• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,558 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Chapter 4: 1003 ALB, Negotiations

Captain Douglas Petrie:


cause of death: Cancer.

After the funeral ceremony I went inside of the cafeteria and waited for everyone to enter for the meal that was provided but I wasn't hungry..

Those past two years off of the Statcom and into shit ton of missions and for what.. To find out that my Captain is now dead... Just when I was about to just up and leave when a decorated admiral came to my table and sat down.

"You must be Mr. Yates?" The Admiral smiled, but I gave no reply...

We were both silent for a moment before the Admiral picked up where he left off.

"You know, I heard stories about one man strangling a Changeling Queen at the incident in Canterlot, I said to myself that this wasn't true but seeing you in person I see why they'd say that." The Admiral smirked.

"Well, I guess stories are sometimes fact." I replied, looking outside of the window with the American Pride ship, the Statcom, settling along the docks waiting for a new commander to head it.

"Magnificent isn't she? I dreamt of being the admiral of the ship and well.. I guess dreams do come true." The Admiral smiled.

"Your the replacement?" I guessed.

"Of course, I've been the commander of the FNS-Raymond, and well, it was boring trying to man a Battleship.." The Admiral smiled.

"Heh. Well if that's where you came from admiral, it should surprise you that this is more advanced than what you've commanded. Sir." The man laughed and than continued.

"No matter! We could be friends yes?" The admiral replied excitedly, before he turned to see a group of men calling him over.

"I must go, do say keep in touch?" The Admiral asked.

"Touché." I replied, making him chuckle.

"Hasta Luego, amigo." He spoke in his Kubian accent.

I looked at the Admiral and smiled, not because the man is very jolly, but the man might be the first of something..

"Mr. Yates." Yelled a man with a black suit and black sunglasses, as he walked towards me with a letter.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Uncle Sam, and President Ronald Reagan request your presence." The Secret Service man said, as I look at the envelope titled my name.



Zebrica, Colthage city, American Controlled Port Amber.

"So... You must be the infamous brothers, the Wayne's.. Hm, it's rare to command two of the same family." The General chuckled.

"I mean, atleast we can keep out eyes on each other... Right David!"

"Hey don't look at me I wasn't the one who was late when we were-"

"That's enough! Both of you!" Yelled the General, silencing the two brother as he sighed.

"There's a.. Reason why I called you both here, the Eclipse Brigade is getting shutdown and rebranding." The General informed.

"Rebrand? Rebrand to what exactly sir?" Asked David, before being smacked on the elbow.

"We're now going from a espionage team to total absolute special forces. We'll be called the Special Air Unit (SAU), and while we can't continue on spying on what's soon to be our ally-"

"Ally sir?"

"Yes Lian.. Ally, we're going to be patching up relations with Equestria." The General replied.

"So... Why are we involved then?" Asked Lian.

"Yea what's our purpose?" Second David.

"You'll be personally handing a apology letter to Celestia and the other 5 Equestrian staff members that I've written at the request of the President of the United States!" The General informed.

"Wow... The fact that we became soldiers to postmen is a downturn." Lian expressed.

"Here here.."

"This is no joke you dumbasses! If you screw this up not only you'll be discharged from the army and this unit! But you'll fuck us over with Equestria accepting peace with humanity! SO DON'T FUCK THIS UP! GOT IT!?" Shouted the General, forcing the two to salute.

"SIR YES SIR!" Shouted the two in unison.

"Good, there's a helicopter with your names on it that'll be transporting you to capitol hill."

The room went silent for a moment as the two waited for more what the General was going to say.


And immediately the Wayne brothers bolted out of his office and towards the heli-bay.

The next day, Ponyville

It was the usual average day in Ponyville, despite of course the fact that the town is still cleaning up a mess that slapped them at their door step from the Everfree forest.

Regardless though, the ponies there continued the usual lives.

Oh look, the purple Alicorn is on a stroll through the town, surely this one has a average life.

"Hahaha... Very funny Spike.." Twilight Sarcastically said, using her magic to look at her book.

"What? Can't I find something productive with this Camera?" Spike asked.

"If you want to find something productive with that Camera use it on flowers, or bees! Just let me get back to what I'm reading." Twilight said, going back into her book.

"Is something wrong? For the past days since the elements you and the others gave up the elements to save Celestia and Luna you've been a bit busy.." Spike pointed out, making Twilight close her book.


"Woah! Woah! Woah! Okay so a lot went by, but we're not at that point yet, take it easy! It's like Rarity say's I... Actually I don't know what Rarity says to be honest.. But I'm sure it's something better for you situati-"

Spike was then quickly embraced by Twilight without warning.

"I know.. And you're right, maybe I can move aside my studies and focus on the princess stuff later, now how about some ice cream?" Twilight smiled.

"That's the spirit! But uhh. Can you let go of me you're kinda cutting off my oxygen hehe.."

"Oh sorry, makes me forget how wittle your tiny body is." Twilight blurted.

