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Spice Up Your Life

*Rarity's POV*

I was giving Snowfire a bath when my cutie mark had suddenly glowed.

Snowfire asks "Momma?"

Even one of Lucy's scales was glowing.

Lucy spoke "That's new.... Seems like there's a friendship problem."

But then Avdol showed up. “Perhaps you can tell me what this means.” Avdol’s Cutie Mark, which was an Ankh made of fire, was also glowing.

Lucy spoke "Friendship mission... It's usually two to six ponies that are called by the map that's in Twilight's castle. Rare cases has just one pony or in Danyelle's case, Mobian with a cutie mark. And by the looks of things... Rarity, Pinkie, you and I got called this time."

Avdol spoke "I see. But if any unnatural trouble comes by, my Magician’s Red will burn them to ash."

And behind Avdol, Lucy saw his stand, a man with the head of a bird with his wrists and lower half lit aflame.

Lucy spoke "Save that anger for when Eggman reappears."

Avdol spoke "Do not worry, I only fight when it is necessary."

Lucy spoke "Same since I fight with celestial magic. But when I first arrived, I didn't have wings though..."

I soon meet up with the two and Pinkie.

I spoke "Sorry I'm late, I had to give Snowfire a bath since shi had gotten dirty."

Lucy spoke "That’s perfectly understandable."

Pinkie spoke "It’s okay, Rarity."

Lucy spoke "Let's go!"

After arriving in Canterlot, the four of us look around.

Lucy spoke "I hope there's fish... I can't seem to get enough of eating it."

Pinkie asks "If we do find fish, you want ‘em rare or well-done?"

Lucy spoke "Most of the time, I just eat them raw.... Don't give me that look Pinkie, I'm used to eating fish raw. It's a dragon thing. But I refuse to touch eels... Ick."

Pinkie spoke "O-Okay."

Avdol spoke "Well, everyone and everycreature do have their own tastes."

I spoke "Guess there's a lot of things I still have to understand about dragons... Given that Spike eats gems whereas Wendy eats raw fish..."

Lucy spoke "Well, I have seen Spike and Wendy share some fish with each other."

I spoke "True."

Pinkie spoke "Hmm… "

Lucy asks "What is it?"

Pinkie leaned to me and Lucy. “I was just thinking about Avdol. What do you think would happen if he met Zecora?”

Lucy started giggling.

I giggle "Oh goodness, that would be interesting since Danyelle did say that there weren't many zebras in or near Ponyville."

Pinkie giggles "I know, right?"

Lucy growls a bit since she had spotted Blueblood.

Lucy growls "What do you want this time Blueblood?"

Blueblood scoffs "Oh, you commoners don’t realize? There’s a pack of diamond dogs here. Such beasts."

Lucy growls "Those dogs are Danyelle's packmates. If you hurt them, you WILL be beaten up by Danyelle! And FYI, I am Lucy Heartfilia of the Heartfilia Clan. A formerly wealthy family back where I'm from!"

I spoke "Not all Diamond Dogs are ruffians though, Danyelle happens to know six that are royalty."

Blueblood scoffs "Hmph! It doesn’t matter to me! You don’t even know the pack that barged in here, especially the alpha, who acts like a gangster!"

Danyelle pops up suddenly with Breakfang in tow.

Danyelle growls "Where is this pain in the tail alpha you speak of?"

Blueblood scoffs "Hmph! I’m not telling you anything!"

But then floating fire shaped like a metal jack appeared next to Avdol. “Do not worry, we should be able to find the pack and alpha with the detecting flames of Magician’s Red.”

Danyelle spoke "I'll challenge this alpha then."

We then started to search, and soon we found the pack with the alpha. He had a strange face while two female diamond dogs were lovingly beside him.

The Boston Terrier scoffs "Tch. Whaddya bozos want?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari of the Crystal Stars hive-pack in Ponyville and I challenge you for control of your pack."

