• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,629 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Stalliongrad Situation

Stalliongrad city, the Supreme Soviet council building...

The supreme soviet members sat on their seats waiting for the important announcement that was called by the current head of state, Altidya, on a situation within the party.

A situation that would jump start a political violence..

"Fellow comrades of the Stalliongrad Soviet Republic, I am ashamed today, not just because of the fact that you've allowed our fellow ponies to starve on the street, but also because of the recent reports of treason within the party!" Altidya announced, starting a unrest of murmuring before the head of council shouted.


As the entire room lit up in protest the rest of the council members that supported the unitary party walked down and stood besides Altidya when the head of council saw the 45 members siding with her. Leaving only him and the other 30.

"TRAITORS!" Shouted in protest by the council members that remained with the head of council.

Before being silenced by sudden gun fire...

23 hours earlier, Moskva, Rodinian Soviet Republic of States.

"After conducting an investigation we have believed that the N.I.B. And our comrade pony allies in Stalliongrad Unraveled pro-Equestrian supporters within the party secretly preparing to conduct an all-civilian coup on the Soviet Party of Stalliongrad." General Orlovsky reported.

The Red Mother sat with her finger on her chin intrigued with a question in her mind.

"How do they plan on doing this... ‘Civilian coup’ and how will they obtain this type of support for this uprising?" She directed the question to the general.

"Our Red Mother, from what I've gathered it seems there has been recent reports as you can see up on the screen right here," he pointed towards the board with a projector projecting images of container ships exploding.

"These ships were a part of our shipping services that shipped food from one place to another, of course within Equestrian and Soviet treaties and regulations, the ships were not to be harmed but also at the same time they're not to harbor anything that could advance Stalliongrad technology… BUT! As you see in the image the ship is in fact a food transport ship, and while reports suggest it was an accident, the N.I.B. says otherwise when they handed me the report on the investigation, you see my fellow comrades of the Rodina, it was staged by none other than the head of the Supreme Soviet Council of Stalliongrad, Nikola Treshivich. We’re also believing that he's a Equestrian spy who works with the S.M.I.L.E. unit, and with destroying those ships he can have the people turn against our allies and call for reunification of Equestria.."

The council members murmured in surprise and confusion while the Red Mother sat back disturbed with the news told before her until she leaned forward and asked.

"Is that correct general Orlovsky?"

"Yes our Red Mother, and we have photographic evidence sent in just now, as you see in the-"

"That'll be enough general," she interrupted.

"Excuse me, our Red Mother?"

"That'll be all, this session is adjourned," she announced with the sound of the Gavel the meeting ended and she immediately got up from her seat and jogged outside the cold winter with Brezhnev following her.

"Are you insane! Where's your coat!" Brezhnev asked.

"I don't need one, now get the soviet military command online now."



"Ok... Right away.." he replied without a protest.

She turned to her bear and climbed on it and spoke.

"To the palace, quick!"

And immediately she rode on the soviet bear that ran through the snowy streets of Moskva as the people of the Rodina cleared the way for their leader who was now being escorted by police cars clearing the streets.

After a long ride to the palace she jogged inside the door making a sudden entrance in the busy department that was either making phone calls or filing reports, she ran towards her personal elevator and ordered.

"Foreign relations room, and fast."

The elevator servant pressed the button and the elevator doors closed and the elevator went up toward 23 floors before opening up to a red carpeted room with a built-in fountain with the soviet sickle spewing the water out from the sickle tips.

She walked towards the phone room where she makes her personal calls to every existing soviet leader/country in the current world. She rolled the telephone wheel two or three times before it made buzzing sounds to connect.


Altidya was sitting in her office looking at the reports of a potential famine breakout, she looked at the reports in concern knowing that if these terrorist continued their attacks it might starve the population out to the point of social economic collapse, just as she placed her paper down in stress and anger the RSRS-Stalliongrad direct phone line ringed which she was eager to pick up the phone because it would mean that salvation has come.

She picked the phone up and spoke.

"Hello? This is Altidya of Stalliongrad what's the situation-"


"Eleanor? It's been a while since I've spoken to you since-"

"There's no time, is Nikola still the leader of the council?" The Red Mother asked

"I mean of course he is. If anything he's starting to get a bit scary lately.."

"Okay listen, I will be sending you evidence, but him and other 30 members in the councils are traitors, we've already Identified them so you don't have to execute the wrong members on accident, alright?"

"Wait... Nikola? Are you saying he's a.."

The line went silent for a moment before Altidya's eye's were enraged and she bashed her hoof on her desk in anger.

"That traitor! I'll have the Stalliongrad army take care of him!"

"Don't, if you do there will be an armed rebellion to take his place, tomorrow my men will deal with them and the potential rebels. But in the meantime do not say anything about our conversation, is that clear Alti?"

Altidya looked left and right to see if somepony was eavesdropping on her conversation and then replied.


"Good, form the council meeting tomorrow at 3:30 pm, and informed the non-traitors about the other traitors and my men will take care of the rest."

"Alright, I'll see your men soon."

Altidya hung up the phone when a knock was made on her door which came in was Nikola.

"I have the papers from the council, they like to know what your solution is to the situation, politically and socially," Nikola asked, which Altidya within herself replied.

"Call a meeting for the council at 3:30 pm, and I'll provide you.. My solution to this crisis.."

Present time

Altidya looks at the now deceased Nikola who has been shot by multiple PKM rounds to the back, along with the other 30 members who are now dead.

The remaining 45 and Altidya were quickly evacuated from the building by Rodinian soldiers but when Altidya stepped outside she looked around and saw MI-8 helicopters landing to deploy the airborne and special forces soldiers wearing Atlyn helmets with black ski masks over their faces.