"Ok that took to a weird turn."

After the conversation between the half-siblings (Because Twilight refers to Spike as her half-brother._.) the two had finished their desert made by their friendly neighborhood jokester that breaks the physics of everything. (And by physics I mean breaking every stories fourth walls like Styrofoam)

Despite the outrage of Pinkie Pie breaking fourth walls, the two smiled when they came out of the bakery.

"You know Spike? Maybe you're right! I should take a break from the princess stuff, after all I got my friends to hang with."

"Heh, about time."

Suddenly, sounds of blades could be heard throughout Ponyville as the locals stepped out to look up and see what was making those sounds.

Twilight looked around at first before Spike tapped her on the side.

"Umm, Twilight." He pointed, revealing Marine One flying by Ponyville causing a spectating crowd to come out and look at the flying wonder as it showed it's flags on it's side and the name "American Federation States" on both of it's side.

"What in Celestia..."


"Are you sure your student is prepared for this Tia?"

"It's been a long time since I've spoken to any human leaders since.."

Celestia looked at her sister with a deepened emotional expression thinking about the time where she banished her sister to the moon because of the mistakes Celestia made in the past. With Luna returned since then, the human nations were willing to open negotiations but never gotten the time to do them.

The only human nation that was about to do the negotiations and break the continental stand off between Humarica and Equis was the Southern Argendine Federation..

But due to sudden declaration of war from Thestria that resulted in the current bloodshed being waged between two sides followed by a bloody rebellion in Parsley by the 'Slavic Army' and with the same war now becoming a dead lock conflict of never ending Artillary exchanges the entire Humarican nations called for the Federation to deal with breaking the relation stand off but was declined by Carter, which was before he was discovered to be non-existent and was a changeling, but with Regan in office with the promise to break this continental cold war he has not provided how he'll do it.

"Tia.. It was my fault for allowing something like it to happen, not yours.."

"I still had a part with it regardless.."


"Let us go, Lulu."

Meanwhile at the between fields of Ponyville and Canterlot, Marine one nears it's destination.

"Mr. President, we're now nearing our destination sir." Informed the Pilot.

"Keep it smooth and steady, other than that keep up the good work." Replied Reagan.


Chrysalis looked upon her subjects that were with questions, since her defeat in Canterlot she now sits on her throne thinking on how to avenge such loss..

That was when a changeling guard came up to her.

"What is it my subject?" Asked the Queen.

"Your highness, we just captured a intruder, a human one."

"A HUMAN!? *Ahem* what is this.. Humans.. Name exactly?" Asked the Queen.

"It's not the human that humiliated you I can assure." Replied the Changeling guard, as Chrysalis grinded her teeth.

"Than what is the human's buisness coming here then!?" Chrysalis asked.

"I think it's becau-"

"That's a rhetorical question.. Send the human to the pit." Chrysalis ordered.

"My majesty, he requests that he sees you." The Changeling said, intriguing Chrysalis.

"Oh? Does he beg for his life already?" The Queen asked. "I'd certainly like to here his plea."

"Not that request, he wants to make a.. Partnership."

"Partnership? And what benefits do I have with him in a partnership?" Chrysalis asked.

"He has some type of briefcase with him, he claims that 'it might be our way of victory over the ponies'." The Guard repeated the prisoners words.

Chrysalis stood on her four hoofs and thought for a moment. Before smiling at the quote.

"Send him here then, he has 5 minutes to impress me or I will send him to the pit." Chrysalis reconfigured her order.

"Yes your Majesty." Replied the guard, as he flew out of the room and whistled to the guards that was escorting the stranger who was not even in bondage or shackled.

"YOU DIDN'T CUFF HIM!?" Chrysalis yelled.

"He seemed cooperative and promising my majesty." Replied the guard.

"I should send YOU TO THE PIT MYSELF! But it seems whatever this being wants I might consider sparing your life, now as for you human! What purpose do you have in my hive!" Snarled Chrysalis.

The human cleared his throat and stretched his V necked vest and replied.

"I may introduce myself as Erwin Rommel. And since the kind bugs brought me to your domain, I heard about the news of the Amerikan intervention in the international affairs of the Changelings and saw it as outrage. And when my country, which is currently at war with the Bat ponies, was invaded I soon realized that the major powers were not going to help.. So to get back for this betrayal! I decided to steal old and new types of technologies that may benefit you. Such as the STG-44, MP-40, and Gewehr rifles." Presented Rommel, as the Changelings that was watching the throne room and spectators watching from their hive holes whispered in amazed surprise, and Chrysalis lifted her right eye impressed.

"Interesting.. What type of other weapons are you offering to my cause?" Chrysalis asked.

"The type that would mop the floor with the Equestrians and even the Griphonians. Just one thing." Paused Rommel. "The Amerikans will most likely attempt to sabotage this type of build up, and from what I seen of them they could threaten our army."

Chrysalis looked to her two Changeling advisors present and then turned towards Rommel and asked.

