• Published 10th Sep 2012
  • 3,336 Views, 122 Comments

To Observe is Science! - Crimson Star

An offshoot of GeodesicDragon's story, set after To Love is Human.

  • ...

The master plans

Ace was leaning against the fountain in town square, his Sorou-mobile parked not too far away, as he stood, looking angrily at the sky. It would've been a wonder somepony hadn't come up to ask him what was wrong, if it weren't for the fact that he was surrounded by hundreds of robots. The bulk consisted of Mine-bots, whose spider-like appearance unnerved the ponies that were looking on at the scene. Eight Doc-bots, robots in the likeness of Ace, were surrounding the fountain. Slender-bot and Pyro-bot were there as well, and even Tiny and a couple other Tread-bots were gathered at the scene. The gathering had caused a commotion of ponies wondering what was going on. They wanted to ask Ace what he was doing, but the various machines scared them. The machines didn't forbid anypony from going up to him, and they didn't seem that threatening on their own, but now that they were gathered in such large numbers, they all seemed quite intimidating.

It was Mayor Mare who decided to approach him, but not without the encouraging presence of her aides. They all trotted towards the apparently infuriated Dr. Sorou, intent on getting down to exactly why he was doing what he was doing. "Dr. Sorou, excuse me..." Began the Mayor, her aides letting her do all the talking. "...But do you mind telling me why your machines are gathered in Ponyville town square?"

"Robots." Ace replied calmly, still looking towards the sky.

Mayor Mare cocked her head. "I beg your pardon?"

"They're not mere machines." He responded, his gaze still fixed to the clouds. "They're robots. Ones that deserve respect."

"In that case, why are you robots in town square?" Mayor Mare asked, rephrasing her question. "I've gotten several complaints of this, now, and your actions are starting to unnerve everypony."

Ace turned his fiery gaze to Mayor Mare. The Mayor's aides shrinked at the intensity of his stare. "Is it against the law to hang around town square?" He asked.

The Mayor shook her head. "Not entirely, but you do have an alarming number of machi-I mean, robots, gathered here. As you can see, it's attracted quite a crowd. It's quite unnerving to see so many of these robots in one place."

Ace returned his attention to the skies. "I can sympathize, Mayor. However, I'm afraid this is necessary. Ponyville is the perfect staging area, here."

"Staging area?" Mayor Mare asked, curiously. "For what?"

There was a short pause, as Ace mused at the clouds. "...I'm afraid I can't say any more. I don't want to jump to conclusions."

The Mayor, confused by this statement, tried to press her point. "...Erm, well, regardless, if you don't disband soon, I'm afraid that you'll be in violation of Equestrian loitering laws."

Ace shook his head. "Don't worry, Mayor. I know the laws. I still have another hour. And within that time, Paul will be back with a report that will decide my next action. In any case, I will depart."

The Mayor blinked. "Paul?"

"One of my BIRDs." Ace explained.

More blinking. "You're waiting for a bird?"

Ace held out a finger, and wagged it at her. "No, not a bird, a BIRD. Ah, there he is, now." One of Ace's robotic BIRDs swooped down from the sky, and perched itself on Ace's left finger. After giving him a quick pet, Ace hooked Paul up to his wrist mounted PDA. After a few short moments resulting in the intensity of Ace's expression growing, he shouted, "I knew it!" Ace quickly unhooked Paul, before going over to the Sorou-mobile, barking orders as he took off. "All units! Engage combat systems! Form up on your battalion leaders, and prepare for briefing!"

As one, the various bots looked up, and their photoreceptors began glowing red. Quickly, the bots began forming ranks, a total of six companies stood at attention, paying direct attention to Dr. Sorou. The ponies were startled by this. Combat systems? Battalions? Why was Ace, this human they've known for a little less than a year, suddenly behaving so militaristically? Where did this swift personality change come from? As the crowd began to chatter in nervous excitement, Rainbow Dash, who had been watching with interest from the clouds, swooped down to Ace. "Doc, what the hay is going on?!" She demanded harshly, as Ace's Sorou-mobile hovered in front of a disciplened group of Mine-bots. "Don't tell me this is your surprise!" She snarled.

Ace pressed her away by the collar, anger burning bright in his eyes. "You want an explanation, Rainbow? Then listen to the briefing, because I'm not saying this twice." He glanced down at the ground, seeing a mix of frightened, curious, and suspicious spectators. He spotted Twilight and the others looking on in apprehension, as they tried to settle her foals. "Go to the others, and listen. You'll have your explanation, then." Hesitantly, Rainbow zoomed off to meet with her friends, still regarding Ace with suspicion.