She then notices that her city is now covered with what seems to be the entire RSRS army, only it was about 5% of it.

Rodinian T-72 tanks and BTR-80s rolled into the streets as she looked to see ponies hiding their fillies in fear of what was going to happen when she looked at the person who was overseeing the entire operation in her home territory.

"You must be General Orlovsky, I heard about your victories in Saddle Arabia." Altidya conversed with the human.

"Give me a moment Romanov, for now rendezvous with Malashenko and we'll speak then." He spoke on the radio, before placing it on the table and turning towards Altidya.

"And you must be Altidya, the head of state I presume, sorry to break the news to you but your rivals were not the traitors and they are currently rallying the troops against a potential uprising." Orlovsky reported.

"I wasn't going to ask that, unfortunately they weren't the traitors though, but what uprising?" She asked solemnly, which Orlovsky was a bit reluctant to answer before he got a grip of himself and replied.

"Apparently we were too late to quell him in time, there's reports that counter-revolutionaries has taken up arms in Petershoof, and they just captured the capitol building and the city." Reported Orlovsky, making Altidya concerned..

"But.. Will you deal with this? Should I send the Stalliongrad red army?" She asked.

"No, it'll be best that the Stalliongrad army does not participate in this operation for the sake of friendly fire, the rebels are using their uniforms they've stolen from the armories, it's a matter of time before they acquire ranged weapons from black market dealers, but nonetheless, we'll deal with them for now try to keep your people calm on what's going on, is that understood?" Orlovsky instructed, which in response Altidya nodded affirming his instructions and moved back to her capital building where she resonates within.

Orlovsky turned back to the radio and spoke.

"Lieutenant Romanov, and captain Malashenko, execute planned order code 0."


I was lounging around the throne room waiting on whatever the hell a personal diplomacy is and why Gold Star and specifically Twilight Sparkle.. Her two friends, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity left Canterlot though for some personal things. But what about me? Well I don't know what or why but something fishy is going on here.. And I plan to figure it out one way or another...


Meanwhile as I plan to figure it out Celestia, Luna, and Ronald Reagan were in another room that would be the dining area of the castle with Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle sitting by each other wondering why they've been chosen.

Of course before anyone says it, Twilight breaks the silence barrier.

"Why us! Is there something between me and him that happened to get you two interested?!"

Celestia and Reagan shrugged, but Luna rolled her eyes and the two stared at her which made her a bit aggravated before she sighed and replied to Twilight's question.

"it is not because of something between thou and Gold Star, mine sister and Reagan had already planned this since they first contacted us about the diplomatic mission that was going to be launch, 'tis naught to worry about other than befriend Gold Star and talk about thy feelings, naught else major." Explained Luna, which made Twilight twitch her ear a bit and then nodded her head down.

"I understand... So what do we do in the meantime?" Twilight asked, while Luna rolled her eyes towards Celestia in a grunt.

Which Celestia caved in on Luna's grunt and replies

"You and Gold Star will be, like my sister said, speaking to each other, nothing else," said Celestia.

"That's fine if he's fine with it?" Twilight questioned.

"I'm fine with it," said Gold Star.

"Then it is settled, you two may be free to go on your way." Celestia excused the two, but as Twilight was about to exit the door Celestia stopped her for a moment and whispered.

"Be sure to know who you're supposed to know."

Twilight raised her eyes a bit when Gold Star called out.

"Are you coming?" He asked.

"Coming!" Replied Twilight, catching up to Gold Star as the two now exitted the castle Reagan walked towards a window of the twin sisters reuniting after Luna's freedom from Nightmare moon.

"It seems I've missed a lot here, if Uncle Sam knew about this he would've started negotiations ages ago," said Reagan, admiring the window art.

"But that's where you're wrong Mr. Reagan, he already knew that my sister had returned from banishment." Celestia interjected.

"Hm.. Then why did he wait this long to start the negotiations if Princess Luna had already returned from her banishment in the first place then?" Reagan questioned.

"Perhaps... There's something that none of us really knows about, all I can say is trust him." Celestia grinned, while Reagan nodded.

"I don't know who made these windows, but I'm about to see who the designer is and maybe talk about adding my own for the white house." Reagan chuckled, but was also serious about finding the designer who made the windows.

"Should we tell him?" Luna asked.

"About what?" Asked Reagan, as Celestia chuckled.

"I don't think that's how these windows work." Celestia replied.

"Are you meaning to say that they shift?"

Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle walked through the populated city of Canterlot where the usual businesses have been made mainly per daily, Gold Star gazed at the city's ancient beauty, while Twilight pondered Celestia's words on what she meant of who she's supposed to know.

Gold Star, being optimistic over everything, sees that Twilight is in her pondering face which how he knew was not really known but he let her ponder things out for a minute before he stopped at an apple stand and paid four bits for two apples.

He took a bite and loved its delicate taste.

"Heh, compliments to the farmers ey?" Gold Star said, trying to brighten Twilight's mood.

"Isn't your friend an apple farmer?" He asked, referring to Applejack who is also the element of Honesty.

"I mean, back from where I am there are loads of those, especially in the Tex State, of course that was also where the pear family ponies also live in and.. The whole conflict.. And so on," Gold Star dreaded, but again, Twilight was not replying to his compliments, his gratitude or anything.. So with one more thing in his mind that he liked as much as she loves, and something that he can relate with Twilight.

He grabs a map from his military-provided saddle bag with his hoof and looks at the map of Canterlot and sees a library not too far from where he and Twilight are, so with Twilight still pondering he decides to pull a fast ball and turns right.