"What would you like us to do? Field Marshal." Smiled Chrysalis. As the Changelings behind her chuckled and laughed at what the madman has brought them.


Celestia and Luna met with Cadence and Shining armor, who came for this opportune moment as representation for the Crystal empire.

"It's great for you two to take time from helping the Crystal Ponies, but are you sure you can trust your advisors?" Asked Celestia.

"I'm sure they can handle the city for a while, why to miss something this big?" Cadence replied.

Celestia nodded but looked at Shining armor who was looking at the letters that his sister sent him about the helicopter that flew over head, he looked up and asked.

"Can I speak with you for just a moment in private?" Asked Shining, making Celestia curious.

"Luna, Cadence?" Celestia requested.

"It's alright, come with me Cadence, I think I should provide you more history on our human friends." Luna acknowledged, as she and Cadence left the throne room and went outside Shining Armor looked at Celestia and Celestia stared right back at Shining Armor.

"Is something wrong Shining?" Questioned Celestia.

"I've been thinking lately... Ever since the everfree incident I thought my sister was going to crack, and to my expectations she did but her friends helped her, but now.." Shining paused for a moment, looking at the glass window of his sisters rise to alicornhood. "Now with new responsibilities.. I'm not so sure what to think what your idea is for this important meeting.."

"What is it to be worried about? Your sister had came a long way, you should be proud to be called her brother. But in the matter of this meeting however, that is something you must see for yourself..." Replied Celestia, placing her hoof under Shining's chin with a smile.

"You think she'll be keeping herself together after all these times? I have to know, she is going to flip when the humans ar-"

Suddenly a purple Alicorn with her 2 friends spawned out of no where above the two and landed right beside them.

The girls rubbed their heads in aggravation.

"Next time... Learn where to land!" Complained Rainbow Dash, as the girls got up and Celestia tilted her head a bit and chuckled.

"Bumpy landing as usual Twilight." Smiled Celestia, as Twilight got on her hoofs and stared at her former mentor.

"Did you get the letter!?" Asked Twilight, while Spike was hopping off from her mane.

"Of course I did, but I would've explained if it wasn't for the rapid arrival from the human leaders." Celestia replied.

"H-h-HUMAN LEADERS!??!" Yelled Twilight.

"Oh great... Here we go again.." Groaned Spike.

"Yes Twilight, human leaders will be here for a momentous occasion, this is very important." Celestia stated, as Rarity slid Twilight to the side.

"You mean the same race that made my inspiration of fashion!?" Rarity then passes out which who was then catched by Rainbow Dash.

"C'mon Rarity! I get that this type of race is very admirable, especially with the... COOL HIGH FLYING JETS!" Excited Dash, dropping Rarity in the outburst.

"If I would've known they're coming I would've started decorating right away!"


"Okay we need to start now, Rainbow could you perhaps-"

"Twilight! There is no need for decorations, you already have a role in these negotiations." Celestia explained, snapping Twilight off of the decoration uhh.. Stuff.

"I.. Do?" Twilight asked.

"Of course you do, but that will be provided later for now we must."

Celestia was interrupted by a Canterlot guard who entered the throne room to notify the princess of Equestria.

"Your highness, they're here."

Before taking off I was called by Uncle Sam to be in these proceedings as a military operative, meaning I was on guard duty.. Then again it's more fun being the guard rather than to sit around and wait, although that's practically what body guarding is typically...

Anyways, when I heard we were going to Canterlot I was a bit surprised, but not as surprised was when I overheard one of the pilots flying the helicopter that we were going to break the great political stalemate that started in 70 ALB.

The political stalemate, or the Humarican-Equis freeze, was included in the treaty of cloudsdale signed between President Abraham Lincoln and Princess Celestia that formally ended the Lunar wars altogether but unofficially it also meant no more political relations meaning we didn't no longer trust Equestria all the while trust it, yea I know that makes zero sense but I didn't draw up the treaty!

Anyways, after centuries the Humarican continent didn't bother trying to break this deadlock and yet for some reason when they did try to break it, it would coincidently happened that Thestria would declare war on the nation trying to break the deadlock. However despite protest, threats, and warnings from the previous presidents that served the American Federation Thestria would continue to suppress anyone trying to make the peace with Equestria... I guess Uncle Sam and Reagan had enough of their bullshit and decided to do it themselves.

Anyways, during the ride I was told to body guard a pony... Yea you heard that right a pony, I never knew why a particular pony is important but of course as I'm writing this I'm sitting right across him right now.

"Hey." Greeted Gold Star.

"Sup." I replied.

I went back to writing this but he seems very calm and likes the scenes, makes me wonder if he's pragmatic, the Federation could use Generals like that nowadays even though he's a Captain just by the patch on his leg.

"So, you must be the mighty Yates who beaten the hell out of Chrysalis, I have to say you had guts kicking her ass, word of advice though, I'd would've kicked her in the ass even more given my chance." Gold Star chuckled, and so did I.