Ace turned his attention to his bots, and breathed, causing him to relax. “Alright, listen up!" said, his voice projecting from a loudspeaker. A light appeared on the front of the Sorou-mobile, which projected maps, video, and pictures pertaining to Ace's 'briefing.' "We have a situation. Earlier today, Pinkamena Diane Pie, resident of Ponyville, and Element of Laughter, left a note for me in my house. In it, she told me she’s never coming back." A mutter went through the crowd, as a holographic version of Ace's letter appeared. "I got curious, and sent Paul out to investigate, following a tracking beacon Pinkie has installed in the choker I gave her. Paul discovered Pinkie arriving at an area near Rambling Rock Ridge, just East of Ponyville, through the Everfree Forest." A holographic video played depicting Pinkie walking along a rocky area from a BIRD's eye view. "There, she met with and surrendered to a group of Diamond Dogs, who proceeded to strip her of her possessions, and escort her into a cave."

Gasps and shouts of disbelief sounded, as three Diamond Dogs on the video retrieved Pinkie. The video was replaced with a 3D turntable rendition of a Diamond Dog. “Diamond Dogs are dumb, but tough. They value brawn, food, and most of all, gems. They like gems so much, that they’re willing to kidnap other creatures and force them to work in their mines. The evidence presented to me leads me to conclude that this group of Diamond Dogs has blackmailed Pinkie Pie into coming back to their mine, where they will proceed to put her to work as a slave miner." The holographic image turned into Ace's face, which spoke as he did. "We are NOT gonna let that stand. Our mission is to head into the cave Pinkie disappeared into, free any prisoners we find, and eliminate the Diamond Dog threat in Rambling Rock Ridge. But be aware, while these Diamond Dogs are rogue, they are still citizens of Equestria. Shoot to wound, but use of deadly force is authorized in the event a prisoner is in danger of being killed.

"We'll be launching a Tet offensive, attacking the enemy everywhere at once." Ace gazed over at the tall bot in the black suit. “Slender-bot, your battalion is going to secure an escape route for the prisoners. Push enemy forces back, and don’t give ‘em an inch. Keep some units in reserve in case the main attack force needs backup." Slender-bot gave a thumbs up, as Ace looked over at the hulking bot with cannons on his shoulders. "Pyro-bot, your battalion’s gonna join me in launching the main assault. We’ll mine in through the floor, and attack the Diamond Dogs directly."

The big robot nodded. "Mission: Acknowledged." His voice boomed.

"All units are to secure the area before freeing the prisoners." Ace continued. "I’m going to get the Rockidile. Get in position, but do not launch the assault until I arrive. Does everyone understand?" Green acknowledgement lights winked on, signalling the bots knew what they were supposed to do. "Good! Then mount up, and move out!” The bots began their march, following the designated coordinates programmed into their individual maps. Ace's Sorou-mobile flew back to his lab, sending a signal to the Rockidile to prepare for his arrival.

Clyde Pie collapsed, the weight of his toil catching up to him. "Papa!" Pinkie ran up to him, taking some of the bags that were stacked heavily on his back. Inkie was on Clyde's other side, helping him to his hooves.

"Thank ya, girls." Clyde said, grunting, and gasping for air. Pinkie had come back this morning, much to the dismay of the Pie family. After helping her escape after she found her special talent, and letting her live her life, the last thing they wanted was to see her brought back to the rock farm. The reunion was bittersweet. The Pies all missed Pinkie, and Pinkie missed them, but to be brought back here to live out her life doing exactly what they didn't want anyone to do...it was disheartening, to say the least.

Blinkie and Bonnie Pie helped to divert the Diamond Dogs' attention away from the scene. If they saw Clyde 'slacking,' he'd get the whip. The family had to stick together in order to weather this ordeal, and that meant making sure that when one was in trouble, the others helped. Pinkie had lived like that for part of her foalhood before moving to Ponyville, and the simple responsibilities of watching over her family stuck with her. "Ah'll be alright, girls. Let's just git back ta work 'afore the guards see us." The family nodded, and returned to work.

As they worked, transporting the stacks of diamonds, Inkie glared at her older sister with tears in her eyes. "Why'd you come back, Pinkamena?" She asked quietly, making sure that the guards were out of earshot. "We worked so hard to free you...is this how you repay us?"

Pinkie was shocked to hear her speak in such a tone to her, and immediately teared up. "I didn't want to come back, Inkamena." She replied. "But when they found out where I lived, they sent a letter to me threatening to..." She gulped, unable to finish her sentence. She hung her head low, sniffling. "I...I couldn't live with the fact that if I didn't come back, you would all be gone."

Inkie looked at her sister solemnly. She wanted to be angry at her sister, but she couldn't. Inkie doubted she'd make a different decision in the same situation. She offered a hoof, patting Pinkie's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Pinkamena." She said. "In any case, it's good to see you again." Pinkie offered a small smirk.

The crack of a whip sounded, and Inkie cried out in pain. "Back to work, ponies!" Shouted a Diamond Dog.

"Hey!" Pinkie shouted back at the Dog, dropping her load. "She WAS working!" Tears were in her eyes as she said this, still recovering from the shock. Another lash echoed, causing Pinkie to fall as her leg gave out from pain.

"You no talk back to betters!" The Dog shouted. "Your voice annoying, too! You need punishment!" The Dog raised his whip up, but was stopped when Clyde stepped in front of him.