Twilight started to break off from pondering when Gold Star made an unexpected turn and quickly catched up.

He decides to make his move.

"You know, I would be enjoying the view in Canterlot while I could, it's a once in a lifetime experience you know," said Gold Star, to which Twilight rolled her eyes and replied.

"I've been through these streets a thousand times already, I mean it's nothing harsh or anything, but I don't think this will ever work out between us!" She yelled.


"What? Is that the whole point!? It's clearly a stage just to have my hoof in marriage! It's nothing else than some attempt, nopony could even match up to me and even if they do they won't even stand with what I do daily!!"

"I don't really know what you're talking about but all I can say is that I doubt that's what it is, besides we're just getting to know each other and not straight into the train hole!"

"But what exactly do we have in common! Why did Celestia and your leader choose you to be a part of this 'personal diplomacy' and what is Celestia's goal here!" Aggravated Twilight.

But before Gold Star answered she bumped into a wooden door and looked at the building that said the "Library of Canterlot knowledge" which made her a bit surprised and curious.

She turned towards the Gold Star with an unamused expression on her face.

"Very funny… As you've known by now everypony already knows that I like books, my favorite in particular is-"

"Starswirls book of Spells."
"Starswirls book of Spells."

Said the two in perfect unison which made Twilight pop out of her own head.

"Wait, you know Starswirl's book of Spells? Or are you just guessing?" She asked.

"Guess? No. Knowing it? Yes! Like are you serious? I've read that book ever since I've joined the military, in fact I've read most of the books ranging from unicorn and pegasi magic, of course considering that I'm just a earth pony I still find that it's good for the Earth ponies to tend to the earth. For example, did you know that in the book "The Lost Magic of Equus" that the Earth Ponies use to have magic to grow vines and even instantly grow crops?" Gold Star stated.

"I.... I didn't know there was any such book at all! But even if there was it would've most likely been in the most high secured place in all of Equestria that only the princesses could-"

"Woah relax... I got the book from the National Library of Congress, Washington Capital has some interestingly good books nowadays."

Twilight lowered her wings and scratched her mane in a sweaty grin.

"Hehe... Right..."

The two were quiet and then Twilight used her horn and opened the library door entering inside of the Library of mass knowledge as Gold Star looked in amazement of the knowledge he'll want to consume.

Twilight looked backed towards Gold Star and asked.

"Would you.. Join me?" She asked.

"Heck yah!" Replied Gold Star as he and Twilight vanned out in search of books to read.

Petershoof, Stalliongrad, Operation Zone


The commissar dropped his entire arm signaling the firing squad to execute the rebels they captured in Petershoof as the battle raged in the sky and the ground.

BMP-1 armor vehicles arrived with troops to quell the pony rebels trying to get Stalliongrad to join Equestria, but the rebellion is nearly dismantled if it wasn't for the unicorns using lethal magic against the soldiers and the tanks the rebels would've been suppressed, but somehow the unicorns knew how to use magic lethally, as if someone had teached them how to..

Either way, the MIG jet fighters had been at work intercepting pegasus as part of the rebellion to prevent them from changing the weather.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Ogav was called into service and accepted the call, he sent his now daughter in law to his mother who still lives in the Tartar region of Rodinia.

He was assigned to his old company the 134th armor-infantry brigade where he's supposed to be apart of the spearhead assault into Petershoof, the company recently had a new second name called the "Malashenko company" which is lead by none other than Nikolai Malashenko.

Malashenko had a reputation of being optimistic and when push comes to shove, he would execute orders to the harshest extent, however he is also known to be reckless and brutal, the only person with the leash would be General Orlovsky but even then it wouldn't surprise the Red Mother when she'd gets request to have his rank suspended but at the moment she replied to Orlovsky to basically tell him to suck it up.

Whether Ogav knew all of that was true or not, he was ordered to personally meet Malashenko in his tent about how they'll launch the spear head. At the moment they're waiting for the Soviet weather division to arrive and clear the rainy weather out because when they launched the initial assault the rebel pegasus were attempting to flood the place before being shot down. It's still raining but not heavily, but the area has been getting muddy to the point of no man's land forcing the division to go uphill, while it was still raining it wasn't muddy.

With that said, Ogav swallowed his pride and went inside of the tent where he stumbled upon Malashenko in his conversation with other officers when it seemed that Malashenko noticed Ogav entered or that he finished planning but he concluded the planning and demanded.

"Alright, everyone but Ogalivich Volklav, please get out of my tent."

The officers left Malashenko's tent all except for Ogav who now stands in front of his new commanding officer who was examining all over the war stricken man.

"We finally meet at last Mr. Volklav, take a seat. I prefer that we talk properly and not stand around and point at maps." Nikolai chuckled, as Ogav took up his offer and sat down silently.

"Not much of a talker I assume?" Said Malashenko.

"Not much... You requested my presence major?" Asked Ogav.

"Indeed, I've heard of your victories you've made with this division's old commanding officer, it was shameful that he had passed on in the hot deserts instead of his warm house in Caucausia," grieved Malashenko.

"Yes indeed.. But he would want us to win this battle if he was here," said Ogav.

"Indeed he would, now I ask for your advice." Malashenko rose up from his seat and pointed at the city of Petershoof. "According to the now "Rodinian Intelligence Bureau," they noticed that the city has been captured by the rebels at the start of the cleansing operation just hours ago, it also appears that according to Orlovsky they've planned this rebellion from the start but as for the start date, it was a bit mildly concerning.``

"So, what are you saying exactly?" Ogav questioned.