"Heh, funny much? I heard about you too, your Captain Gold Star of the 105th division, the same division I was trained in before shipping off to the navy, first pony hm?"

"Yea, don't wear that down, I wouldn't know how I got myself in this, but I'm proud to be in the ranks here than in any other ranks."

"That's what they all say, but you on the other hand though.. You seemed to be more different than the other species I've met, then again I've only met Griffons, ponies, and maybe recently Changelings. But who do I know I'm just the bodyguard."

"Hey.. Don't put yourself like that, hell your a Lieutenant who happened to be in the type of position no one thought you'd be for crying out loud!"

"Huh, from a pony like you, I have to say you have yourself some words. Thanks."

"No mention."

"Lieutenant Yates, and Captain Gold Star, we're nearing our destination please hold tight." Informed a marine, saluting to me and Gold Star.

"Thank you Corporal, dismissed." Replied Gold Star, which the marine lowered his saluting arm and left our sights.

"Well, I guess that's about the end of our joyride, want to conversate some more later?" Gold Star asked.

"If you survive and I complete my job sure."

"Hehe, alright then."

The Nobles that lived near the Castle of Canterlot watched from the balconies of their near by mansions as the royal sisters, family, and Twilight and her friends stand in front of what would be the landing area for what the world knows as the 'helicopter.'

Meanwhile Reagan looked out the window and fixed his collar.

"Well Sammy, it's showtime." Said Reagan. As the helicopter landed on the empty spot that the Princesses anticipated to land at with the engines dying down and the propellers slowing down the door opens revealing a marine who slowly walks down the stairs of the helicopter, who then ceremonially turns 90 degrees left and then slowly salutes.

The nobles continued to watch the whole thing infront of their eyes as the next person to come out was none other than President Ronald Reagan who exited the chopper and turned towards the saluting marine and saluted back at the soldier in which the marine slowly goes at ease as the president turned towards Princesses Celestia and Luna.

He walks forwards with a grin and a chuckle, something Celestia doesn't expect especially when for years her kingdom and a human nation had been in a standoff for years and it made her tense if not skeptical with the president when he spoke.

"Nice weather today Aint it princess?" The President said, which made Celestia raise her brow.

"Indeed it is.. What relevant does it have Mr?"

"You can call me 'Mr. President' or the 'ruler of the great lands' or 'king of country' but please, I prefer to be called Reagan your highness, after all I like to cool down the temper slowly and gently wouldn't you say?" Reagan added.

"I mean, it's a surprise Mr. Reagan that you out of all presidents has a optimistic view in the situation that lasted for a thousand years! Especially since the-"

Celestia's mouth was covered by Luna's hoof because of the word "Lunar war" which was a continental curse word that many humans believed that saying it would make them lose a war they're currently fighting, thing is however, the American Federation recently bombed the fucking hell out of the Z.I.T.S. Organization to the point were they just up and surrendered to the M1 Abrams that was parked outside of their final stronghold while also starving nearly to death.

Though Celestia heard about the Operations conducted by the American human forces and made her saddened when she heard the suffering the Zebrican's went through, however she also thought back of what the ZITS did when they exploited and extorted her ponies with a illegal underground criminal network in Baltimare. The ponies that were rescued by American forces reported to be raped, tortured, and beaten. When they arrived to Equestria onboard American transport ship they came back as if nothing ever happened to them... Only thing different was their PTSD or the brutality with the round about of 234 ponies exploited or extorted. Regardless Celestia never thanked the American government for cleaning up the mess that the Equestrians didn't noticed up until December of 1002.

And now, she stands infront of the same man responsible for those 234 ponies lives being rescued under his orders.

"If you were trying to say Lunar Wars I don't think that phrase will linger that long when what I'm about to do will bring prospering peace between our continents, and you princess Celestia, will be the one to jumpstart it. If you wish of course?" Reagan smiled, causing a murmur in the crowds as the diplomats that are with him also murmured.

"Welp, he spelt doom for his country." Said one Diplomat.

"Eh, atleast he knows it's for the greater good for our nations to." Said another.

"Touché." Said Diplomat one.

As Celestia raised her hoof the crowd, including the Humarican diplomats, went silent and she then extended her hoof out in a gesture of friendship, which Reagan smiled in acceptance as he grabbed Celestia's hoof and shook it with Hoof to hand shake, making the spectators clap their hooves in cheer while the nobles and government official breath in a sigh of relief knowing it's almost over.

"Would you like to come inside Mr. Reagan? I have prepared refreshments in your arrival." Celestia offered.

"It'd be a honor Celestia, well come on boys, lets get the peace train on shall we?" Chuckled Reagan, as the other diplomats stepped out from the helicopter along with me and Gold Star and Uncle Sam.

While we enter the glorious castle of Canterlot I might as well provide some info about the diplomatic colleagues with me.

The human diplomats came from the nations of Kuba, Haitai, Dominica, Bolivi, and Argendina.

