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28 Pranks Later

*Ein's POV*

Oh man! Pranking is so much fun!

Jet's feathers had been dyed pink.


Corina had to restrain Jet from mauling me.

Twiliterasu had pranked Maylu with itching powder.

Hahahahahaha!!! This was a real pranking spree!

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark yip woof {Guess you're not as annoying as I originally thought you were.}"

I couldn't help but go 'Aww...' at that. "Thanks, Twiliterasu."

Twiliterasu giggles "Bark woof {But you're more stupid than Natsu and Knuckles.}"

"HEY!" I pouted.

Twiliterasu giggles "Bark woof {It's true and besides, you did prank Blizzardstar earlier today and got frozen in ice.}"

Rainbow spoke "Heh, I didn't know you were such a prankster hyena boy."

“What?!” I gasped in disbelief. How could she not know?!

Rainbow laughs "Any prank you can do, I can do better!"

Oh, THAT IS IT! "That tears it! I challenge you two to a prank-off!"

Rainbow spoke "No lightning pranks though, I don't think any of us would want a pissed off nekomata-gryphicorn on our sorry flanks."

"Okay." I said, but on the inside, I can't help but just think about doing that!

Twiliterasu growls "Bark growl bark {Don't even think about it hyena boy.}"

"Aw nuts!" I groaned.

Rainbow spoke "No lightning pranks around Tails, he'll freeze up and thus Danyelle will beat the cuss out of us."

"Grr! Fine!" I gave up.

Rainbow spoke "But we could try messing up his tools."

"Not as satisfying. But okay." I responded.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {I pranked that red vixen with itching powder earlier.}"

Tails was in a foul mood since someone had dumped ice water on him.

Tails growls "Which one of you cussheads drenched me?"

But then we heard another voice laughing, revealed to be the Pegasus, who was turned into a bat pony thanks to his necklace, Narancia.

Narancia: Come on, Tails. It could've been worse. I got into a pranking mood, so I counted your name, including your nickname, decided either heaven, hell or purgatory, and you got cold heaven! Hahaha!

Tails growls "Why you little cusshead!"

Narancia just laughed as he flew away. "It's not that bad, Tails."

Tails growls "I will get back at you one of these days!"

"Think Narancia could join us?" I offered.

Rainbow spoke "Sure."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {I got an idea for a good prank!}"

Then Narancia showed up. “Really? What is it?”

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {Prank cookies!}"

Prank cookies? “Really?” I asked, unimpressed.

Rainbow spoke "Dude, don't make me throw a creeper at you."

“I’m just saying, why cookies? I feel like that’ll only work on Noi.” I responded.

Rainbow spoke "Oh, it'll be more than just him... I'm planning to use the joke cookies on everyone!"

“And what would they do?” I asked in suspicion.

Rainbow snickers "Just you wait and see hyena boy."

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {I have a feeling this will backfire on the four of us...}"

Narancia asks "Come on, what could possibly go wrong?"

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {Don't say I didn't warn you....}"

Rainbow asks "Who should we prank first? And what kind of prank should we use?"

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {Not Ben though, he's got that roar.}"

Rainbow and Narancia spoke "Agreed."

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {And that applies to you too, dumbass.}"

“Fine.” I gave in.

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {Good and uh.... Lauren took all of your gold...}"

“WHAT?!” I gasped!

Twiliterasu laughs "Woof {HAHA! I got you good!}"

Rainbow spoke "Not bad Twiliterasu, not many can outprank a god."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {I pranked Shirou yesterday by switching his shampoo with hair dye, he was as pink as cherry blossoms!}"

That made Rainbow Dash and Narancia fall down in laughter.

Twiliterasu laughs as well.

But then a giant cake fell on top of Twiliterasu.

Twiliterasu growls "Grr.... {Cuss you Celestia....}"

Then Sumarda appeared. “That was also me.”

Twiliterasu spoke "Growl bark bark {You have five seconds to run before I slice you up!}"

But then Sumarda turned into sliced pieces of cake that fell on Twiliterasu.

But suddenly, Twiliterasu switched to Burning Twiliterasu thus causing Sumarda to scream.

Sumarda: I’m fine, I’m just back in my dimension after leaving you guys a gift.

