After the party...
"Just concentrate and you can do it Lincoln...." Sunset told Lincoln as she had helped him set up in his room and decided to show him how to use his new unicorn horn to do basic telekinesis. Lincoln closed his eyes and focused hard on Bun-Bun but he ended up being able to pick him up in an orange glow and bring it forward to him on the bed. "You did it Lincoln; I knew that you could!" Sunset cheered and Lincoln seeing that he had done it was looking at his stuffed rabbit with glee.
"Thanks Sunset! Thanks for being there for me; giving me a place to stay and being a good teacher and friend!" Lincoln told Sunset gratefully embracing her and Sunset embraced him back with a smile.
"I will be sure to show you some more tricks but you rest here while I set things up in my room. Take care!" Sunset told Lincoln with a wave that he returned and she went to the doro and closed it behind her. "To think that I actually thought about reporting that I found him; that family of his gave him up and put crocodile tears when explaining things... Wasn't the first time that things were unfair for him in that house and I have no doubt that they would pull another stunt... Well I am saying that he is MY brother now all but officially and if they have the misfortune of seeing me in person then I will commence with my own personal Sister Fight Protocol in which I act as a sister and fight those that hurt him and made him think that he deserved what happened to him..." Sunset muttered as she ran into Twilight.
"Lincoln has been through a lot such as yourself Sunset." commented Twilight as Sunset sighed.
"Yeah; I get if there are still lingering bitterness over my past deeds but... Honestly you should worry more for Lincoln as he definitely needs the help as he's just a kid." Sunset replied as Twilight put her hoove on Twilight's shoulder.
"You're my friend Sunset and I will worry for you both; your own treatment was unfair but you're right about Lincoln needing help. Thankfully he had you to look after him when he needed someone to." Twilight replied as Sunset smiled at the response.
"Thanks Twilight and ditto on the other end; I had him as a friend when I needed one in person... I still had you but you know what I mean." Sunset said sounding grateful for both Twilight and Lincoln.
"Let me help you set up things for your room." Twilight offered and Sunset took her up on the offer. As Sunset followed Twilight; her eyes lit up as she said "Oh; I just realised... I need to help you get Lincoln signed up for school! Would he able to catch up and I would need to do paperwork to have him registered as your legal ward here..."
Sunset hadn't given much thought to that; "I think Lincoln will be able to catch up just fine if needing help on the magical and history side; he's a smart kid." Sunset assured her but thought of something. "Can I ask you about a hypotheticial question... Say Lincoln ends up bullied in school and I decided to deal with it in my own way; would you as a Princess be willing to pardon me for the totally justified but not by the rules justice I would exact?" Sunset asked with a fake smile and sighed as Twilight just glared at her direction.
Back in the human world in a special basement lab the local Twilight Sparkle was looking over her data so far on the strange readings of Canterlot High School while her dog spike and best friend/girlfriend was nearby. "If discovering this school's secrets doesn't get me into Everton then nothing will..." Twilight told herself as her girlfriend then put her arm around Twilight's waist and her other hand hanging a mistletoe above her head.
"Worry about that stupid school later; you will have plenty of time to see what those losers are keeping secret... Right now I am in the mood for some holiday cheer and I can think of nothing better for cheer for me than this..." the girlfriend smirked as she then kissed Twilight's cheek.
"Sunset...." Twilight giggled before giving in.
Back in the castle Lincoln woke up in the morning with a sigh and checked his surroundings and saw that it wasn't a dream; he got out and managed to find the bathroom with no line which he could get used to. After he used his basic telekinesis magic to get through he went downstairs and found Sunset, Twilight and Spike at the table to greet him.
Then Lincoln found himself jumping as he was faced with a floating grinning lips and then appeared was the body of Discord. Then music started playing as Discord started singing "What's a nice kid like you.... Doing in a place like this?"
"What... Are you?" Lincoln asked as Sunset teleported in front of him looking serious and protective as she aimed her horn up at Discord.
"Stand back Lincoln; this is Discord the embodiment of chaos and disharmony! He has dangerous wicked powers and he ruled Equestria before Princess Celestia stood up to him and turned him to stone!" Sunset explained as she stared defiantly at Discord. "I don't know how you are not stone but you touch one hair on...." Sunset warned as Twilight came over.
"I haven't even brought out the Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble caterpillar yet..." groaned Discord shaking his head with his arms folded.
"Sunset stop! Discord is a friend now.... We have reformed him and he is just a trickster now who is mostly harmless now..." Twilight told her and Sunset gave her a look. "I didn't tell you; did I?" Twilight realised and Sunset shook his head.
