• Published 10th Sep 2012
  • 3,336 Views, 122 Comments

To Observe is Science! - Crimson Star

An offshoot of GeodesicDragon's story, set after To Love is Human.

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Love and War

So as it turned out, John had actually been a spy for the British Government, and the afternoon meeting at Twilight’s was about him coming to explain himself. When I heard this, I had planned to catch John in a legal bind for so readily exposing my secrets, but he seemed sincere enough when he apologized, stated that he did respect us, and really, he didn’t come making excuses for what he did or anything like that. And for that, he earned my respect. As a result, Pinkie threw a party to celebrate John still being our friend. Well, I’ve heard worse reasons to celebrate. But the party didn’t really kick into gear until we all found out Twilight was pregnant. Somehow, I knew it would happen, but I didn’t want to claim bragging rights, so I constrained myself to asking how it’s possible. And when I heard Twilight admit she was wrong, my respect for her grew. You don’t find many in intellectual fields willing to do such a thing. The party was truly a jovial celebration after that, and everyone was dancing to one of Pinkie’s favorite records.

The music stopped as the record on Pinkie’s phonograph finished the side it was on. Everyone was enjoying the party, it seemed. Looking around the library, I noticed a piano in the corner. “Wow, Twilight.” I said, catching her attention. “You have a piano?”

Twilight looked the direction I was looking, and brightened her expression. “Oh yeah! It’s Spike’s, actually. I got it for him when he started learning how to play the piano.”

“You should hear it, Acey!” Pinkie chimed in. “He played the piano for me during one of my songs! He’s a real maestro!” She giggled in her cute little voice, and I smiled.

“Oh, you like maestros, Pinks?” I asked, polishing my fingernails on my coat. “Because it just so happens that I know a thing or two about playing a piano, as well.” I glanced down at my fingers, a confident look on my face.

Pinkie gasped happily, and in my peripheral vision, I saw an annoyed look cross Rainbow Dash’s face. “You should totally play some music for us!” She said. “That would be superiffically-super-stupendously –awesome!” Pinkie was bouncing giddily with every word.

“Yeah, you should!” Rainbow added. “Let’s see if you’re really all that!” I take it she didn’t like my overconfidence. She obviously wants me to put my money where my mouth is. In response to this realization, I glanced over to Twilight, who nodded.

“Spike isn’t here, right now, but I don’t see any harm with you using his piano.” She told me.

I smiled, and confidently strolled to the piano, stepping over the chair, and flipping my lab coat back, as if it were a pianist’s coattails. I set to playing, beginning with a personal favorite of mine. It was a haunting melody at first, but as it played out, it became gentle, soothing, and comforting. And it had the beauty it first had when I first heard it. So full of mystery and wonder was the tune. It was still as lovely as ever.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard this one.” Geo stated. “Then again, I don’t know many Classical pieces.”

“This is actually from a game.” I told him, still playing. “It’s called Memory and the game is called Ib.”

“Ib?” I heard John ask.

I smiled. “’Ib’ is about a little girl named Ib who gets trapped in the world of a famous painter. In order to survive, she has to protect her rose. While in the world, she meets a young man named ‘Garry.’ Together, they have to escape the artist’s world, and return to the world they came from. Garry ends up being Ib’s protector, guarding her from the creatures that come after them. It’s a very moving tale, and I highly recommend it.”

The melody echoed through the library, as I continued to play. I noticed Pinkie was suddenly laying on the piano bench next to me, but I did not stop playing. “That sounds like a neat-o story, Acey.” She told me, smiling. “I can’t imagine what kind of adventure they had.”

“There are few who can.” I replied, continuing my performance. In a fit of what I believe to be insanity, I decided to tease Pinkie. “Do you think you could protect your rose in such a world, Pinks?”

She blushed in embarrassment, as she considered the possibility. “Uh, no, actually.” She admitted. “I’d probably end up eating it.”

“In that case, I would protect you from yourself.” I said, changing my tune. “I would have to be your Garry, sheltering you from harm, and ensuring you’d find comfort in my warm embrace.” She smiled, her cheeks blushing redder, and her ears flopping down. I continued my assault, returning the smile. “You’re an angel sweeter than any confection you could cook. And I would be your champion, guarding you from the many evils that threaten to ruin such sweetness.” I heard a faint squeal emanating from her throat, as she shut her eyes in happiness. “I would carry you through all the dangers of the world, sweet Pinkie. And together, we would form a bond that lasted forev-“

“That’s it!” She exclaimed. I suddenly found myself tackled to the ground, locking lips with the pink partier. Actually, it wasn’t so much as locking lips, as it was being attacked rapidly by many kisses. I lost count around seven, I think. It’s difficult to think when a mare like Pinkie Pie is trying to show her affections to you. She stopped soon after, snuggling up to me, and resting her arms on my chest. “Ah, that feels better.” She cooed, nuzzling my chest.

