated and lets get the hell out of nowhere," Ogav briefed as the tank continued moving to it's designated location that it is heading towards in which they only have a mile left before they arrive and so on they continued in their journey.

At the town Starlight Glimmer was reading a book, nothing out of the ordinary until double diamond entered her house with the usual town trademark smile in which Starlight smiled as well.

"Why hello Double Diamond, how can I help you?" Starlight asks.

"Hello Starlight, I like to let you know that we have a message for you, also we have visitors!" Double Diamond informed her, giving her a scrolled letter with the official soviet sealed mark on the letter which grabbed her attention and broke her smile away.

"Oh... Interesting... Bring them in while I look at this message," Starlight demanded, in which Double Diamond quickly gave her the letter and left her presence.

She opened the letter in anticipation and immediately she read the letter out loud to herself.

"In accordance with Stalliongrad law the Rodinian's have dispatched an informant on the situation regarding an illegally built railway? Hmmm..." Thought Starlight. "I might consider their informant, but perhaps this new railroad might be a new opening to a... New type of way to get more ponies to join my town."

Immediately she heard muffling outside who spoke.

"Be ready to fight! We don't know what's coming through that door!"

Starlight out of curiosity recognizes the voice of new members, and so she opened it and walked out with the town smile.

"Welcome! I'm so pleased to have you here!" Starlight spoke with glee.


Double diamond stepped up and introduced the 6 friends to their name. "This is Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle."

After introducing their names Twilight shuffled her Alicorn wings which catched Starlight in an observing motion.. A motion which could truly get her town on the map.

"Forgive my bloodness but I assume it's Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Smirked Starlight. "We don't get much Alicorns around here."

"Yes, but Twilight is fine," Twilight insisted.

"Sooo! How did you heard of our little village?" Starlight asks.

"It's kinda of a long story, let's say we found it on a map," Twilight answered.

"Technically it's a tree chest castle map!" Pinkie Pie interjected, slowly lowering her head back into the fourth wall creeping the hell out of everyone present..

"Well however you found us we're happy to have you! We're happy to have anypony who wants to experience true friendship for the first time!" Starlight added, confusing the main heroes with the last phrase.

"Say what?"

"Oh indeed that's so unique about our village you see, around here we don't flaunt our special talents because we don't have any special talent to flaunt!" Starlight bloated in front of the heroes.

"Is that why you have all those cutie marks?" Twilight pointed, at the symbol of equalism and basically the extent of pony communism.

"Perhaps it would be easier to understand if I gave you a tour of the village!" Starlight crowed.

Which in her mind as everyone left she has an idea.. An idea which could force the world to be influenced with this type of friendship and what better way to do it then to have the princess of magic AND friendship herself be integrated as a civilian of this new bound order..

An order with no cutie marks, and an order in forced communal unity..

In the distance, Ogav can hear music being sounded from the town that he now approaches with his tank, despite the loud treads grinding the ground below him he can distinctly hear the town singing and.. Marching?

"Why do I hear patriotic marching?" Ogav asked himself while murmurs from his crew emerged in wonder of what the town could be singing or celebrating.

Finally they arrived at their destination and the tank pulled into the town which made the locals spectate their heads a bit at the marvel before waving at their fellow visitor.

"Welcome!" Said one pony.

"Welcome!" Said another pony.

"Welcome!" Said yet a third pony which confused Ogav and the crew below him that can hear a muffle of the greeting.

"Weird.... Just weird, anyways, who's in charge here!" He said out loud, when he suddenly spots the mane 6 who're as surprised as he as both locked their eyes in surprise and shock at Ogav while at the same time he is locking his eyes on them and the two stood off silently until Starlight broke the silence.

"Welcome! You must be the pon- I mean human who came to visit our town!" Starlight smiled.

"Да, действительно, но почему они здесь?" Ogav asked.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO US!?" Rainbow Dash yelled. "I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S WHAT!"

But before Rainbow Dash could charge from Ogav's gut she was grabbed by Twilight's magic.

"Woah woah woah! We aren't trying to hurt anyone here! Whatever he's here for I'm sure he's as confused as we are, what's your name?" Twilight asked as Starlight rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"My name? My name is Ogalivich Volklav, and inside of my tank is my crew which prefers to work in it than to deal with.. Whatever I'm looking at and I came here for one reason and one reason only, WHO built that railroad and why are you here!?" Ogav interrogated.

"Woah there commie! If you think that attitude is gon' get you anywhere then you might as well turn ya hide back to where you commie's came from," Applejack advised in an insult.

"For the record, orange pony, I don't take lightly to this type of insult, especially when a capitalist peasant such as yourself calls me a slur made specifically for my people! So for your consideration let me do my job or there will be trouble," Ogav warned, as the two clashed head to head in a taunting threat stare down.

“What did you call me you bucking commie!?” Applejack snarled.

“Oh I think you understood what I said you suka!” Cursed Ogav, before Starlight went between the two and separated them.

"No need for any trouble you two! This town is a sanctuary for true friendship, although while the human here is a visitor and not a staying guest, you ponies on the other hand are welcome to stay," Starlight smiled while Twilight, still a bit startled with what Applejack just did, stepped up and spoke.

"When we were sent to this village we assumed it was to help in some way but well it doesn't seem like you need any help," Twilight spoke, while Starlight nodded to Ogav in which he walked off back towards his tank and then she replied.

"Have you considered perhaps that you might have been sent here so we can help you?"

Twilight was caught off guard with her statement and so she stayed silent.

"After all, nopony has ever come to our village and wanted to leave. Why should you be any different?" Starlight grinned. "But that is entirely your choice! So please, enjoy our little corner of Equestria we're all quite fond of it, no doubt you will be as well, Double Diamond, please help our guest with whatever they might need!"

"Of course!" DD replied, creeping out the mane 6 as the T-72 rolled right past the group which gave Applejack and Rainbow Dash immense suspicion about the intention of a Rodinian tank pilot being in the town...

But as they were suspicious Starlight walked off away from them.

"Well, this will certainly provide a boost to our little community, when the rest of Equestria sees that a princess gave up her cutie mark to join us they'll finally understand what we're trying to accomplish!" Starlight smirked to herself, with a mischievous smile of her master plan with the mane 6.