"Please, guard." He pleaded. "ya hafta fergive 'er! She jus' got 'ere!" Clyde was backhanded, causing him to fall. Two more Dogs came up, one blocking the pies from interfering, and the other holding Pinkie where she was.

"She needs to be taught respect! You no interfere, or you ALL get lesson!" As he said this, he lashed out at Pinkie with his whip, and struck her. Pinkie cried out in pain, ignoring her twitching tail. "Silence your annoying voice, pony!" The Diamond Dog lashed out again, but at that exact moment, a wall of rubble fell from the roof, blocking the whip, and causing the Dogs to jump back. A large pile of rubble was formed, at least ten feet high. The Dog had lost the tip of his whip in the rubble, so with a highly annoyed look over his face, he went to retrieve it.

When the Dog touched a single stone, however, the rubble shifted. The Dog jumped back, and began barking at the pile. "Go tell others! Rocks are moving!" He shouted at one of the other Dogs. But before the other Dog could leave, the rubble began moving again, and from it came a huge, ten foot tall metal man with cannons on his shoulders. The head swiveled, and gazed at the Dogs.

"Position: Compromised." It's deep voice boomed. "All units: Attack."

Suddenly, Mine-bots began popping out of the ground from all over, catching the attention of the Diamond Dogs. The slaves began to panic, not knowing what was going on. They wanted to run, but being chained together or to the ground left all of them quivering in fear. The Dogs rushed in, flinging spears and shooting crossbows at the bots.

Each and every shot was stopped dead in it's tracks by their armor.

Pyro-bot lumbered over to the Diamond Dog who had been whipping Pinkie. Judging by his decorated armor, and gold sword, he was likely some commander or Diamond Dog hero. The Dog lunged at Pyro-bot, and swung his sword, only to have it bent at a ninety degree angle upon impact. The Dog wasn't intimidated. "You think you better?! I Diamond Dog! I stronger and tougher than any! I not-" The Dog was cut off mid-speech by the large hand of Pyro-bot seizing him by the legs, and smacking him repeatedly on the floor. After several craters had been made, Pyro-bot looked at the Dog, and slammed him down one more time, for good measure.

Pyro-bot lumbered away, leaving the Diamond Dog huddled in the crater, his pride demolished in the assault. "Puny Dog." He muttered, looking for some other ass to kick.

The robot's attack was swift, as Particle Beams lanced out, melting spear tip, and wounding Diamond Dogs. The bots were systematic, methodical. The Dogs were disorganized, chaotic. The smaller chambers fell easily, but the larger chambers had pockets of resistance. The only thing keeping the Diamond Dogs from being completely annihilated was the fact that the Diamond Dogs could appear and disappear through the ground, digging just as fast as the Mine-bots. That, and the bots were ordered not to kill unless a slave's life was put in danger. By the time the Diamond Dogs organized, they were just small cell of resistance in the large, central mine, guarding a large metal door. They put up a fierce resistance, until a humongous metal crocidile bursted up through the floor, and roared at the Diamond Dogs. "Surrender, now!" Ace's voice sounded through the loudspeaker. Immediately, not wanting to be eaten, the Diamond Dogs began throwing down their weapons, and raising their paws in the air.

Ace descended from the cockpit of the Rockidile, as Pyro-bot, Slender-bot, and the eight Doc-bots surrounded him. The Mine-bots had begun releasing prisoners, and the slaves had started to trust these robots as their liberators. But Ace was not happy, as he regarded his bots with a stern look. "I told you to wait for my arrival to attack." He said. "What happened?"

"Doctor: Apologies." Pyro-bot boomed. "Position: Compromised. Assault: In danger."

One of the Doc-bots stepped forward. "Statement: Master, if one of the Diamond Dogs spotted our forces, then they would've had time to prepare. Praise: Pyro-bot showed great initiative in moving foward with the attack without you."

Ace considered the situation, and nodded. "In that case, good work. The battle would've been over sooner had I attacked at the same time, but I think it's for the best that the battle turned out as it did."

"'Scuse me, sir." A brown pony with a grey mane came up. "But mah family an' I got a bit of a problem."

Knowing now would be a perfect opportunity to show his allegiances, the Doctor turned to face him. "I'm here to help." He told him. "What's wrong?"

"Well, ah, sir, one o' my daughters was ponynapped while ya'll were fightin' them Diamond Dogs." The pony said. "They took 'er to the chief's chamber." The pony indicated the big door that the Diamond Dogs were guarding. "Ah'd greatly appreciate it if ya'll could save her."

Ace looked over at the door, and nodded. "She's as good as rescued." He assured him. "It's why I'm here. What's her name?"

"Thank ya, sir! Thank ya!" He said, smiling brightly, almost brought to tears. "Her name is Pinkamena-"

"Pie?" Ace cut him off. "You're Pinkie's dad?"

"Ya know mah daughter?" Mr. Pie asked. "Who are you?"

"My name is Dr. Ace Sorou." Ace told him. "I'm her special somepony." Ace suddenly pointed at the door, shouting orders at his bots. "I want through that door, now!"