The Boston Terrier laughs "Heh! You think you can take me on? *Sniff!* Well damn. I can’t believe you’re here too, Avdol."

Avdol gasps "Wait, Iggy?!"

Danyelle growls "You know that mutt?"

Avdol spoke "Yes, and you can’t beat him."

Danyelle spoke "If I can't then I lose my hive-pack!"

The alpha, Iggy, showed himself, revealed to be a Boston Terrier Diamond Dog.

Iggy spoke "Sounds like a fair deal."

Breakfang asks "Why are you causing trouble?"

Iggy scoff "Trouble? Don’t tell you never noticed that there was a rogue pack of Diamond Dogs, did ya?"

Danyelle hisses "I may be a cat but I can kick your sorry tail in five minutes!"

Iggy scoffs "Tch. I was only keeping the pack under control. But it looks like I can’t get out of this. The Fool!"

Sand started swirling around Iggy as it formed a mechanical combination of a dog and a car.

Danyelle used her multitrix to take on Twirama's form.

Danyelle growls "Grr...."

But then a young colt got between Iggy and Danyelle.

The colt spoke "Please! Don’t fight!"


Danyelle spoke "Cuss... I can't go against the Ultima's commands."

Iggy spoke "Tch… I was hoping we wouldn’t have to fight. Would’ve been such a drag."

Danyelle spoke "No alpha can go against the Ultima though... It's how pack hierarchy works... She oversees all alphas though."

Iggy asks "You think I don’t notice that?"

Blueblood growls "Grr!!! You impudent brat!"

Blueblood was about to hit the colt, but then Iggy punched Blueblood away from the young stallion.

Iggy spoke "Oh good grief. I have a soft spot for kid dog lovers, lucky for him."

Danyelle asks "Wanna beat that jerk up?"

Aphmau spoke "Alpha Iggy, Alpha-Queen Danyelle, beat that pony up."

Iggy spoke "Nah, I’ll take care o’ this douchebag myself, without my stand."

Then Iggy suddenly jumped onto Blueblood’s head and started biting his mane, pulling out strands of hair.

Avdol groans "I see Iggy hasn’t changed much. He sometimes likes to jump onto others’ faces and bite out their hair. And I should warn you, while he does that, he has a disgusting habit of…"

Then Iggy farted right on Blueblood’s muzzle.

Avdol spoke "…Pass gas on their face."

Aphmau groans "He's worse than Ein...."

Danyelle spoke "I don’t see any explosives on Iggy, so I think Ein’s worse than him."

Then Iggy jumped off Blueblood. “Heh, how’d you like that, ya prick?”

Danyelle sets Blueblood's tail on fire, causing the stuck up stallion to scream like a filly.

Aphmau spoke "I mean in terms of stinkiness...."

Danyelle spoke "Good point, but at least Iggy doesn’t have a fart sword."

Aphmau spoke "True...."

Danyelle spoke "One stinker is bad enough..."

But then Iggy brought out something and started chewing it in his mouth.

Danyelle asks "What the cuss are you eating?"

Iggy was busy chewing what was in his mouth as Pinkie picked up the scent.

Pinkie asks "Coffee-flavored gum?"

Danyelle spoke "No caffeine for you Pinkie. It's enough that Whitty can't stand hyper folks."

Pinkie asks "I know. But why does Iggy have that?"

Avdol spoke "Well, Iggy is quite fond of coffee-flavored gum."

I spoke "I concur but we should get something to eat."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed."

Iggy asks "Hey, you don’t mind if me and my gang come along, don’t ya?"

Breakfang spoke "Including the pups, there's about 12 adult Diamond Dogs in the Crystal Stars hive-pack."

Danyelle spoke "So yeah.... The Crystal Stars hive-pack totals about 50.... 25 some odd Changelings, 12 Diamond Dogs, one hedgehog and my family..."

Iggy spoke "Isn’t this an odd bunch."