"I'm saying that they possibly planned to start their organized uprising in 1008, 5 years from now, if we hadn't replied sooner then this rebellion would've been even more of a struggle than it is right now." Malashenko simply explained.

"That does explain some things, I also had a clutch that they blew those container ships with food just to rally up numbers, but what does that do for spearheading with this assault?"

"There my friend is where the plan comes in, knowing these rebels, they're not even organized if not trained, but they will use the city to their advantage so to crush the rebellion we must destroy the city," Malashenko said.

"What?? But what about the pony civilians?" Ogav asked.

"What about them?"

"Are we not going to evacuate them?" Ogav questioned.

"Of course not, they'll most likely just conspire against the Stalliongrad government, everyone in the city is better off dead, than alive, including the children, who knows what types of bombs these terrorists might strap on them." Malashenko outrageously said.

"What!? But think of the children! Lives! Are you sure you want to blatantly execute innocent lives!?"

"LISTEN LIEUTENANT!" Shouted Malashenko, silencing Ogav's protest.

"I have my orders, and you have your orders. You will be in charge of commanding the T-72s and the BTR-60s to scout the streets of Petershoof and during this you are to place remote detonated flare markers in these specific spots of the city," briefed Malashenko, before angrily looking at Ogav.
“Those are not orders and you know it!”

"My orders or not Lieutenant! If you deviate from this order, you will be court martialed and executed. Is that clear lieutenant?!?" Malashenko threatened which Ogav nodded in defying disobedience.

"Good.. Now get out." Ordered Malashenko.

Ogav exited from the tent in anger and looked at the city in flames looking through binoculars he can see families who're already suffering from a famine living in the streets gazing on their own homes that have been either destroyed or torn down to the ground level. Ogav doesn't want to be responsible for other people's misery because he has a daughter in law who lived through it..

And he wasn't going to let those people suffer the same.

Map update as of 1003

Night time in Canterlot

It's been a long day, looking after Gold Star or atleast I was looking after him. Earlier today I walked into the library like the president would say he would be and sure enough he was... Just buried in a pile of books.. Lots and lots of books…

"HEY GOLD STAR! WHERE YOU AT!" I shouted, when he popped out from the piles of books above me.

"I'm over here, sorry about that Lieutenant me and Twilight had been busy with... Negotiations," he sarcastically said, as Twilight popped out from the book pile and replied.

"Yep! Nothing wrong in here."

Usually I'd say something else but since it's 12:30 in the morning and since Gold Star is with Equestria's most tactical princess imma just say fuck it for this once..

"Alright, I'll leave you two to it then, happy reading.. (I guess..)"

"Okay! Stay safe!" Replied Gold Star, grabbing a book stuck to his mane and reading it.

I left the library for their sake.. And maybe mine, after all it's night time and the streets are almost getting empty so it's almost safe out, so I started walking through the empty streets of Canterlot when I heard footsteps behind me.

I couldn't tell what that was but I ran as fast as I could before I bumped into someone on my way and landed on my palms and knees which were a bit scratched from the concrete.

"Ffff- fuck that hurt, shit. I think I broke my hand, I deserved that whoever got in the way of my running though or maybe not, actually who was in my way?"

I got up and saw a dark blue Alicorn with a black crown and neck regalia blue mane that's blowing from no wind or nothing meaning that's it a magic type mane, which that was the moment I realized those features I was immediately greeted by the guards that were escorting her with a complimentary spear point.. To my chin.

"Well fuck me," I said, raising my hands a little up trying to not get jabbed by a barbaric weapon until the blue Alicorn acted.

"Do not lay thy spears on him!"

"But he just pushed you over!"

"That's because he was frightened, now lower thy spears!" Luna ordered, as the royal guards lowered their spears away from my chin.

"I apologize if my subjects were a bit reactive towards knocking me over."

"No need, I'm sorry about that myself, I thought I heard something following me but of course that was a bit paranoid of me to run like that and not see." I replied, making Luna raise her brow a bit but shrugged.

"I accept the apology, I was out on a nightly stroll trying to find Twilight Sparkle and thy friend Gold Star, yet I assume thou art out here for the same reason?" Luna questioned.

"Yea... I'm sure those two are doing fine, I was sent by Reagan to fetch the two but I didn't want to bother them or anything they seemed to be having a blast... In a library..."

Luna chuckled at my response.

"What's so funny? Not that I mean no disrespect."

"Oh nothing, it's just that it's nice that she finally found a capable pony who also takes her liking towards reading, my sister seems to have made the right choice" Luna replied, which made me think about that.

"So Celestia chose him? That would've meant that Reagan must've chosen Twilight first then.. But why?"

Luna pondered on my question for a while before she shrugged in a concerned neutral face.

"Whatever it is, I'll need to think about it later, I need to sleep."

"Very well," Luna replied. "I shall take thou to the guest room myself."

The Royal guards jolted their necks as if they'd been insulted.

"What about us your highness?" Asked the guards.

"Carry on with the decrees you've been granted already, and retrieve Twilight and Gold." She reminded.

While me and Luna split from her guards who went the other way to retrieve the two I was being stalked by someone the whole time who also watched the conversation.

“So uhh, I shouldn't mention this, but do you really have an interest in old Equestrian?”

"Yes my little target, go on with your oversized horse towards the bed.. It'll be the last sleep you will have and then.. Well, then you will serve under our Red Mother."

While Luna was showing me to the guest rooms Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle had a blast in the library.. A very quiet blast actually since all they did was read books, talk about them, read more books, and repeat steps.

Anyways, they were now being escorted by the royal guards back to the castle because of how late it was but on the way something that I never thought to hear happened.