Originally The Southern Federation of Argendina was going to break the continental stand off before the Thestrians launched the war in their territory in 1002, in fact, Argendina was not the only country that was going to break the stand off, the nation of Parsley was originally going to break the continental stand off before Thestria declared war and conquered the land that's now bat territory, which followed of course was Argendina being at war.

With that said the American government must have been pissed when they discovered that just recently and threatened to sanction Thestria, even though they deny the accusation that they're preventing a peace process with Equestria, I wasn't really given a schedule other than just receive a letter and than get thrown inside of the Helicopter and fly away.

But anyways, after entering the castle of Canterlot the Wayne brothers were busy handing out the apology letter that apparently disclosed every operation ever conducted on Equestrian soil.

For three examples...

When they handed letter one to Prince Blueblood he was furious when he read the part that the Eclipse brigade had infiltrated the military high command and sabotaged important blueprints that would've benefitted Equestria's military causing them to be postponed until 1006...

Letter two was given to Neighsayer who read that the eclipse Brigade had actually planned to bomb the infrastructure and the EDU headquarters in the case of war between the nations however in the letter he was also somewhat satisfied that they planned to send a bomb squad division to defuse or control detonate the planted bombs.

And finally Letter number 3, was Spitefire, yes I put Spite with Spitfire because that's how pissed she was when she saw in the letter that eclipse brigade had apparently made attempts to have the Wonderbolts be disbanded through breaking down command and even bribe members to start fights or ultimately break loyalty to the Wonderbolts entirely.

"Which one of you is a high rank.." Asked Spitfire, as David Wayne pointed at his brother.

"Oh you littl- *SMACK!*"

Lian was slapped in the face by a hoof who was holding a glass of punch that he got from the table and the punch he was hold spilled on his uniform and the ice cubes scattered.

"Ok.. I kinda deserved that since I was basically in charge of that operation.. Ow.."

"Hey! Atleast we got only two letters left to give!" David assured.

"Yea... Two, maybe I should tell them you're the head of the entire army and see how they'll react to that." Lian grumbled, as he grabbed a ice cube and placed it on his cheek to cool down the hoof printed slap mark.

"I'm sure they'll let us bygones be bygones won't they?" David asked in which Lian looked at the three ponies he gave the letters to hold something either sharp or use their hooves as a threat message with murderous intent.

"I..... Don't think so.."

After giving the three letters to the three out of five ponies they would eventually give the other two letters to the non-important characters that has no role other than their existence, leaving them with the six and last letter.

And that was Princess Celestia, and may Lord Creator and Harmony the great spare them mercy.

The Meet up

While the two were handing out letters, princess Twilight was amazed at humanities move to bring peace to Equestria instead of giving the Equines the silent treatment, however she also finds it skeptical of it's intentions because as her mentor, Celestia, teached her when she was a filly that the human race does not seek peace but neither war, it didn't make since at first before she reached her teen years was when she figured out Celestia's phrase on humanity that while the human people on one side call for war the other side of the conflict calls for peace.

But now, it seems either humanity had a change of heart, or it's a trap, but it didn't matter to her as she was looking at the diplomat list containing names of the participating negotiators and government officials.

Of course it didn't provide pictures but it was good to know which countries are in the negotiations, and with the fact that Chrysalis had recently attacked her and her friends and their families made her realize that she can't take on all of the Changelings and that Equestria needs allies rather than relying on it's overseas colonies.

(Of course with the Celestial islands being a bit advanced over time they were the most industrialized colonies in the Equestrian colonial commonwealth.)

Even then Equestria could use help once in a while. And Twilight views this as a clear sign that Faust is giving that chance through the humans, so she decided to go through the list of potential allies.

"Lets see... I don't think the Bolivians will be helping us soon.." She said to herself, scratching them off from the list.

"Poor Argendinians already have something on their plate.. (Thanks a lot Thestria...)" She sighed, scratching Argendina off.

"And I doubt Haitai, Dominica, nor Kuba are willing to help us either.. Actually, nevermind they're INCAPABLE of helping us." Twilight stoically said, slashing their name off the list of potential allies.

She looks down at her options and saw one nation on the list.. But it aggravates her when she realizes that it'll be impossible to have the American nation as a ally because of the past incidents, but all of a sudden, just when she was going to cross them out she didn't look and slipped on a slippery ice cube and flew right towards the ground face flat and would broke her face.

Or atleast that's what she thought when someone catched her fall just by inches from the ground.

"Are you alright?" Asked a pony.

Twilight brushed herself off.

"Yea.. Thanks..."

She turned to the pony who saved/prevented her aneurism when she saw a tan furred stallion pony, with brown Unshorn fetlocks, brown mane and tail, brown pupils, and is in a formal military uniform.

The two went into a awkward silence, with the exception of the chatty people, for a minute before Twilight broke the silence and asked.

"What's your name?"

