• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,629 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

The imperial incident..

Starhawk carrier, 5 hours earlier.

And this is your classic hit list in America's favorite radio station sunny 33.8, now playing, "The Danger Zone" By Kenny Loggins.




Just about 2 hours since the battle of Canterlot the Jet squadrons, Falcon and Eagle, were now starting to land on the carrier deck with the crew moving and setting up the landing cables.

One by one the F-14s and the F-16s were landing on the carrier deck with hulls scratched and burnt as the fire men and mechanics came in to assess the damage while the pilots were shaking it off.

"Oh boy! We almost died there!" Said Eagle 2.

"Tell me about it, and the fact that we had to work together was excruciating, then again I guess I'll admit that the F-14s are a bit better in interception. Of course if I was to say that! I'd say the F-16 did more of a better job!" Replied Falcon 3.

The Falcon and Eagle squadrons grumbled at each other while they tried to argue who shot more bugs and what was what efficient when the Admiral came on deck. With MPs..

"ATTENTION! YOU BASTARD SON OF A GUNS!" Shouted the admiral, making the pilots line up in a shoulder to shoulder position.

The admiral stared at them blankly before he chuckled.


"Does that mean we get a raise?" The pilot joked, making the pilots chuckle.

"YES!" The admiral replied, making them jerk their necks in confusion.

"Sir that was a jo-"

"Considering that you all did came back from a mission that could've blown your engines and kill yall I have to give you some credit to success.. But anyways, great job back there I like to see more of that action to where I get off my fat ass myself and figure out how to pilot the carrier on the soil! Hehe, any who, LETS DRINK TO IT!"

As the Admiral is crowded by the crew man who were raising glasses of drinks the pilots shrugged and joined with the admiral.

Nothing can go wrong now that they asserted themselves as the fearsome air pilots in the world..


Gilligan region, SF-Thestrial frontline

"City in flames.. My light is a void.. Whats better.. The Void.. Or the Light.."

As Ogav mumbled about the depressing reality losing his friend Ivan in the battle of Trogiers, now he leads a squad of special forces. Only thing was that his mission was to deliver the last box of payment to the Thestrial commander known as the Blue Knight.

"Hey pilot? Are we at our meeting point?" Asked Ogav, shuffling his PKM on his seat arm.

"Almost, we're just entering the city!"

The pilot turned to the front before leaning forward in a surprised face.

"Dear Mother! What the hell happened here?" Asked the Pilot as the entire passenger group looked out the window in shock.

As the men gazed on the burning city, the landing gear is activated and the helicopter makes a landing on the ash filled road met with the K6-3 blue helmet wearing Bat-pony with other Bat-pony special forces.

"Welcome to New Lunar city my friends." The Bat-pony greeted.

"New Lunar city? I thought this place was called Bueno Eris?" Ogav questioned.

"It was called that, but now that we've captured it, we started to.. "Un-Argendinize" the city." The Bat-pony explained.


"Yes, we call these putrid monsters that we're fighting "Argendinians" so we don't mix them up with the back stabbing Americans!" The Bat-pony hissed.

"You too huh, no matter though the will of our mother will guide both our nations to prosperity against the traitorous nation, but of course before that it's the matter of payment that our mother had sent us to deliver."

"Do you have it?" Asked the Bat-pony, as Ogav signaled the men to unload the box of blood off of the MI-24 and placed it infront of the Bat-pony.

"Ah, good, this will certainly help our kind with the blood shortage running rampant in our nation." The commander happily said.

As the Bat-pony commander was in glee Ogav looked around the smoldering city that was put out by the local human and Bat-pony fire fighters, while the city was somewhat recovering he noticed a mother and daughter in the streets collecting what should be their water supply.

He walked towards them with a friendly intention and called out.

"Good evening ma'am!"

His call frightened the women a bit which stopped him in his tracks.

"Woah, it's fine!" assured Ogav, as he threw down his PKM to the ash filled ground. "See? No threat!"