"Would have been nice to know beforehand; what next are you telling me that Grogar is around and nice as well?" Sunset asked as Discord laughed.
"I heard that Twilight invited Celestia's previous pupil and a young colt here from the other world. Nice to meet you and I like that fire of you already Sunset Shimmer." Discord told her and then looked to Lincoln. "Are you ready for some chaos young Lincoln Loud is it?" Discord asked as Lincoln shook his head.
"I doubt that anything you can cook up can match what I have put up with most of my life; especially on April Fool's Day." Lincoln told him confidently as there were blinks at this.
"Oh; I am going to come up with something special for you..." Discord swore as he disappeared.
"Did you really do that? You were asking for trouble!!!!" Spike shouted shaking his head.
"I bet I can handle him...." Lincoln said confidently as Sunset smacked her face with her hoove.
"I am definitely going to need to keep an eye on you Lincoln to make sure that you survive here..." Sunset muttered shaking her head as Twilight sighed.
Oh Discord...Trust me. He lived with Luan for 11 years. He has 10 sisters. He knows chaos.
Yeah I saw Luan April fools pranks were over the top and a lot like the old discord. Nobody enjoyed the pranks to the point where they tried to send her away for the holiday just to get away from the pranks. Pranks should have everyone laughing in the end and the way she always talks through that puppet was creepy like she couldn't express herself without that puppet around and the fact she treated it like a person at times. Discord learned to express himself without hurting others though I still would have liked to see him hanging out with the other girls instead of just hearing about it
Oh, Sunset's human counterpart is still around. That's a great change to the setting that will cause quite a bit of confusion.
The EqG human main cast know about humans and pony counterparts so they would eventually realize that these two aren't the Twilight and Sunset they know, but the Loud family don't.
Since Sunset was the last person Lincoln was seen with people are going to want to question human Sunset about Lincoln's whereabouts.
Yeah, this could cause a lot of legal troubles for human Sunset.
Bullcrap. It will be the Mr. And Mrs. Loud that gets in legal trouble. NOT human Sunset! Remember, they abandoned a minor over a very stupid reason. I highly doubt that the Cops, Judge, and especially the Jury will side with them over a clearly innocent Human Sunset.
They literally don't deserve the custody of Lincoln anyway.
Plus, Sci-Twi can clearly defended her own girlfriend and tell the truth that they don't have or even know about Lincoln.
And even if the Rainbooms screw up with Pony Sunset. I highly doubt they will let another Sunset ( The Human version ) will get prosecuted for no good reason. Maybe this will be their "redemption" or something?
I'm agreeing with you that the Loud family messed up big time and the parents definitely need to face legal repercussions for abandoning and abusing their son. They also seem to be avoiding taking responsibility for their actions by going after Lincoln directly instead of notifying the police of his potential location.
Sunset did a good thing by taking Lincoln in and taking care of him when he had no one. But the law isn't always just and the courts and legal system are very much willing to punish people for doing the right thing.
The courts are likely to punish the Loud family for what they've done but they are also likely to punish (the wrong) Sunset.
Or in short: the Loud family need to face consequences but human Sunset might get unjustly caught in the crossfire.
Not unless the Rainbooms ( The Human Five ) does something to help her as their "Redemption" Arc. Or Pony Twilight, Pony Sunset, and even Lincoln himself finds out what's happening to the Human Sunset and Sci-Twi.
Judging from the recent comments, I can only say this.
Good lord, this is gonna be Blamed all over again, is it?
True but expect for one post they have nothing else to connect the two together and human sunset might not live alone without any supervision.
Here’s some things I’ll like to point in regard to the Louds.
By locking Lincoln outside, they put him in danger of being killed by some dangerous person or some other thing. And he most likely felt like he couldn’t go to Cylde, Ronnie or anyone else for help because of the shame he was feeling over his family throwing him out. So Sunset finding him was the best case scenario.
And why did they throw him out? Because they thought Lincoln was bad luck. And they only snapped out of that delusion because Lynn lost her championship and couldn’t blame it on him. If she had won, it would had taken them even longer to realize what they had done was wrong, if at all. And even if they had the realization at the same time, Lincoln would had still been in danger if Sunset hadn’t found him.
So yeah, they could had indirectly gotten a kid killed over superstition. And if things had played out the way they wanted, they wouldn’t be out looking for him right now: They would just be continuing to label him as bad luck and thinking things are better off without him.
Someone should point this out storyverse if they do try to cause trouble for human!Sunset (because frankly, it feels like to me they are just jealous that pony Sunset took the brother they CHOSE to throw away).