As Gold Star and Twilight were walking down the empty streets of Canterlot they started conversing.

"You know, I never thought of you as a pony who'd actually read books, but how wrong I was when you took me inside and dug into a book," said Twilight, making Gold chuckle.

"Well I've always been interested in reading books in my entire life actually, it started when I was a filly.. At first I saw books as a boring way to entertain the smart ponies and people, I thought of it as a scientist or a mage entertainment TV stuff and well.. One day I decided through temptation when a book was blown onto my face I decided to just say screw my logic and read." Gold explained his origin, which prompted Twilight to learn much more about him.

"Did you actually say that? Or was that just exaggeration?"

Gold looked at Twilight neutrally before letting out a lipped sigh and replied.

"Yea, I had a lot of conflict deciding if I should read it or not, if anything I wouldn't have read it if it wasn't for my dad." Gold paused at that last word.

Twilight raised her brow in suspicion wondering what made him pause a sentence.

The two walked in silence with the only sound being made is the golden horseshoes on the royal guards' hooves making contact with the concrete ground, finally Twilight made her move.

"What were your parents?" She asked, but Gold didn't respond, so she asked again.

"What were your parents?"

Gold was slow to reply but before he could they reached the castle entrance and then he spoke.

"Another story, for another time."

He followed one of the guards that were taking him to the guest room but he stopped and turned towards Twilight.

"It's been a fun day, maybe we can do it again tomorrow or some other time, what do you say?" Gold asked.

"I think Saturday will do, there's a lot to comprehend now that humanity decided to make its move (as if Equestria couldn't handle more than the other 5 humans that now resides in Ponyville)"

"Then it's a date, good night princess Sparkle." He smiled, following the guard to his room leaving Twilight speechless and happy as if something more than friendship had just been lightened up.

"Yea... Good night.."

She looked around the castle's windows for a while when the guard that escorted her came to her and asked.

"Do you like for me to show you to your room your highness?"

Twilight looked at the window art and replied.

"I think I can manage, thank you though."

The guard saluted and left Twilight alone with the entire throne room all to hers, Twilight looked at the window and her reflection when a bigger reflection appeared behind her with a smile who was also looking at the same window in the throne room, but Twilight didn't mind Celestia's presence in the room she was looking at the window that presented Twilight's rise to alicornhood.

Twilight looked at the window as a change, Celestia looked at it as an accomplishment.

"I see you had a great time with Gold Star," Celestia grinned.

"How did yo-"

"He told me about it." Celestia interrupted, referring to Gold Star.


As the room was silent other than the sounds of crickets and the fountain still spewing out water Celestia placed her hoof under her former student’s chin and raised her to Celestia’s eyes.

"Now there's something I like to ask you, what do you see of yourself?" Celestia asked.

"What do I see? Well.. I see myself?"

"Good, now what else?"

"Well, I have wings, a horn, and Equestria's best teacher I could ever have!" Twilight smiled.

"Go on?"

"And my friends, I know they'll stick with me no matter what!" Twilight spoke in pride, but Celestia frowned and sighed.

"But what if in the future.. Something terrible happens to them, then what?" Celestia asked, which made Twilight's ears perk up.

"Celestia, what makes you think about that possibility?" Twilight asked, which Celestia sighed and answered.

"Remember about the time that I said that humans have only a short life span?" She asked.


"I've been talking with Mr. Reagan today about how humans live, build, and work, it made me realize throughout the years of my life that my ponies, are not that different when it comes to those three categories, what hurt me more was the realization that Starswirl never came back, I hope you understand when I chose Gold Star to be apart of this experience. In our reality, nothing lasts forever," Celestia explained in a saddened tone.

The two then sat in front of each other wondering about the future.

And the sweet release of death...

With that depressing thought I was taking my boots off, they smelt like shit, I took my uniform off, kept my white under shirt and my shorts, after that I looked at the bed I'm about to lay on.

-hello Mr. Bed, Vader is back-

I then jumped and landed on the bed on my back and immediately without no thought I slept as if I passed out unconscious.

Unknowing that the enemy is sneaking in my room...


Yuri looked up with binoculars where he can see my bed and my combat boots on the balcony, because of the shit smell I decided to leave it out on the balcony, he then opened his briefcase and grabbed a grappling and the hook, he attached the rope on the hook and then loading the grappler and aimed it at the balcony.

He fires the grappling gun and the hook lands in one of the balconies wooden railing bars, he tugs on it once and twice and then retracts the rope climbing him towards my room and onto my balcony.

Quietly, he stopped retracting the grappler and climbed over the balcony stealthily without attracting attention but that was before a door opened was when he quickly hid himself to a wall and went completely flat as the ground as he looks at a blue Alicorn without a crown or a regalia and stared at his target.

"I never knew such a human as this one is an heir to something greater, if only he knows," said the blue pony before trotting away from his target and closing the door behind her.

Yuri chuckled at her sentence.

"Little does she know, he's more important than what she thinks, you wretched outdated English speaker!" He insulted.

He went towards my bed and put on gloves.

"And as for you, prepare for a new position in life!"

As Twilight and Celestia were walking down the hall they heard me screaming.


"That sounded like Yates!"

"Quick follow me!"

The two Alicorns ran down the hall followed by other four guards who also heard my scream.

When I woke up after feeling like something was touching me I saw a bald man with mechanical stuff on his head who quickly covered my mouth.

I immediately fought back and punched him in the jaw off my bed and attempted to grab my pistol before he used some type of telekinesis on me and threw me on the dresser. And holy shit that was painful.


The bald man replied by grabbing me by the neck and slammed me on the ground and then said.