Rainbow spoke "Not cool Sumarda, you should know by now that canines can't have chocolate... And since Twiliterasu is half wolf...."

Sumarda: These aren’t chocolate cakes. It doesn’t even have chocolate on them.

Twiliterasu suddenly flew off fast since she was now on a sugar high.

Rainbow spoke "Sugar high.... Not even grapefruit juice can calm her down...."

Sumarda then looked apologetic and shocked. “I-I-I had no idea.”

Rainbow spoke "She's got a sugar allergy..."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, making all of that cake disappear and Twiliterasu was now cured of sugar high.

Rainbow spoke "Draconequus powers have no effect on her..."

Sumarda spoke "I’m really sorry about that. I should’ve thought ahead before doing that."

Rainbow spoke "We'll have to let her burn off that excess sugar.... But let this be a warning for everyone... Don't give Tarb or Twiliterasu sugar...."

Twiliterasu threw a pie at Rainbow.

Dodging the pie, Rainbow spoke "I'm out! I HATE PIES!!!"

Rainbow's shout soon reaches Pinkie's ears.

Sumarda: Rainbow!

Rainbow asks "Haven't you noticed that back during the challenge, I wasn't touching any of the pies?"

Sumarda spoke "Of course I did, but with how loud you yelled… Sorry guys, but you’re on your own."

Sumarda left.

Cheese spoke "Down Pinkie!"

Pinkie was growling before getting an idea how to counter Rainbow’s prank, laughing darkly.

Danyelle growls "Pinkamena Diane Pie! Do I need to put the beads on you?"

Pinkie spoke "No but Rainbow’s planning on to prank everycreature all in one go, and I know just how to counter that."

Danyelle spoke "No sugar based pranks, it's bad enough we have a hyper solar god running around..."

Pinkie spoke "Trust me, it won’t involve that. We’ll definitely need Fugo, Trixie and Card’s help with this."

Danyelle spoke "Trixie and Card are out of town and I have no idea where Fugo is."

But then Fugo showed up via warp ring. “Is something happening?”

Danyelle spoke "Pinkie just found out that Rainbow hates pies and Twiliterasu is on a sugar high because Sumarda forgot that the wolfish pony has a sugar allergy."

Then Sumarda showed up with Trixie and Card.

Sumarda spoke "I thought you might need their help."

Trixie whacks Sumarda.

Trixie spoke "I've got a foal on the way and you nearly made me have a miscarriage! Magic or not, you shouldn't teleport a pregnant female!"

Sumarda spoke "Sorry about that. But Pinkie needs your help.

Card asks "But what can a pair of magicians, one of which is pregnant, even do?"

Danyelle spoke "I have an idea, we can use the joke cookie prank against Rainbow."

Sumarda: It will require acting, illusions and Purple Smoke.

Fugo: W-What?!

Danyelle spoke "Bad idea Pinkie, Purple Smoke is too dangerous..."

Pinkie asks "Who said anything about Purple Smoke using his abilities?"

Sumarda spoke "That’s where the illusion part comes in."

Trixie spoke "Gingerheart said I can't use any of my magic until after I have the foal."

Card spoke "I can do it."

Danyelle spoke "I'll help too."

Card asks "You know illusion spells?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, Daria showed me how."

With a flash of blue flames, Danyelle was soon disguised as a Mobian version of Spitfire.

Danyelle spoke "I can only do Mobian forms of others but due to the wings... I can disguise as Pegasi, alicorns, gryphons and hippogriffs."

Fugo realized what Pinkie and Sumarda were planning with illusions and Purple Smoke. “Can you alter their appearances?”

Danyelle spoke "I'm limited to females though."

Card spoke "Well, I can cast illusions to make creatures look different, in species, status or health."

Trixie spoke "But Card, I thought you could only do stage tricks."

Card spoke "Sorry, I try to make illusions minimal when I’m on stage."

Danyelle growls suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "Something's not right, I don't sense any of my Changelings!"

Cheese spoke "We have to find them!"

Danyelle spoke "I made a promise to a different Chrysalis that I'd keep Iris safe no matter what."

The now mad nekomata took flight before contacting Chameleo via multitrix.

Danyelle spoke "Chameleo, can you hear me? We got a problem, all of my Changelings are missing."