The woman sighed and went back to picking up the remains of fresh water in the city river.

"You know, if you could, I can carry more than what your getting." Ogav asked, which the woman nodded and handed him two buckets, he then rolled his sleeves up to his elbow and scooped the water from the river.

"So, what brought you here in this town?" He asked, but the woman gave no response as she was pointing to her throat.

"Oh.. Your muted.. That's fine, my grandfather was a mute but he know how to write, nice daughter you have there? Is she a mute?" He asked, which the muted woman shook her head indicating that her daughter can speak but too shy to.

After filling the two buckets with fresh water he got on his feet, unrolled his sleeves, and put his gloves back on.

The woman grabbed Ogav's hand and dragged him towards her home.

"Lead the way ma'am!"


After packing my things I head down the empty hall way of Canterlot with guards having their usual conversation when I see one guard running through the highway and speedily went by me in a rush.

"What in hell's name?" I wondered, getting on my feet and looking at the guard enter the throne room part of the castle, now if I haven't known that's usually when stuff goes down in a matter of shrouded mystery, or... Maybe a chance of action.. But then again I have to report to the Blackhawk so a little peek won't hurt no one after all.. (¬‿¬)

By the time I peeked inside the throne room it seemed to be a conversation about a.. Empire? Wait a second are they referring to the Griffonian empire? Or... Nah maybe not but I mean.. I suppose I should inform Uncle Sam about this.. But you know it kinda sounded like that one Empire I learned that Equestria never even know about and if you told a pony about it they'll most likely dismiss it as a "silly human claims" although... It's not surprising they would say that considering that a well known human battalion was lost in the battle of the city.

The Crystal city..


The Red Mother and two of her elite guards came up on the helipad watching the MI-24 class helicopter land on the platform. The side doors opened to reveal.

"Ah, Agent Yuri, how was Phys school in the past years?" Mother asked.

Yuri smirked.

"As you intended, I've learned all but one thing."

"And what would that be." The Mother asked.

"The assignment of course." Yuri answered.

"I see, come in and have yourself a drink, I will brief you now." She informed, as she, her guards, and Yuri left the snowy outside and inside the warm rooms, however, everywhere the group sees the elite soldiers guarding the entire floor of the building, and regular officers who don't have clearances are turned away and hand picked generals were allowed to enter. Yuri sees this as a wonder.

So as they continued to walk down the hallway Yuri asks.

"Assuming this assignment is this important, what does it involve?" Yuri asked.

"You'll see."

The group stops and the Red Mother initiates the unlocking protocol with the touch of her finger in the data analyzer followed by two N.I.B. Agents turning and twisting the keys simultaneously and conducting facial eye scanning, the door unlocks and the group enters.

Yuri sits down on the chair while the guards stand at the sides of the now closed door with the Red Mother walking towards the projector.

"After receiving intelligence reports in our spy networks in Equestria there is a rumor that the target you see on screen is in the desolate waste that was somehow cursed by a shadow pony named Sombra, it seems he wanted to keep all that power for himself.. But he was mistaken, now with us in the arena of things, it's time humanity reposes the weapon that was stolen from us." The Red Mother briefed. Which intrigue Yuri.

"So tell me, what do you call that stick that you refer to as a weapon?" Yuri asked.

"So glad you asked, the weapon is called 'the staff of Luther' a weapon that was used to save our skins, if Luther was alive today I'd personally thank him. And then send him to hell myself! Because his foolish will drove the former Queen of these lands Elizabeth to hand over the staff to the empress of the old Crystal empire 'Mi Amore' but of course considering that the current princess named 'Cadence' should be dealt with too." The Red Mother explained.

"Why her? Sure she doesn't know that Mi Amore herself was her mother, but what exactly is the point to assasinate Cadence Mi Amore?" Asked Yuri.