"My name? Well, my name is-"

"YO GOLD STAR! I FOUND THE LEMONADE!" I shouted from the back, even though it punctured the crowd's chatty attitude it was worth it for da lemôn. However as I came to him I was a bit jaw dropped. Ok nevermind I was very surprised.

"No ducking way.... Dude do you know who she is!!?" I said in a pony race supporter accent. Making Gold Star realize.

"Are you Princess Twilight Sparkle?" He asked, which Twilight was shrugged and replied.

"Yes I am, and you must be the first American pony officer in a human nation." Twilight stated, which made Gold Star a bit silent before toughing up and replied.

"I've heard of stories about you and the elements of harmony, when you defeated Nightmare moon, or when you defeated Discord, and even Chrysalis. Considering that we couldn't even fight against power beings like Discord, but when you recently gave up the elements and defeated a forest it's very insane, and sacrificial. But it's also great that a capable pony like yourself is the reason for Equestria's secured future."

'holy crap, he's going all in' I thought to myself, watching the conversation.

"Well, while we did defeat the evil that you've spoken of with the elements of harmony we however remember it as a lesson that's taught through hardships and doubt, I have my friends and it seems you have yours to it seems." She smiled at me... Holy shit she's smiling at me what the fuck do I do.

"Well, It was nice to meet you Twilight, and I hope cooperation between our nations prosper permanently." Gold Star spoke in a hinting voice as he called me.

"Let's go Yates."

"Alright." I replied.

As me and him nearly disappeared from the crowd Twilight smiled at him, it was a while that she'd be smiling at a stallion other than her brother, but something about him sparked something in her. Before a second spark appeared in her head.

"Wait.. Did he just said.. "Cooperation between our nations?" But that would mean..."

Suddenly her thoughts faded when a glass cup was clanged by Ronald Reagans fork in getting everyone's attention towards him.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, Gentlecolts, and Mares. It is a honor to appreciate the peace that we the humans and the pony civilization that are about to sign here in this castle today, but that is not what I am here to announce. As of today we will be doing something different in diplomacy between the Federation and Equestria. We will be doing the personal diplomacy with a selected couple that will interconnect mentally and maybe spiritually, it will be conducted tonight after this diplomatic negotiations. Now without chit chat lets start signing the treaty shall we?" Reagan announced.

"A personal diplomacy? What is that?" Twilight wondered.

"Glad you ask." Spoke Celestia, as she smiled.


"Huh." Wondered Gold Star. "I didn't know there was thing called.. Personal diplomacy? I.. Don't know what that is, do you?"

"No clue mate, I'm just your assigned bodyguard, nothing else really." I replied.

"Mr. Yates." Called someone, stepping out of the crowd.

"Mr. President? Nice to see you, I was about to come and ask-"

He raised his hand in affirmation that he's going to explain, which I quiet myself and paid attention to him.

"Captain Gold Star."
"Twilight Sparkle"
"You have been"
"to be in the personal diplomacy"
"it aims to unify a nation by selecting one"
"pony to bond with another"
"if it goes well the nations will be"
"permanently allies."


"Sorry I was eating my sandwich what was that?"

"To repeat myself, Gold Star and Twilight Sparkle have been chosen for the personal diplomacy, which is when one from another nation is to bond. Like your average 900s boyfriend and girlfriends hang outs." Reagan reexplained.

"....What da fuck..."

Looking from a high point near the castle a man who is tasked of hunting me down stares through his binoculars in a chuckle, lowering it down to the rock.

"How interesting, but I don't give a damn on what the Americans or the Equestrians plan on doing, all I need is him.. and him only hehehehe. AHAHAHA! Okay laugh time over lets get this over with.." He said, grabbing a suit case and choosing his weaponry load out.

"Hmm.. Sniper could do, for assasinations of course, but our red mother want's him alive of course, so not much for this rifle, hmm.. MP9 could do.. But should I go loud for this? Nah probably not, what's next." He said, putting the MP9 back in the case and pulling out a Tranquilizer-SMG.

"Ehh.. Unconventional use for a tranq gun, but then again I can use this in case the Yates target refuses to make my day easy, thank mother for telekinesis.. Alright I found my winner, rest of yall though.. You'll be as useful as I'll need yall... Isn't that strange? I'm talking to a suit case full of guns.. Huh."

He closes the case and slangs it on his back and heads to a rented motel in Canterlot where he'll stage his capture operations succeeding would be the great benefit for the Northern Soviet Republic of States...

"They really need to change that name though.." Said Yuri.

Which I couldn't agree more..

Moskva, Soviet grand council

"And that is why comrade Mother, that we should rename the NSRS with the name the Rodinian Soviet Republic States! That way the nations will not push us aside as a "north nation" thank your for listening in, comrades."

The council made of 45 members clapped as the Red Mother placed her finger on her chin intrigued.

"So, what do you think Secretary General?" Red Mother asked toward Brezhnev as he wasn't that impressed with the name change.