While everything was going down at Starlight's town Gold Star was preparing his saddle bags in our room exposing his Alicorn wings as he repacked his things that we've recovered during the incursion with Tirek.

While I stood there pondering, still processing what I was seeing.

"I still can't accept the fact that you've literally hidden your Alicorn wings and your horn, like seriously! How often is it to have a pony friend who is somehow a fricking Alicorn!?"

"Yea I know I know, but while you may know about, well all of this, I've yet to even tell you how I became an Alicorn in the first place, but I can tell you one thing also... Remember the helicopter ride? The day we first met?"


"That wasn't the first place we've met," Gold Star revealed.

"Hmm.. Now that I think about it, the royal guard who escorted me and John, who by the way was a spy under my nose, coincidently looked like you.. Hm, so you were born here were you?" I assumed.

"That would be correct," Gold Star replied.

"Right, what about your parents though? Wouldn't they be worried about you being missing or presumed de-"

"They're dead Yates... They've been killed at the moment of my enlistment into the Canterlotian elite royal guard," he said in an emotional state that he hanged his head down to the floor to hide himself before turning to pack his things in his saddle bags.

"Shit... Why didn't you tell me that before? And the better question is? Who killed them?"

"That's the problem, I don't know, some assumed it was the dragon raiders that the town was bordered with, some say Zebra terrorist from Zebrica, but really no one has a clue of who murdered my parents, but I sworn myself to avenge their deaths but after everything that I had went through I don't think I could avenge anyone.. Not when I have a moral obligation and a duty to uphold," Gold Star divulged, as he finished packing and lifted his saddle bags which covered his Alicorn wings. But now I have more questions for him and I wasn't willing to let him go without an explanation of how he became a Alicorn, and so I tugged on his tail and it grabbed his attention towards me with no silence. Other than his expressive aggravation he understood my curious mind but he seemed reluctant at first before I finally asked.

"Explain, everything..."

Gold Star sighed and looked at me with a glare.

"You want an explanation? Because if I have to I will, but you better be paying attention, because I will only explain ONCE! Understood?" Gold Star expounded.

"Understood, now please tell me," I nodded.

Immediately Gold Star cleared his throat and sighed.

"It all started in the year 990, the day when something miraculous yet not interesting occurred when some huge rainbow blew across the entirety of the Equestrian continent, of course back then I was a filly back then I was in fact born in the year 987 so in human years I was 3 or 4 years old, anyways, at the year 992 was when I started getting interested in military studies particularly royal guard and I've loved the life of the military so much I wished I could become one.

Only the problem was that the town I lived in all my years was not even known for anything despite of course being known to be a port city we were basically near the dragon lands and at the mercy of the dragons but surprisingly they never attacked us but they nearly attacked our neighboring city of Baltimare before the royal guard had isolated them and kicked them off back to the mountains, while we were spared from what could've been a early end I knew that even with the dragons subjugated they'll come back, and they'll come back with blood thirsty appetites for pony flesh...

So when the year 1000 had turned I was three years younger than what I am today I joined the royal guard and was shipped out to Canterlot where I did a 1 year training session in the elite unit, but just after 132 days I received news that the village I lived in was... Gone, no one survived and with it was my home.. My parents... No one.. I was truly alone... The investigation that was launched personally lead by Princess Celestia it was concluded that apparently there were no traces of the ones responsible, in other words they’ve basically were saying the city just burned on it’s own despite evidence that there was evidence of a battle and a struggle they’ve seem to can’t find a trace….

After four days recovering from the grief It was then in the first 43 days into 1001 was when I heard about the recent victory against Discord with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, to think that something that small could be powerful I decided to take up this example and make friends of my own, unfortunately the slap of reality had came, and it came hard.. Despite some conversation with other ponies along with attempts on befriending them they've never been interested in the friendship values that Equestria was built on.. But one night a pony took notice of my move..."

Canterlot, 2 years earlier, a year after the Nightmare moon incident

I was given night guard duty in Canterlot, apparently this typical training is suppose to 'train' me in staying up all night but obviously they didn't had no one to cover the shift but I didn't complain, I was given a order and I followed through them and for camouflage in case of a intruder with knowledge of guards I was given a deep blue armor that actually camouflaged well in the night.

But unlike the golden armor it wasn't as tight as the gold one is and I think the hoof shoes were a bit loose for me, but nonetheless I made use and tried to reduce my speed and took time taking my steps, but by 2:20 in the morning it was then I met a blue Alicorn who I didn't know was Luna.

I was standing guard in the throne room silently, it was the day when I just received the letter and instead of giving a temporary break I insisted on my command officer that I would take a overnight shift yeah I know that I slightly complained about it but with no one to keep me on my hooves there's nothing that could help now other than the duties I was assigned with..

As I stood there in the throne room my thoughts were getting a bit intrusive and just as I was about to sleep I was awakened by the presence of Luna.

"You must be tired having to guard this room tonight," she said.

"Pardon me, but you seem to be new here?"

She was a bit curious with me, and intrigued as to why I haven't heard of her, but of course I didn't blame her since if I were popular and somepony came from a town who had no clue that Celestia had a sister I would be even more confused than she is.

"Don't you know me?" She asked, but I shook my head.

"Not a word actually, but I assume you're a new royal correct?" I asked.

Just by looking at her she seemed calm and patient, clearly I was a bit young at the time to be oblivious about the existence of princess Luna, she left after my question leaving me with even more questions, but three days later It was answered in the Gala which when it started was when I was given the fullest of all introductions and creator above was I embarrassed...

"Cadets! This is Princess Luna of the night and sister of Celestia salute and bow in her presence!" My captain had informed which we all saluted and bowed our heads to her, but she gave me a eye that clearly said "now you know" type feeling and when peaked my head up I saw her and it was the same pony and I was completely dumbfounded.


"Ok ok, so why are you going into deep depth with Luna exactly? What did she get for having this much detail and what does this have to do with your life story to becoming an Alicorn?" I asked.

"Because Yates, she was the reason."

"Wait what."

"You'll see in a moment, but continuing on.."