"To send them the message.. Equestria has for ages squandered over the fact that they focus on the Americans for peace while leaving us in the dark, Of course then again I can simply remind them by cutting off food lines and starve out the already dependent Equestrian west coast.. But then it would hurt us more than it'll hurt them when they can just redirect the food farm exports from their east to the west coast. But then again, a assasination could do, but then that would start a war... Hm..."

As the Red Mother thinks of a plan she decides to shrug it off and turned towards Yuri.

"I think we all know what the plan is by now though, grab the staff and bring it here."

"And if I was stopped?" He asked.

"Then I'll have my agents hand you Plan B and C files, that'll be all Yuri, dismissed."

As Yuri got up and bow to her, he turned and left the room with the intent to make those who'd guard the objective suffer, but first he needed a ride so he went outside and saw a perfectly parked MI-8 with a pilot inside it.

He walked towards the Helicopter and says.

"Give me your keys, your helmet, and that gun, and get out of my ride." He requested, as the pilot snarled at him.

"Oh really? I wasn't informed of you being in command, now beat it!" The Pilot replied, as Yuri stared at him and his forehead, at first the pilot was aggravated when his mind went completely dumb and blank.

"Now.. Give me your gun, the keys, and your helmet, and get out of my ride." Yuri repeated.

"I will Give you my gun... Give you my keys.... Give you my Helmet... And I will get out of your ride.."

The pilot walked out in a mind controlled state and fell off the helicopter with his face planted into the cold icy ground.

"Good boy." Yuri replied, as he switched the helicopter on and begin taking off by himself.

As the helicopter flew up in the air left Brezhnev looked up at his ride that was now stolen pissed.. With only two words to describe his ride now stolen.

"Well Shit..."

The Snow Wastelands

The snow was savage, the land was never set on, and no one. Not a single soul existed in these lands since Sombra banished the Crystal city, until now.

As the Equestrian express arrived to the creator forsaken lands the mane 6 and Spike stepped off the train only to meet the harsh cold reality of the arctic wastelands, unknown to them that they were being watched...

"I got eyes on the target. Any orders sir?"

"Not yet, wait for white stallion to make contact."

"Copy. Standing by"

As the mysterious group waited they looked through the binoculars and awaited contact when the same White Stallion they were waiting for came out of the snowy blizzard shouting for his sisters name.

"Confirmation made sir, White Stallion has made contact with echo group."

"Hm, the fact that we were told that we were gonna be given Equestria's finest I thought we were getting soldiers not a woman mare gang!"

"General Patton sir, we're detecting dark magic signatures rising on our scanners! The paper is getting scribbled to pieces!"

"Alright, PACK IT UP! Let's get 'Equestria's Finest' and see what they can do." Ordered General George S. Patton. As the lost division started packing up and loading the equipment on the M35 truck when a private came to Patton.

"Sir Self-propelled systems are online, do you know what happened sir?" Asked the Private.

"I have no clue on what happened, other than what the nice Princess Cadence told me, we skipped a fucking thousand years!"

"A thousand years sir? That would mean that our grandchildren still thinks we're dead!" The Private panicked.

"Hey! Stop your panicking soldier, I'll try to do my damn best but if you panic during a operation I'll fill a sock full of horse shit, and beat it on your mouth! Is that clear!" Patton threatened, which the soldier nodded aggressively.

"Stop your nodding and get back to packing the equipment we got 30 seconds, START THE TRUCK! AND LOAD UP THE BROWNINGS!" Ordered Patton, as the truck started and the Browning Machine gun is loaded and attached to the back.

As the truck left the snowy hill a distant yet monstrous humming sound came from the distance which made the soldiers look at each other and then at Patton.

"What the hell are you looking at me for? LOOK AT YOUR WEAPONS AND BE READY TO SHOOT! Hey you! How's the.. Oh dear god... Why the hell are you not replacing THAT PAPER!" Patton scolded.

The soldier replaced the paper but was quickly scribbled by the machine completely making Patton smile.