"Here's Yuri!!!"


He then pointed a tranq pistol at me but he wasn't able to use it when the door was slammed open and in came unicorn royal guards and two pissed Alicorns that were about to shoot someone with a lethal.

However something cracked in that bald man when he got the glimpse of Twilight because he looked pissed.


"I thought the same to Yuri!"

"You know him?" We both asked.

"He was the one who stole a staff from the Crystal empire, that's the one who I was talking about!" Twilight revealed.


"Even as much rage I have towards you purple pony, I don't have time for this."

Immediately my room becomes a fucking warzone when Yuri used telekinesis on the unicorn guards who attempted to seize and arrest him and were thrown from the balcony before being catched by Celestia who couldn’t keep a grip on them.

"I-I can't hold on much longer!!"

Seeing the moment I can run towards the balcony in a attempt save the other four guards who were floating above from sudden dead, but it is behind Yuri so if I was going to save them I needed Twilight to distract him so I can get to them, so when I looked at her and she seemed to have a clear understanding at what I'm aiming for and she immediately fired her lethal spells on Yuri to keep him at bay while I make a run towards the balcony.




The guard, who was still hovering from Celestia's magic and near certain death, instructed the other three unicorn guards to grab each others hooves and then the top guard of the four reached for my hand and I reached for his and after a brief struggle we successfully grabbed each other before Celestia collapsed on the ground from keeping the four pony guards from the 56 mile height of death, however I nearly fell with them if my feet weren't planted on the bars.

But they were slipping..

Meanwhile Yuri looked at Twilight's attack pattern, knowing the room to be small and with the potential American marines probably on their way to gun him down by the sounds of army boots marching towards the area he needed to make his escape and fast, so as Twilight charged her magic he manipulated her horn and created a unstable magic that she can barely control and it was quickly released from her horn and blew a hold on the wall of my room, making the perfect escape route for him.

She looked at the hole in fear of what Yuri just did.

"How did you!??"

"There's more than what I did, consider yourself lucky, and you might wanna help your comrade, I'd prefer him alive than dead right now."

Twilight turned and yes I almost fell over the Balcony before being caught by Twilight's magic and was pulled by her, bringing the four unicorn guards to safety on the ground panting in fear and sweaty relief, as for me though I was tired as hell..

Twilight then turned and saw Yuri escaped, she ran to the hole and saw Yuri running outside of the castle and into the city of Canterlot with a briefcase, she then saw a note that was sitting on what was left of the dresser that said..

'Better luck next time, purple pony.'

In anger she crumpled the paper and looked at me with a question..

A question I will not be able to answer because I don't know how to answer it.

32nd Steelhooves street, Petershoof, Stalliongrad

The next day arrived... And Petershoof is now besieged and bombed, Ogav was ordered to begin placing the remote detonated flare pods in the specific areas along with scouting the area for the post-artillery shelling which after that would come to the main offensive that would be launched, though he already knows with what Malashenko was really about to do with the populace and this city once the two specific events happen.. Something he never stood for in his time commanding the division that he returned to there was no public executions but there were private ones, but even then they didn't plan to bomb the shit out of the city and massacre an entire population like this.

But now, he is in a T-72 tank leading a convoy of armor vehicles consisting of BMPs, a BTR-70, and 3 T-72s, not a decent amount but he looked behind him and saw the backs of the BTR empty without no one even sitting in them, all the while, the men piled on top of the BMPs.

it made him think of something, perhaps he could save the ponies in this city but with Malashenko forbidding any types of evacuation Ogav knows the punishment for disobedience if not treason..

But while he thought of it the driver yelled.


"Oh, sorry! All stop!" Ogav ordered, as the entire convoy stopped and the troops on top of the troop carriers hopped off of them and lifted a heavy flare pod and set it down on what was left of a library.

Ogav felt chills through his spine though.. He looked around a bit and found nothing but apocalyptic empty streets...

At Least it was empty until...


Immediately a rocket was fired from the same library and slapped a T-72 tank out of commission breaking the convoy's straight line formation and soldiers running for cover and some shooting at nothing with the AKM’s turning the area into a spray zone, while the sum of the men scattered in cowardice.

Ogav seeing the chaos unfolding in front of his eyes, grabbed his AK-74U and jumped out of his tank and ran towards the now destroyed tank which the crew attempted to escape but the hatch got wielded shut so the crew resorted to yell.


"HOLD ON! STEP AWAY FROM THE HATCH AND WHATEVER YOU DO STAY AS FAR FROM THE HATCH AS YOU CAN!" Shouted Ogav, as the crew stepped back he banged on the hatch as hard as he can while also keeping his head low from the magic lethal spells being casted towards him along with enemy firearms being shot at him, finally in a moment of desperation as the smoke filled the air, he took aim with his AK-74U and shot the hatch with the entire cartridge rounds and kicked it straight down inside of the hull which he immediately instructed towards the trapped T-72 crew.

"Grab my hand men! One at a time!"

The crew of three of the tank got out of it and quickly took cover behind Ogav's T-72 tank when the machine guns started to spray the streets. Ogav got shot in the shoulder in the crossfire but he held his pain in a groan and ran towards the front of the tank.

He then looked around to see what his men were shooting at only to notice that the earth ponies had somehow figured out how to use captured weapons and RPGs, he quickly jumped on his tank and tapped on the lid when the crew men that he was commanding and a bullet from one of his men narrowly missed his head as the hatch opened.


"Sorry captain! I thought you were those bastard ponies!"

"No time for apology, get this turret and aim at that building behind us!"