"WE JUST LOST COMMAND! WE'RE BEING OVERRUNNED!" My fellow infantry shouted and we were all scattered.

With the high command and captain of the royal guard all captured and displaced ranks within the defense groups that were supposed to defend Canterlot were scattered or fighting.

Undoubtedly I felt guilty that day for being the one who scattered from the fight but with the chaos on the day of the Canterlot attack was the day I knew I should've played in some part of preparing for something like this, but I was only a sergeant in the ranks at the time and they didn't allow no ranks as that to properly plan in the affairs as officers other than maintain the groups wellness in drills and training but that was really all the perks I could have.

No way was I going to participate in a course that could lead to the possibility of death.

But as I scattered from my group I came across a family that was trapped by the changelings and being in the elite royal guard I shook my cowardice and pulled my sword out with my bare hooves and charged at their throats and... That was when the sensation of murder flowed in my body, the two remaining changelings attempted to pounce on me but when I got out of the way I stabbed one in the neck and jabbed the sword down the changelings chest.

The family hid their filly, and with good reason, immediately I realized the main priority was getting the civilians safe so I signaled them to keep their heads low while I looked for a safe and subtle place where I can take civilians into refuge and better enough I found the place.

The coffee shop in 12th street in Canterlot was already prepared for an invasion, and from what I heard despite the money that went to the royal guard they've stocked up on weapons, enough to repel a Changeling raid and perhaps equipped able bodied stallions to fight.

So running ahead I signaled the family and we all ran towards the coffee shop right before they pointed their spear at my throat.

"Who in great Celestia's name are you changeling!" Yelled an old elder who was ready to slaughter anyone who intruded in her shop.

"Not a changeling ma'am! My name is Gold Star, my rank is Sergeant and I'm with the elite Royal Guard, I'm trying to evacuate civilians here and I was wondering if I can use your shop to give the civilians cover and refuge!" I explained with reasonableness and everything else but the granny wasn't trusting, not since the changelings continued the fly overhead but considering that I am elite she had no choice and so she let us in but...

"If you switch into a bucking Changeling so help me mister you will wish you were never born understand!?"

"Yes ma'am.."

And so I started running in and out grabbing civilian to civilians, killing changeling after changeling with the sword, and behind my back the granny was providing soups for the mothers and fillies, and weapons were handed to stallions who can fight which helped me as for every family with a stallion within it I return to the fray with a bigger group in the form of a militia that assisted me in helping with the civilians within this chaotic mess, however at one moment we were ambushed and outnumbered I only had 12 they had hundreds but we weren't going down without a fight.

But we never fought those hundreds of changelings.. Because everypony there heard jet engines approaching and for some reason my gut acted without my knowledge and I forcibly shouted..

"TAKE!!!! COVER!!!!"

And without question the stallions hit the dirt and the jet squadrons fired an entire load of missiles at the group of Changelings and slaughtered them all, and when we peaked up from the dirt we were unscathed, but the changelings on the other hand however...

Well, let's say there wasn't anyone left to even fight us and for the stragglers that survived, we took them in as prisoners and placed them under civilian arrest.

But during this capture I saw the missiles exposed a hole in a building that was filled with civilians that were cowering inside, and so me and the group offered our hooves to help and they took it.

And with that the battle ended when the changelings were now in full retreat with jets continuing to peck off the stragglers that disobeyed their queens order as I heard machine guns blaring in the distance.

But at the same time we arrived to the coffee shop that was used to house the civilians and after counting the amount about 213 were rescued by me or the group I had formed, I earned a title in that street as the assailant hero of 12th street, a rare title for a pony to be named as a hero considering the amount of work.

But I rejected the title.. Not because of the fear of paparazzi, but the fear that pride as a whole may consume me. While some continued to call me by that title I still refused to be called such one.

Ironically when I came back to my unit and was assigned to guard the ball between Shining Armor and Cadence Mi Amore my commanding officer approached me with an award... A rank I never thought I'd have as a Sergeant...

"First class Lieutenant! But sir? Shouldn't I be ranked as a second class? This is a rank fit for a royal guard with extensive knowledge on leadership?"

"Rarely this happens but you were given high recommendation from one of the princesses of Equestria," the commander informed.

"Recommendation? From a princess? T-that can't be?"

"Well Sergeant? You can't reject this rank you'll be given a new responsibility in life, and everything else that comes with it, you should be proud to be wearing this type of patch, not everypony is lucky to get this far you know?"

Despite my commander's pleas.. I rejected it once more, with the amount of things that went down that day I could've been dead or worse..

But no, I wasn't going to be a free ranked high class officer and sit on a chair when I could be fighting with my fellow stallions, and even though I did want to have a involvement with planning strategy I wasn't going that far in just going ahead with first class, but instead due to the commander continually pleading for me to accept a rank I made a compromise and went with second class Lieutenant. I preferred fairness then a recommendation, In fact I would prefer to build experience rather than going all in. And after a brief argument followed by reconsideration we both made the agreement that I would become second class. And that night I grabbed a higher power's attention..


"Interesting, no wonder I kept hearing about the whole "hero assailant" stuff, I was heading down through 12th street on my way to the helicopter that was waiting for me, but now I wonder, what changed? What made you decide that our army was better than Equestria's?" I asked.

"Well... You have to understand that for one, I never had a choice, either go somewhere other than here, or rot in jail here for the rest of you life.."

"What? But your in the fucking elite royal guard how do you nearly end up in jail?"

"Well... That's where the main point comes into play of how I became what I am right now.."


I was asleep that night after a few talks on the possibility of a building search for any changelings that may have infiltrated their ranks, during this meeting between Shining Armor and his officers my friends were on collecting duty, and by collecting I mean the clean up of dead changelings and salvaging what we can take from the warrior ones.

But as I was asleep, minding my own business I was suddenly dragged into a dream.. A dream like no other..

It was the fucking land of the middle and this shook me to my core when I thought that I just died in my sleep considering that waves of pictures with my life before my eyes were literally displaying my memories.

The ground below me? Well, between me and the endless void below were just orbs and nothing but an orb path and just when I tried to process myself thinking of where I am princess Luna came out from the mist and I can already feel my stomach acid burning through my gut, but I think I'm dead though... But just to be sure I told myself to just ask her, and so I did.

