• Published 10th Sep 2012
  • 3,336 Views, 122 Comments

To Observe is Science! - Crimson Star

An offshoot of GeodesicDragon's story, set after To Love is Human.

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Nightmare Night

Nightmare Night was upon the town, and everypony was celebrating. The foals were all getting their candy going door-to-door, and most of the older ponies were gathered in town square. A big Nightmare Night celebration was going on. Rarity was stuck in her shop, still trying to get her costume just perfect (as usual, according to her friends) and Fluttershy was nowhere to be found. She didn’t much like Nightmare Night, and because of that, she locked herself up in her cottage. Still, the rest of Ponyville was busy celebrating the Lunar holiday. Almost everyone was out in costume, including Geo, Twilight, and Spike, dressed as characters from a series of books that Twilight enjoyed. Rainbow Dash had on a Daring Do outfit, and was strolling through the crowds as if she owned the whole neighborhood. The Apples and John had on outfits with a ‘Barnyard creeper’ theme, and were helping to manage the attractions. Ace and Pinkie made their way up to the party themselves. And as they made their way to join the crowd, Ace thought about the conversation he had with Pinkie last week.
“Dr. Robo-wha?” Pinkie asked, confused at the word.

“I’m going as Dr. R-r-r-r-r-robotnik!” Ace said, in a voice sounding like the subject. “Dr. Ivo ‘Eggman’ Robotnik is a robotics scientist that goes up against a speedy blue hedgehog named Sonic. Sonic always gets in the way of Robotnik conquering the world.”

“So he’s kinda like you, except you don’t have the whole ‘I wanna conquer the world’ thing going.” Pinkie reasoned. Ace didn’t say anything, merely nodded with a smile, and continued working on the costume. “Well, does Dr. Robotnik have any fillyfriends?”

Dr. Sorou looked up, cocking an eyebrow. “Say again?” He asked, in a serious tone. “He does, as a matter of fact, but what makes you ask?”

“Well, I just had this great idea for Nightmare Night!” Pinkie bounced. “Y’see, Twilight and Geo are both going as characters from one of Twilight’s favorite stories, and Twilight said she ships the characters, whatever that means, so she and Geo are gonna do lots and lots of kissing! So I figured we could do something similar! But I didn’t have a series or fandom that I really liked, so I was hoping you did! And I wanted to go as the fillyfriend of whatever character you’re dressing up as, so we can be shipped, just like Twilight and Geo!”

As Pinkie explained her idea to Ace, he smiled. Her idea sounded fun to him, but he wondered if she could really get the costume together in time. “And how are you gonna get the costume?” He decided to ask. “After all, my fandom isn’t from your universe.”

“Easy, Peasy!” Pinkie said. “Rarity offered to make me a costume today, and I told her to wait a second, so I can get an idea of what to wear! Then, I rushed over here as quick as I could, so I can ask you who I should dress up as!”

Ace shrugged, and nodded. He went over to a computer, and began typing at it. Soon enough, a printout came, with a picture of a woman in a yellow dress and blue tights.

“If you’re sure you wanna do this…” Ace showed her the picture. “Her name is Katella, and she’s absolutely crazy about Dr. Robotnik.”

Pinkie’s smile suddenly grew wider. She hopped up into Ace’s arms, and gave him a deep kiss. “Thank you, thank you, Acey!” She said. “Rainbow Dash said you’d never do it!”

“Uh, you’re welcome?” Ace asked, confused by the change in behavior. “What did I do?”

“Well, Dashie said that you wouldn’t do it, and she even made a bet with me! ‘He’s smart, but he’s not eggheaded enough to do something like that.’ She told me! ‘I bet he’s not even celebrating Nightmare Night! He’s always busy building robots!’ And I’m like, ‘Oh, yeah?! Well, if he does do it, you have to eat one of my ‘special’ cupcakes on Nightmare Night!’ And she looked at me, and said, ‘And when I win, you have to dress up as a donkey, and yell ‘I’m a total ass!’ in town square on Nightmare Night!’ But I’m so glad you agreed! Now I KNOW I didn’t bake that special cupcake for nothing! I mean-“ Ace cut her off with a kiss.

“That’s all well and good, Pinks.” He said. “But you’d better get that picture over to Rarity. She’s gonna wanna know what your costume looks like.”

“Oh! Right!” Pinkie took the picture, and made her way to the door, risking only a single glance back. “Love ya, Acey!”

“Love ya too, Pinks.” Ace replied, watching her leave for Rarity’s.
Ace admired Pinkie’s costume. Rarity did a fine job in making it. The blue tights and yellow skirt matched Katella’s style to a tee. Rarity even went out of her way to make the bracelet, armband, and tiara for Pinkie. Not one to leave a debt unpaid, Ace made a mental note to do something special for Rarity as soon as he got the chance.

Rainbow’s face when she looked over at the couple went from adoring the admiration, to shock, to disappointing defeat. She stayed right where she was, as Pinkie made her way over to Rainbow. “So just who are you guys supposed to be?”