"Are you sure sir? I belie-"

"DO IT NOW DAMMIT!!" Ogav shouted in command, but before the driver could fully get down into the tank a Anti-Tank gun was shot towards the tank and killed both the driver and the gunner Ogav seeing his men killed was filled with anger and rage as he sees the bastards in his view, grabbed his pistol shot the two anti-tank gunners, which then two more charged at him with bayonets but he shot them as well in the chest and legs.

He looked at his now undermanned tank and climbed onboard it. He noticed that there was no intense damage with any systems other than the radar, and looking back at the men he just saved they were still under his tank taking cover, so he jumped from it and ordered.

"I scratch your back now you scratch mine! I need assistance, we need to blow the building if we're going to live!" Ogav ordered, as the gunfire continued to rage on the streets.

The crew was silent before the tank command of the crew shouted.

"Well!? What are we waiting for? Let's finish this fucking fire fight!!"

The crew got out from under his tank and manned the undamaged controls, after throwing the now dead bodies on the ground, Ogav grabbed his binoculars and scanned for the source of the gun fire when he noticed that the machine guns on the building primarily on the one on the south of them on the Library east wing was the source of the ambush.

"Turn the turret 180 degrees south, lower it two clicks down, and you got the perfect shot."

The crew got to work and turned the turret behind them where the BTR-60s were. However Ogav notices a tank was missing.

"Cowardly bastards!" He said to himself as the tank canon aimed at the building he shouted.


The cannon fired.

And the shell that the tank shot directly hits the enemy position and explodes the whole building into a fiery inferno, killing anyone near it and in it to a fiery grave.

The gun fire stopped and troops that were shooting their AKs or PKMs got up, but none cheered; there were no shouts of Hurrah's that would be filling the air around Ogav. All there was aggravation and worry, and envy… But as for Ogav, he sat back in relief.. But then he notices the poor ponies who are unarmed and that was when he made his decision final.

Malashenko was watching from his binoculars when he saw the convoy with the same amount of BTR-60s but with two T-72 tanks missing.

The remaining convoy that just went through a firefight pulled up beside Malashenko and Ogav climbed off board when he was met with R.I.B. Agents pointing their pistols at him in which Ogav raised his hands up in annoyance.

"Welcoming committee.. So you knew?"

"I always knew someone as disobedient as you would betray the motherland." Malashenko spoke, as the other four R.I.B. They opened the back of the BTR-60s and saw the civilian ponies, with their fur blackened from fires or explosions of the rubble, but it was then it happened.

The unit loyal to Ogav’s command mutinied and pointed their rifles at the agents on the scene.

Malashenko turned behind him and saw that the troops he's commanding turned on the R.I.B. Agents then when he turned he see’s Ogav point his AK-74U at Malashenko and the other two agents pointed theirs at him but were quickly pointed right back by the crew that Ogav saved that will now be indebted to him forever.

"What is this Volklav!" Malashenko yelled in confusing anger.

"I knew you'd pull something like this Mr. Malashenko, but ages of experience, victories, and a shit load of encouraging speeches can make men like you even respect you, but of course camaraderie is true victory, but as for you though in this case.. You are neither of them other than a wretched war criminal!"

"You got nothing on me! NOTHING!"

Ogav smirked and looked at the R.I.B. agents.

"Release the agents men, only the major will answer for his crimes in the tribunal." Ogav ordered the troops who then lowered or lifted their rifles from the R.I.B. Agents, confusing them before Ogav played a tape recorder that he happened to record the whole entire time.

-Of course not, they'll most likely just conspire against the Stalliongrad government, everyone in the city is better off dead, than alive, including the children, who knows what types of bombs these terrorist might strap on them.-

The R.I.B. Agents were quickly surprised and turned towards Malashenko.

"N-no no don't believe him! HEY WHAT ARE YOU-"

Immediately the R.I.B. Agents cuffed Malashenko, placing him under arrest for crimes against the Stalliongrad civilians and committing international crimes against the sentient species which Malashenko angrily looked at Ogav and shouted.


Malashenko was then tossed inside of a MI-8 helicopter and was airlifted towards Rodinia where he would be tried for his crimes in the international court, the R.I.B. Agents confiscates the tape recorder and Ogav sighed in relief, that was until a soldier came up to him and asked.

"What now sir?"

Ogav looked at the troops who had been fighting the war on Stalliongradian soil, brutally beaten, injured, bloodied, and war weary, and so he did what they should've done since the execution of the rebel leader decided.

"I think it's time we try a better solution comrade."


The dining room was a bit quiet today. Reagan was sitting right in front of me in concern, Celestia and Luna also had the same concern, Shining Armor and Cadence looked as if they've just got out of bed.. Or perhaps maybe.. Eh they're married so of course they'll probably 'do it' but that's not important, what was important was who the hell was that guy named yuki? Or Uri? Uki? I don't know that guy's name other than he attacked me last night.

But anyways the room's silence ended when Twilight entered the room with bagged up items being hovered by her magic or carried by Gold who was holding them from either his back or his mouth.

The two placed what looked like bagged up evidence, the blood from a bald man, a tranq gun that he had left, and what seems to be the remaining residue from the manipulated magic that occurred when that guy did something to Twilight's horn that blew a hole in my wall.

"Is that all the evidence?" Celestia asked.

"This was all I could gather from last night's attack, that Yuri must've had a mind set when he infiltrated his room." Replied Twilight, when Reagan stood up and replied.

"But what exactly does that have to do with all of it then? None of this doesn't explain why he was after one of my people. I have a feeling that he has orders from somewhere, and if what you said about him was true and that he failed to steal some staff from the Crystal empire and then went after him what exactly does this all line up with?"