"Umm.. Just wondering but am I dead?" Informal I know, but just roll with it.

"You aren't, you are being rewarded for what you've done for the ponies of Canterlot, what other royal guards had failed to do," Luna smiled towards me..

A reward I thought I was getting was possibly going to be a forced promotion, only... This promotion wasn't like any other, because from that day I was no longer the Earth Pony that I used to be.. But rather a burden that was bestowed upon me.

But I didn't realize this yet when I woke up, I never noticed any wings or horn, all I felt was my old self but a bit heavy, and when I walked inside of the cafeteria that morning I was knocked unconscious. The world before me had transformed into a complete darkness until I woke up tied to what seemed to be the changeling chair, and when I looked at what they tied me with I knew... At that moment I realized then, that I was in trouble...


"HOLD UP! You got accused of being a fucking changeling!?"

"I know, ridiculous so much for a reward. It felt very staged on that day as if everyone there wanted to suddenly get rid of me, they certainly did, and when I woke up I was literally confronted by Shining Armor and now I REALLY was in trouble!"


"I think he's still unconscious sir," a royal guard said while I heard their conversation despite me being unconscious.

"Well soldier, you know the protocol, wake him," Shining Armor ordered when I was splashed with cold freezing waters that nearly made me freeze to death and when I woke up I was met with the cold harsh reality of intimidation.

Luckily I was only tied with changeling vine, while changelings can't break out of it due to the toxicity it specifically has if they bit into it, but to a pony we're immune to the vines toxicity even when we bite our way out of it, so I plotted my escape but not before a interrogation with the mixed of a angered husband, too be honest I don't blame him to be this mad at a changeling considering they all had a part in the incident that stolen his now wife but dammit how the hell was I accused again? Oh that's right, BECAUSE OF A FUCKING ALICORN!!!

"What the!? Where am I! Where’s here? Don't you even know me!"

"I wish I did changeling," Shining Armor replied in sarcasm.


"Don't play dumb bug! You've clearly exposed yourself, just look at your head and your sides," a royal guard pointed his spear where my head indeed has a horn of a unicorn, and my sides, wings of a pegasus I didn't fuss but rather I sat there silent while also pissed at what Luna had done to me, all because I never knew her fucking name and her fucking legacy, and even if I did escaped I'll most certainly be tracked down by Luna personally and chased, and so I remembered back when the aircraft strafed the changeling forces and the symbol attached on it.. I remembered the symbol on the aircraft which it served in. A continent in the West called Humarica, and that was it, if I can't be accepted here any longer, then Humarica is my new home.

"Captain Armor sir, Twilight Sparkle has arrived as requested," the guard informed.

"Watch him, I'll be back in a moment."

And once he left I looked at the guard just when his back was turned I quickly bit my way out of the changeling vine and strangled the guard relentlessly until I knocked him cold by slamming his face on the chair they tied me down in.

And just so he would say anything about how I escaped I taped his mouth and used regular rope and tied him around the chair. And then activated the torture devices they were planning on using for me.

After that I made my escape through the ventilation shafts, no one expected this as no pony would ever go up into the vents since they consider themselves fat, but given enough effort I'm sure you can still crawl through them as long as you know where you're going.

And so as I climbed up and crawled through the dust filled ventilation shafts that covered my movements and camouflaged my body in the exhaust vents just in case they flashed their light up there.

By this time when I looked down in one I was in total disbelief that Shining Armor had brought the same pony who had inspired me in the first place to fight for something I believed in.. Twilight Sparkle and him entered the room and the two went into panic mode, despite my sudden disbelief I wish it didn’t had to be this way but the way Twilight and her friends treat their enemies I wasn’t going to be statured over this, and so as I continued on they raised the alarms and scattered everyone but by this point I was now outside in the deep of the night. A stormy rainy night..

Which was good because I can use the darkness to my advantage and as I jumped out of the ventilation I already have a plan on how to escape in the night along with keeping my movements hidden in the fierce rain in the darkness while sneaking through patrols who relentlessly tried to look for me which would be proven futile. So applying to this I ran across two patrols, knocked out 1 or 2 guards who were in my way, bashed one on the wall, the other with the spear I got from the other one, and finally when I got the fence I used the same spear and cut through the gate escaping into the forest and leaving the notorious prison, then after I went to the highest point I could find to get a better view of my surroundings, once I did I was shocked to see where I've been taken to..

Vanhoover city..

Being the coastal city known for its prisons and the historical battle during the Lunar Wars which was a print to Equestria as the day the American army couldn’t withstand the power of friendship and what not. Ignoring that topic during this whole endeavor I was lucky, although despite the persecutions that were being made on the changeling residences who are now having to flee their home I wasn’t given the intention as I had a cloak and hood that hid my Alicorn body, and last I’ve heard since then that they've started registering for permanent stay passports to sail to America, and that was the destination for me, Equestria was no longer my home and if I don't leave I thought back at what I thought of what Twilight and her friends may do to me physically if I was ever caught, and like I said, I wasn’t going to be statued over this mess.. Not when I have a life full ahead of me..


"And now.. Here we are, sitting together as if we're having a tea party.."

After minutes of his explanation he sighed in a manner of sadness and emotion to leave his life to live in this one.. A terrible way to happen to a pony who wanted to live his life only to suffer in the wrath of paranoia.

"Dear lord.. So what was your view about Luna since she did that to you?" I asked.

"Honestly, she wasn't the problem in my story, clearly she wanted me as her apprentice, weird choice to choose an earth pony as an apprentice, but this did left me with a little anger with what she did, and considering that she chose me specifically left me more questions than the answers I assume they were. But thinking back on it now.. I don't really know why. Other than what I could say is Paranoia and Hysteria but that’s all I could’ve thought of?" Gold Star answered.

"... So what happened after you've arrived in America?" I asked, which by now Gold Star was getting a bit restless but explained anyway.