Smiling, I wrapped my arms around her, and gave an Eskimo kiss to the top of her head. “Aww, Pinks. You DO care.” I said, laughing. We didn’t need to say it, because it was apparent to everyone in the room. We were in love.

“I knew it! I knew this was going to happen!” I heard Geo shout, as everyone else in the room cheered for us.

The rest of the party continued, everyone celebrating the re-introduction of John as a true friend, the newfound knowledge that Geo and Twilight had a foal on the way, and now, Pinkie and I forming a relationship. She and I hung out together, discussing what we would do now. I was happy with being with her, but not as happy as she was. I swear, she couldn’t keep her hooves off me for at least an hour, and it was only when I said that I needed to go to the restroom that she let me be for a few minutes. After I got back out, though, it was back to being mercilessly cuddled by my new fillyfriend.

After the sun went down, everyone had to leave. I ended up carrying my pink pony out of the library, letting her melt into a comfortable position in my arms. I strode up to the Sorou-mobile, saying our goodbyes to everyone for the day. My machine lifted off, and we sped off into the twilight.

I had some work to do at the lab, and poor Tiny was probably still working on the new building I had assigned for him this morning. So I decided to take Pinkie with me. She didn’t seem to mind, as she snuggled up to me, sighing contentedly. We parked outside the lab, and before I brought Pinkie inside, I gave Tiny a break, observing his work on the small, automated factory that I had him set up. Now I could mass produce my mine-bots, and send them out to gather the resources I needed to make more robots. Pinkie had fallen asleep on the ride over, and not wanting to wake her, I set her on my bed, and put my blanket over her. As soon as she was all tucked in, I went back to my lab’s work area, closing the door behind me, and starting up my work.

I began calculating the power requirements for my latest and greatest creation yet, a large mining robot that I would pilot. It would have no control system of its own, relying instead on the presence of the Sorou-mobile resting in the cockpit for all its controls. I dubbed it ‘the Rockidile.’ I was midway through calculating how many of what types of engines the Rockidile would need, when I heard a noise in my lab. I looked over to my bedroom door, to see it was still closed. To be sure that Pinkie wasn’t awake, I walked over, and pressed the activation switch. The door slid open, and I saw that Pinkie was still resting on my bed. I closed the door. Something else was in my lab. I whistled over at one of my BIRDs. “Petey, Intruder alert.” I said, holding out my hand. Petey spread his wings, flew over to me, and transformed into a taser.

I glanced around the lab, not quite sure what to expect. I called out, no trace of the fear I held in my voice. “Who’s there?!” I demanded. There was no answer, as I paced to the center of the room. “I warn you, I am armed!” Just then, my filing cabinet shook. I slowly made my way over to the cabinet, and lowered myself to the bottom drawer. Then, I gripped the handle, and ripped the drawer open.

Inside was a sight that annoyed me to no end. A foal that I had seen many times before. He was a lanky white Pegasus, with brown hair, and a camera for a cutie mark.

“SnooPING AS usual, I see!” I shouted, hoisting the foal out of my filing cabinet.

“Aah! I’m-I’m sorry, Mr. Sorou!” The Pegasus squealed.

“Doctor! I’ve told you before, it’s Dr. Sorou!” I said, holding him by the scruff of his neck. I saw that the little pony was wearing saddlebags. I reached for it, and he began panicking.

“No! I-I didn’t take anything, I swear!” Ignoring his protests, I found a stack of thin papers that felt kinda stiff. When I took them out, I discovered they were pictures from his camera.

I put the foal down, who suddenly had a look as if he were on the verge of tears. The pictures were of various secret documents that I kept secret for many reasons. I glared down at him. “Didn’t take anything, eh?” I said, nonchalantly. “Looks like you took photos, to me. I wonder what your parents would think if they knew you were snooping in other people’s homes, and taking pictures of their secret things?”

The fragile colt seemed to suddenly grow a backbone. “It can’t be any worse than what they’d think of you once this information goes public!” He shouted. “You’re planning terrible things for Ponyville!”

“Terrible things?” I looked up, cocking an eyebrow. “Where do you get that idea?”

“Y-your programming plans!” He responded. “Every robot you program has a built in battle mode that you can activate at any time! It said so on the fourth document!” Smart kid. I actually found what he was talking about in his photoset. “Don’t act like you’re innocent! I knew you were bad news the moment I saw you! This time, I have proof!”

