Inside the School of Friendship, inside their special bedroom, the Student 6 were sitting in their bunk beds.
The sun had already set. The moon was starting to rise.
Starlight Glimmer teleported herself into the bedroom -- along with her office desk and the chair she was sitting in! Twilight teleported herself plus Trixie and Sunburst, along with the chairs they were sitting in.
The six students gasped in surprise.
"Is there a problem, headmare?" asked Sandbar.
"I've heard of going to the principal's office," remarked Smolder. "But not the principal's office coming to us!"
Gallus pointed to Smolder. "She did it!"
In the bunk beds, Gallus, Smolder, and Sandbar sat in the top beds. Silverstream, Ocellus, and Yona sat in the bottom beds, respectively.
"Gallus," said Starlight, calmly, "what have we told you about honesty?"
Gallus turned red with embarrassment. He hung his head with sadness.
"Please forgive me, Smolder. It was me who burned down the kitchen. ... I didn't mean to."
Smolder flew to Gallus's bed. She gave the gryphon a big hug.
Then she blew a flame in his face! Gallus yelped.
"All forgiven!" said Smolder, with a mischievous smile.
Gallus's face was blackened by the flame, but he was perfectly fine.
"Speaking of 'honesty'," announced Starlight, "we have a special project for you students!"
"What is it!?" exclaimed Silverstream, flapping her wings and leaping into the air.
"Yona wanna know! Yona wanna know!" Yona jumped on her bed ... smashing right through!
Silverstream continued to hover, barely able to contain her excitement.
"We are starting a special new program for the School of Friendship," announced Trixie, who was wearing her magician's outfit. "It's called ... Camp Harmony!"
Trixie teleported a blackboard into the scene, with big letters saying "CAMP HARMONY!" Taking off her hat, she launched some fireworks out of her hat.
The others coughed from the smoke ... except for Smolder and Ocellus.
"You remember what happened last week?" asked Starlight Glimmer.
Sandbar sighed, hanging his head with sadness. "Yeah ... We almost lost everything we love."
Sandbar sniffled. He started to cry. From under his pillow, he pulled out a photo of his father, mother, and baby sister. He started to hug it.
"There is one bright side," said Starlight Glimmer. "Why don't you tell them, Princess?"
"Believe it or not," said Twilight -- "the Knights of Terror gave us one good word of advice."
As Twilight spoke, she flashed her horn and erased the blackboard.
"Stay isolated?" asked Gallus.
"Keep other countries isolated?" asked Yona.
Twilight laughed. "No, my friends. Let me finish."
Twilight cleared her throat. "According to King Danu, each generation of Knights trains from birth to wield the Elements of Patriotism."
Flashing her horn, she created a crude figure on the board. It was a picture of baby versions of the Knights, along with a shining jewel above each one.
"So I thought we should do the same thing," Twilight continued -- "with our Elements of Harmony. And not just a few of us -- we want the whole class to control the magic of friendship!"
Twilight created a second figure below the first. She drew a whole bunch of children, along with the Student 6, the Mane 6, and the Pillars of Equestria. Next, she drew the School of Friendship shield above, with rays and sparkles shining down on the crudely drawn crowd.
"Yeah!" cheered Silverstream, twirling around in the air. "Instead of 'Student 6', let's make it 'Student 6000'!"
"Are you sure this will work?" asked Sunburst, as he was studying his notebook. "Might we spread our Elements too thin, or something?"
"If there's one thing the Knights don't understand," said Twilight, "it's the magic of friendship! You might not believe this -- but that wasn't the first time my Element of Magic got hijacked. But that's a long story ... back when I first became a Princess. The lesson is -- the magic of friendship allowed me to get my Element back!"
"Camp Harmony sounds wonderful, my dear Princess!" said Sandbar. With a tissue, he blew his nose and dried his tears. "Can I bring my mom, my dad, and my baby sister?"
Smolder laughed. "I've heard of your parents taking you to camp. But not you taking your parents to camp!"
"Hold your horses, Sandbar," said Starlight Glimmer. "We need to set our camp up first!"
Smolder and Gallus chuckled. (They were still sitting next to each other.)
"And you six will be our special helpers!" declared Twilight. "You are going to be the Camp Counselors!"
Silverstream squealed with delight!
"Yeah!" cheered Gallus and Smolder, with their fists in the air.
"Yona be great counselor!" On her already broken bed, Yona jumped with joy, shaking the whole room.
Unfortunately, her body smashed into the bed above hers (where Sandbar was sitting). The impact threw Sandbar out of his bed.
"YAHHHH!" cried Sandbar.
"I got you!" cried Silverstream.
Swooping down, Silverstream caught him just in time. Flying back up, she placed him back on his bed.
Yona looked up toward Sandbar. "Yona sorry. Yona no mean to hurt pony friend."
Sandbar stared toward Twilight. With a weak smile, his eyes watered up again. "Me ... a Camp Counselor? ... THIS IS SO AMAZING!"
Sandbar leapt out of his bed and jumped with joy. Now standing on his bed, he asked, "So, my dear Princess! What's my Element?"
Flashing her horn, Twilight erased the blackboard again. "As you know, there are six Elements of Harmony."
"Loyalty!" called Smolder.
"Generosity!" called Gallus.
"Kindness!" called Ocellus.
"Laughter!" called Silverstream.
"Honesty!" called Yona.
"And Magic!" called Sandbar.
Twilight laughed. "That's so funny! Those are the Elements I wanted you to stand for!"
Twilight flashed a new figure onto the board. It was a sketch of the Elements of Harmony, the jewels arranged like the points of a hexagon. By each of the Elements, there was a sketch of one of the Student 6. Each jewel was colored with its respective color.
Starlight explained, "For our new program, we will divide the students up into six camps. Each of you will be Camp Counselor for one of the camps."
With her horn, Starlight added crude sketches of crowds of students -- one by each of the Student 6.
"Let me guess," said Smolder, "... Camp Loyalty, Camp Generosity, Camp Kindness, ... and so forth."
"Your Great and Powerful Counselor would love to tell you all about it!" announced Trixie. "But now it's time for bed. Growing friends need at least 13 hours of sleep!"
"Seriously?" asked Gallus. "I need only 6."
Just then, someone started snoring. The others looked to see who it was.
Already, Sandbar was fast asleep. He was hugging his pillow, cuddling with his photo of his family!
"Awwww ... !" said the rest of the creatures.
Twilight hovered over Sandbar's bed. "You really love your family, don't you, Sandbar? My big brother feels much the same way!"
Perching on his bed, Twilight hugged Sandbar with her wing. "Sleep tight, my little earth pony!"
Twilight tucked him under the sheets.
So I'm probably too late but according to Gameloft, Smolder and Gallus' elements are switched.
I wasn’t aware of that bit. Still, Hasbro itself doesn’t always care to stick with certain details when they wish to change their minds. I hope my direction doesn’t bother you too much, especially since I feel it works better. (The next chapter will handle Gallus.)
It doesn't. In fact, most people thought Gallus was the element of magic since he glows purple and Ocellus was Generosity because she glowed white.