"Hehehe. Now there's gonna be fun." Patton chuckled, he then sees a group of ponies infront of the truck and ordered.

"Driver, pull up from the front of them, they will not make it to there on foot." He ordered.

"But sir! If we stop the thing is sure to catc-"


The truck goes infront of the group of ponies and stopped right in front of them, scaring the mane 6 ponies as Applejack and Rainbow Dash raced to the front to confront the strangers when Shining armor assured.

"Guys don't worry! That is-"

"General George S Patton of the American Federation infantry armor division, CAN WE GET A MOVE ON WITHOUT INTRODUCTIONS!" Patton Interjected, in which Shining Armor looked at Twilight with a nervous smile.

"Well that was rude.." Rarity pointed.

"Yea, he was like this the moment we found him, quick get on board and I could maybe explain." Shining Armor ordered, as the mane 6 was now boarding the truck with scouts when Twilight got on and noticed a lot with the troops armor. As the girls was now loaded up the truck was now on the move through the tundra.

"What type of armor is that?" Twilight asked.

"A 729 class vest of course, very advanced." The Soldier replied happily.

"I wouldn't be sure about that, I heard your home country had been busy creating new types of vest that puts yours into a outdated state." Shining Armor informed.


A mountain of shadow's rises behind the truck and gives them a massive push in the truck shaking it, Patton sticks his head out of the window while being grabbed by Shining Armor's magic and he smirked.

"Aha! So your the bastard Sombra that made me and everyone disappear huh? I'LL GIVE YOU A MAGICAL CURSE WITH BULLETS SHOVED IN YOUR SHADOWY ASS CRACK!"

Patton grabs his 9 mm pistol and shot one entire round of mags into the shadow beast which seemed to made him mad, and Patton wanted him to be enraged.

"JOIN IN THE FUN BOYS! FIRE THAT MACHINE GUN AND PUMP THE AMMO IN THAT BITCHES ASS!" He ordered, as the soldier manning the machine gun shouted to the pony passengers.


The girls covered their ears as the soldiers fired the machine gun at the shadow monster making the beast even more pissed and started to snarl and attempted to grab the truck before Shining Armor shot a beam of magic at Sombra, Patton was looking at the magic beam and gets a wild idea.

But by the time Patton was going to implement his wild idea the truck made it past the barrier that protected Crystal city, making Patton shrug and laugh.

The men stepped off the trucks and sling their rifles as they placed down steps for their passengers onboard as the soldiers already at the back of the truck opened the truck back and carefully lend down their guest.

"Watch your steps."

"Why thank you good sir, I wish there is stallions that are like these polite human soldiers!" Rarity expressed, but Twilight was now curious and went to her brother who was stepping off the truck.

"So about that explanation? How did you find these guys?" She asked.

"Well.. It's hard to explain but apparently the same time that Celestia and Luna was fighting Sombra the general of this army at the time were ordered to stand down, but.."

"But when I was given word from Andrew Jackson I decided that instead of waiting around or being jackasses and retreated we went to the god forsaken city and evacuated what we can with the civilians in the time bomb of a city."

"How many made it out?" Twilight asked.

"Unfortunately we only save but two tenths of the population, the rest vanished, and so were we. I should've known there was that type of magic, maybe I should find out about it so I can make a city vanish myself. Of course if I was a Unicorn and not a human that is.."

After the explanation of it, one of Twilights friends looked at the city in it's beauty while Patton walked up to them and warned.

"City may be beautiful, but you better watch your damn steps, before leaving I ordered my men to close the streets and place mines, if you want a proper entrance try west gate, for now I need to get back to my company and inform them that it's been thousands of years."

"Thank you for helping us back there." Twilight smiled.

"Yea well, your welcome, now if you excuse me, I got a meeting with my officers I must attend about a course of action."

As Patton finished, a 4 star symbol jeep arrived up the hill honking for Patton, he saluted to Shining Armor and got inside the jeep and rolled away from the group of 6, but it got him wondering about something.