"After arriving I was processed with the rest of the changelings who came to seek refuge, obviously this was two weeks after the Jimmy Carter incident, and when they saw my Alicorn wings and horn they used some sort of scanner and scanned my body, and when the scanner came out negative, (meaning I am a actual pony and not a changeling) the entire room freaked out in shock that I was a Alicorn, they’ve even mistaken me as some hidden prince in the room so they decided to bring Uncle Sam into the mix and all he did was stare at me in shock as everyone else did, only after 8 minutes something slapped him in the face and he immediately ordered them to "Dress and enlist him immediately!" Word for word, and next thing I know I was in training learning how to drive cars and drive and command tanks, and when they heard my story of my previous life they were intrigued about it but as for the wings and horn however.. Uncle Sam saw how the room reacted when I was a Alicorn and so he ordered executive code 4521-9 and had me cover my wings and horn, he gave me a helping hand and grew my mane enough to cover my horn, and well as you may know by now I use the saddle bags to cover my wings, and well… Here I am, sitting here on base waiting for the next action," Gold Star finished finally.

But not so finally with me, what he had was hell, and I sat on my bed thinking about how I wasn’t able to express how much he had gone through.. He lost his parents, his home, he is basically an outcast if not a wanted criminal not to mention a escapee, and he's partially under witness protection all in a sorrowful combination of what he had gone through although he did come to the land of the free, he's gone through more hell here than he had there.

He sighed and got off the seat that he had been sitting on and went back to what he was intending to do, and that was to watch over the castle, authorized by the Colonel of course, but before he left I got up and said...

"I’m sorry… For everything you've gone through… But I know this sounds insane and probably not the best suggestion I have, but perhaps you should tell your inspiration about your story and maybe take it slow with revealing yourself."

Gold Star chuckled slightly and replied. "Don't be, nothing can change the past, it's best to learn from it and move on, after all, what's done is done. But.. I don’t think she’ll respond kindly with that, sure it’s been a year since then but.. I don’t think she’ll understand my pain.. Anyways, I better get going I’ll see you when I get back okay?"

And so after his response he walked outside and paused himself before continuing on with what he was doing, as he was heading to his Humvee, sat back on my bed, pondering his past as I saw his Humvee going through the base gate… Not everyone is lucky, he had gone through hell while I was reeling from the chaos in Canterlot, and if I would’ve known perhaps… Something might’ve changed, but by then I never even knew him so I guess.. I guess you would think you knew a guy, or in this case.. Pony.

Vesalpolis, Changeling lands

As Rommel yet endured another rambling speech from "the queen of the Changelings" while still wallowing in her pride about how changelings can dominate against the selfish ponies and how they "exterminate, and attack" their race Rommel had been in contact with his top commanders who had spent time and resources on putting down and negotiating the rebelling queens who left Chrysalis and her authority.

So far resistance was stiff but day by day the arrival of the tank unit arrived in numbers enough to suppress the rebelling warlords who proclaimed themselves as "queens," but obviously when it came to human tech there's nothing to gloat about other than being alive.

But being in the briefing room waiting for the Queen to finish venting herself out in the throne room he looked at the current state of the war map, while the rebels had been successfully been almost put down in the north, the southern front looked a bit treacherous with the possibility of a coordinated counter offensive, the nation is more civil war than the warlord period that it had just been.

Of course with the remaining pockets at the west he's sure to put them down quick now that the main battle tank brigade would be arriving soon, being that it consist of Leopard 1 tanks it should do the quick job of executing these rebelling warlords and show the nation that Chrysalis had bought herself a new pair of ba-

"General Rommel!" Chrysalis barged inside. "After a conversation regarding your forces I think it is best that you... Keep up the gr-gr-great! Work on suppressing these rebels!"

"Thank you?? But obviously, I am doing my job for the sake of the nation, with our partnership still interconnecting. I can assure that we could start strategizing on Equestria, as soon as we've suppressed the rebels, speaking of which I have a.. Intriguing report I'd like to share if that's fine," Rommel requested.

"Oh?? Please show," Chrysalis accepted.

"After a couple of days apparently the spy network had reported that Tirek recently attacked Equestria, unfortunately he was taken into custody, but it seems that the weapons the enemy is using is more precise and deadlier than I thought, we're currently researching but I think given enough time we'll have our own weapon systems," Rommel reported, as Chrysalis smudged devilishly.

"Also... It seems you had the right idea of having me send General Cynthia to hunt down Gold Star, apparently my spy had overheard a conversation between the two officers, he was hearing their conversation outside from the window, and would seem according to what the tan pony explained was that he was accused of being a changeling, odd thing to be accused of don't you say? But indeed this does confirm that your suspicions were right that he is indeed a Alicorn," Rommel revealed, making two of Chrysalis guards jolt back in surprise with the queen herself surprised as her guards were.

"He is?! I mean... Of course he is that's why I sent one of your generals to seek him out, unfortunately it failed because your general was incompetent!"

"General Cynthia is the deadliest commander of this unit, unfortunately the unexpected fight with Twilight Sparkle and the bleed injury followed by the capture of my now dead 6 men, costly, but at least they wouldn't spill in the information that they could've forced from," Rommel reminded.

"Should I remind you that despite the destroyers, the Statcom battleship had sunk them all, and they've captured a flag rug carpet, it seems they've already unraveled who you and your group's identity," Chrysalis said.

"Maybe so, that doesn't mean we'll come out in broad daylight and surrender, my men will not go down without a fight, even at odds, with that said though after we crush the warlords, we can begin our operations and start assassinating targets, starting with America."

Starlight's town

After unpacking the luggage Ogav took off his helmet and shook his head in relief, he hate wearing the damn heavy tank helmets because it felt heavy on his head, and secondly he prefers to pilot a BMP-1 or 2, hell! Even a BMP-3 for all he cared! But the last time he piloted a tank was in Petershoof and even then it was aggravating as hell!

But the bright side is he's got until two days and this he has to ask the big question "Will you let us fuck up the railroad please?" All he needs to say in nine words or eight depending if he wants to profane the question or not, but then all she needs to say is yes or no, if she chooses yes then he and his men can take out their rage in this bullshit of a journey on the railroad conveniently a mile away, if she chooses no.. Well who's to say Perov won't respond so kindly.