"First off, Mr. Commissioner, the name we have makes more since since we're in the north, and also we've had it since it's founding and you want to change it all of a sudden?" Brezhnev protested.

"But, may I remind Mr. Secretary, it was commissioned by our Red Mother that we find a new name for our motherland, she even said it was vital to the ideology that we have a proper name, just like Stalliongrad has right now."

"A country named after it's city? Oh please, as if that doesn't sound familiar with Starlight's nation 'our town' I know that our ideology is based on the equal socialism of Caramel Marks, but may I remind that we have our own socialist policy of the Eleanor biography! And to say that the 'Our town' is too restrictive I've visited that place once and has shown to be... Creepy.. But to get back to relevance I..."

"Secretary General, if you're finished rambling random words from your mouth, I'd like host the final vote if you please." Red Mother said, silencing Brezhnev's mouth.


"Now, with that said let's get started, all in favor of changing the name from the Norther republic of soviet states to the Rodinian Soviet Republic States say aye."

Immediately the room was filled with ayes and no nays, the commissioner smiled and the Red Mother smiled.

"Thank you for the commission Mr. Commissioner, you will be granted a award with additional food rations for your family, now run along please."

"Thank you, our Red Mother!" The Commissioner said, leaving the stage.

"Now with that out of the way, let's start on a urgent matter. General Orlovsky, you had a report from the Arabian frontlines?" She asked, as General Vladimir Orlovsky came up stage.

"Our Red Mother, I have came in to report that the Capitalist Arabian frontlines has crumbled and we've successfully pushed them out towards the great lakes straits, with the Trotgier front now under our allied comrades, the Arabian socialist, control we can now easily ship out the weapons more easily to our comrades in Zebrica." Reported the General.

"Thank you general for that report, but now I like to ask, I heard that the Arabian army is currently revolting against the capitalist Arabians, is that true general?" Asked the Mother.

"Yes our Red Mother, their army is revolting against the capitalist but also it seems to be revolting against us. We have reason to believe they've also adopted some type of new ideology... And even rallying behind it." The General replied.

"And what would this... 'New' ideology be general?" She asked.

"They call this, fascism, our Red Mother." Replied the general, the room then immediately lights up with murmurs on the new ideology when the Red Mother slammed her gavel on the hard piece of her chair, silencing the council chambers.

"It's clear that this.. Fascist ideology is concerning, but just like all autocratic ideologies this... Will not exist. Is there anything else to report General?" She asked.

"Yes.. One more thing."

East Humarican Sea

After the funeral ceremony was held the Statcom went out to the seas to commemorate their previous admiral while also conducting a bestowing ceremony to the new admiral. The camera they're using only has a black and white frame but they'll just use it for the time being, so they had the new admiral sit on a bench and tooked the picture.

"It'll be a honor serving beside you sir." Said one of the seamen.

"Yes indeed, now since we're in sea lets-"

"Sir, we just gotten orders from the naval command." Said a Corporal, making Frederick raise his brow.

"Already? But we just finished the funeral and the ceremony, shouldn't we drop off the camera men?" The Admiral questioned.

"It's fine sir, it's been a while since someone gets a recording of this magnificent battleship." The camera men excused, which Frederick shrugged.

"Alright then, but be sure to not get in our way understood?" The Admiral asserted.

"Yes, sir." The Camera men replied.

The Admiral nodded and walked up two pairs of stairs before reaching the command and control center that steers the entire battleship itself as the Admiral grabbed the radio from the top that communicates with the engine room and says.

"Ahead full." Ordered the Admiral, as the Statcom speeds up to it's destination area of the given orders.


Meanwhile in the depths of the seas, there lays a trap.

"Anything yet?" Asked a Germanic Submarine commander.

"Nien commandant, wait, wait, ja ja!" Responds the scope man, spotting the Statcom Battleship on the periscope.

"Good, get me the phone with Admiral Reinhard, immediately."

"Aye commandant!"

"Admiral, we've arrived to the area where the order is but.."

"But what?" Asked the Admiral.

"Apparently naval command had just sent out a report that they haven't sent any orders in today!" The Seaman replied.

The admiral jolted his head back for a moment when he had a sudden realization.

"Oh shit it's a trap! TURN STARBOARD SIDE! ALL HANDS ON DECK!" Shouted the Admiral as the sirens blared red in a alert.

The crew immediately scattered towards their positions as the intercom ranged out.


"We got to get in contact with a nearby fleet, which one is closest!" The Admiral asked.

"Sir the Star-Hawk fleet is the only nearby fleet near, but that's 32 miles from us!"

"It's do or die, get me contact with their admiral."

"Yes sir-"

"SIR! WE HAVE THREE DESTROYERS AND A SUBMARINE ON ALL SIDES!" Shouted a radar man, as the Admiral looked at the radar when he notices a sudden flash of a straight green line heading straight towards the battleship.