"Why do I feel like something might happen with those 6.. Hm.."

New Lunar City, Thestrial occupied Gilligan region

After being dragged by the woman he arrived to what seems to be a stable yet damaged building.

The windows had been shattered, outside looked like it's been shot up, and the door is entirely if not completely gone from the hinges.

"Great mother of Nothera... Did the Thestrials did this?" Ogav asked, but the woman shook her head which surprised the soldier.

She then grabbed a piece of old charcoal and drew on the wall a symbol.

"Fuck not those guys.. I hate those guys!" Exclaimed Ogav, looking at the wall.

The image she drew was the symbol of the Preubic Corps, a legion of ferocious and deadly troops headed and lead by the Current governor of the Argendinian Province of Preubica' Adolf Hitler.

"I'm sorry your having to be going through that.. May I maybe offer-"

"Lt. Ogav sir!" Called a soldier, entering the damaged building only to see him with a human lady.

"Oh.. Sorry to disturb sir.." The Private apologized.

"It's fine, what's going on?" Ogav asked.

"Sir, we just received word from the N.I.B. The Bosnian division of the Southern Federation had been deployed, we are ordered to evacuate at once!" The soldier informed, burning Ogav's gut as he looked at the mute woman, he couldn't leave her like this, but neither her daughter. He looked at the woman who held her daughter tight, and then looked at the soldier.

"How much room we have left?" Ogav asked.

"Sir.. You don't intend on bringing both of them with us.."

"I said, how much room do we have left.. Answer private." Ogav repeated.

"Sir.. There's only one spot left, and we can't do-"

Suddenly loud canon shots from the mountain top was heard, followed by whistling.

"Ohhh Shit.. TAKE COVER! GET DOWN GET DOWN!!" Shouted Ogav, as Artillary rounds landed all around them, collapsing the roof of the damaged building as Ogav and the Private shielded the Girl and the woman from the debris.

Meanwhile the Artillary strikes that came from the mountain pounded the area's in the New Lunar city, destroying more than what was damaged or destroyed already, the civilians are left out to die to the shrapnel of the explosion or the shells itself, the city then started to boil up in flames once again just when the firefighters just put the fire out, the Bat-Ponies attempted to return fire but with the good position they can't do anything other than advance or watch their enemies tear or burn more of what's not even left of a war torn city. When Ogav lifted a huge piece of concrete that collapsed on him and the Private, woman, and the little girl got up, the woman looked around in a horrid expression at the sight of the destruction of her home city, she then looked at Ogav with a emotional expression, and looked at her daughter who seemed to been have shivering from the cold winds of death and ashes.

She decides to make a life saving decision for her daughter and does sign language to her, her daughter was stiff and horrified, while she tugged on her mother to come with her, her mother refused and shoved her towards Ogav, she looked at Ogav and does a bit of sign language.

Ogav nodded, and the Private wept.

"Privet.. Why are you crying?" Ogav asked.

The Private sniffed, and replied.

"You better take care of this daughter."

"You read sign language?" He asked.

"Of course I do..." The Private replied.

Ogav looked and so did the Private at the woman as she did her sign language that Ogav would see for the last time.

"What did she say.." Ogav asked.

"Natasha.. She said take care of Natasha." He replied, which Ogav nodded, and her daughter Natasha hugged her mother one last time before the MI-24 helicopter landed near Ogav and the Private with the Corporal shouting.


As Ogav grabbed Natasha and took her on board the Gunship, he looked at her mother and slowly waved.

"Dasvidaniya.. Ella.."

The MI-24 helicopter took off, leaving the mother behind daughterless, on a field of ash and debris..

Ella Willow was killed in October the 12th, 1002 by Bosnian Artillary forces, her remains wouldn't be recovered later until 1004 during the clean up of the conflict..

Maximum death total by the end of the conflict would total to estimate over hundred thousands dead, Becoming the deadliest conflict since the Lunar wars..