Perov is Rodinia’s loose cannon, a propaganda and popularity tool, with the title “hero of Rodinia'' he's nice with the public but when you speak with people like Ogav especially since he had personally worked with him. He does lead Humarica's infamous Knife division, he'll gladly violate international laws and invade a country who he doesn't like for the sake of the "motherland," and hell all he'll get is a scolding from the RSS and a slap in the wrist because of his heroism back in Rodinia, and considering the amount of funding his unit has both independently and dependently, he has the military capacity, all you just have to do is just look at the amount of helicopters, tanks, and the manpower he has just lying around, they'll be more than happy to shoot at something rather than sleeping in mud filled lands, in fact since this is basically a urban village they'll no doubt try to 'accidentally' shoot at someone just for a spot in a residents house. But really if he got his way Ogav and everyone else would be fighting in America because of his ambition.

So as much as Ogav would like to ask the question, he's more concerned with the answer she may reply with, because what she answers would be the entire town's fate.

So he looked at the pilot crew who were resting on the beds made specifically for human guest and thought to himself.. He could ask the question, and then wait two days, he doesn't have to tell Starlight why he's here considering it seems that Perov expects him to tell her, his men needed the RnR, and because of the restless Stalliongrad incident in Petershoof his men has never catched a break not even in drills and he's still surprised that the unit is still standing.

So after building up courage he got up and went out the door to ask the question to her just to get this assignment out of the way, but when exited his quarters the town was.. Empty??

"What in the name of great motherland's name? Where the hell is everyone?" He asked himself, when he noticed a bright blue flash from the east mountain sides, so he grabbed his Binoculars, his Makarov pistol, and headed up to a trail perfectly paved to the area where he saw the flashing light.

"Hm.. Something tells me there's something more to this than meets the eye," Ogav said to himself, but obviously without further thinking he also grabbed his good old "772" numbered tank pilot hat (just in case) and went off to the open trail in a dash.

After a small moment of climbing up the slope he noticed that the entire town was gathering up inside of the cave and as he snuck inside and went to the deep left side of the cave he hid behind a rock and started viewing what seemed to be a. Argument? Or perhaps a forced initiation…

"Aww, I don't blame you for what you tried to do here today, you've spent your whole lives thinking those marks are a good thing," Starlight evilly smiled at Equestria's heroes.

"Give them back!" Twilight demanded, which Starlight walked away from her blatantly and indirectly denying her demand.

"Well now you can spend the rest of your lives with us! And we'll teach you just how much better life can be without your cutie marks!"

Ogav looked at one of the ponies' flanks and saw what would seem to be an equal sign, just like the ones the ponies have.. But these ponies in particular had their cutie marks! He thought, when he saw a huge blue yet bright box within it stored cutie marks within, and then that was when he saw their cutie marks.. Aimlessly in the air and stiff as if they've been forcibly imprisoned.

And that was when it hit him, these ponies are being forced to live like this, sure the town has great aspects with socialism, but not like this! It's clear that this pony was not a friend, but rather a creep and a lunatic! A tyrannical dictator! With the ambition of conquering the entire world! And he fears what she might do if she ruled over humans, clearly she might imprison or even extinguish their race.

While she only has a small town, it won't matter when the world sees a popular princess "adopting" equalism, this was a line that not even the Red Mother was willing to cross, and if he and she were to have a tea party and discuss this she would say screw equalism.

Of course he'll still need to ask the question, but what if perhaps he didn't ask her the question and instead put words into her mouth, and lie to his general, then if something happens to her and his forces arrive then it may be the end of this wretched ideology!

But first... He'll need to reach a deal with the Equestrian heroes, and put aside their differences.

For now...

The Pentagon

"Hmmm, you know I like this, this new design you've brought to me, now tell me Phil, what am I looking at here?" Asked the desk General.

"General, I like to introduce to you the Stryker, a new combat carrier armed with slanted armor plating and maneuverability, and a machine gun mount on top," introduced major Phil.

"Mhm... So Phil, one question I have to ask?" The general raised himself from his seat and walked towards the blueprint. "Why the hell does this look like a extended rolling trapezoid with a slide? Why the hell should we even use this sorry excuse for a tank when we have a better armor transport like the Bradley! Damn those things sold out fast, Ronald sure loves to modernize our army, not as if we're already superior enough to those savage horse and griffon shits to the east! Eh, no offense to you Phil."

"None taken sir, but well uh.. I've recently checked the battle reports and while it seems the victory against the Zebra terrorist had improved it would seem that they're sending complaints about.. More mechanized tanks then men in the field?" Phil the griffon pointed out.

"What's so bad about it? We've won the damn war, haven't we?" The general questioned, eating an apple.

"Well sir that's the thing.. If you can read this on the results you can tell-"

"Dag damn! All those tanks, well there goes the taxpayer money down the drain, oh and condolences to families, but what does this exactly have to do with this.. This shape you're trying to reteach me," the general interjected.

"Well sir that's the point of my introduction, you see with this Stryker we can definitely eliminate the expired and old M113's, and even use it to combat terrorist groups, also so our men for transportation, now these things will need to be further enhanced for full capabilities, but given enough work we can start on crafting this combat transport to a level that at least match expectations of the Bradley, but maybe perhaps more focused on the space that we'll need," the major said, as the the general placed his knuckles on his cheek and sighed.

"Alright.. Let's see how this goes.. (I guess..)"

And with the bam from the stamp of approval the blueprint is taken in for examination.

Starlight's town

It was now night time in the town and the ponies had all gone to sleep in whatever way they all slept, this then gave Ogav the high advantage as he put on his camouflage uniform and grabbed his AK-74U and loaded a magazine inside of it.

And just as he was about to leave one of his crew men, who was enjoying a bottle of vodka he had packed for the trip like his fellow crew men did, noticed his captain leaving the room.

"Sir? Where are you heading?" He asked.

"Running errands, I might also ask the question given if I feel like it," Ogav replied.

"Yes, sir," replied the soldier as he poured himself a vodka shot into the cup.

Ogav meanwhile now made his way to the house, it seems the two ponies guarding it left to sleep so this gave him a advantage, but knowing the town he'll be spotted by everyone resident there so his best option was simple, sneak behind and knock on a window, if they can't open it, then he'll simply shatter i- oh right.. That'll also make noise, he thought to himself.