“Tsk tsk tsk…” I shook my head. “You’re really on about making me look bad, aren’t you?” This young colt has been nothing but trouble. I guess I have been acting suspiciously, keeping secrets when he got too inquisitive, and all. His suspicions had fueled a desire to uncover some truth about me, and now he found one of my secrets. “You’ve discovered that I have, at my command, a small army of robots capable of attacking whatever I perceive as a threat. Are you so certain that’s a bad thing?” He nodded firmly. “Oh dear. Perhaps I should clear up your misconceptions about my intentions.” I said, taking a knee. “I am not the vile fiend you believe I am.” I told him, truthfully. “I think it’s time I came clean with you, so that we can put all this nonsense behind us. I am a kind and caring person, after all.”

“If that’s so, then why program your robots for war?” He demanded.

I nodded. “A just question, Mr. Featherweight.” I stood, and turned around to look at my lab. I began pacing, placing my hands behind my back. “Tell me, Mr. Featherweight. Have you ever loved something or someone so much, that you would do anything to protect it?”

“Uh…” Featherweight said, thinking. I smiled when he answered “Yes.”

“What is it?”

“My…” I heard him gulp. “My mom.”

“A noble cause, to defend your mother.” I turned around to face him, pacing, and using my hands to emphasize my words. “If your mother was in danger, and you had a forbidden item that could save her, would you use it, knowing that you might get in trouble for it?”

“Yes!” He piped up, immediately. “I would do anything to defend my mom, even if it meant I’d be grounded for the rest of my life!”

“Well it just so happens that I feel the same way about Ponyville and Equestria.” I told him. “This place…It’s so happy, so peaceful, so unlike my own world. I would give anything to see it safe.” I was speaking from the heart, and it was obvious in my enunciation.

“I don’t understand.” Featherweight said, looking up at me quizzically. “If you want to protect it, then why build your machines with battle modes?”

“Because…” I sighed, and took a seat. My thoughts and concerns went to the thing that’s been bothering me the most. “…Ever since I’ve learned about the Diamond Dogs, and what they do to the ponies they take, I feel obligated to protect everypony from them. I have the means to do it; I know how to beat them. So I figured, why not?” I turned back to Featherweight. “Getting back to my previous example, if you had the power to protect your mother, and she was being threatened, you would feel obligated to step in and protect her, would you not?” He nodded. “That’s exactly how I feel. Installing a battle mode into my machines allows me to form a ready militia to combat them on the fly. Think about it. Do you see a royal garrison in these parts? A barracks? Or any military compound?” Featherweight shook his head. “That’s why. In the event of a Diamond Dog raid, we would be left to fend for ourselves.

“I don’t blame anypony.” I continued. “Equestria is a peaceful nation, and it’s easy to lax your security in a utopia like this. But if ponies knew that I was going around creating war machines in secret, they would easily mistake me to be a warmonger and a bad guy. I would either be run out of town, or forced to program out the battle mode on every one of my bots. What would happen if the Diamond Dogs attacked after one of those things happened? Ponies like your mother would end up being ponynapped, and there’s not a damn thing anypony could do about it, that’s what. And I would end up kicking myself for not being able to help Ponyville. Don’t get me wrong, I love each and every one of my creations as if they were my children. But I can repair a robot, and I can’t repair a pony, so I’d much rather see my bots on the front lines. It’s like the great general Sun Tzu said: ‘to be a great commander, you have to love your troops. To be a great general, you have to be willing to sacrifice that which you love.’”

Featherweight was listening intently to my spiel, hanging on every word. I concluded with, “So you see, Featherweight. I don’t keep secrets out of a want to conquer. I keep them out of a want to defend. One day, you’ll see first…” I paused. “…hoof, that the battle modes for my bots are necessary, because I believe everypony has a right to live, and nopony should have to mourn their parent, sibling, spouse, child, or friend. Its better my creations take the punishments reserved for Ponyville.” I held out the pictures to him.

Featherweight looked up at me in disbelief. I was giving him the very thing that would get me run out of Ponyville, and he would be able to publish it in the Foal Free Press. He looked at the photos, and then back to me. “Why are you giving me the pictures?” He asked.

“Because you are a good colt, and I trust you to make the right decision.” I told him. “If you truly understand that my position is a just one, then you’ll dispose of these photos.” I waved them toward him, tempting him to take them.

He reached for the photos, and I never drew back. Once he had them, he thought about what he was going to do with them.

I held my breath.