"TORPEDO ON THE PORT BOW! STARBOARD TURN! STARBOARD TURN! GET US CLEAR FROM THOSE TORPEDOS!" Shouted the Admiral, as the Statcom abruptly turns to it's Starboard the narrowly dodges the two torpedo's that almost ram inside of the ships port bow.


"COMMANDANT! WE MISSED!" Shouted the Periscope operator.

"WAS!? NOTHING CAN DODGE THE TORPEDOES! FIRE TWO MORE!" Shouted the commandant, who grabbed a radio and shouted.



"Sir! Two more torpedo's has been launched! And destroyers are turning their rear ugly guns towards ours!" The Radar man reported.

"Do the same! AND GET US CLEAR WITH THOSE TWO TORPEDO'S AS WELL!" Shouted the Admiral.

"AYE AYE ADMIRAL!" Said everyone in the room.

The two torpedoes nearly hits the forward engine room of the battleship before the ship turned quickly but slowly, one torpedo completely missed but one torpedo scraped the bottom deck and nearly exploded before being turned towards another target.


".... Fuck this, CONTACT THE DESTROYER FLEET! AND DISMANTLE THAT DAMN BATTLESHIP! It'll be a pleasure to tell Rommel that we've sunk that burden of a battleship!" The Submarine commandant ordered.

The three destroyers that surrounded the Statcom makes their move which one destroyer blocks the submarines view of the Statcom's Stern which in that moment the commandant knew, he fucked up.

"Admiral! We got contact with the Star hawk fleet, they just deployed eagle squadron!" The radio man reported.

"What's the ETA?" Asked the Admiral.

"ETA is 20 minutes."

"I'm sure we can last lon-"

"INCOMING!!" Shouted a seaman as the Destroyers fired their cannons at the battleship followed by explosions that ringed through the captain's mind the crew on deck got on their feet.



"THEN SHOOT THOSE BASTARDS! AND GET US SOME BREATHING ROOM!" Shouted the admiral, as the ship steerer replied.



"All but one, begin the tactical backwards movement maneuver." The Admiral ordered, making the room dead silent.



The Statcom goes backwards from the destroyers that attempts to squeeze it to death but the submarine commandant looked at the Statcom from the Submarine, which now made surfaced, watched in a ridiculed expression.

"What are you up to Amerikans..." Wondered the Submarine commandant

"When I say the word, turn our ENTIRE port side to those damn naval bitches." Cursed the Admiral.

The ship slowly backs up and then goes into a total Astern U turn on the destroyers confusing them to the point that the Destroyers are now scattered all over the place which made the Submarine commandant thought of something that would be his last mistake.

"THEY'RE TRYING TO ESCAPE! DESTROYERS CUT THEM OFF BEFORE THEY DO!" He shouted, and the destroyers responded but was still trying to re-coordinate due to them being scattered.

"Sir! Two of the three destroyers are on our bows!" Reported the pathfinder.

"Good, turret commander! Turn turret 3 and 1 on our starboard! And have turrets 2 and 4 on the port!" Ordered the admiral.


Immediately all four three tube turrets turned towards the two destroyers that surrounded them and that was when the commandant saw what he has done.

"FIRE!!!" Shouted the Admiral.

The ship unleashed it's payload on the destroyers that surrounded the battleship, blowing up turrets after turrets to torpedo bays after torpedo bays the crew that was seen operating the enemy destroyers flew mid air as the explosions ranged. A canon shell lands in one of the destroyers munitions bay and sunk it into two pieces. The second destroyer that was in the path of the onslaught was also sunk as a battleship shell exploded the command deck killing a naval captain and causing the ship to tip side and sunk to the depths.

The remaining destroyer turns it's guns at the Statcom but by the time it fired it's canon a missile strikes it's canons and blows the ship in a series of chain reactions resulting in the entire destroyer to be lighten up in flames as oil spilled out and went up in flames, the ship burns like hell and sinks, the Eagle squadron arrives as F-14 jet fighters arrived to the Statcom's rescue as the naval men onboard the Battleship cheered as the jets flew by while the Federation Naval fleet Star Hawk arrived to the Statcom's aid.

While this, the submarine commandant looks in rage as the submarine goes underwater when one of the deck crew arrived with a phone.

"It's for you sir."

The commandant placed the phone on his ear. "Hello?" He asked.

"If you were here right now, you wouldn't like the face you'd see."

Said Rommel, throwing something at a wall.

"What now sir?" Asked the commandant.

"Now... We go with plan B."

Author's Note:

It took days but it's finally released, and now we have the start up with the Soviets, followed by Rommel and the Changelings, and the Americans and allied powers.

I apologies for the delay as I lost some stuff while making this but in the end I finally got it finished.

Next time on The New World:

What is Rommels Plan B?

What is Yuri doing?

What the hell is really a Personal diplomacy?

And what is the third situation presented in the Soviet council?

Does that mean I have to change the name with NRSR with RSRS? (Which actually sounds better tbh)

Find out next in the next chapter.

(Art credits to Krystal Lancaster, except for the two naval arts those were made by me.)