Well he wasn't about to let that stop him anyways, surely the village won't hear him slice a hole in the window...

As it all went down Gold Star finally arrived to the castle, the sun was setting and he was suppose to get here before night or otherwise Twilight's owl will start preying on intruders, at least that's what he was told by the men back at the camp with their crazy theories about the castle and it's existence.

Like this one theory where it was all staged and that Celestia had purposely released Tirek, another suggests an earthquake, some suggest destiny, and another that is so conspicuous that it makes the alien theory a serious thing.

But these things never bothered Gold Star, he believed that it was Harmony and Creator's divine right and reward for Twilight for defending the lands specifically made for the ponies, and the world of course.

After turning off his Humvee he stepped outside in the usual happy town where ponies socialize and take pictures of the monumental things that spawned in the middle of their town, but as Gold Star stepped out from the Humvee and knocked on the door of the castle, he gazed upon the beauty of the town and was happy to be where he is rather than the polluted smog filled cities that people called 'safe' sure it protected the people within from the creatures that roamed free but in the case of the beauty he was looking at, it might be worth it despite them being near what humans called "the forest of death" but really it's just like any other forest that their nation has, sure magic is involved within the weather and the land but humanity did most of the work in the continent of Humarica, he sure missed being in American soil that everyone calls sanctuary and solitude, but he continued to think back on the wretched days when he had no choice but to migrate to the lands..

And as fate had it.. He's back to where he started, only in Ponyville and not in Canterlot or his home village that was destroyed...

But after a while of gazing and priding the crystal doors opened up and spike looked up and waved happily.

"Why hi there! Glad you can make it, I was wondering if you were going to come around!"

"Yeah, been a while isn't it? I assume the castle is fine?" Gold Star asked.

"Sure is! Well, of course me and Big Mac had been quite messy with the hoofball cards," Spike rolled his eyes, unsticking one of the cards off his tail.

"I see, well while I'm here I might as well have a look around so I don't get lost on my next visit," Gold Star considered.

"Awesome! I've mapped out the place before I went to sleep, it should be in the map room, follow me," Spike insisted, as Gold Star walked inside of the castle with Spike, and to his amazement he was astounded with the interior he had just stumbled upon, and to think that Twilight lived in a library, this was even more insane!

In fact Gold Star briefly snapped a photo and then hid his camera in his satchel while following Spike inside of the map room.

"Wow.. I didn't know you had a digital live map??" Gold Stat pondered.

"Digital? This was just added today, apparently something to do with cutie marks so and so," he shrugged.

"Huh, I could never understand magic stuff," Gold Star said to himself out loud.

"Well that's probably because you've lived your entire life in Humarica?" Spike added.

"Look, just because I'm a soldier within the Federation doesn't mean I live there, (kinda) for all we know I could've lived here once!" Ranted the tanned pony.

"Just saying," Spike denoted.

But continuing to look around the room he notices the 6 cutie marks hovering over the mountains in the north between the Crystal empire, Yakyakistan, and... Stalliongrad...

He grabbed a detailed terrain map with political borders from his left satchel and placed it on the magic map table and started comparing the two maps, after squinting he turned to spike.

"Get me a ladder," Gold Star requested, which without hesitation Spike ran to the storage and grabbed a big ladder which he set up and the tanned pony climbed up and hovered the medium sized map over the bright map.

He hovered the northern mountain part over the mountains that the cutie marks are floating at and finally once the map finally aligned with the magic map, his face turned terrified, he now feels dread and fear, and his body boiled...

"So why did you need a ladder?" Spike asked.

"Twilight and all of her friends are in danger.. Oh shit, Spike! You're coming with me this instant!" Yelled Gold as he snatched Spike against his will and ran towards the Humvee where he fastened Spike's seat belt but before he could step on the gas Spike quickly interrupted.

"What in Celestia's name are you doing!"

"Your half-sister, and all of her friends, they're not only on a journey they're practically heading to their doom! The land that their cutie marks have marked is the soviet lands of Stalliongrad! If they find out that they're there they'll relentlessly capture them! Experiment with them! Or worse! Enslave them!"

"WHAT?! THAT MEANS RARITY IS IN DANGER TO! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR STEP ON THE PEDA-" Before Spike finished his sentence Gold Star started the car and hit the gas speeding off back from where he came from knocking Spike back on the seat.

As the two head back to the base with haste Ogav was initiating his own type of plan.

Heading towards the back the town is subtly quiet, it made him a bit paranoid of the possibility that he may be walking into a trap, of course considering that it would be a act of war when he has to report back to base after 2 days it's something that even these equalist ponies would understand.

But what Ogav is technically doing is going up against everything he stood against and just staging a coup at this point against a communist ally, but he could pin the blame on mane 6 and say that they manipulated him.

Just like the books that he had read, such as "Once upon a six" it's a children's book, supposedly, and it provided the absolute opposite of what the Mane 6 does which describes how loyal they are to capitalism and extortion and how that the defeats of the villains like Discord and Nightmare moon were all a hoax and that it was all a trick to make the world fall under imperialist debauchery.

And for some reason there's an adult version of the book that makes it even worse, with a different title "Grogars Warriors" and it got worse from there..

When he had heard of the victory of the Mane 6 he wasn't really that crazy about it other than just saying alright, but as went on after he fought Tirek he started to understand that perhaps the Mane 6 may have not been all that bad, although with the magical power of the elements of harmony his government may end up searching for a plan to combat this type of raw power.

But while he pondered he finally made it to the house that has the infamous Mane 6, he peeled through the window and saw that all but one was asleep so he knocked on the window and it got Twilight's attention but she cautiously approached the window.

"Are you princess Twilight Sparkle?" He asked, but Twilight couldn't hear him from the other side, indicating the window was too thick.

"Alright get back," he ordered, waving his hand to indicate that she needed to back up which she took notice of and got back.

Ogav grabbed his hammer and squinted as he shattered open the window, waking up the sleeping ponies who were resting for the night.

"What the- uhm, is that guy back?" Applejack asked.

"You couldn't let us sleep for one minute!" Rainbow Dash scolded.

"There goes my beauty sleep... As if this nightmare wasn't enough!" Rarity groaned, while Fluttershy and pinkie shrugged and went back to sleep.