Pinkie looked over to me for an explanation. Ace smiled, as the perfect song came to mind. In his best Eggman voice, he laughed. “Well, I’m glad you asked, Miss Dash! Allow me to tell you!” No sooner than he said this, that there was suddenly music in the air, to the tune Ace was thinking of, no less! Pinkie began bouncing excitedly at the prospect of her coltfried singing, and several ponies looked over. Not wanting to dash any hopes, Ace just went with it.

“The story begins, with whose gonna win
Knowing the danger that lies within
Aboard the ark, a genius at heart
Always perfecting my timeless art

I am the Eggman, that's what I am
I am the Eggman, I’ll put you in a jam
I am the Eggman, You’ll do all that you can
But I'm the Eggman, I got the master plan

I'm plotting my schemes wherever I go
They're perfect in every way
I'd love to destroy the blue one you know
The time will come when I seize the day

I will play this game by my rules
I will conquer the world with my tools
All my machines are made for destruction
I will build my empire
I will succeed and you will see
With my machines there is no retreat

I am the Eggman, that's what I am
I am the Eggman, I’ll put you in a jam
I am the Eggman, You’ll do all that you can
But I'm the Eggman, I got the master plan

I'm the enemy, I will succeed
My mission, Yeah! I must complete
My name is Eggman, don't forget my name
If you ask me again I will tell you the same

I am the Eggman, that's what I am
I am the Eggman, I’ll put you in a jam
I am the Eggman, You’ll do all that you can
But I'm the Eggman, I got the master, master plan
I am the Eggman!”

As the music came to a close, Ace wondered how he was able to come up with a dance to go along with this musical number. He also wondered how he was able to create some of his own lyrics to the song. On top of this, he found it crazy that the instrumental backup came out of nowhere. But looking around he found the only ones confused by this development were himself, Geo, and John. Everyone else just behaved as if a musical number like that was a daily occurrence. He put his hand behind his head. “Uhh, so THAT just happened…” He stated in his normal voice, causing Rainbow to arch an eyebrow.

“You mean that’s the first time you ever sang?” Rainbow asked.

Ace shook his head. “No, I mean, I had some music lessons when I was young, but I never spontaneously broke out into a musical number, complete with instrumental backup.” He looked up. “What just happened?”

“Oh, that kinda stuff happens all the time.” Pinkie explained. “Whenever there’s a context sensitive song someone wants to sing, music just comes out of nowhere to accompany the singing. It happened when Rainbow Dash was looking for a pet, and when we first found out Twilight had a brother, as well as a few other times. Everypony in Equestria’s just come to…live with it.”

“And the dancing?” Ace asked.

Rainbow answered this one. “Whenever the music kicks on, we just kinda go with the flow. If there happens to be dancing in the number, we dance. We don’t know what we’re doing, half the time.”

“Huh.” Ace shrugged. “I’m gonna have to study this phenomenon later. It actually sounds kinda scary.”

Rainbow quickly got the subject back on track. “So you’re the Eggman, huh?” She asked.

Ace nodded. “I may be thinner, and…” Ace removed the ‘bald’ wig that he had over his hair, and displayed his head. “I’m not actually bald, but yeah, I’m supposed to be Dr. Ivo ‘Eggman’ Robotnik.” Ace replaced the bald wig, and added. “I’m also about half the age of the REAL Eggman. Actually, I’m not even half his age. He’s about, fifty seven? That means I’m half of fifty seven minus five point five in age.”

“And I assume you chose Pinkie Pie’s outfit, too?” Rainbow asked, gulping.

Ace nodded. “Yes. She’s dressed as Katella, an interstellar huntress obsessed with Eggman.” He explained.

Rainbow sighed, then turned to Pinkie. “Alright, Pinkie. You win.” She admitted, watching as Pinkie started bouncing with joy. “Just let me talk to the doc a second, alright?” Pinkie looked at Rainbow skeptically for a few seconds. “Okey-dokey-lokey!” She said, trotting off to hang with Applejack, and bob for apples.

Ace stroked his bushy fake mustache, and looked at Rainbow. “What’s up?” He asked.

“I wanted to tell you before I go nuts from Pinkie’s cupcake, what you pulled yesterday was NOT cool.”

Ace sighed, slumping his shoulders. “I know.” He replied. “And I’m sorry. But this is a big surprise I’m working on. I didn’t want you or anypony else knowing about it before it was finished.”

“Well it looked awfully suspicious.” Rainbow said accusingly. “It almost looked like a pony.”

Ace put his hands up defensively. “I swear, on my mother’s grave, I don’t have anything nefarious planned for my surprise, Rainbow.”

Rainbow cocked her head? “Neffy-what?” She asked.

Ace shook his head. “I mean I don’t intend to use my surprise for a bad purpose.”

Rainbow looked over Ace’s face, before nodding. “In that case, I’m sorry I put you on the spot.” She said.