Twilight placed her hoof on her chin trying to answer the president's question and shrugged.

"With all due respect Mr. President, but I'm not much of a detective with this stuff other than the interest of what type of magic he was using back there last night.."

"Do you think it's dark magic?" Gold Star asked.

"No.. If anything I didn't feel anything other than my horn being sparked and forced to fire that incendiary spell... Whatever it was it must be irregular or unrecognizable magic. What type of magic though is what bothers me..."

"Whatever it is, Yates is endangered of being attacked again,"

"Celestia's right, I should probably move him to a secure location so Yuri will never find him."

"I wouldn't say that Mr. President," I interrupted, making everyone look at me.

"Why not? It's the best option for you so why not take it?" Reagan asked.

"Because I've seen this guy literally up and personal, hell the lights were still on when I slept in the room and I clearly saw this on his forehead... Does anyone have paper and something to write with?" I asked.

"I got paper here." Twilight replied.

"I have a pen." Gold Star also replied.

The two gave me the paper and the pen and I started to draw what I've seen. The entire group, both Crystal family, Royal sisters, President, and Gold Star and Twilight were looking at what I was drawing.

When I finished and showed the picture Reagan's eyes widened as if he saw a ghost.

"This is worse than I thought..."

"What?" I asked.

"You're right.. Taking you back to the main land is a suicide, a stupid move to suggest that in fact, clearly this is not a regular one.." Reagan denounced himself.

"What's wrong Mr. Reagan?" Celestia asked.

"Very wrong.. That's not just a Yuri, that's THE Yuri."

"I thought we've already covered that?"

"You said he manipulated your horn correct?" Reagan asked, which Twilight nodded.

"Hmm.. That means the Red Mother has it out for Yates then.. But how the hell did she knew?"

"Knew about what sir?" I asked, which Reagan, and Luna cringed a bit, Celestia however..

"They're after you because you are a relative with Luther." Celestia explained.

"I mean.. I was told that when entering the White House for the first time and you did provided me with that type of logic, but what exactly does this have to do with me being chased?" I asked again.

"Being relative with Luther, there is a weapon that can only be controlled by the relative, a weapon more powerful than the elements of harmony, or the staff of Orinithia, or even Discord himself.. If somehow Yuri was successful in capturing you and the staff that he nearly stole, you could've been used as a weapon.. A weapon that would've end all life as we know it." Celestia explained, scaring the shit out of me.. I processed her words but what's there to process? She said it plainly, I was a relative to a man who apparently saved mankind with a stick that happened to be more powerful than anything else in the world... Actually that sounds bad to think what I would've been used for.

"But Celestia? I thought the element was more powerful?" Twilight Asked, but Celestia sighed.

"The elements may be more powerful, yes, but if anything if the staff were to be used for the wrong reasons it could shatter the elements and completely destroy magic.." Celestia explained again, making Twilight gulp and then stared at me.

She seemed to be thinking of some type of solution and wouldn't you know it... She had one.. Just not what I would intend on being...

Stalliongrad Situation conclusion..

Ogav climbed on board the MI-17 helicopter that was taking him and the men back to Stalliongrad city.

The conflict ended when Ogav went to the rebel strongholds with a white flag but with no intention of surrendering but rather negotiating, both sides heated up a bit in an argument before a compromise was reached into an acceptable deal, the only deal the people wanted was really just food.

When he contacted the Red Mother and explained everything to her she nodded in agreement and called Altidya on the negotiation, it surprised the Soviet soldiers when Altidya agreed to suspend collectivism with the exchange that the Rodinian food shipments are split down to 65% towards the civilian population and the rest be given to the collective, and for the leader to sign the document of surrender and admittance.

When the Rebels of Petershoof heard about this they pressured the leader in charge to sign the admittance however the leader that headed the rebellion, in place of the recently executed one, cowardly fled across the border of Equestria, abandoning the rebel forces but it was then that when Ogav was given the document he personally signed it and temporarily, and briefly, became the rebel leader and disbanded the Petershoof rebellion.

And now that the conflict ended Petershoof is now being reconstructed by Rodinian and Stalliongrad troops along with workers who arrived to the city's aid.

Ogav looked through the window and smiled just as the helicopter took off. He wondered..

How much of a story he's about to tell to his little Natasha...

Petershoof rebellion of 1003

Rodinian deaths: 1200

Stalliongrad Rebel deaths: 140

Tanks and Armor vehicles lost: 84

Equipment captured: 2300.

Duration: 2 days.

City damage ratio (damaged: standing/undamaged): 45:55

While for me on the other hand unfortunately.. It was decided that to keep me safe and protected, Reagan and Celestia would agree to go for a full on military cooperation which resulted in a permanent military treaty. Yes, who knew that after thousands of years of hate and spite between the countries they would become such good friends.. I guess..

I was placed on surveillance by orders of Ronald Reagan, and when Uncle Sam was given reports on the situation he decided to conscript me fully back into the American military, meaning I'm not his errand boy anymore, I'm back to being a soldier.

And what was better was I'm back to the division I was supposed to serve. And that was the 105th division.

Trucks carried armored vehicles, Tanks, and Howitzers to the new area of operations for this division as a cover, and that particular new area of operations...

Is Ponyville, code named; Base Alicorn... Welcome back to the army corp, I guess.

Author's Note:

The ending looks a bit rushed but that's because I liked to set things up to the climax of the story.

With that concluded though, what will happen with the main character?

What is Gold Star hiding?

Will Stalliongrad recover from the rebellion?

And where the hell is my sandwich?

All coming in the next chapter.

Proofreading by: Polak23

Art by: Krystal Lancaster