"It's been two hours you can live, I'm here for other reasons, and one of them is plotting," Ogav elaborated.

"Plotting? Plotting what exactly?" Rarity asked.

"Starlight's overthrow, clearly what I just saw is something I didn't expect here, I expected the place to be somewhat communist but taking cutie marks and forcing others to live equally is not something my ruler would approve of, especially when you have maniacs with a twisted mind of ideology," Ogav explained.

Twilight looked at her friends who were still waking up, but also were untrustworthy of their Rodinian friend considering that they tried to kidnap and steal from Equestria not to mention one nearly killed Twilight, but Twilight looked to Ogav and replied.

"Let me speak with my friends real quick."

"Hurry, once the sun is up I doubt these types of ponies oversleep," Ogav warned, turning towards the opposite direction.

The awakened girls huddled up about Ogav offering his help.

"Are you crazy! Do you realize how nuts this is to let this guy specifically help us!" Rainbow Dash voiced.

"I have to agree with her, sure the American humans are nice but the Rodinian ones is something I and ma’ entire family draw the line at, especially how they sported the Severyanian commies," Applejack added.

"And the uniforms are just nasty-"

"HEY! I HEARD THAT!" Ogav yelled out.

"Sorry I said.."

"Look, I the Rodinian's are not really kindred or friendly, but if it means getting out of here and getting our cutie marks then that's a chance I'm willing the take." Twilight said in determination as she walked up to the shattered window. "What rank are you within your army?"

"Captain, if you have a plan, say it, I best be on my way back to my room before my men gets suspicious," Ogav rushed.

Twilight nodded to her friends who were disbelieving at the fact that their friend is willing to ally with America's sworn enemy, but they gave in and listened in on her plan.

And the plan was full proof, so all they needed was a Fluttershy..

Base Alicorn

It was just me and the Colonel, doing our own thing and nothing else, he's been doing the base revenue and taxes while I slacked off and made some art on a piece of paper and posted it on the fridge.

One of them being me wielding a Machine Gun riding on a flying Celestia shooting aimlessly at nothing but the uncolored blank.

"Do you think me and Celestia would ever get together?"

"Heh! In your dreams Lieutenant, in your dreams.. Yeesh..."


Slammed the door with Gold Star and Spike looking at us with insanity.

"TWILIGHT'S IN DANGER!" The two shouted in unison, annoying the Colonel but grabbed my attention.


"Sorry Colonel! But we have an emergency, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are heading to a death trap in the north!"

"Nahhhh, really? I thought they went to candy land, besides they've defeated Tirek. I'm sure whatever they're up against they can deal with their magic friendship power or some bullshit," Alex replied.

"But Mister! That's one occurring thing! Twilight told me-"

"Who authorized him here?" Alex stared.

"I did?" Gold Star replied.

"Well then I delay your authorization, he's not even supposed to be this deep in the camp!"

"But Colonel! You have to understand that most of the stronger magic is inherited inside of the map in her castle, and the map sent her to Stalliongrad! If they find her you know very well what they'll do to her! We should organize a rescue operation an-"

"Is that my problem major? She should've done her research like the bookworm she is instead of blindly following a false goddess into their death! Now if that's all you have Major then take this dragon and GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!" Alex shouted in rage, which Gold Star fiercely tilted his hat and left along with Spike and left the office. With that aggressive conversation it left me with the benefit of the doubt that Twilight didn't even know what she was going into, sure she was smart, but when he brought up a single aspect in politics she would deny them, how much she'll most likely regret that.

Alex is a jackass, and I've kept that in mind, but holy shit that was a bit harsh especially towards a minor, of course while Spike wasn't allowed on base grounds that is seriously uncalled for..

Meanwhile the two were now sitting outside stumped on what they should do, clearly they can't just grab and plus they'll need a crew, of course since Gold Star is a major he has more serious authority, but what he's plotting here may cost him his rank or worse.. A court martial...

"So what now," Spike asked hopelessly.

"Now? I don't really know, either A I could go off base unauthorized with a Humvee in an attempt to rescue your half-sister and I'll probably be court marshalled or demoted, or B we could do nothing and your half-sister suffers a terrible fate," The pony major said.

"Or option C, you get a group willing to fight, and we can use a Helicopter instead," I added, with two men by my side, one being Private Quag, and the other Private Griffith, Gold Star was surprised, but also it made him question my earlier addition to his options.

"Who's going to pilot the helicopter?" Gold Star asked.

"Well.... Since I tried to ask one of the pilots and since they said no very aggressively..."

"Oh... Oh no..."

"I think it's for the best," I affirmed.

"Oh no.."

"ONBOARD MEN! WE'RE GOING TO THE SKY!" Shouted I as the soldiers assisting us climbed aboard the Machine gun attachments and Gold Star and Spike climbing inside.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

"I didn't expect to be here?" Spike said, which no one heard due to the noise and so Gold Star slid a pair of headphones on Spike's dragon ears.

"Repeat that dragon?" I asked, turning towards the window and flicking switches.

"I said, I didn't expect to be here!" Spike repeats.

"I know, kid, but I suggest you hold on to your dear life!" Gold Star suggested.

"Why?" He asks.

Immediately I took the helicopter off from its helipad into the sky, and shook around a bit trying to get my grip with the controls, as this is my first time officially flying a helicopter, although I only passed the first phase of the class I'm sure I can manage with the knowledge I have, but on the ground level however, it grabbed someone's attention from the ground.

The Colonel was just stepping out of the officers quarters readying to pour in water for the plants in his private harmonious garden when he noticed the Huey taking off and flew right above him drifting and blowing the wind filled dust into the flowers that he was watering. After uncovering his eyes from the draft he sees what was once his personal garden now a desert wasteland as he stared at the sky and shouted in rage.

"DAMN YOU GOLD STARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Author's Note:

This is part one out of two, for now if you have or haven't noticed I've changed the art cover again, and this time it's here to stay, along with that I like to present some infantry men

First is the American uniform, due to how bad I was at designing Camouflage I just had them set for only one color for now.

And finally the Rodinian infantry uniform:


With show and tell out of the way I will start on part two. See yall next time. And thank you for reading.