Arctic wastes

"LOAD OFF! MOVE IT MOVE!" Shouted a VDV SF Soldier, as 3 humans and 2 soviet ponies wearing a Gorka uniform jumped off the Mi-8 helicopter as Yuri stepped out and stretched out his muscles, taking a deep breath of the chilly arctic wind.

"Sir Are you sure you don't need something to warm you? We are in a middle of a tundra hell after all?" The Special Forces Corporal asked.

"No need soldier, all you need to do is watch my ride and be ready to cover my escape." Yuri said, reminding the Special forces soldiers the plan.

"Well, good luck then sir.." The Soldier replied, as Yuri walked into the mist of snow of the wastelands.

"He's gonna die is he.." Said a Pony Soldier, acting non-surprisingly.


Yuri made his way through the God forsaken wastelands, trekking snow after snow, ironically he could've just parked the Helicopter right besides Crystal city but decided that it would be more cinematic for him to make the journey than a simple shortcut.

But who do I know, I'm not the guy who has some mind shit and stuff.

Anyways, after another mile of trekking through the snow, his face smirked in joy.

"There it is.. The Crystal City, and now I'll need to acquire the staff that rightfully belongs to us, and by us.. I mean, well I think I get the deal, I should probably get some friends perhaps." Yuri said to himself, as he trekked through the snow again in the winter hell land.

Crystal city

"Alright! Steady! Steady as she goes it! Ohh! Oh! Yea yea right there, ANNNND drop!"

The crane drops a heavy concrete barrier with a planted Browning machine gun mounted on top to which the nearby infantry men swarmed and drilled the barrier to the ground.

Since the return of the Crystal Empire the human soldiers carried out older orders from Patton and prepared defenses, they knew that once the pink Alicorn's magic was to fade the beast would go right past it and it'll be flames and bullets everywhere.

General Patton went inside one of the installed tents in the middle of the defense zones as music was playing that was joy to his ears it was quickly blotted out by the sounds of bickering and arguing it made him think.

-Lord am I not getting old from all this bullshit.-

He sat down and listen in his subordinate officers bicker over strategy.

"We need to establish more mine fields! We may have been freed from whatever we've been freed from but that tyrannical beast is going to reclaim his lands!"

"Are you crazy! That things a literal shadow, a minefield wouldn't do shit! I suggest we have spot lights and blind the son of a bitch!"

"It might work, only problem is.. WE DON'T HAVE LIGHT TRUCKS!"

As the officers shouted and argued followed by one of them throwing a vase at one of the arguing officers who then ducked to avoid a brick, Patton shook his head in disbelief..

"A thousand years, and we still argue over magic bullshit. I refused to believe that nonsense before being slapped in the face of what I'm dealing with now..." Patton said too himself, as he walked out of the tent and looked around the crystal ponies who looked depressed. At this point he didn't blame them.

"Poor bastards.. If only I was fast enough, now where the hell are those 6 ponies I just saved.."

Suddenly a tribune shout came from the Crystal castle that went silent followed by a voice that was then interrupted by the same tribune and then continued.

"Hear ye! Hear ye! Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor do cordially invite you to attend the Crystal fair!"

The human military officers came out of the tent in curiosity while some looked like they've been hit with a brick..

(Which they did)

"What'd she say General? I couldn't hear that, my ears are still ringing." A officer asked.

"Good grief.. We've been invited to some type of pony fair or something." Patton replied.

"Maybe we should attend it sir, after all maybe we can find some more information about this place." A officer suggested.

"Whatever, just make sure that you don't cause a ruckus!" Patton ordered, which the officers saluted and went to their companies.

Patton then walked around in the crowd of oncoming Crystal Ponies coming to fair, he smirked at the city and how he could've done more than what he can do, but that was all in the books of history.

But as Patton walked through the crowd he noticed something missing in the middle of the castle.