Danyelle spoke "Not counting adopted family... My family consists of five nekomatas and three NetNavis..."

Breakfang asks "How many is in your group?"

Iggy spoke "Counting all except me and the pups, a total of eight."

Danyelle spoke "Not that many though... I propose a pack merge."

Aphmau spoke "If that's so the case then the two Alphas have to fight it out."

Iggy groans "We’re still going through with this? What a pain."

Aphmau spoke "No stands, no firebending or magic. Just your OWN raw strength!"

Danyelle spoke "And to make things fair, I won't fly or use any of my chaos powers either.'

Iggy tried to refuse, but gave in. “Argh, the hell with it!”

Danyelle spoke "You're going down dog boy."

But then Iggy smirked. “Bring it… Hairball.”

Danyelle yowls before pouncing on Iggy with her claws out, scratching him up.

Iggy taunts "What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

Iggy kicked Danyelle off as he got up while he thought, “I had a feeling that calling her hairball would rile her up. All I gotta do is keep my cool and beat her.

Danyelle hisses "Stupid mutt."

Iggy froze as he thought, “Being called a stupid mutt, I can handle that from anyone, even Polnareff. But from her, a walking talking freak show… No way I won’t let her get away with that!

Iggy growls “You’re dead!”

Danyelle used her speed to dodge all of Iggy's attacks, getting a scritch on the dog's ears in as well.

Iggy growls "Why you!"

Iggy pounced and clamped his jaws right on Danyelle's nose.

But Danyelle dodges the attack before she got bit.

Danyelle spoke "You're too slow!"

Iggy spoke "Why you little!"

Iggy started moving really fast before Danyelle felt great pain on her nose as the diamond dog bit her on the nose this time.

Danyelle spread her wings wide before taking flight high into the sky.

Danyelle spoke "LET GO!!!!! CHAOS...…"

Sand started swirling around the two alphas as it started forming into The Fool.

Danyelle spoke "FIRE BLAST!!!!"

Iggy spoke "The Fool!"

Sand struck Danyelle from all directions as she caught Iggy in an explosion.

Danyelle soon has Iggy in a headlock as she flew down at high speed, throwing him hard on the ground.

Iggy spat out blood. “Tch! I’ve had worse when I fought against that damn bird!”

Danyelle spoke "Unless you want a Chaos Spear through the skull, you'll surrender."

Iggy groans "Oh good grief, it’s about time."

Danyelle growls "Don't cuss with me mutt!"

Iggy snaps "Hey! You’re the one who started it!"

Danyelle retorts "Ladies do not start fights but they can finish them. And FYI, I'm part bird."

Iggy then charged at Danyelle.

Danyelle flew up thus causing Iggy to crash into a dumpster.

Danyelle laughs "I love being able to fly!!"

Iggy spoke "Well too bad. I fought and beat a bird before."

Danyelle looked behind her and saw Iggy on the wall of a building.

Iggy spoke "Surprise! What you thought you threw was me was actually my shapeshifting stand, The Fool!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm also PART LION TOO!!!"

Danyelle roars loud, knocking Iggy off the wall.

Iggy gasps "What the?!"

Danyelle snarls in an alpha lion manner, making Iggy back down.

Iggy spoke "You just got lucky this time."

A smoke-gray female Diamond Dog spoke "You should know better that to pick a fight with the keenest member of the Mobian Guard..."

Iggy asks "Huh? Who the heck are you?"

Quartz spoke "My name is Smoky Quartz but I mostly go by Quartz. I'm the one that came up with the name for the hive-pack."

Iggy scoffs "Tch. Really now?"

Danyelle snarls at Iggy.

Iggy spoke "Hey, I was only asking."

But then we heard a caw as a griffon flew right by.

Quartz growls "Who is that?"

Danyelle spoke "Greg... I wonder where he's going."

After telling Zesty off, the cutie marks of the three ponies as well as one of Lucy's scales glow once more thus indicating the mission was done.