“That still doesn’t excuse what I did.” Ace said, taking a knee, and putting a hand on her back. “But please, understand that I will do anything to see my plans succeed.”

“Alright, I forgive you.” She said, starting to smile again.

“So…friends?” Ace asked, holding his arms out for a hug.

Hesitantly, Rainbow moved in, and hugged Ace in a way that said I’m-still-cool. “Yeah. Friends.” The hug was brief, and Rainbow quickly moved away, to make sure nopony saw her being all mushy. When she was satisfied, she looked back at Ace. “Hey, we should all hang out sometime.” She suggested. “You, me, AND Pinkie. You seem like a pretty cool prankster. You can join the club!”

Ace nodded. “I’d like that. But for now, as I understand, you have a drugged cupcake to eat?” He replied inquisitively, hoping Rainbow would tell him more about it.

Rainbow laughed, and shook her head. “She told you about the bet, huh? It’s not drugged.” She insisted. “The cupcake’s made with ‘prank flour.’ It’s a non-addictive substance that can be used for baking. You can buy it at any joke shop. It causes you to lose your sense of balance and say things impulsively, but other than that, there’s nothing that really makes it a drug.”

“So you’re just gonna be an impulsive klutz for the rest of the night?” Ace asked, snickering.

Rainbow sighed. “Yeah.” She looked over at Pinkie. “Well, let’s get this over with.” She said, as Ace followed her over to where Pinkie was.
“No, no, see…” Ace hiccupped. “The, the, the theory of relativity…states that lightspeed is the speed limit of the universe.” He waved a hand out violently. “But that’s a load of bullcrap!” He took another mug of fermented cider, and looked drunkenly over to his drinking partner. “Got’cher mug?” He asked.

In the short time after Rainbow ate the cupcake, she managed to craft a crude dragon out of clouds, wreck two attractions at the Nightmare Night festival, insult Princess Luna (who had come to Ponyville to pose as Nightmare Moon, and host a contest for the foals) and challenge Ace to a drinking contest. He had told her that his dad was able to down an entire mug of alcohol in one gulp, and Ace wanted to try to replicate that. After that, it’s fairly straightforward what happened.

“Y-You ready to lose, is th’ better question.” Rainbow replied, looking Ace cockeyed, but confidently. Ace chuckled, moving aside his fake mustache and his bald wig. They both toasted their mugs, and began to down their drinks. And sure enough, Ace was able to down his a bit quicker than Rainbow. He let out a belch, as she finished her drink. They looked at each other, slamming their mugs on the table.


They said in unison. Their heads waved around, threatening to collapse both of them, but neither of them backed down. “I can go for another round, how ‘bout you?” Rainbow challenged.

“I’m game if you are!” Ace came back, rather loudly. “I’m the son of a paratrooper and-and a sailor.” He informed. “On-on top o’ that, I proudly claim Irish AND Scottish heritage. AND I’m a blood descendant of the Hatfields!” Ace hiccupped. “There ain’t no way I’m losing a drinking contest.”

“Well, SOMEpony’s got a-“ Rainbow stifled a burp. “H-high opinion of himself, huh?” Rainbow said, waving her hoof over to Big Mac to bring them another round.

Ace laughed. “Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.” He said, laughing his head down onto the table.

“Ace, you can’t last another round.” Rainbow put forth. “Y-you’re drunk.”

“Screw you, you’re drunk!” Ace retorted.

“No, you!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“No, you!” Ace shot back.

“Both o’ ya’ll are drunk!” Ace and Rainbow turned their heads to see Big Mac looking at them sternly. “Ah’m cuttin’ you off! No more for either of ya tonight!”

“Aw, come on, Big Mac!” Rainbow pleaded. “We got a contest! And it won’t end ‘til one of us hits the floor!”

“Well, ah’m endin’ it now!” Big Mac claimed.

“Boo!” Both Rainbow and Ace said, as Ace started singing in a horribly off key voice. “Every party needs a pooper, that’s why they invited you!” Rainbow laughed, and joined Ace in pointing at Big Mac.

“Party pooper!”
“Party pooper!”

“Party pooper!”
“Party pooper!”

Big Mac merely rolled his eyes and walked away, causing Ace and Rainbow to yuck it up. After the laughter died down, Ace sighed. “I guess the contest is over, huh, Rainbow?” He asked.

Dash shook her head. “Buck no!” She leaned over, putting her arm around Ace. “Listen here, you! Y-you’re not getting out of this that easy!” She told him, poking him in the chest with her hoof. “We-we pick this up tomorrow! Y-you an’ me! Tomorrow, we drink ‘til we drop!”

Ace put his hands up defensively. “Alright, fine.” He stood up, and yawned. “I-I guess I should get.” He said. “I’m tired as heck.” He turned to leave, grabbing his stuff, and didn’t get five steps before passing out.

Rainbow gasped, and shot out of her seat. “Woohoo! I won!” She said, before darkness took her, and she crashed to the ground.