"Wasn't the heart pure?" He spoke to himself, when a cyan pegasus zipped by him with a flag and blatantly exposed and confirmed his question.

"Why did yo-"

"I think we may have a problem! Do you know anything about a Crystal heart?!" Spoke the Cyan pegasus.

As the two pony mares conversated about the relic they've spoken of Patton realized that the Crystal heart was missing, but if he was to tell his men about it they'll surely expose the truth and start a mass panic. Regardless though, maybe he could inform the Marine group...

"General, is there a problem?" A Marine commander asked, coincidently and conveniently, he wasn't busy slacking off like the other officers are.

"Yea.. Have your men gathered, we have a code Pearl-4. And it's desperate!" Patton informed, shocking the soldier who went confident and saluted which he than ran off to his company to provide the code phrase from the General.

"Now.. It's about time we make our moves finally."

The entrance

Yuri goes through the bubble shield and shivered. Not from the cold but from the weirdness of magic it does to his mind senses..

He grabbed his radio and hovered over his face when he noticed the shield was fading out which exposed the area he's in, in darkness, followed by growls of anger and hungry.

"Oh mother.. That can't be good.." He said to himself, turning around to see a shadow beast leering for it's catch as Yuri screamed.


But the shield was quickly raised back up and a piece of the beast was sliced from the horn and landed infront of Yuri's boots. It made him chuckle.. Only lightly, his radio went off from one of his men.

"Hey comrade, you alive?" Asked one of the Special soldiers.

"Da, is Gorka squad ready?" Yuri asked, while overhearing the men drinking Hot chocolate and sipping Borsch while Yuri suffered the whole time.

"Uhh.. Yes comrade Yuri, the men are prepared to kill ponies and Americans! And.. Drink coco?" The Soldier replied, making Yuri rolled his eyes.

"Not surprised comrade.. Anyways, just be ready with the MI-8, if we have to, we'll need to blow whoever opposes us sky high! Understood!" Yuri shouted.

"Yes comrade Yuri! We'll be preparing now!! As we speak!" The soldier yelled back, as clinging sounds can be heard at the Gorka squad men and pone packs their dishes and grabbed their rifles in readiness.

"Good, over and out." Finished Yuri.

He looked straight ahead at the city, it seemed to be lifted up with some party ceremony or something, perhaps he could blend in but there was no time the steps were simple.

Enter the castle.

Find some type of safe place.

Retrieve the staff.

Get the hell out of there.

"Simple.. Welp time to walk now." He said to himself.. Again. All the while walking towards the city of Crystals.

SFN-Uncle carrier, off the cost of Vanhoover

The black hawk was on time when it landed on the deck of the American Pride carrier as Uncle Sam awaited for my arrival with a smile of a old man as he and his body guards came up to me.

"Good news Lieutenant! Princess Celestia is considering a treaty of peace with America!" Uncle Same expressed.

"Treaty of peace? But we aren't even at war with them?" I replied, wondering what he means by peace?

"Not that type of peace my dear boy! A alliance type peace! And she personally wants you to attend this ceremony next year!" He was on glee so much he can blow up and kill everyone in the carrier while sinking it in the process.

"I have to ask though? What exactly were you... Doing with her?" Sam asked.

"You don't think that I'm.." I blushed before shaking myself off and gagged.

"I was kidding Lieutenant! What you did in Canterlot was very brave, of course the troops would've strategize and.. Stuff.. But you went all in and showed that Queen bastard what for!" Uncle Sam was still in joy but there was one thing that made me think..

"That's something I think about everyday though.. Was she right?" I wondered.

"Right about what?" Uncle Sam questioned.

"Maybe the Changeling lands were not involved with the political crisis that ensued with the White house.. After all there are other changelings too."

"I don't know what your getting with that? But if I was to ask that if it wasn't her or her minions, then who?" Uncle Sam questioned again.

"Perhaps it was the Soviets??"

"The soviets.. Really.."

"No I mean! Think about it! Have you noticed how silent they've been since the start of the Arabian conflict? And then just when we decided to pull our resources out of Zebrica and focus on our own backyard the soviets may have perhaps taken a advantage of it?" I asked again, just as Uncle Sam was gonna reply to that his bodyguards interrupted.

"Sir. It's from the Crystal City Committee.. They want to speak with you."

"The Crystal City Committee!? Eh.. Hand it here." He asked, as the body guard handed him the phone.

The conversation goes on for 12 minutes before Uncle Sam ended it with a nod and a Uhuh.

He hanged the phone up and turned towards the Captain of the Carrier.

"Captain Eris!" He yelled.

"Yes Uncle?" Replied the Captain.

"Prepare the Helicopter fleet! We're bringing our boys home from the god forsaken hell hole of Crystals!" Ordered the Uncle, as the Captain saluted and grabbed his portable speaker.


As the crew scrambled to their stations rows of Helicopter pilots came out from the locker rooms with full edge gear and boarded the Huey's, Blackhawks, little birds, and the Apache helicopters as the propellers started swinging into fully gear I wondered what the hell is Crystal-14k?

"Uncle Sam! What is Crystal-14k!" Is shouted as the winds from the propellers blurted out my voice.

"I'LL EXPLAIN LATER! GET ON BOARD NOW!" Shouted Uncle Sam, as I boarded the helicopter he's riding on and then he shouted.


The Helicopters one by one took off from the carrier deck into a V formation of 14 helicopters as they head into Equestrian lands.

As the helicopters flew by though, they didn't expect someone or something watching them from afar.

On the top of a Submarine was the Captain of the Soviet navy who was disturbed by what he seen a flight of birds taking off from the nest as he pressed the radio to his lips.

"This is Captain Raionov, patch through the red mother, operation red staff has now been endangered.

Crystal City

The door opened up and the marines entered the castle with rifles slanged while Patton entered last with the special forces men scouring over the dressers, shelfs, and even rooted out the library books for some special switch.

At the moment in the Library Shining Armor and Cadence walked over to there, because Cadence was weak from using her magic 24/7 to defend the city, when they see the human general overseeing a massive uproot of the entire castle.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Shining Armor, grabbing Patton's attention.

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm looking for that Crystal Heart that's needed to defend the city. What are YOU doing?" Patton asked back, as Shining Armor looked concerningly towards his sickened wife.

"I'm trying to stay with Cadence as much as possible.. But with the entire city in the hands of my sisters friends and your... Soldiers.. I feel useless here.." He replied, but Patton rolled his eyes in pity.

"Bullshit! Your a fucking Stallion who happened to be the "Captain" of Equestria's ENTIRE ROYAL GUARD! And you call yourself useless? I swear the benevolence of these ponies putting themselves down like this. Do they even teach anything at the academy you attended!!" Patton yelled, which made Shining Armor frown a bit.

"But what about Cadence? I'm trying to keep her on her legs while Twilight finds the Crystal Heart! I'm sorry to say General but your looking in the wrong place!" Shining Armor revealed.

"How so?" Patton asked, when a Marine ran up towards him.


"WHAT!?" Shouted Patton, who then quickly turned towards his men still tearing books from the shelves.

"WE FOUND A PASSAGE WAY GET THE HELL OVER HERE!" Shouted Patton, causing most of the marines to fall from the ladders and landed on a stack on books, that was for the lucky ones..

Patton then gathered up the troops and then looked at the castle map and then pointed at the Left hallway in which the marines went towards the direction.

He looked at Shining Armor.

"You know, after this is over. I like to have a chat with you." Patton added, which he then followed his men.

Shining Armor went back to his thoughts on what Patton said, perhaps he wasn't useless after all he has Cadence with him and to watch over her is more important, he sighed and looked at his weakened wife who then looked at him with a tired worry expression.

"I hope they hurry.. We're running out of time.."

Author's Note:

Part 2 Coming soon.